Call of the Vallenari

נכתב על ידי BlackKat_17

375 8 0

Fantasy-romance, contains mature content such as sex scenes and violence. This is my first time writing, I k... עוד

Chapter One - Leaving
Chapter Two - Heaven's mirror
Chapter Three - Tears
Chapter Four - My flower
Chapter Five - The pink haired girl
Chapter Six - Marked

Chapter Seven - Waiting

33 1 0
נכתב על ידי BlackKat_17

She had been watching them from the moment Soren had stepped foot back in Blackrose. She knew Soren would eventually come back to his family.

Soren had promised her three years ago, when he left, he would come home and they could finally be married.

"Aleris please, I know you don't think I would just leave and never come back." Soren had said to her, but it was exactly what he had done. For three years she waited. Sick of waiting for his return, she instead hunted him down like prey.

When she finally found Soren, he was with someone else.

Soren had her pinned up against a wall. Aleris knew what he wanted from the poor girl; he had done the same to her when they were younger.

Aleris clenched her fist tightly, either she would leave on her own, or Aleris would make her leave.

She had watched them for two days before they left. Even after her warning, the foolish girl had chosen to stay with Soren.

Now it was time she learnt not to mess with things that weren't hers. Aleris would break her, for playing with her toy.

Aleris knew which way they were heading and planned to cut them off before they got to Dewhurst. This girl would be lost in the mountains and forgotten, Soren would be hers once more. Together they would rule over EmHelion, just like her father had planned.

Nothing would stop her... nothing.

If the weather held out they would get to Dewhurst in a few weeks. Aleris thought, as she looked over to where her Vallenari, striker was.

Her Slepnir was the fastest in the land and she had trained him well, he fussed as she walked closer, putting her hand on his black main, his red eyes pierce through the darkest of nights.

It is said that they are the last thing you see before the devil comes, this always made Aleris laugh, being called the devil, night stalker, shadow. All of them struck fear in any man, all but one. Until the day she went too far and he never had the same look as before.

Aleris hoisted herself onto Striker's back; taking the golden reins in, Striker gallops off in the direction he is led.

The dawn broke over the mountain range, sun light breaking its way into the dark canopy that hid Aleris from the rest of the passing travellers. Patiently waiting for her prey to come past, slowly she would hunt them, before her final strike.

Striker grew impatient beneath her, giving him a nudge with the heel of her boot, stopping his motion, she spots her prey as they leave the home and head for the stables out back.


Ophelia woke up to an empty bed, the sun beginning to shine in the open window. Felling better rested than she had for the past two mornings.

The smell of food filling the air, her belly lets out a small rumble.

Ophelia showered quickly and dressed for the long ride ahead of them, making sure to wear her warmer riding pants. She placed her sword belt around her hips, buckling the strap tight around her hips, then her thigh before placing her dagger in its sheath, firmly by her thigh.

She would gather her sword and bow when she went to saddle Nylah.

Sitting at the table, she ate what would be her last home cooked meal for a few weeks, alone.  Making sure not to over eat, Ophelia placed her dishes in the sink, before heading for the door, she was sure everyone else must be in the stables saying their goodbyes.

Ophelia grabbed her riding cloak, wrapping it around her shoulders before walking out the front door.

Ophelia followed the small pathway around the back of the house, opening the stable doors wide when she reached her destination. The doors creak open, revealing Vincent, Lorelei and her Vallenari, "where is Soren?" she asks, confused when she doesn't see him, or echo for that fact.

"Right here," Soren says as he pops up from behind Terra's stable door, "afraid I was going to leave without you?" he chuckles.

Ophelia stares at Soren, her mouth hanging open in shock, "what on earth happened to all your hair?" she asks, taking in the sight of his now short locks.

"Oh this," he points at his hair, "I cut it, I was getting tired of being weighed down by all the hair. Do you like it?" he laughs, as he runs a hand through his freshly cut hair.

Ophelia joined in the laughter; it was a good distraction from the weight of the ride ahead of them. Riding to Dewhurst was going to be a long and boring trip, they had made sure to stock up on supplies, making sure not to overload the horses.

Walking over to the wall opposite of Nylah's stable, Ophelia grabbed her sword, clipping it to her belt, making sure this trip it was close to her, she ran her fingers over her long bow, feeling the silky wood. Grabbing the bow and the quiver with her arrows, she walked back to Nylah.

Soren had already saddled up Nylah for her, now doing the same to his own horse. Ophelia placed the bow on the saddle, making sure it wouldn't fall as she rode.

Doubling checking they had everything before leaving. Soren said his goodbyes to his family, riding away slowly; Ophelia noticed the tears falling from Lorelei's eyes. Ophelia's heart broke a little, realising it was her tearing him away from them this time.

Soren stopped at the edge of town, Ophelia could see the sadness in his eyes, as he turned and started riding off towards the mountains. As she was about to follow his lead, something had made her falter. Looking around her in a slight panic, but seeing nothing, and still the hairs on her arms were raised. Was there someone out there, in the shadows watching them?

"Ophelia!" Soren called out, startling her. She shook the thoughts from her mind, urging Nylah forward, and following after Soren.

The wind was cool on her face as she rode, the path was busy with travellers and merchants carting there supplies from town to town and families leaving to make new lives in an unknown city. What lies ahead for her, she wondered.

The faces pass by in a blur, people she would never see again. The tree leaves are dying the more they head into the colder climate, the hills become larger mountains, until it is all they are surrounded by.

They had been travelling for hours, finally they had caught up to Echo, who had travelled ahead to scout out the roads ahead. The people passing by are growing smaller in numbers.

It was time for a rest, Ophelia tied Nylah to a short tree near a little stream where she could drink fresh water and gave her some food.

Sitting with Soren and Echo, Ophelia ate her food in silence, she grew tried the longer she sat there, leaning against a boulder, she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

"Ophelia, wake up it's time to go." Soren shakes her gently, not wanting to wake her too abruptly. Her eyes fluttered open as she stretched out her aching body, a little yawn escaping from her mouth.

"How much longer until we reach the tunnel entrance?" she asked sleepily as she stood, making her way over to Nylah, giving the horse a well earned rub.

Soren looked up to the sky, making not of where the sun sat in the afternoon sky, turning back to Ophelia he shrugged, "maybe three hours. I know there is a little place we can camp the night, before taking the cave to Dewhurst." He shoved a few things back in his saddle bag before mounting Terra, Ophelia mirroring his actions, "I never did like going in Dewhurst caves at night. They are lighted, but something just creeps me out." He shudders at the thought, laughing when he spies the horrified look on Ophelia's face.

The sun was low, kissing the tops of the mountains by the time they had reached the cave entrance; Soren had been adamant that he wasn't going through them at night. Much to Echo's annoyance, she stormed off in a huff in search of fire wood and water.

Ophelia left Soren with the horses and all their stuff to hunt for food, but not much lived in the harsh mountains around Dewhurst. She searched what little shrubbery she could find, eventually she spied a rabbit. Not wanting to frighten it away, she crouched down low, drawing an arrow close to her cheek, taking aim at the unknowing creature. It hopped a few steps then stopped, Ophelia let the arrow fly, it hit the rabbit and it went still.

Dropping to her knees next to its tiny body, she ran a hand over it, and whispered a soft thank you before heading back to camp.

The last of the suns light was gone by the time she got back, a triumphant smile plastered on her face from ear to ear as she tossed the rabbit to Soren so he could prepare it.

The fire crackled as the three of them sat there, waiting for the rabbit to cook, Soren was talking with Echo and Ophelia zoned out, only being able to hear one side of their conversations was getting annoying, she was sure Echo hated her and constantly said things about her.

Glancing out into the trees, Ophelia's eyes fell upon a shadow. She glanced over at Soren and Echo, then back to the tress, the shadow was gone. Had she imagined it, she wondered, disbelief washed over her as she dismissed it as an animal, or a fellow traveller.

Ophelia woke to a weight crushing down on her chest and the familiar feeling of cold steel against her throat, "move and I'll slit your throat." A hoarse voice whispered in her ear, sending cold chills down her spine at the familiar voice.

Ophelia's eyes flew open, fear clouding her sight. The fire had gone out, or was it put out; the moon was hidden behind the mountain tops, casting dark shadows across her face.

Pulling ropes tightly over Ophelia's wrists, she was bound skilfully, fighting to pull her hands free, she squirmed beneath the weight of the other woman.

"Stop moving." She spat out, trying not to wake Soren or Echo, "get up, if you make a sound, I'll kill you, then I'll kill them." She pulled Ophelia to her feet, pushing her towards the cave entrance; panic seeping into every fibre of her being, Ophelia stepped into the dark cavern before her.

Reaching for the blade she kept tucked away, she tripped, stumbling before two harsh hands pull her back to her feet.

"Keep moving." Again she was shoved further into the darkness.

Slowly, lanterns along the path began to light up one by one, casting their dim light over the tunnels walls.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ophelia questioned glancing sideways, she tried catching a glance of the other woman's face; instead she was greeted with a swift punch to the side, the air leaving her lungs.

"Keep your eyes forward." She ordered harshly.

Ophelia struggled to draw air into her lungs, pain shooting through her ribs. What was her deal, who the hell was she and why was she treating me like this, Ophelia thought, not knowing what she was going to do to get out of this situation?

The silence dragged out for awhile, only their footsteps echo around them, filling Ophelia's ears.

"I warned you to stay away from him." The woman finally spoke, "but did you listen? No, instead you chose to ignore me. Now you will learn not to play with things that aren't yours." she warned, fear racing through Ophelia's veins once again, her legs buckle under her shaky legs and she falls to the ground.

"This should be far enough. He'll still be able to hear your screams from here." Ophelia looked up at the woman in horror as the woman's plan dawned on her, this woman wanted to make her scream, scream for Soren. He wouldn't make it to her in time.

Scrambling away, unable to pull herself up, she crawled away from the woman, who stood above her, a crazed smile cracking her face in half, white teeth flashing in the light, her grey eyes burning with blood-lust and hatred.

Ophelia fought back the urge to scream out for Soren, not wanting to give the woman what she was after.

"Aleris Bloodworth, I thought you should know the name of the person who will be killing you," Aleris hissed as she held the blade high in the air, "now scream for me, scream out his name so he can find you." She cackled, as she inched closer to Ophelia.

The blade slashed though the air, Ophelia flinched at the sound of metal meeting metal. She held her small blade firmly, stopping Aleris' blade from connecting with her own flesh, Aleris' eyes widen in surprise.

Ophelia pushed back against Aleris as she struggled to her feet, turning the blade in her fingers, she swiftly cuts the ropes loose, they coil to the ground.

Aleris lets out a blood curdling scream as she lunges towards Ophelia, determined to draw her blood.

Metal clashes again as Ophelia struggles against Aleris' blade, her face wild and menacing in the dim light of the tunnels.

The clang of metal echoes off the walls, ringing loudly in their ears, sweat dripping from their foreheads as they lunge again and again at each other, neither one wavering.

"I will hear you scream." Aleris promises, slashing low at Ophelia's body, making contact with the flesh on her side.

Ophelia grabs the side of her body, blood slowly seeping into her clothing, her breath becoming ragged. Still she watched Aleris like a hawk, she lunges forward once more, cutting Aleris' upper thigh as she twists around the woman's body, placing an identical slash on the other thigh as she steps away from her body. Blood pools at Aleris' feet, as she becomes unstable on her feet.

Soren's voice calls to Ophelia, echoing through the tunnels, his voice laced with concern, shouting louder as he draws closer, the sound of metal on metal surely leading his way.

Panic flashes in Aleris' eyes.

"What are you going to do now? I didn't scream and Soren will be here before I'm dead. But will he be here before you're dead?" Ophelia mocked, clearly Aleris stood no chance now, her plan failed and now Soren is closing in the gap between them.

"This is far from over!" Aleris seethes, "Striker!" She shouts out into the darkness.

The ground below Ophelia's feet begins to tremble, rocks vibrate across the ground. Out of the darkness a Slepnir charges towards the two women, coming to a halt behind Aleris, her lips curve into a wild smile, "let's see how you manage to outrun Striker." She hoists herself on the great beast, lining Ophelia up in her line of sight.

"Aleris!" Soren's voice shouts out from the shadows, he steps into the light, an arrow aimed at the woman on the beasts back. His eyes met hers and she licks her lips.

Without warning the beast is charging at Soren, he leaps out of the way, falling to the ground with a thud, "this isn't over!" Aleris shouts as the beast charges back the way they came.

"Soren!" Ophelia runs to Soren's side, his eyes met hers in a lingering gaze, his eye breaking away to roam over her body, stopping at her side, which was now covered in blood.

"You're hurt." He says as he kneels next to her, taking a hold of her hips firmly. He turns her towards the light, grabbing the hem of her shirt he rips it, he places the fabric against her wound and she winches, the pain only just noticeable now the adrenaline has left her body.

Stumbling a little, Ophelia begins to fall; Soren catches her before she does. He lifts her into his arms, carrying her back to the camp where he can tend to her wounds and she can get some rest.

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