The Housekeeper

By f0reverbr0ken

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Teresa aka Tree is just your everyday housekeeper till one guest changes her world. More



441 11 0
By f0reverbr0ken

I wake up the next morning with the phone next to my head, I groan as I sit up, I see a water bottle and a bottle of pills. I grab both, downing two pills and drink most of the water.

I grab my phone and unlock, I freeze when I see the conversation with Noah. I read over it and want to die. Why am I such an asshole when I drink? I groan.

I slowly get off the bed and go into the bathroom, starting a shower. I strip my clothes off and get in.

After my shower I get dressed in some sweats and a t shirt, I grab my phone and head downstairs.

I go in the kitchen, grabbing a muffin from the counter and some orange juice from the fridge. I head into the living room and see Britt laying there watching tv.

"So I texted him."


"Noah, last night."

"What did you say?"

I hand her my phone and let her read it, "god you're an asshole. Wait what is this about dancing?"

"Um...member when I was a zombie at work and needed music and you suggested Bazzi."


"Turns out I've listen to him before so when I was in Noah's room I was in my own little world and started dancing to one of the songs and he came in."


"I didn't know it, he said he said something but I didn't hear him so he was sitting in the chair in the corner watching me. I went to turn around to grab the pillows and he was just sitting there smirking at me."

"What did he say?"

"Don't stop cause of me."

"And you said?"

"When did you get here? And then he said, the beginning of Beautiful. And then I said and you didn't say anything? And that's when he said he did and I didn't hear him."

"Tree! Were you going to tell me about this?"

I bite my lip and shake my head no.

"Why not?"

"I um didn't want you to meddle or tell Lauren and Ashley and it to cause another argument with us."

"So where does that leave you now?"

"I don't know he wants to be friends and I'm an asshole."

"But he didn't seem to mind?"

"I know the last message is what made me confused."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Drunk me is braver than sober me."

Just then my phone vibrates and I look at it; new text from Noah.

"Shit, he texted me."

"What's it say?"

I open the text;

Noah: good morning Teresa hope to see you later.

"He thinks I work today. Do I tell him I don't?"


Tree: hey I um don't work today or tomorrow so I'll see you Friday.

Noah: oh okay 😕 see you Friday.

"I think you broke his heart," Britt tease and I hit her with a pillow.

"We're just friends if that."

"Tree, he called you beautiful, I think it's more than friends."

"He was just being nice."

"You should go see him."


"Go to the hotel and see him."

"I couldn't, I wouldn't know what to do or say," I say.

"Yes, you will. He's just a guy."

"A very famous hot guy!"

"So you think Noah is hot?"

"Britt!" I whine.

"I'll go with you."

I take a deep sigh and look at her. "Help me find something to wear."


We get up and go into my room, I sit on the bed and wait for Britt to find something.

"Is it cold out?"

I look at the weather, "70°."

"I can work with that." She turns around and walks over to me, she hands me a light weight baseball tee with the word babe on the front in black and some black ripped jeans. "Wear your black vans. And wear your hair in lose curls."

I get up and changed into the outfit and Britt helps me with my hair and simple makeup.

"Go get dressed before I change my mind."

She goes off to her room, I go downstairs and sit on the couch. I start bouncing my legs nervously, five minutes later Britt comes down in a simple black hoodie and blue jeans.

"Get your shoes."

I do as asked and she grabs my keys. "I'll drive."

"Good idea."

We go out to my car and get in. We head towards the hotel. We arrive about ten minutes later and Britt parks up front and turns off the car.

"Can I throw up?"

"As long as it's not inside the car or in front of Noah and you have breath mints."

"I'm so nervous. What if he's not there or he expects something?"

"What's he going to expect? You're just friends."

"I don't know, I'm nervous."

Britt shakes her head, "everything is going to be okay. You're just visiting a friend and if it ends horribly, which it won't, we going out to Marko's. And you can drink and dance your little heart out."

"I'm glad I have tomorrow off."

"Let's go inside before you lose your nerve."

I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car. Britt gets out and locks the door. We walk inside and say hi to Justin.

"What are you girls doing here?" Justin asks.

"Hopefully visiting a friend," I say nervously.

"You have a friend staying here?"

"Um he's a new friend," Britt says and Justin smiles at her.

"I um am gonna go up."

"Good luck babe," Britt says and she hugs me quickly.

I hug back and start walking towards the elevator, I press the up button and wait for it to come down. The doors open and I get in, I press 10 and the doors closes.

I take a deep breath and walk out of the elevator when I get to ten. I look around to see who has this floor and I see, Jessica. She's one of the new housekeepers. She sees me and waves so I wave back.

I walk around the corner to 1015. I take a deep breath and knock on his door. I bite my lip waiting. I see Jessica coming around the corner as I'm waiting.

"Are you looking for that guest?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I saw him leave like fifteen minutes ago."

"Oh okay, thanks Jessica," I frown a little and move away from the door and take the back elevator down to the front desk.


I walk back into the hotel from getting some lunch. I see Britt at least I think it Britt talking to Justin at the front desk. I walk by and head up to my room. I press the up button and wait for it to come down.

Once inside I hit ten and wait for it to rise. A couple gets on the 7th floor and we head up to the tenth floor, I get out and head to my room. I unlock the door when I hear, "excuse me?" I turn around and see a housekeeper, "Yes?"

"Someone stopped by when you were gone."

"Do you know who they were?"

"Yeah, Teresa, she works here."

"How long ago?"

"About five minutes ago? Maybe less maybe more."

"Thanks. Which way did she go?"

"That elevator," she point to the one around the corner.

"Thank you."

I walk over to the elevator and hit the down button, I wait and once on, I hit one. I arrive on the first floor and head towards the front desk.

I don't see anyone up there besides Justin and I groan.

"Fuck," I say causing Justin look at me.

"What's up Noah?"

"Someone came to room and I missed them. Ugh."

"Damn that sucks."


"Hey I know this is probably against the rules of the company but did you wanna hang out with me and some friends tonight?"

"Uh where?"

"This new club in town, Marko's."

"Oh yeah I've been there once."

"A bunch of us from work are going if you wanna come."

"Yeah sure. Nothing else to do tonight."

"We're getting there around ten, just tell the door guy, Zack, you're friends with me/us and he'll hook you up, with VIP pass."

"Okay thanks man."

"No problem.


I head back downstairs and find Britt still talking to Justin. I walk over to them and pout.

"What's up babe? Justin says.

"My um friend wasn't there."

"Oh I'm sorry hon," Britt says and hugs me.

"Let's just go home. See you tonight at Marko's, Justin."

"See you guys."

We head to the car and Britt drives us home. I head to my room and lay down on my bed, Britt follows behind me and lays with me.

"Why am I so hurt that he wasn't there?"

"Because deep down you really wanted to see him."

"I should of just told him I was coming over. Now he'll never know I came over."

"Aww babe," Britt rubs my back. "Maybe you'll see him again and then you two can talk."

"Yeah maybe. I'm gonna nap before Marko's."

"Okay. I'll see you later then."

She gets off the bed and leaves shutting the door. I fall asleep a few minutes later after I turn on some music.

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