The Last Drop |Tom Riddle|

By marvelobsessed

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It is no matter a question of what is right or wrong, good or bad, and black and white. Eleanor Peverell's l... More

Chapter One: The Murder
Chapter Two: The Party
Chapter Three: Trial and Error
Chapter Four: Unbreakable Vow
Chapter Five: The Meeting
Chapter Six: A Good Christmas
Chapter Seven: 1956
Chapter Eight: Traitors
Chapter Ten: Ice Cold
Chapter Eleven: Life Is A Dream
Chapter Twelve: Behind Your Back
Chapter Thirteen: Loyalty
Chapter Fourteen: Love and War
authors note
Chapter Fifteen: Playing the Game
Chapter Sixteen: The Engagement Party
Chapter Seventeen: The Right Fit
Chapter Eighteen: You're Next
Chapter Nineteen: Try Me
Chapter Twenty: Can't Take It Back
false alarm
Chapter Twenty One: Playing With Fire
Chapter Twenty Two: The Fire Returns
Chapter Twenty Three: Trial of the Decade
Chapter Twenty Four: Change of Plans
Small Note

Chapter Nine: Torn Between Two Evils

1.4K 69 65
By marvelobsessed

||No quote, but just a reminder to please comment because I really enjoy hearing feedback. Without it, its very difficult to continue on with the story!

January 4, 1953

Sugar and cream blended together and made Eleanor's coffee a few shades lighter. The private meeting room was left untouched over the past week, smelling of old books and her freshly brewed coffee. It was early. No one would be here for another fifteen minutes at the least but she intended to be at work at the crack of dawn anyway.

With her well needed recovery weekend, she intended on beginning her year this Monday morning when she could concentrate on the case and not Tom Riddle or Colin. Perhaps it would be easier said than done.

When the door opened, the man who entered jumped like a cat when he noticed Eleanor sitting at the table already. She looked up to see Colin and her breath hitched.

"Good morning." Eleanor greeted.

The best way to start this week off would be to pretend she did not ditch Colin on New Years only to make love with someone she should despise.

"Oh, hello." Colin awkwardly greeted, setting down his brief case a few seats away from her.

Silence fell and she continued to sip her coffee and scan over the papers. Her heart was thumping as she mentally told herself to calm her nerves because there was nothing wrong. Nonetheless, she could not sit comfortably and focus on her papers and it seemed that Colin was not the calm type this morning either.

"I would like to address the elephant in the room because I'm not going to be able to get through this pretending like something didn't happen." he breathed.

Eleanor was glad he spoke first but now her coffee bitterly went down and she had to think of how to respond. A sigh passed through her lips as she placed the cup down and she crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry. I freaked out just a little bit." she admitted. It was true. She didn't have to let Tom run off with her. "I really enjoyed the night. I truly did. I just don't think I was ready for us to start something again with all that is going on."

Colin nodded. She looked away again but she still sensed that he was off about something. Eleanor almost forgot about the fact that he might have been connected to the group that attacked Tom's men that night but the chances were still so slim that she didn't dwell on it too long. It was highly unlikely but Eleanor could never be one hundred percent in this life she led.

"Well I'm sorry if I was a bit forward." he huffed.

Eleanor couldn't help but smile.

"I accept but while you're at it, can you apologize for every other time you were deemed too forward?" she chuckled. His smile appeared again and seeing that rid her of her worries of the past weekend.

"I'm sorry for trying to flirt with you every second of the day. But that date of yours, I'm curious. Is he the reason why you're so frazzled about the idea of us trying something again?" he asked.

That's when reality came sinking back in and she looked down.

"It's complicated. We were very close back at Hogwarts and he kind of popped back into my life again and his intentions are a bit hard to perceive. I think I'm just struggling because he's changed and I'm not sure how I feel about him anymore. So perhaps it has made me a bit frazzled." she explained.

There was so much more she wanted to scream out loud but knew it was a death sentence and felt her chains tighter now. It was hard to convince herself that the feelings she had for them were a mistake and needed to disappear.

Colin nodded and she felt tremendous guilt. All he wanted to do was please her and make her happy. It made sense to just give in. She would have given in had Tom not shown up.

"It's alright. I can wait." Colin said with a sheepish grin.

Before Eleanor could reply, the doors opened as the Minister entered with a few other Aurors and she knew that the work that would now begin would happy distract her now.

They recapped where they left off, first and foremost trying to recollect the profiles of the victims.

Then there was the string of potential suspects brought together by the Aurors under her command. It was strange being on the receiving end now.

The wizard division Ireland who were rebelling against the Ministry's dictation of their affairs didn't often cause problems, but they certainly caused problems in the Muggle's governing bodies. A few top suspects who had been known to rally against the Ministry remained pinned at the board.

Even the bloody Red Scouts, a movement with little traction but persistence, have been rallying against the Ministry since the days the war against Grindelwald ended. They're composed of journalist, ex-Ministry members, and even some business owners of Diagon Alley. It seemed harmless, but they were the nagging little bugger that the Ministry couldn't quite swat away.

Their suspects were faintly harder to narrow down to because a chunk of it was mere speculation, a damn near imaginary political convoy.

Eleanor was sitting as the meeting drew towards an end. The board was useless as long as there were still no suspects for this group.

"Just keep searching in every corner even if you might not think to do so. We know that the victims in these murders are predominantly pureblood advocates or Ministry employees so anyone who has the slightest extremist view on those kind of people you need to take note of. Run through their wand sheets again, floo network runs, everything! Our evidence is useless if we don't have anyone to test out if it fits." Eleanor said with an exasperated sigh.

"What about the brawl that happened in the streets outside the Ministry on New Years night? Was there a report on that?" Anna chimed in, her head perking up and voice bringing a new light to this room as it hadn't been heard yet.

Eleanor went stiff, her pen stopping its movements across her paper and she raised her head.
Colin had paused at the board out the corner of her eye and the gears in her head began to turn as she anticipated his response.

"What brawl? During the party? Someone should have been notified." Wilhelmina said with a raising alarm in her tone, dark brows pinching together in concern.

The night she was hoping to move on then kept replaying in her head and she sighed with frustration. To make matters worse, Colin stepped forward.

"Actually, I was informed. It wasn't so much a brawl but more of a fragile confrontation. I had picked several people to be on the look out for any suspicious activity because I didn't want to trouble any of our hardest working Aurors who were already at the party or with their own families. They picked up on a small group of boys who weren't causing a disturbance worth noting but they weren't on the invitation list and they seemed to be attempting a disturbance. We escorted them outside and it--"

"Why wasn't I informed? Or at the very least you could have mentioned this to Eleanor. I want the names of the men you asked to preform duties out of their jurisdiction. I expected more from you, Colin." she reprimanded.

The Minister was not having a well morning it seemed and the harshness in her tone could send anyone's blood to ice.

"We will discuss this later. But for now, do as Eleanor says. Any person out of line is a suspect."

Once she stood up, everyone seemed to follow. But Eleanor stayed behind. She should have left but now she had too many questions.

"Why didn't you tell me the full story because you certainly downplayed it the first time.Did this happen before or after we left the Ministry?" Eleanor demanded.

There was not a single bone in her body that wanted to believe Tom was right but things were not adding up. Colin was rolling down his sleeves, shaking his head. To her it seemed like he was stalling and the look on his face had looked lost.

"It wasn't a big deal. I wasn't even involved as much as it might sound like it. John was involved too. I just asked some people to keep an eye out because Wilhelmina gets too caught up in these events with very important people that she sometimes is too easy on the security. I was only told of what happened the morning after by Julius."

Julius was involved too? This was getting out of hand. Perhaps his story did clear the truth and perhaps there was no ominous and mysterious group that night playing a part. It was just a security mechanism meant to seek out anything that could disturb the night which is exactly what Tom was doing.

Eleanor's eyes narrowed but she convinced herself to remain unbothered as she packed her things.

"Who was it that was causing an issue then?" she asked.

She feared Colin would already know of her involvement and this was his chance to attack and she held her breath because of it.

"I'm not sure. They weren't necessarily doing anything wrong. They almost seemed to be acting as guards as well but for who, I do not know but I want to find out. It was dark and it was hard to see their faces but I think one of them was involved with that Malfoy." Colin explained.

It added up. But not all of it.

"I thought you said you weren't there?" she asked.

"I wasn't. Those were Julius' words." Colin quickly answered.

Colin was lying and she could sense it but she wished she couldn't. Every word he said made her heart ache a little more.

"I wouldn't cross the line and look into your head but if you want to get on my good side, here's a tip; don't lie to me about anything because I will find out."

Without another word, Eleanor left the room and the pressure remained.


Eleanor arrived home later that evening and Marcella's car was in her driveway next to hers.

They were one of the few who bothered with Muggle transportation but with their color and style she would never mind it.

Walking in the door, Eleanor called out,"Honey, I'm home!"

Then, her eyes fell onto the small table beside her sofa and saw a professionally sealed envelope. It didn't look like the Ministry so when she looked closer, she recognized the Queen's name and seal. Her old friend Elizabeth. A smile crossed her lips. It was once in a blue moon that she would hear from her but they did remain in contact over the past several years. Ever since Elizabeth had met Eleanor, all she ever wanted was to meet again the same way the Minister's met. For her, however, it was complicated as she became Queen and now had little to no freedom. That's why Eleanor would appreciate the random invitations to a private dinner with her.

"Marcella!" Eleanor called out. "I'm having tea with the Queen! I always fear she's going to forget about me to be quite honest--," she paused, watching her friend come down her steps. "What are you doing up there?"

"I was going to grab my skirt I left here and I just so happened to see a mans tie sitting on your bed." the girl teased, holding up that very tie with a devilish look on her face. "So come on! Who is it? Colin doesn't strike me as the kind of man to wear this."

Oh, bloody hell. It was Tom's.

"I'm in trouble." Eleanor sighed. "Get the wine."

Marcella gasped like a giddy child and ran over to the sofa that was hardly comfortable for lounging and Eleanor plopped down on it. What other bombs would hit Eleanor today? Her friend summoned the pinkish wine from their kitchen and handed it to Eleanor. Instead of bothering to grab a glass as well, she took a sip straight from the bottle.

"I slept with Tom on New Year's Eve." Eleanor admitted.

There was no sense in hiding their relationship.

Just the details about it.

Marcella shrieked, danced with her hands, and made inaudible noises that sounded like an animal and it was difficult to tell whether or not she was glad or disappointed. It was no easier when she snatched the bottle of wine and took a sip herself.

"Tom fucking Riddle? Eleanor, it's been years!" Marcella cried.

"Well, I lied when I said I'd ignore him when he came back into the picture." Eleanor began, trying to formulate an innocent story. "When Abraxas came to my party, he also gave word that Tom was staying with him after spending years out travelling, and wanted to see me again. I was hesitant at first but I've been seeing him a lot. I brought him to the Gala with me and we ended up back here and just rekindled I suppose."

Lying to her best friend was painful but to let out some of the truth that he was existing in her life again was a slight relief.

"No way! I am shocked. I really am. You've become such a stickler, no offense, but this is bold!" Marcella said, nodding in approval. But she gasped again. "What about Colin?"

"There's nothing about him. He had his chances and his arrogance is what got him shot down. I'd love to settle down and start a family as everyone keeps telling me to do but there's hardly any time let alone the right man."

Marcella shook her head with disapproval. "Well has Tom spoke to you since that night? Does Colin know you two have supposedly rekindled."

Eleanor winced slightly.

"Well the tricky part about this is that Colin kissed me at midnight while Tom wasn't necessarily around and I left with Tom later. Colin doesn't know about me leaving with him and what we did. But Tom also doesn't know that Colin kissed me."

"You are a bloody walking scandal, do you know that? You're insane." her friend commended. "But if Tom left you like a dog on the street but you got a man head over heels for you despite being an idiot, I say that's a sign. Give it some time. It'll clear up."

Eleanor sighed, nodding. That wasn't even the real issue at hand. There was a much bigger conspiracy playing in the background and no one could even sense it but her.

"I am beginning to wish I took that job opportunity at the French ministry." Eleanor whispered to herself.


The last thing Eleanor wanted to do tonight was go in for a meeting at the Malfoy Manor. It wasn't often they had them, let alone when Tom asked her to be at them.

There were things she needed to write down and gather together following the slew of paperwork she had from the investigation. She almost forgot about several things that were coming up that she hasn't prepared for as well. The new year was off to a great start it seemed.

As she approached the Manor, a list of things were being made in her head and it didn't even hit her yet that she was going to be facing Riddle after their one night stand. Granted, there was a mutual understanding that it was to get their energy and their confused feelings out. She personally felt like Tom was just trying to fill the void that was his soul. But here they are with the deed already done.

Knocking on the door, she expected it to open on its own or at least see one of the little servants he calls friends.

But it was Tom Riddle himself.

"There's something you need to see."

Eleanor's head tilted and she urgently followed him in. There was something about his abruptness that made her fear for her cousins, especially as he lead her up the stairs to a room. But instead, it wasn't anyone she recognized. Just a frail man, laying shirtless and sweaty while unconscious on a bed in which his skin nearly matched the white sheets. That's when she saw the gruesome mark on his shoulder. That deep purple that was nearly black was easily recognizable.

Both Abraxas and Adis sat there as well as a few others she recognized such as Orion, Dolohov, and young Avery at his side curiously peaking from behind him.

"I recognized it from your picture in the file."

Eleanor, in shock, approached the guest bed where the young boy lay.

It was Cygnus, Orion's brother.

He looked like he was already dead had it not been for his visible raspy breathing. The dark circles under his eye could almost be matched the mark that consumed his right shoulder, spreading out like tainted and busted vessels. Looking down at herself, Eleanor lifted her blouse ever so slightly to reveal the mark that had barely disappeared after two months. It was smaller and lighter, its edges beginning to yellow, but the shades of purple and blue were clear. The broken vessels of black vines were still faint.

"It's the same spell. I was unconscious for days. My memory was foggy. But I knew that people described me the way he looks now. I can try and help with what I can remember but you need to warm him up. Don't leave him out like this. He's going to need lots of water and keep icing the bruise. It's pretty raw so be gentle." Eleanor explained.

Abraxas tapped Adis's shoulder, sending her off to grab more blankets. When Eleanor looked up at the door, she noticed two curious faces pop in. It was Emma and Aaron.

"Hi, El." Emma whispered. Aaron looked tired and grumpy. Perhaps there was a full moon around.

"Hello. Hi, Aaron." Eleanor greeted. She was beginning to ease up to them in these circumstances.

When Aaron waved back, she happily took note that he still wore the charm bracelet from all those years ago.

"I don't want him taking up too many resources or anyone's time. I've already had someone reach out to healers on our pay books so they won't make a peep. The importance of showing you this is that the same group who was involved in last nights encounter used the same spell they did on you the night your Auror was murdered."

"I still have little reason to believe Colin may be involved but he did try to cover up the attack at the gala to the Minister today." Eleanor admitted hesitantly.

"I called that one already." he remarked.

"This isn't a competition on who is right or wrong." she snapped.

"Feisty. Are you upset because your precious bachelor might be associated with the new terrorist group on the block?" Tom asked, crossing his arms as a challenging smirk came on his lips.

Eleanor's blood boiled and she wished she could tear his face off for what he said. She knew Colin wouldn't be involved and that it was probably a misunderstanding. Even if he was involved he most likely wouldn't be the organizing component of any of it.

"Not one bit. Colin loves me and I feel the same. I don't think we're gonna waste time this time around." Eleanor snapped. "New year, new standards, right?"

Once she spoke those words out into existence, the room went so silent that a pin could be heard falling on the carpet.

She didn't dare break eye contact with Tom who's face went stone cold. She knew it wasn't true nor would it ever be (but she wouldn't be so sure), but to see his reaction was pleasing and knowing that she had one this duel of words was keeping her strength up.

"Bloody hell, I couldn't imagine little Eleanor's running around. The whole world would burn by the time they turned four." Abraxas commented, shaking his head as he glanced over at the young man in the bed.

Tom was giving him a deathly glare when he looked back and the humor faded off of Malfoy's face like the flip of a switch.

"Once you have solid evidence that Colin is involved with whom ever it is or even if any of my men find out before you do, I will know and he will be disposed of immediately." Tom threatened, walking out of the room.

Something tugged at her chest. Despite the lie that was meant as a joke, Tom was ruthless and she just put Colin's life in danger.

Deep down, she knew Colin was playing a role in this one way or another, otherwise why would he dismiss it as such as he did today? Denying it wouldn't make it any less true or put him in any less danger. But somehow on the bright side of all of this she was starting to find that adverseness to Tom that made it easier not to think back to their night together.


I hope I'm not too confusing or rushing this plot too much! I just really have exciting bigger ideas coming up that I'm trying to get out while I still have the time.

Speaking of that, college really is the life for me. I wish I could enjoy it with the addition of having free time to write because I genuinely miss it sometimes and it's really difficult to keep up with an entire story.

Please comment! Without comments I really lose the motivation so I would appreciate it if you could all help for that!

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