Dark Intentions, Light Benefi...

By gardenknome156

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Lord Voldemort gained his body in first year without the knowledge of the light side. Draco came back to Malf... More

Last Day
The Idea
They Find Out
Life Isn't Fair
Guardian Snape
Medical Checkup
Growing Crush
Preparation and Prejudice

Law and Houses?

804 17 1
By gardenknome156

This chapter goes back to when Hermione arrived at Prince Manor.




'repeated that some one else has said'

"Twin Speech"

Severus's POV

After I sent Harry and Hermione up to the playroom and I walked down to my potion lab. I went through my stock cupboards and made a list on what I had and what I would need to make. I have two kids living with me and from what I have seen in their minds, has confirmed that I will need all types of potions. I had a few Pepperup Potions but I would need more, I had a few Skele-Gro potions that I hope that I wouldn't need to use, I had many antidotes for poisons, love potions and Veritasrum , I had not a lot of Bruise and burn removal/ healing paste, lots of calming and seeping draughts, I have a meagre amount of cough and boils cures and I have two a wound cleaning potions. I would need to make more. If there many trips to the hospital wing are an indication. I had just over 4 hours to make a few potions. So I started making Pepperup and bruise and burn to heal and remove pastes. I also made a handful of wound cleaning potions. Tomorrow, I will make some coughing and boil cures potions. I will also need a report on what they are allergic to. I don't want them getting sick while they are healing, We will go to St Mungo's or I will pay for the Goblins. They were a bit overpriced but they are the best.

After a couple of hours, I went upstairs for a shower and change. Then I walked down to the first floor to retrieve the kids from the playroom. I did not see them in the main area so, I walked into the nap area and saw them on the bottom bed sleeping. I guess they were talking when they fell asleep indicated by the glasses that are still on Harry's head. Hermione was laying on his chest but was starting to stir. "Wake up." I snap. They woke groggily. 

"What?" Harry says in a  winy voice because of the tiredness and Hermione started moving to get off his chest. 

"Dinner is being served in a few minutes from now. I will take you back to the dining room." I tell them. Both had bed hair. Harry got up to stand next to Hermione who is stretching out her knots. 

"I didn't hurt you did I?" Hermione asks. 

"No Mya, you're fine. A bit bony but fine." He teased her. She smiles at him and says 

"Well, you make a good bony pillow as always." I cough to get their attention, I didn't mind their teasing but it was nearly dinner and if they are serious about the boniness then they need feeding. 

"Well if you are quite done. Shall we go?" ask. They nod and I start walking the way to the dining room. After a dinner of Irish stew, I ask Mint and Thyme leads them to their rooms for a bath and to get changed into Pajamas. Dill came in to clear the table. 

"Theys didn't eat all their foods." He says sadly. 

"They enjoyed their meal, Dill but I think it was too much for them. I could see how they enjoyed it." I tell him and his frown turns into a big smile. His ears flapped and then he disappeared with the dirty plate, cups and cutlery. I shake my head at him. I hear the elves moving around the kitchen.

I was sitting on the armchair next to the fire when Mint and Thyme come down to report. "Theys both had theirs baths and are wearing night clothes. Theys are in Missus Mya's bed talking." Mint says and I nod, 'I hope sharing a bed is not a habit of theirs'. 

"Also master, Missus Mya's says she likes her hair shorts because its easier to manage, so Thyme suggests that she gets specials shampoos and conditioners so, she can have it longer?" Thyme asks. 

"Thats fine Thyme, I will get some when I take them out for clothes and other things they need," I tell her. I read for another 20 minutes then I go up to put them to bed. When I went to Hermione's room, I can hear them talking about what they should do tomorrow. I interrupted and told them its bedtime and they don't fight me, I guess they know who's in charge or they are tired. Harry gets out of bed and I tuck Hermione in and say goodnight. Then I lead Harry to his room and do the same.

I go to my study for a while to write letters to Lucius and Florian to tell them how Harry and Hermione had settled in and that they should come to mine for Sunday lunch instead of Malfoy Manor. I send the letters off with my eagle owl, Talon. Then I go to my room that is across from my study and change for bed.


The next morning I wake up at 7 and get dressed. Then I go to Hermione's room to wake her up first. When I then go through the door. The noise of the door had made her stir and she opened her eyes. I stretch "Morning Sir," She says in a sleepy voice. 

"Morning Miss Granger. You sleep well?" I ask. 

"Yes thank you. The bed was comfortable and the room is so quiet. Did you sleep well?" She said polity and got out of bed. 

"Fine. Thank you. Get dressed then come down for breakfast." I says then walks out of the room shutting the door behind me and go across the hall to wake up Harry. Unlike Hermione the door didn't wake him but he sired and rolled over. "Time to get up Mr Potter, We have breakfast to attend," I say as I pulled the covers off. 

"Mornin Sir." He says sleepily. 

 "Morning. I take you slept well?" He nodded and got up to put his glasses on. "Get dressed the come down," I tell him and went downstairs. I waited at the table and Thyme came in with a full English breakfast , a small fruit salad and a black coffee for me. "Does Mister Harry and Missus Mya need wakening?" She asks. 

"No Thyme. I have woken them, They should be down in any moment. However, after breakfast, I need you and Mint to take their measurements so we can get the tailor to make a formal robe and gown for them." I say. 

"Of courses." She says and leaves.

I only had to wait for a few minutes before they came down together, Harry had his arm around Hermione's waist. I don't think they are dating but I am unsure now. They sit opposite me and them Thyme pops in again with their breakfast, they have the same as me but no drink. "Thank you Thyme." They say at the same time. I did not believe my snakes when they said, they can do this. I think its a coincidence. "What would master's wards want to drinks?" She asks, 

"Orange juice please?" They say. She disperses then reappears with their juice. 

"Thanks," They say to her and she nods and leaves with a pop. I clear my throat to get their attention. "As you know it is Sunday. Normally I would go to the Malfoy Manor for Sunday lunch. However, I would prefer that you have fully settled in here properly before we go to someone else's house. So, they will come here at 2 O'clock. Harry, you are to dress in robes and Hermione you are going to wear a dress. Mint and Thyme will get your measurements then they will take them to a tailor to be made. I don't want any arguments." I told them, not leaving a room for arguments, they nod. "Now, I am going to allow you two to call me Severus while you are out of school. Clear." I tell them and they nod again. "Good. They will do your measurements after breakfast then the time is yours to do with. I would also like all your homework completed before the last week of Summer," I look at Harry, "If you have completed it, I would like to look over it for correction." I say look at Hermione, "I expect grades that are at least a Exceeds Expectations. Understand?" I tell them looking between them. 

"Yes, Sir." They say and I nod then continued to eat my breakfast and the copy. 

After breakfast, they go with Mint and Thyme to get measured. Dill comes in to collect the dirty dishes and I get up to go to my study to write a letter to my tailor for the outfits. I also add a picture of them so he can see what they look like. Thyme and Mint come to me with the measurements and I put them down. He already had mine so I told him that I wanted to somewhat match them but I want my robes black. I give the letter to Talon and tell him where to go. Then I make my way down to my potion lab to make some more potions and pastes.


It was half 12 when I finish the potions and I call Dill to find out where the kids are. "Master Snape's wards are ins the gardens playing with water." He says. I was confused what he was on about I done have water in the gardens except the pond and they better not be in that. "Thank you, Dill. Can you retrieve our outfits from the tailor please." I say and he nods. I do the point me spell and it leads me to where Harry and Hermione were running around. I could see they were both wet from 20 meters away but then I see Hermione throw water at Harry, who dodged it, wandlessly and wordlessly. He threw some at her but he missed. I am impressed with how well they can control their magic, It takes years of practising and patience to do that. Plus they were running around. I would leave them be, but we have to get ready for dinner so I get their attention by saying "I leave you to alone for a few hours and I see you both are drenched!" They stop instantly. 

"Sorry, Sir. We were just messing around." Hermione says, even after I told her to call me by my name she is still respectful. "Yes, I can see that Miss Granger. However, we have guests in over an hour and you to must shower and get into your formal clothes." I tell them and they nod. 

"Are we in trouble Sir?" Harry asks. 

"No. I see no point in punishing you for messing around. At least it was outside and not in the house." I say relieved. 

"But we did magic?" Hermione says. 

"Yes and I'm impressed that you could both do it wandlessly and wordlessly. If you are worried about the ministry finding out. They won't they can only tell the location, not the person. So it only works if the witch or wizard lives with muggles. Also, they won't know about the magic you have just done as you did it without a wand. Now come. We all need to get ready." I tell them and walk away towards the house. I hear them running to catch up with me.

I look at the outfits before sending Harry's and Hermione's with Mint and Thyme. They were nice. Mine and Harry's robes were black with Ivory shirts, mine lighter then Harry's. Hermione's Dress was the same shade of Ivory as Harry's shirt. They would look nice for our guests. I also give both Mint and Thyme a potion that they can put in Harry's and Hermione's hair that will tame it until it is washed. I shower and while I change into my robes, Dill came in "Master, Your guests have arrived." He informs me. 

"Thank you, Dill. Can you give them some drinks pleases?" I ask him. 

"Of courses, Master," He says then pops away. I finish changing, comb my hair and then go down to greet my guests.

"Ah Severus, we were wondering when you would show up?" I hear Lucius say from the couch. "It' my house, I would turn up eventually," I say back as I sit on the free couch. 

"Florian, Adorabella, Narcissa, Draco, Cyrus, Daphne and Astoria It's good to see you again," I say purposely leaving Lucius out. 

"Hey, what am I, chopped liver?" He says and we laugh. 

"Speaking of everyone. Where are your wards, Severus?" Florian asks. 

"They are getting ready with the elves," I reply. 

"They are going to look up to par. Won't they? I hear they have bad fashion sense." Narcissa says in her snobbish voice. "My tailor made their clothes for lunch. They should be adequate at least." I remark. "Have they caused any trouble, yet?" Draco asks. 

"No, not yet, they seem to be adjusting well. If I didn't know better, I would think they'd never broken any rules." I say. 

"What no trouble, or arguments?" He says in shock. 

"Well, apart from their bickering. They don't argue with me, the elves or each other." I tell him. "However, I have a question for you and Daphne," I say. 

"What is it, Severus?" Daphne asks. 

"Have either Harry or Hermione showed any signs that they can do wandless and wordless magic?" I question. 

"Severus, Your joking. That is one of the hardest skills a powerful adult wizard or witch can master, expressly both." Lucius says. 

"I know they can just mutter the spell for it to work." Draco offers. 

"Why do you ask Severus?" Adorabella asks. 

"Earlier, before we had to get ready, I went outside to fetch them so they could get ready for this afternoon. I saw them conjuring water and throwing it at each other while running around and dodging each others water. They were yelling at each other but not spells." I tell them. 

"Are you saying they did something that adults spend years of mastering while they are not even full teenagers yet?" Narcissa says I shock.

"I am" I say without hesitation.


After a bit of chatting up since last Sunday, the ladies go into the other sitting room for girl talk. I said I would send Hermione over, once she and Harry come down. I saw them appear in the doorway, holding hands like always, they look at our guest then back to one other. Harry shakes his head at Hermione's silent question. I am starting to understand my Snakes frustration with these two. "Ah Harry, Hermione we wonder when you would join us," I say, bringing their attention to me. I take them in properly. Harry looked smart in his robes, the shirt went well with his robes and his hair tamed for once looked neat. Hermione, on the other hand, looked like a pureblooded princess. The dress hugged her figure and flowed out at the waist, she also had small heeled high hill ivory shoes. Her hair was in soft curls and her face had light makeup on. They defiantly look adequate. "This is Lord Lucius Malfoy and Lord Florian Greengrass. And you already know Draco. Next to Him is Cyrus, Lord Greengrass son and Daphne's older Twin brother. Lucius, Florian and Cyrus this is Harry and Hermione. They are my wards due to the Guardian law. I saw that their muggle guardians were unfit to take adequate care of them."I saw them blush at the last part as I introduced them. 

"Hello Sirs, Draco and Cyrus." They say and it causes Florian and Cyrus to start chuckling. 

"I see why Daphne says they are like twins," Florian says. 

"Yes. I am still getting used to it." I reply and they blush deeper. 

"Hermione, the ladies are in the other sitting room," I tell her. I see Harry squeezes her hand and then she walks out of the doorway. "Harry come sit, there is no point hovering in the doorway all day," I tell him and he hesitantly walked over to the couch that I sat at.

We started talking about the Ministry. "It was a good idea that we passed the law. Just over a third all the muggle-borns in Hogwarts have either been neglected, abused or had some form of their education tampered with." Lucius shakes his head in disgust. I see Harry's head turn slightly, he was interested now. "Are you planning on taking any muggle-borns or muggle-raised under your wing yet, Lucius?" Florian asks. 

"I am looking through the lists and Narcissa and I can't agree on getting a boy or girl," Lucius replies. 

"Why not get both?" Harry asks. "I think there is a pair of muggle-borns in Ravenclaw who are siblings. One boy, one girl." He carries on. 

"That may be a good idea, Mr Potter. I will discuss it tonight or tomorrow with my wife and son." Lucius says in agreement.

After talk of politics, it goes to The Quidditch World Cup. "We have tickets for the minister box. It the best seats in the house. Are you going to come this year Uncle Sev?" Draco asks. 

"I might. I know Harry would enjoy it and I'm sure Hermione will use it as a learning opportunity. Would you like to go Harry?" I say and turn to Harry. 

"Whats the world cup?" He asks with a confused look, figures that no one has told him. 

"It's for quidditch teams all over the world to compete. We are holding it this year." Cyrus says. "What do you think. Do you want to go and would Hermione go as well?" I ask him. 

"I would like to see it and I think your right, Hermione might use it as a learning opportunity." He replies.

"Well, that settles it, we are all going to the world cup. Now should we join the ladies?" Lucius asks and we nod in agreement, so we went to sit with the ladies.

We enter the room to the sound of Adorabella saying "How did you end up in Severus care?" I could see that Hermione was embarrassed so, I made my presence known 

"I found that her parents couldn't look after her acceptable enough." It was short but to the point. Harry immediately goes over to Hermione and Lucius and Florian sit with their wives and Draco and Cyrus sit with Daphne and Astoria. Harry and Hermione looked at each other and seem to be talking with their eyes again. I saw Hermione shake her head sadly at Harry's look but Narcissa decided to ruin their moment. "They're not dating are they?" Narcissa said bringing them out their conversation. "Not that I'm aware of?" I reply, giving them a pointed look. 

"Master, the dinner is ready to bes served." Dill comes in. 

"Thank you, Dill." We all get up to go to have lunch/dinner.


We all moved to sit at the dinner table. I was at the head of the table. Florian was opposite me. Harry was on my left and Hermione was on my right. Daphne was next to Harry, then her sister, then Cyrus. Adorabella was on the other side of Florian, then Narcissa, then Lucius and finally Draco next to Hermione. "So, Mr Potter, Miss Granger how has Severus been treating you?" Lucius asks. 

"He has been very kind. Lord Malfoy" They answer answer. Adorabella and Narcissa gave me and them surprised looks. "That's good. The Ministry agreed Severus would be a better guardian then the Weasleys. There was a rumour going around that you were both being neglected and if that turned out to be the case we wanted someone who could financially support you both without the help of the Potter vaults." Florian says. 

"I don't think the Weasleys know yet, Florian." Lucius say. Hermione looks at Harry, in confusion and he returned the look back. "Excuse me, Lord Greengrass but what do you mean by vaults. I only have my trust fund and that doesn't have a lot of money after my school tuition is paid along with school robes and books." He asks. It was his turn to give Harry a confused look.

"The Potters are one if not the richest house in England as you probably know. Your trust vault is nothing compared to the family vault. That's where your guardian's muggle and magical would get a sum of money monthly for your care. That is why we wanted a guardian that could support you even without the child living expensiveness. The Weasleys can barely afford to feed their own family. The money that they would receive for you would benefit the whole family." Florian explains. 

"What do you mean about houses?" Harry asks. 

"You know that your Scion of The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. You hold two Wizengamot from both the Potter and Peverell lines." Florian says. 

"Really? What do you mean about Most Noble and Most Ancient and seats in Wizengamot?" Harry inquires. 

"Surely Dumbledore explained when he told you about our world when he gave you your letter?" He asked. 

"No Hagrid took me to Diagon Alley for my first time. I didn't meet Dumbledore until a week after starting school. But he only asked about how my week was going." Harry says. 

"That's outrageous someone of your station should have had at least the deputy's head." Lucius cut in angerly. Hermione looks at Harry who is confused at the situation. "Severus. Might I suggest that you take him to Gringotts to sort out this mess." Florian says. 

"Lord Greengrass, why would it matter if the Weasleys were to use the money they get for me on their children if I went to them." He asks then turns to me "Not that I'm ungrateful for your hospitality Sir." He finishes polity. 

"In a way, it would benefit them. However, in the magical world, it is bad to use another child's money to support another. Also, someone of your station shouldn't be left in a family that has no honor or power. You wouldn't learn your place in society with them." Florian replies. I could see Harry was about to ask another question and so I interrupted him 

"Let's move on shall we." The others nodded.


We had a nice dinner of lamb, boiled potatoes and carrots with a treacle tart as pudding. We sent the kids to Harry's and Hermione's Playroom. We when back to the main sitting room for adult talk. "So Severus, The Dark Lord wants to know what your wards do." Lucius starts. 

"You mean their habits?" I ask. 

"Yes, their habits, their skills and if they have said anything about the light side?" He clarifies. "To my knowledge, they don't really talk about the light side but from what I can gather since they have been here, they don't know much about the magical world. I told you earlier they can perform both wordless and wandless magic with or without the will and I'm sure you have noticed they like to have physical contact with each other." I reply to his question. 

"But you said they weren't dating. So, why would they be physical?" Narcissa says. 

"Yes, and what is with the speaking the same thing the same time and the conversations with no words," Adorabella adds. I personally can't see why they can't figure it out themselves but I answer anyway. "In my mind, they are like close siblings and I think people mistake it as a relationship because they are not related at all." I indulged them. 

"Severus, is it possible that they could be magical twins?" Florian asks. I thought about it, 

"It rare but possible. But they both have different birthdays, 10 months apart. However, its an interesting concept. When we visit Gringotts for Harry's inheritance and bank statements. I was also hoping they would also do a medical exam on them. They have no medical records in the muggle world, so I have no clue of past injuries and allergies which is important if I am too self medicate them if I can." I say. 

"That would be a good idea," Florian says.

"Yes indeed. However, from what Draco says about them they seem different and I have notice that they seem quite shy today but the last time I met them they acted like Gryffindors, brave and outspoken. Whats with the change?" Lucius asks. I shrug, 

"I haven't a clue, they have been like it since they have came here and when I collected them from they muggle guardians." I say. 

"Thats a bit odd. How can they change from brave Gryffindors to shy Hufflepuffs?" Adorabella asks. 

"Maybe they put on a front. They act how they are expected to act around certain people but act like themselves when they are not." Florian states. 

"Then that is very Slytherin of them." Lucius says. 

"What neglect did they get with their muggle?" Narcissa asks. 

"Well, they were both neglected in the attention department, they did most, if not all of the household chores, if they "misbehaved", did anything "freakish" or didn't do as told they were starved, in Harry's case he was beaten by his aunt, uncle or cousin, when it comes to their education, Harry was to do worse than his cousin in grades; even when he went to Hogwarts and Hermione was pressured to get the best grades so her parents can increase their image by having a smart daughter," I reply. 

"Do you think that is why they get on so well, they both have horrible pasts?" Adorabella asks. "It might be. I can not see a lot in their mind, a lot of things are hidden and frankly give me a headache trying to get them." I say. 

"You don't think they have developed an Occlumency shield by accident do you?" Lucius exclaims. 

"I have no clue with them. They appear more complexed then thought." I say in frustration. 

"It's a good thing they are with you though. I could imagine what the Weasleys would do if they found this all out." Florian says. 

"Probably nothing. From what Draco told me about the younger two, especially the youngest son. He always starts fights with Hermione and spread rumours about Harry, behind his back. And if I remember correctly he put Hermione in the hospital wing the last day of term by knocking her over while she was carrying books, so she was injured. According to Madam Pince, she had been in this accident 2 times before due to the youngest male Weasley doing the same. If that wasn't enough he always blames it on her for carrying too many books so, she can't see where she is going." Lucius says, shaking his head. I and the others do the same. 

"I have not heard of this or seen it in their minds," I say. 

"What a horrible boy. Surely the Mr and Mrs Weasley have heard of this. If their son has intentionally put another in the hospital then they would know. Right?" Adorabella asks. 

"You would think so," Narcissa says.

We move on to new laws the Dark Lord wanted to add "A law to bring muggle-borns into our would earlier?" I ask. 

"Yes, he said that it would be better to bring them in as young as 4 or 5 depending on their birthday. He wanted to set up what he called a primary school. This would give both the children and adults longer to think of the concept of magic. Plus, the kids would learn about our world earlier, they would understand our traditions better." Florian says. 

"It's a good idea but the light side was against the Magical Guardians Act. I am not sure why because the Law Enforcement department can make unexpected visits to the muggle's or guardians home to look around. No questions asked but they cannot remove a child without Madam Bones approval and even then they need physical evidence that abuse or neglect has happened. Including using the Legilimens spell on the child without the permission from the muggle or magical guardian." Florian says. 

"It appears that Dumbledore has brainwashed the light side," I say. 

"Yes it appears so but we have the Minister always looking in my direction for his duties. So new laws won't be to hard to pass with his vote and when Harry becomes a Lord he will have our views of things." Lucius says and we nod in agreement. 

"May I suggest something. Sirius Black." I state. 

"What about him. He's an escaped criminal." Narcissa says. 

"Yes, a criminal that Harry and Hermione helped escape," I tell her. 

"WHAT?" They say loudly in shock. 

"They did. They helped him escape on the Hippogriff that was supposed to be executed." I add. "They did all that, under all our noses. They are definitely a perfect mix of Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw." Lucius says. 

"What were you suggesting Severus?" Florian says. 

"Well as everyone knew Black was the secret keeper of the Potters and everyone knew he worked for the dark lord and killed those muggles. He didn't get a trial. This would make Harry think we are on his side." I tell them. 

"That's a good point, Severus. Harry would think of you like Black's saviour because you brought it forward but, then Black would have the right to have Harry over you because he is his Godfather." Florian says. 

"No he wouldn't. Azkaban would have mentally damaged him, plus he will be physically unfit to look after a child. Severus will still have Harry until Black was fit enough but even then, It can take years. Harry could be too old to be counted as a child then." Adorabella says. 

We chat more about the laws and Dumbledore's manipulation when we notice the time. "Oh my, 8 O'clock already. We must get the kids home and ready for bed." Adorabella says and Narcissa nods. I call for Thyme "Master, called?" She asks. 

"Yes, can you fetch the kids please, they are going now," I tell her and she nods then pops away. "I don't understand why you are so nice to them, they are elves?" Narcissa asks and I just shrug. "Do you think your charges will be glad we are leaving?" Florian laughs. 

"That depends how yours acts towards them," I state, I knew most of the Slytherins provoke the Gryffindors. A few minutes later Thyme returned with the children following. We said our goodbyes and they left for their homes. I watch them walk up the drive through the sitting room's large window. When they apparated away, I turned to Harry and Hermione. I could see they were tired even it was only past 8. "I am impressed that neither of you acted out. We will go out tomorrow. So get a good nights rest. It is nearly bedtime anyway." I say and call for Mint and Thyme, so they can have their baths and a change of clothes. I was proud of them for not acting like brash Gryffindors, they handled themselves in a polite and respectable manner. I read for about 30 minutes to give them time for bath and to change into their night clothes. However, when I go up to tuck them in, I find them both sound asleep in their beds. So, I decide to go to my study and write a quick letter to my Gringotts accountant informing him, I am coming in at 9 am the following morning. Then I went to my room to get a early night as well.

Word Count: 5289

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