insanity ~ Villian Deku AU ~

By bvnnybaby

76.2K 2K 1.3K

I stopped watching mha about a year ago. I'm never gonna update this, I'll probably make a new story though... More

Hero? *Prologue*
Dont Look Back {1}
You want me? {2}
Im in. {3}
My new quirk {4}
New recruit {5}
New recruit {5.5}
Update status
Welcome, Todoroki! {6}
Mission #1 {8}
Mission #1 {9}
Story update 🤠
Mission #1 {10}
mission #1 {11}
Caught {12}
Caught 2 {13}
Story update 💓
Nice to meet cha {14}
Story update 💞
All alone {15}
Story update
Mission #1 {16}
Story update
No More Might {17}
Dead Roses {18}
We're Strangers now {19}
New cover/Story update
Pain and Sorrow 1/2 {20}
pain and Sorrow 2/2 {21}
I love you guys
Fallen Angel {22}
Police Station {23}
Escaping {24}
Memory {25}
Quirkless {26}
Goodbye <3

Mission #1 {7}

2.5K 79 33
By bvnnybaby

If you see "italic" writing, its the characters thoughts.
Izuku Midoriya
Age: 15
Quirk: All For One and reverse.
If you use your quirk on the user, they have the will to pounce it back at you.

Hero or villain? Villain

Shōuto Todoroki
Age: 16
Quirk: Fire and Ice
Hero or Villain: Villain(?)

Shoutos POV

I wander around the building a bit wondering what the hell am I supposed to do? I mean, I'm practically a villain.
"Hey shitface, come here."
I cringe at the voice and turn around to see my brother, Dabi.
"What do you want, cunt?" I scowl.
"Watch it, and you're getting a mission assigned with Midoriya to prove your loyal-ness."

"What kind of mission?" I questioned.

Dabi chuckles, "You have to enroll in Yuuei and gather information so we can kill each and every hero."

I blinked and laughed "Oh! That's easy.. when?"

"Tomorrow. So get ready, come in the kitchen and wait there. Midoriya and the others should arriving in 5 minutes."

I nod and head to the kitchen, sitting down eating some noodles.

"Hey cutie~!" I look and see that shitty Toga. God do I wanna kill her..

"Hi Todo." Says Midoriya with a knife in his hand, bloodied.
I cringe and wave at everyone who walked in.

Midoriya began to speak———

Izuku's POV

"Ok. Listen, and listen good cause I'm only gonna say this once. Tomura has put me in charge of this mission." I say with a glare at the last sentence.

"What is the mission, Izu~Chan?! Tell me PLEASE!" Toga says while wiggling around

"Baka. You're not in this mission because, one people already know you are a villain. Two, You're annoying. So leave." I smile at Toga and give her a sign to leave.

She walks off giving me a glare, yelling "I'm telling Tomura! You big meanie!"

I shrug and giggle "okay, now about what this mission is." I start, "Shouto, Me, Denki, and hmm that's it."

"Wait.. Who is Denki?" Dabi asks.

"I'm Denki, Kaminari! Nice to meet you. I come from Yuuei and I'm here to assistant you on this mission."

"Who recruited you here?"

"Huh? Haha, I've always been on the villains side. Ive been giving information to Tomura and Kurogiri. It's just I think they are on to
Me so I need some more help which is why this mission is happening." Denki explained.

"Oh, I see! Well, back to me explaining this mission. So, like I said we will enroll to Yuuei and get information on the students and All-Might." I finished explaining the mission, "do you understand?"

Everyone nodded "Good! Cause' if you get caught.. We won't be there to help you." I wink and laugh. That'll give em a scare.

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