By walkingmasterpiece

462K 10.1K 2.4K

[book 1/2] Being a Malfoy was hard. Alivia Malfoy was constantly having to meet the standards her parents set... More

Main Characters
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note!!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Thank you!
Other Books
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 8

9.5K 237 55
By walkingmasterpiece

After my friends left yesterday I went straight to sleep. When I woke up Madam Pomfrey gave me some more potions that, once again, tasted like shit. Sorry for my language but I just woke up and I couldn't think of another word. Anyway Pomfrey said I could leave this afternoon so yay I can sleep in a comfortable bed tonight.

I need to talk to Black when I get out though. The others think Reg was worried for my health but I'm sure he's more worried about his brother. Sirius Orion Black the 3rd, eldest son of Walburga and Orion Black, one of the sacred 28, and we can't forget he's been disowned. Now him being disowned puts him on The Dark Lords hit list. Well more Bellatrix Black's list but he's still wanted to either join the Death Eaters or be killed.

Now by harming me, that's made him hated even more. Especially by Lucius and my parents who have most likely found out thanks to Lucius. Regulus is scared his brother gets himself killed. They might not talk but they do love each other.

I need to tell Sirius of this before he makes it worse and ends up dead.

Narcissa said she'll take notes for me seeing as we are in all the same classes together except for Astronomy. Not many Slytherins decided to take astronomy this year. There are quite a few third and fourth years that take astronomy but in the only seventh year. I have astronomy with the Gryffindors. Narcissa said she'll ask someone to take notes for me for that class.

Now while I wait for either Narcissa, one of my other friends, or whoever was took my astronomy notes to visit me, I was stuck all by myself. I do like being alone. Sometimes the company of others is too overwhelming. I need time to cool off and relax. I would usually love the alone time but right now I'm really bored. And I have things to do. I feel like this is a waste of time. Why can't someone just walked in here so I have someone to talk to.

It's my lucky day. Someone walked in. Please be Narcissa. Nope. It's Potter. I wonder why he's here. Well he's walking towards me so I guess I'll find out soon. He has parchment in his left hand. Maybe he took me astronomy notes.

"Hi Malfoy. Narcissa asked me to take notes for you in Astronomy." He put the notes on my bedside table. There on the parchment in messy handwriting were astronomy notes. I think he tried to write neatly so that I can actually read them. See, Potter has the messiest handwriting. Sometimes not even he can read it. I learnt this when we were making prefect schedules. I'll just use a spell or something to be able to read them later.

"Thank you." I nodded to him. I gave him a small smile to show my gratitude.

"How are you feeling? I'm sorry I didn't stop Sirius quick enough. You wouldn't have been hurt if I had just disarmed him." His eyes were filled with guilt and regret.

"Potter stop. It's not your fault. I'm okay and I'm allowed to leave before lunch." I smiled.

"Okay. Goodbye Alivia. Can I call you Alivia?" He asked. He almost looked worried I'd be mad he called me by my first name.

"Well that's my name isn't it? Sure. Goodbye James." I laughed. He sighed a small sigh of relief, waved and walked out.

I've just been told I can leave the hospital wing so that's exactly what I'm doing. Freedom! At last. Now I need to find Sirius Black.

The corridors were empty. It must be lunch now. I was getting close to a turn when I heard laughing and just as I was about to walk around the corner the Marauders came running in the corridor I was in but stopped when they saw me.

"Just who I was looking for. I need to speak with you Black." They all looked puzzled when I said I was looking for them.

"Look if it's about the duel and me hitting you with a spell, I'm sorry. But you should get your brother under control." He said.

"My brother is not an animal. I can't control him. And it's not about the duel. C'est à propos de ton frère. It's about your brother." I switched to French just in case he didn't wanted the others to know. I knew he knew French because all Pureblood families like ours are taught French. The others had no idea what I had just said judging by the confused looks on their faces.

"Qu'en est-il de lui? What about him?" He asked back in French.

"Il a peur Sirius. He's scared Sirius."

"Oui, c'est un lâche. Rien de nouveau. Yeah, he's a coward. Nothing new."

"Tu sais pour lui, non? You know about him, right?" Sirius knew exactly what I meant by that.

"Oui. Maman et Papa les plus chéris sont si heureux, n'est-ce pas? Yes. Mummy and Daddy dearest are so happy, aren't they?" He spat back.

"Mon frère a également choisi cette voie. Tu êtes déjà détesté par beaucoup de sang-pur. My brother has also chosen that path. You are already hated by many purebloods."

"Alors? So?"

"Ils tu veulent mort! They want you dead!" I shouted. He can be so thick. "Il est inquiet pour toi. Il t'aime toujours et il ne veut pas que tu meurs. He's worried about you. He still loves you and doesn't want you to die."

"Pourquoi tu me dis ça? Why are you telling me this?"

"Juste un avertissement. Just a warning." I nodded to him and he nodded back. I waved to the other boys and walked to lunch. I went the opposite way they came to avoid any of there pranks.


Hello dear readers. Just so you know I cannot speak french very well. I used google translate. I'm sure some of this is wrong and if you happen to know the correct translations please let me know so I can fix them.


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