The Rose & Crown

By Psyrhen

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The Doctor and Clara find themselves trapped inside of a bootstrap paradox loop. Will they have what it takes... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Works Cited

Chapter Eighteen

51 0 4
By Psyrhen

Clara stared at the screen in her hand with mild concern, unsure of how worried she should be that the Doctor had not answered her call. It wasn't the first time he had left her on the ship and gone exploring on his own. In fact, she had been left behind to babysit the TARDIS for an entire week once before. By the time he finally returned home, he discovered seven identical time copies of Clara, one for each night, running about the ship all at once. Though the TARDIS seemed to think the practical joke was rather hilarious, all eight of his companions were not amused.

Before she had moved in, their adventures together had been mostly routine. Wednesday had become the most looked forward to part of the week, so long as he hadn't overshot it by a day - or several. The days in which she wasn't with him usually meant he was off running about the universe with his own personal agenda for getting into trouble. Yet, the moment she walked through those blue doors on her day, she knew he would have saved someplace special just for her. She missed it. She missed the adventures. She missed the excitement that lit her up inside the moment he pulled that lever. The thrill that coursed through her veins as the ship clattered her signature thematic melody of time travel. But now, everything had changed. She had become the precious cargo he needed to protect. The artefact within the glass case you'd never open for fear of it breaking. Where she was once considered his obsession, the greatest mystery to be solved that had ever plagued his mind, she had become his possession. What she wouldn't give to feel needed again, to make a difference in someone else's life once more.

Before she had the chance to talk herself out of looking for him, the door burst open unexpectedly as he stormed his way through and headed towards the centre console. The look in his eyes as he passed right by her was that of fury and anger. He reached the console and immediately began inputting a new set of coordinates into the interface in frustrated silence.

"Doctor," she called, sensing the tension in the air being electrified by his despondence. He ignored the concern in her voice, his back turned to her as his attention remained focused on his work. She approached his side and tried to read his expression carefully. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"You want to know what's wrong?" He nearly laughed, refusing to look her in the eyes as he manually calibrated the small knobs in front of him. "I'm completely useless is what's wrong!" he continued as the intensity in his voice filled the vacant space all around them. "All those years spent saving others, shedding blood for them, sacrificing myself over and over again. And what have I got in return? Absolutely nothing! I am... nothing." His angered demeanour suddenly shifted to sadness as he thought about the reality of his worth. When faced with the most desperate of situations, he had always come out on top. Even if the means of winning hadn't been present until the very last possible second. And now, as he faced the biggest challenge to have ever taken hold of him, it had become apparent he couldn't even trade himself away to save Clara and his daughter from their fate. "All that I am, everything I've ever accomplished, is meaningless. My life holds no value."

Clara's face deepened with concern at his words. As much as he was trying to hide it, she could see the desperation in his eyes. He rarely ever spoke in such a disheartening manner. But when he did, it meant he had relinquished all hope of winning. "Doctor, why are you talking like that?"

"Because it's true," he answered sorrowfully.

"No, I know that face. Something has happened."

"I should have killed her when I had the chance." He circled to the other side of the console and continued to calculate their next destination.

"Who? Killed who, Doctor?" She followed after. Though she knew he was trying to avoid the conversation, she'd have to be blind to assume something hadn't gone horribly wrong. She had known him long enough to tell when he was keeping something from her. Leaving her on the TARDIS confirmed whatever it was would be something she wouldn't approve of. The more she tried to read him, the more she realised there was only one person who could have caused the anger within his eyes. "Missy. You've been to see her. That's why you didn't tell me where you were going."

He sighed and hung his head, knowing there was little point in lying, even if he wanted to. "Yes."


"Because I'm tired of running." He looked to her with newfound certainty in his eyes. "Look what has become of us, Clara. We've become encased by our own fear. This is exactly what she wanted. This has been her plan all along. I thought I could protect you by keeping you here. But, in reality, we're nothing but animals waiting to be led to the slaughter. Or did you really believe the cow feels safe in its pen, watching as all of its own kind are taken away to become a number on the drive-through menu?"

She rolled her eyes and groaned as she approached. "You always do this, make jokes when things become a bit too real for you. The classic misdirection. So, what aren't you telling me? What have you done this time?"

"For once, this isn't about what I've done. It's about what I tried to do," he replied, feeling his guilt intensifying as he thought about how many times he tried to save her without her knowledge. As often as he promised her inclusiveness when it came to her involvement in his plans, there was no easy way to prepare her to live the rest of her life without him.

"I can already tell I'm not going to like whatever you're about to say. So go on then. Get it over with." She crossed her arms, awaiting his next confession with significant apprehension.

He took the moment between them to find the right words to respond. He knew she would never fully understand the reasoning behind his impulsive behaviour, especially when it involved her. The grief he held in his hearts prevented him from getting too close for fear of hurting her. However, they had a duty of care to each other. Missy may have been responsible for putting them together. But, in the end, it was he who chose the companion to accompany him. I never know why, I only know who. Clara had a spark about her that was worth perusing. There was a wonder in her eyes that reminded him of how it felt the very first time he became consumed by the idea of traversing the stars. But now, over two thousand years later, he could no longer see what his previous companions saw the first time they watched a sunrise on a different planet, their first meteor shower on a distant star, or what it looked like when they realised they were not alone in the universe. Their purpose had been to remind him that it was his job to save people. But more importantly, to understand what he was saving them for. As for Clara, though she shared the same compassion and understanding displayed by her predecessors, she was remarkably different. Of all the companions he had travelled with, none had filled his beating hearts with so much passion quite like she.

"I want so much to give you everything, Clara. Even if it breaks me." Though the truth had become far more painful than letting her believe his lies, he knew his love for her should never have warranted his deception. If their partnership truly meant what it did to him, if he had any hope of keeping her in his life, then he must start by being a better man. "Missy isn't after you. It's me she wants to see suffer. Unfortunately, she has targeted you to become the collateral damage of a nearly two-thousand-year-old rivalry. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't stand by and allow that to happen. The injustice she's done to you is because of me. I felt the only way to make it right was to offer her the one thing she's always wanted. The one thing that has evaded her over and over again, no matter how many times she's tried." He looked to her tenderly, hoping there was a part of her that would understand the heartbreak he felt he must endure at the cost of loving her so deeply. As much as he wanted there to be, he feared there could never be a happily ever after waiting for them. No matter the choice he would be forced to make, he'd still be the one to lose in the end. "I offered my life in place of our child."

"What? Doctor, you didn't-" she objected.

"By offering myself, I could have caused the timeline to collapse. And, even if it didn't, I still could have given you the chance to be a mother to our child. To raise her the way she should have been. It is your right, after all. I did it for you, Clara. Your happiness means everything to me."

Clara brought a hand to her brow and attempted to control the disbelief forming inside of her. As much as she wanted to be angry with him for continuing to put his life on the line, she knew she was no better than he. If he had learned anything about her from her confession on Messaline, he knew how far she would be willing to go to save them. It should have come as no surprise he would be willing to do the same. "But you knew I would never allow you to sacrifice yourself for me, so you chose to do this on your own," she accused him. "Is this what our relationship has come to? To see which of us will find a way to sacrifice ourselves for the other one first?"

"I'm sorry, Clara. But I had to try. As it turns out, I'm more useful to her alive than I am dead. As long as I'm alive and out of the way, she is in control. I should have known she'd be clever enough not to trust me. That she would have come prepared. This loop and everything in it is of her own design. From the moment this all started to whatever the end may be, she knows what is at stake if even the smallest part of it were to be altered in any way. She could end this any time she wants with just the snap of her fingers. But she chooses to keep us trapped in here with her just to spite me. This is all just one big game to her."

"The thing about games is, anyone can win. But this is one game that isn't over for us just yet."

"And it never will be. Not unless we can discover a way to defeat her. A way she will never be able to anticipate." He ran his hand through his hair in frustration, pacing about the room as he thought about how much he missed the satisfaction that came with overcoming a new challenge. But this wasn't a challenge that could so easily be championed. There was no way to tell how long she'd been perfecting her design to accommodate for his intellect and capabilities. Using the Persuaders to help disable his mind wasn't the only thing to be concerned about. Though it had slowed him down significantly, it hadn't completely disabled him yet. What concerned him the most was Missy's ability to remain one step ahead at every turn. As powerful as she was, he proved time and time again there was always a way to bring her down. The only thing he needed to do was find it. But how?

Clara watched as the old man huffed about the floor. She knew this routine very well. This was what it looked like when he was about to lose himself in the depths of his mind. This was his desperation and exhaustion acting out the only way it knew how. This was what the Doctor looked like when he was relying on nothing but fumes to fuel him. And now, it was up to her to step up to the plate before he'd inevitably seek drastic measures to win. She had to stop him before he went too far. After all this time, it was finally her go. "Let me in, Doctor. What's going on inside that daft head of yours?"

"I feel like I'm missing something obvious." He continued to pace, his focus drawn to anything but her.

"Then we find it. Keep thinking."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"I'm sorry, Clara. I just can't! I'm useless! There's nothing left up here but an empty void!" He held his head as if it were about to explode.

"Wrong. Tell me exactly what happened," she insisted, allowing her voice to rise with intensity as she approached.

"I've already told you. I offered myself and she refused. What more do you want from me? I've tried everything I can think of. It's simply no use! She can't be beaten!" He braced himself against the console in defeat.

"Wrong! Try again. Why didn't she accept your offer?"

"You're the smart one, you tell me!" he screamed facetiously.

"Stop acting like a child and think! What more do we know about her?"

"That she agreed to meet with me, even though she knew what I was planning." He gripped the edge of the console in frustration. He knew she was provoking him. It took all of his strength not to detonate in a fit of rage.

"And why would she do that?"

"I don't know, Clara!" he growled, his eyes burning fiercely.

"Yes, you do!" she insisted, refusing to back down from the argument. "You know her better than anyone! So get your head out of your arse and concentrate! Think. If this loop is so important to her, then why would she risk everything by agreeing to meet with you?"

He quickly turned to throw her a heated glance out of childish spite when the answer finally hit him. "Ooh..."


"Oh!" He rushed to her and gently took hold of her arms, his fury now calmed. "Yes, of course!" His eyes were wide with enlightenment. "Because she knew what was going to happen!"

She grasped his shoulders to focus his attention as his thoughts flew by her at a thousand miles a second. "And how would she know that?"

"Because she's been telling herself!"

"Which means?"

"That she hasn't been predicting the future, she has access to it! She's been sending messages to her past. She met with me because she had to, it was part of the chain of events."


"And... she knows how it will end. That's how she knew we'd be at the auction a second time. That's how Quynn knew exactly where to find us. She knows every move we plan to make, even before we do."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"If I can find the end, I can stop her."

"And how do we do that?"

"The same way anyone does. One step at a time. Except, with a TARDIS." He found himself relieved, yet saddened at the same time. Where he should have experienced the unrelenting urge to spring into action, he felt only disappointment in himself for not solving the problem sooner. It was as if he were the last horse to leave the gate in the race of his lifetime, and it was only going to get worse from there on out. He feared by the time he finally reached the end, there would be nothing of him left still able to fight. "Oh, Clara. I've been such a fool. The answer has been right in front of me the entire time, but I just can't see it anymore. What is the point of me if I can't protect those I love from harm? I've failed us." He hung his head, his eyes meeting the space between them where their child continued to grow. "I've failed you both." As much as he desired his companion's comfort in his time of need, the warmth she brought by her loving embrace, there was no one he could think of who deserved it less than he. "I am unworthy of you."

Clara brought her hands to rest upon the sides of his face and lifted his gaze to hers. As much as it pained her to see him so distraught, this was the moment he needed her by his side the most. This was her purpose. This is what he had been preparing her for ever since the day he first opened his doors to her. "Now you listen to me. Whatever Missy has planned, you will not let this defeat you. I've seen you do so many miraculous things, even when all hope had been lost. You're a survivor, that's who you are. You live to tell the tale. You have a reason to keep going. And you have me. As long as I am here standing by your side, you will never have to do this alone."

"What if I'm wrong? If I don't succeed, she will still come for her."

"Then let her come. Together we are stronger than she will ever be. But the moment you give up everything you stand for, the very second you begin to doubt yourself, she will win. If we truly are to succeed in this, then our fate will be the one to find us in the end. Until then, I guess we're both just going to have to be brave."

The Doctor's eyes watered as he brought his hand to hers and gently kissed her palm. He found himself scared beyond all measure, knowing the lives he cared so deeply for were at stake if he were to fail. "What if I can't find her in time? What if I'm already too late? What if I'm making a terrible mistake and she kills you for it?" His hearts tore at the thought. "I can't lose you, Clara. I'm not strong enough."

"I'm not afraid of dying, Doctor," she consoled him, trying her hardest to be as courageous as she knew how to be. "Do you want to know what I'm truly afraid of? I'm afraid you'll end up getting yourself killed out there trying to save us. I'm afraid you'll regenerate and not know who I am any longer. Or worse, that you won't know who you are anymore. Every time you step out there, risking your life trying to protect us, I'm terrified you'll come back someone else. That everything I knew you to be would vanish with the man I fell in love with. If something were to happen to you, everything we are and ever have been could be lost forever." She lowered her hands from his face and pressed them to his chest, feeling his hearts beating steadily against her palms. A sadness arose from within her as she thought about the real truth taking its hold on her. Though she knew how conceited it all sounded in her head, she wanted him to know more than anything what frightened her the most. "What if you were to forget me? What if you woke up in a new body and came to realise you didn't love me anymore?"

His hearts bled at her words. He recalled the distress and confusion he had experienced at the height of his transformation into this body. He remembered the look in her eyes after changing from the man she had fallen in love with to someone she had become afraid of. Though he forced himself to become distant and unkind towards her due to the guilt he carried for putting her through that, he never forgot the love he bore for her. A love that put a smile on his face even now as he carefully wrapped his arms around her. "My Clara. How could I ever forget you? I've let you into my head. And now that you're in there, there's no getting rid of you. Believe me, I've tried." A small laugh escaped him before returning to his genuine thought. "Clara," he continued, leaning away to see her face. "You are more dear to me than anything I've ever laid eyes upon. For as long as my hearts still beat within me, they will always belong to you. No matter the face I wear, my love for you is eternal. All that I am, both in mind and body, is yours. So long as you'll have me."

Clara felt her tears of admiration fall from her face as his words filled every part of her soul. "I love you, Doctor," she confessed, feeling the passion between them intensifying with each second that passed.

His smile brightened as he tucked her hair behind her ear and held her cheek in his palm. "And I you, Clara Oswald." He lowered himself to meet his lips with hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself as close as her body would allow it. His fingers wove through her hair, supporting her head in his hand. The fire inside of them was being fuelled by the intensity of their embrace. He couldn't pull himself away from the maternal radiance about her that continued to draw him in like an addiction. He felt a sense of power over her he could not explain as he thought about how his love for her was responsible for the transformation her body proceeded to endure. A transformation that proved him wrong about what he thought he was no longer capable of as the result of his affection for her pressed into him. She was more than just compatible. The fact she was willing and able to carry a Gallifreyan child to term showed a strength he felt even more honoured to have by his side.

Each of his senses were being overloaded by the electricity in her touch. The familiar fragrance that was bound to her and her alone. The way her voice brought comfort to his troubled thoughts, even when they were apart. His lust for her was more powerful than any known elixir in the entire universe. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead to hers, their minds connecting. He felt every movement of her delicate touch as her hands slid from his neck to his chest. Her fingers worked slow and steady to unfasten the buttons on his vest. An unexpected nervousness crept up from within him as her pulse quickened beneath his thumb. Parting the first layer of defence, she moved to the shirt underneath. His breathing deepened as she untucked his shirt from the waistband of his trousers. "Clara," he whispered into her mind, his thoughts malfunctioning over the effect she was having on him. His hearts skipped their steady beating as her fingers grazed the last layer protecting him from her soft touch. Her warmth penetrated his skin like sunlight as she finally freed the fabric from the fastenings that bound it. He found himself unable to distinguish between his current reality and the past as his mind became flooded with the visions of their first romantic encounter together. He was suddenly pulled into the memory of the night she conceived his child. The images of what they had done flashed into his thoughts uncontrollably. He remembered every detail of her vulnerable form lying beneath him. His mind retraced every perfection of her skin as his hands and lips explored her. The feel of her body against him as he pressed himself on top of her. How gentle he was with her, even when he no longer had control over his mind. The indescribable warmth emanating from within her the moment she opened herself and allowed him inside, guiding him to where he needed to be. The moment he left his mark of territory inside of her, claiming her for himself. The images were so powerful, it caused the fire inside of him to burn out of control. He became frightened of its hold on him.

He felt her hands on his chest, their skin finally connecting for the first time her memory of it remained intact. His nerves caused him to tremble as he endured every moment of her touch on his skin. Her fingers continued to trace their way down his torso as if they had a mind of their own. His hearts pounded in his chest as she continued to explore him. The fire inside burned like a fever, engulfing him in the heat of their passion. "Clara, wait," his plea echoed softly into her thoughts, overwhelmed by his desire for her. He felt a sense of vulnerability by her touch as she caressed the softness of his stomach. A small gasp escaped him as her fingers slid just beneath his waistband. The urge to take her right where they stood quickly consumed him, a feeling which betrayed every part of his reserved nature. The animal inside was clawing its way to the surface to take control. He was afraid of what he would do to her once it finally escaped. Before she could go any farther, he brought his hands to hers and stopped her gently. He removed himself from her mind, severing their connection as he gazed apologetically into her eyes. "I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't."

"What is it?" she asked, concerned she had somehow wronged him.

He glanced towards their held hands, running his thumbs over the smooth surface of her skin as he thought about his next words. She had a way about her that could bring out the best and the worst in him. As much as he wanted her to accept both sides of him equally, he'd never be able to live with himself if the parts he couldn't control were to harm her in any way. "I'm afraid I'll damage you."

A moment of understanding passed before she returned her hands to the sides of his face. As confident and intelligent and reserved as he had shown this body to be, she could see the child-like innocence of his last form behind his eyes. Perhaps all of his previous faces were there, staring back at her. Or maybe they had been there all along. Though it had taken her some time to adjust to his new body, she realised he wasn't simply the Doctor she knew, nor a combination of his past selves. He was her Doctor. She'd follow him to the end of the universe and back. Just the Doctor and Clara Oswald in the TARDIS. "You won't hurt me," she assured him, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Hold me, Doctor. Never let me go," she pleaded, returning her lips to his. She could sense his hesitation for only a moment before becoming engulfed by the warmth of his embrace. His hands upon her, he remained a gentleman in her presence. The rare acts of physical contact between them made it easy to forget he was not of her world. She closed her eyes, experiencing every movement of his lips trailing gentle kisses down her neck and shoulder. Becoming lost in the power of his passion, she was unexpectedly taken by surprise when he leaned down and carefully lifted her into his arms. She laughed and wrapped her arms around him.

"Not bad, for being two thousand years old." He grinned.

"And where are you taking me, old man? Off to another adventure?"

"Spoilers," he teased, holding her tight as they descended the stairs into the underbelly of the TARDIS.


The shadows on the walls were brought to life by the flickering light of the fireplace as the Doctor and his beloved companion laid quietly on the bed facing each other. His bedroom had finally proven itself useful by accommodating for the very important fact that his expecting human counterpart needed her rest more than he - amongst the other things they recently found to do in there. He gazed upon her as she slept, his mind distracted by the way her bare skin glistened in the light provided. His hand rested comfortably on the swell of her middle, his thumb stroking the surface of her skin while being careful not to wake her. He couldn't help but admire her beauty. She was absolute perfection in every imaginable way. She had sacrificed more than her body by allowing his child to thrive inside of her. She had left behind her entire way of life; her friends, her family, and her work, all so she could gift him with exclusive access to her mind and eternal soul. A gift he could only repay by devotedly offering the same.

His child stirred beneath his touch, awakening to the sense of his presence around her. Her warmth once again found its way through his body. Sensing her strong desire to communicate, he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to seek a connection.

Expecting to be transported to the familiar darkness once housing her expanding life force, he was bewildered to find himself surrounded by the breathtaking view of billions of iridescent stars shining brightly from every direction. An entire galaxy composed of the finite particles that made up the essence of her existence had formed all around him, and she had become the sun. The size of her light dwarfed him in comparison as he looked to her with significant admiration. Her whispers called to him as if spreading to every corner of the universe. "I'm here, little one," he called back, his words echoing from the centre of his thoughts. "What have you to tell me?" He could hear the song of her voice so clearly in his mind as she responded to him the only way she knew how. A great light suddenly appeared from beside him. Shielding his eyes, he could see it was emanating from a tear in reality as if she had somehow opened a doorway into another dimension. She spoke to him, offering for him to enter. "What will I see in there?" he asked nervously, surprised by how powerful her abilities had become. In her silence, he hesitated for only a moment before striding forward into the illuminated unknown.

The light engulfed him like the swarming sea as he passed through the threshold of the tear, unprepared for what to expect once he crossed to the other side. His senses blinded, the first thing he experienced upon entering was the sound of singing. No, not singing. Chirping. Birds? Here? Lowering his hand, the world around him unfolded as if fading into existence. A blue sky, grass, trees. A field, perhaps? The wind blew through his hair, bringing with it the distinctive sound of laughter from somewhere nearby. Seeking the source, he saw the image of two figures in the distance. He slowly approached, his eyes adjusting to the glow of this world. The figures, once faded, took on a more defined identity. A mother and child. Clara. Her back turned to him, he needn't see her face to know it was her. No other being in the universe had control over his hearts quite like she. Her hair had grown long. Her gown, white as winter's snowfall, flowed effortlessly with the passing breeze. Her attention was focused on the small girl standing at her side. Quynn. Their whispered words were taken away by the wind. What is this place, he wondered? The vision was so real, he couldn't determine if it was the remnants of a dream shared by their connected minds or a view into the future. It wasn't entirely uncommon for children of Gallifrey to be gifted with the ability to see what has yet to be at such a young age. Their extraordinary talent for clairvoyance made them prime candidates for becoming a Time Lord at only eight years of life. However, if this truly was a glimpse into what the future could hold for them, then his daughter was far more powerful than either of them could have imagined.

He continued his approach, observing intently as they plucked a single dandelion from the grass below and watched its seeds being blown away by the wind. The girl laughed at the sight, and then her mother. Their voices echoed so vividly in his mind. The girl clung to her mother, offering a tender embrace. Her mother hugged her close, then smiled as the small child ran farther into the field to play. His eyes upon his companion, being drawn to her like a moth to the flame, she finally met his gaze. Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight in every imaginable way. Her smile was brighter than he'd ever seen it. Yellow flowers were woven into her long brown hair like a crown. The happiness she displayed at his presence brought about an indescribable glow to her; a radiance. Oh Clara, you truly are the eternal light that guides me. The nearer he came, the more he felt a familiar electricity emanating from within her. The feeling was so real, so divine, he could think of nothing that compared to the hold it had on him.

Standing as close as he dared to go, she stood and turned towards him. His eyes peered down the length of her, finding her hand cupped delicately under the small swell of her middle where their second child flourished. Another? He quickly found himself in awe, his affections exceeding themselves over how effortlessly she could carry his children within her petite form. His elation beamed with appreciation. The desire for them to be a real family filled him with a love he could not explain in words. If this was merely a dream, then he no longer felt afraid of the darkness taking hold of her heart. Her mind was starting to repair itself. With time, he could cure her. He could have a purpose once again.

He allowed her to approach. The sight of her seemed to melt him from within. Gently taking the beauty of her face in his grasp, he pressed his forehead to hers. She embraced him, placing her hands on his chest. He felt the beats of his hearts quicken, despite the mentality he had become a part of. Her skin felt so real. Her scent overpowered his senses. This was the reality he yearned for more than anything, even if it meant he'd never be able to leave this place. All the concerns awaiting him in the real world suddenly faded away. She had become his drug, his addiction, his obsession, his everything. His lips met hers. She tasted just as lovely as he remembered. He leaned away to see her face. The same brown eyes he knew so well stared back at him tenderly. "Is this real?" his whispered thoughts became the wind all around them.

She smiled and took his cheek in her palm. "I'm real, Doctor," her mind responded softly.

His eyes lowered to the space between them and pressed a delicate hand upon the new life growing in her belly. His fingers spread protectively over the swell of her. "And this?"

Her smile brightened as she gently placed her other hand over his. "If you want it to be."

He stared admiringly into her eyes as if he'd never leave them. After everything he put her through, after all she had suffered, he was truly aspired by her unwavering desire to be transformed by him again. "You would have another child with me?" he asked softly, genuinely adoring every moment his hand remained pressed over her gift to him.

"It would seem you have a certain effect on me," she responded coyly.

"I can't help myself," he admitted, grinning brightly. "You're even more irresistible when you're carrying." Matching her wide smile with his own, he leaned in to place a tender kiss to her brow. "Oh, Clara Oswald. I don't deserve the happiness you bring to me." His mind's profession filled the air as he thought about how fortunate he was to have her in his life.

"I'll be the judge of that," she teased, taking in the moment for as long as it would remain in her consciousness. As she looked to him, she noticed something shifting in the forest out of the corner of her eye. Turning her attention towards the trees, she could make out what appeared to be shadows moving in the distance. Her smile faded at the sight, allowing the vibrant blue sky to darken to grey as if a storm were about to hit them. The wind picked up in speed, bringing with it a new set of voices she didn't recognise. The feeling of elation was quickly replaced by the sensation of fear as she felt a presence around them that hadn't been there before. "Something is here with us, Doctor."

"What is it, Clara?" he asked, concerned by her terrified expression.

"We're not alone," she answered, her breath heavy with fright. "They're coming."

Panic rose within him at her words of warning. "Who's coming?"

"Wake up, Doctor."

"No, I won't leave you."

"You have to," she insisted, stepping back from him.

"Please, Clara. Don't send me away," he begged, unwilling to abandon their strong telepathic connection.

"They're scared."

"Who is?" He approached and placed his hands on her shoulders to focus her. "Who's scared, Clara?"

"You need to wake up, Doctor. Please. I'll be fine, don't worry about me. Just-" She paused as frightened tears fell from her face. Then she became very still. "They're here."

"Who's here? What can you see?"

"They're all around us! Can't you feel it?!"

"I'll protect you, Clara. No one is going to harm you!" he assured her. She suddenly cried out and clutched her middle as the image of her fluctuated in and out of their shared link. "Clara!" he called in fright, unsure of what was happening to her and his child.

"Go! Now! Please wake up, Doctor!" she shouted, returning to him.

"I'm not leaving here without you!"

"You must! I'm only here with you in your mind, but my body is not," she replied urgently.

"Is someone there with you? Are you in danger?!"

"Doctor, listen to me," she pleaded, taking his face in her hands. "Our daughter is trying to warn us that something is out there. I can feel her fear inside me. Please, you need to release us. Break the connection. If they find us, they will kill us. You must face them. Do as you're told and wake up, Doctor! WAKE UP!" She raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face.

The force of it jolted him awake, gasping from the sudden shock of reality. He quickly sat up and observed his surroundings thoroughly. He was back in his bedroom. His companion's sleeping form lay still beside him. Her brow was damp with sweat as if trapped inside of a nightmare. His mind raced with the recent escalation of their connected thoughts as her words of warning coursed through it. He scanned the room for danger, but saw no immediate threat to them. Clara moaned softly in distress. Returning his attention to her, he brought a hand to her brow and placed the other over their child. Sensing their connected afflictions, he was certain something serious must have brought them to their frightened state. As much as he wanted to remain there to comfort them and ease their minds, he was much more concerned with discovering what had caused their fear.

He carefully covered his companion's exposed form with the blanket and removed himself from the bed. Reaching down, he gathered his trousers from the floor and got dressed as quickly as his old body would allow. Placing on his white-collared shirt, he started for the buttons when he was interrupted by the unexpected sound of haunted screams coming from somewhere within the ship. And then silence. Turning to his companion, she remained unaltered by the disturbance. A great sense of dread tore through him as he realised she may have been right about them not being alone.

He listened quietly and waited for the sound to return. Before he could conclude he was simply losing his mind, a demonic-like voice from far beyond the corridor forced his attention towards the doorway. Its resonating bellow echoed down the path as if moving away. He held his breath and kept himself as still as possible. Then he heard another voice, this time closer. There was more than one of them. He was torn between curiosity and his fear of what could be powerful enough to infiltrate the TARDIS. Whatever they were, he couldn't risk Clara and his child's safety. To protect them, he would have to draw the demons away.

He cautiously crossed the threshold of the doorway. His nerves caused him to tremble in fear of how many of them could be out there. He glanced over his shoulder at the form of his sleeping companion, reliving the terrifying feeling that plagued him long ago when it was his children asleep before him. Whatever horrors were in there with them, he would not allow them to take his family from him this time. Turning towards the corridor once more, he pressed the button beside him. The metallic door slid shut, sealing her within the safety of the ship's walls.

He followed the sound of the demons' calls, frightened by the thought of entering the unknown without the help of his befriended gadgets. The farther down the corridor he went, the louder their voices had become. Whatever the source, it sounded like concentrated evil. He slowly rounded the corner. The sight of the next room ahead provided little comfort as he sensed the entities somewhere inside. Approaching the doorway, he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes attempting to pull himself together. He concentrated on steadying his breathing and calming his pounding hearts. A bead of nervous sweat trailed down his brow. He could hear them so close now. "I know you're here," he braved speaking to them. Then suddenly, there was silence once again. He opened his eyes, finding the courage to remove himself from the wall and enter the room. The library.

The lack of sound inside was deafening aside from his heavy breath. His senses on high alert, he cautiously headed towards the heart of the room. Though he couldn't see them, he knew they were there. The walls appeared to come alive as the creatures moved to hide their identities behind the tall bookshelves between them. Their haunting moans seemed to form all around him. His legs bolted to the floor as he listened to their calls. He couldn't recall being more petrified than he was right at that moment. He heard their hiss to his right and then to the left of him as if connected in stereo. He felt vulnerable and out of his element. Realising he could die at any moment, the one constant thing keeping him on the defensive was his desire to live. Not for himself, but for Clara and his unborn child. He needed to protect them. Their lives depended upon his survival.

A simulated clicking sound was heard from behind him, freezing him in place. Part of him wanted to run and never look back, but he needed to know exactly what he was dealing with. He raised his hands in a peaceful gesture and slowly turned around to face whatever was standing behind him. To his surprise, the familiar shape of the same creature who had taken control of his mind and body floated before him. His Persuader. Its glass-like teeth glistened in the light of the room. Its eyes were vacant of life. As his mind questioned everything he was seeing, a second Persuader appeared from its place of hiding to join the other. His senses elevated to their highest point, he realised the creatures were frightened of him. They're scared. Clara's words echoed into his thoughts. "Of course," he started, attempting to appear as non-threatening as possible. "You've been trapped here this entire time, haven't you? Lost within the infinite walls of the TARDIS ever since we left Prima Nova." The creatures hissed and bared their teeth as they glared at the man. "Forgive me for not being more properly dressed. I wasn't expecting company." Though he could sense their fear, it only made them more dangerous. They had the upper hand. Every move he made must be precisely calculated if he wished to survive them. Before he could say anything more, the Persuaders screamed and moaned as they scattered and fled through the walls of the ship. "No, wait!" he called urgently. "Don't be afraid! I won't harm you!"

The Doctor rushed towards the exit on a quest to follow the Persuaders' voices. Entering the corridor, he saw no sign of them. He sighed and turned his attention towards the wall, placing his hand against it. He began his descent into the depths of the ship, running his hand along the surface of the metal as if searching for imperfections. "I understand how frightened you are," he spoke towards the walls of the ship and listened for a response. "How alone you must feel so very far away from your own kind. Believe me, I know more than anyone what that's like." He continued on, his senses tuned in to their presence. "This is my fault. If only I hadn't been so afraid. You've been here all this time because of me. Because of my cowardice. Please, don't run. Allow me to make this right." Approaching the next room, he could hear them inside - distressed and calling for help.

He cautiously entered the antique room, not wanting to frighten them any more than they already were. Though the room appeared vacant of life, he could sense their presence nearby. "Let's start over, shall we?" he called, hoping they would show themselves. Searching the room, he continued his attempt to communicate with the unexpected stowaways. "Introductions. I always love a good introduction. Don't you?" He proceeded forward, his hands outwardly displayed to retain their unarmed status. He came to the centre of the room and stopped, his gaze shifting towards the ceiling. High above him hovered the two Persuaders, hissing and flashing their glass-like teeth. "Ah, there you are," he addressed them. They lowered themselves upon him, swarming around him like prey. The leader of the pair presented itself in front of him to observe the grey-haired man intently.

"Hello," the old man began. "I'm Doctor Idiot. I'm here to help, if you'll let me." The creature bent its head at the strange man in front of it. "I take it you don't remember me, or how you got here. I believe I may have the answer to that." He lowered his hands to his sides. "But first, we're going to have to trust one another." The creature hesitated, then brought itself lower to the floor as if to explore the possibility of their equality. "I'd like to offer a trade," he continued. "I can restore that which was taken from you. I can unlock your memories. This power I have can only be performed on another telepath. It would certainly crush the mind of anyone else. So, as of right now, I'm the only chance you have at finally being free of this place with your memories still intact." He paused, allowing the creatures time to process the information. The second of the pair circled the old man closely, its razor-sharp talons displayed to remind him of how deadly they were. He felt the hairs on his arms rise as the creature slowly grasped his neck with its icy claws, piercing the first few layers of skin. He tried to remain calm, knowing at any moment they could choose to kill him. Though unarmed, his words remained his only weapon. "I can help you. I can bring you back to your home planet, reunite you with your own kind. But I need something from you in return." After a moment, the Persuader hesitantly released its grasp on his neck. The Doctor's hearts beat fiercely as he risked stepping closer to the leader with the look of desperation in his eyes. "I need to know what Missy and Quynn are up to. You're part of their plan and have been from the very start. If there is anyone in this universe who knows how to find them, it's you." The creatures remained silent at his words. "I need to know. There is someone I love whose life is in danger. And right now, I'm the only shot she has. But I can't do that without your help. Please, I'm begging you. Show me what you know."

The creature returned its attention to the second of the pair, their familiar humming connecting them in deep conversation. After a few moments, the leader finally turned towards the Time Lord and approached him. Its lifeless eyes stared into his and bowed its head in acceptance of the offer. The old man sighed with relief as his hearts settled from their heavy beating. "Thank you," he spoke with genuine appreciation. He closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath, preparing himself for what was to come. When he was ready, he opened his eyes and gazed into the void of the creature's sight. "I'm the Doctor and I consent to this memory link with an open mind." The creature let out a scream. Its cries resonated off the walls of the room, then it entered his body. The old man gasped from the sudden infiltration of his thoughts.

He was returned to the memory of their first night on Prima Nova. The walls of the structure formed all around him like puzzle pieces coming together. Glancing at the familiar scenery, he realised he was standing in the centre of the lobby, just outside of the room they originally arrived in. He was once again able to move freely within this memory like an out-of-body experience. His keen eyes scanned his surroundings, hoping there would be nothing to stop him from discovering the truth. In front of him strode the memory of Clara and his past self, walking hand in hand towards the next room ahead. The sound of the Persuaders' connected humming from inside their bodies could be heard as they passed. Taking notice of their clothed appearance and the lack of any other guests amongst them, he concluded this memory must have taken place sometime after their bedroom conception. As the pair made their way to the door, he noticed it had yet to be upgraded to its unusually large size. He followed closely behind as they entered the next room. Just ahead of them was the TARDIS, eagerly awaiting the return of her Time Lord. His past self opened the door, allowing the three of them to pass through the threshold of the time machine. The Doctor found himself unnerved by what was about to happen once they entered. He observed as the pair made their way to the centre console, each appearing to be fixed upon a particular task set out for them as if they had been programmed.

On the surface of the interface crawled the two memory worms. He assumed they must have been left there after their past selves wiped their minds of the mission. Which only raised more questions. How many times had they done this? How far back had their memories been erased? But more importantly, how did they know they had been invited there? Perhaps somewhere beneath their infinite fragmented memories, the truth was bleeding through. Clara could sense it. Her confession on Messaline proved her inner darkness was the direct result of her mind trying to tell her something was wrong. Missy may have known what she was doing by taking advantage of his greatest weakness, but she never could have anticipated the incredibly capable mind of his impossible girl.

Clara took a seat in front of the first memory worm while his past self moved to the view-screen. The Doctor watched as the other him began typing a location into the interface, then pulled the lever in silence. The time rotor started up and the ship dematerialised. As the TARDIS rocked them towards her instructed coordinates, he couldn't help but feel a sense of violation by the Persuader's ability to pilot the ship by pirating his memories. Realising their true powers of manipulation, he wondered why Missy allowed the creatures to leave their bodies at all. She could have forced them to do whatever she wanted. So why let them go? Knowing her, she'd never have been satisfied with winning the game unless he knew he was playing it.

Once they landed, his past self worked quickly to delete the data to the TARDIS interface. The Doctor exhaled an angered sigh at the sight. 'Of course it was me, you idiot.' Though a part of him was impressed by Missy's meticulously thought out betrayal, he'd sooner die than give her the satisfaction. The other him took a seat near Clara just in front of the second memory worm. The Doctor circled the console, observing the last few moments of missing memories leading up to just before they had awoken. He watched as the pair turned their heads towards each other, their arms lifting in unison to hover over the insects. Keeping their attention on each other, they simultaneously lowered their hands and touched the worms' skin. Their heads landed harshly on the console as their memories were erased. An ear-piercing shrieking sound was heard as the two Persuaders removed themselves from their hosts' bodies and scattered behind the walls of the ship.

His past self awakened at the sound, his mind once again his own. Observing the memory worm, he glanced towards his companion who remained unconscious. "Clara," he called, yet she did not stir. "Clara," he tried again, but to no avail. "CLARA!" he shouted urgently this time.

She finally regained consciousness at the sound of his voice and lifted her head to see the worm in front of her. "Doctor?!" she screamed.

"Don't touch it!" he ordered as she backed her chair away to stand beside his present self.

"We're on the TARDIS. How did we get here? And what is that?!"

"It's a memory worm. Deletes your memories."

"Yes, yes. I already know this part."

"Okay, but where did they come from? Why are they here?"

"I don't know. I woke up the same as you. I've been trying to wake you for some time."

"But what I really want to know is..."

"Yes, I could hear you. I heard your voice in my dream."

"I'm not so sure that was a dream."

"...what else aren't you telling me?"

Silence befell the room as Clara and his past self vanished, leaving him alone within the empty walls of his TARDIS inspired mind palace. His storm room. "What are you hiding?" he asked, his connection to the Persuader still felt within him. "We made a deal. How do you expect me to help you if you can't trust me?" The creature remained silent, hidden somewhere beneath the layers of his thoughts. "I see," he started, continuing to pace the empty space around him. "Perhaps I'm not asking the right questions." He stopped and scanned the room as if searching for something out of place. "Why are you helping them? What's in it for you?" he asked, circling his position. A moment of eerie calm was present as he waited for an answer. Suddenly, the walls began to shake as if being violently torn apart from the outside. The Doctor was unexpectedly forced to the ground as large sections of the ship plummeted from their place to the grated metal flooring. Parts of the control panel sparked and exploded. The ship groaned in agony as her walls ripped open, exposing the room to the vacuum of space. The sight of it froze him in fear as everything around him was sucked out of the ship. Before he could react, his body was forcefully dragged across the floor towards the vast hole formed by the ship's missing walls and abruptly pulled into darkness.

The Doctor gasped at the feeling of being towed across the universe as if travelling at great speed through the time vortex faster than even the TARDIS could take him. The stars passed by so quickly, they had become billions of bright lines tearing through the darkness of space. As the galaxies and gaseous nebulae soared by, he saw himself entering a solar system inhabited by a singular dwarf sun surrounded by a series of small revolving planets. He experienced the frightening sensation of falling from a great height as he was pulled into the atmosphere of a world unlike any other. The earth below him quickly gained in size as he drew closer to the planet's surface. The nearer he came, the quicker its jagged and volatile terrain took on a more defined appearance. His mind was being summoned towards his final destination like a beacon guiding a lost vessel. A golden speck came into view, and then closer and closer until he could make out the recognisable figure of a man standing upon the barren surface. Of all the creatures in the known universe, he knew this one more personally than any other.

His mind collided with the image of himself like lightning striking the earth. He heard himself scream as his thoughts invaded his likeness and embodied it as a complete entity. Once the initial shock had subsided, he opened his eyes to the world around him and scanned his surroundings. The land before him appeared sterile and vacant of any life or colour. A harsh and lonely wind howled as it blew passed. He questioned his senses as the smell of death and decay quickly filled his nostrils. An ability he should have had no memory of within their telepathic bond. The scent was so strong, yet so familiar as he breathed the air around him. And then, as if all the lost memories of his youth had been released from captivity, he suddenly remembered everything. He had been here before, so many faces ago. Anima Persis.

The dying geo-psychic world, once under the protection of the Galactic Heritage, was known to his kind as the home planet of the native Persuaders. A species commonly believed to be the ghosts of the long-dead inhabitants having succumbed to their fate due to continuous wars there centuries ago. What the Doctor understood about the planet was very little. Its atmosphere was toxic to the flesh of the living. A fine telepathic mist covered the planet's surface, making any who would be exposed to it susceptible to the creatures' ability to enter their mind without permission. Anima Persis was more than just a world of the psychic dead. It was a testament to all Time Lords of Gallifrey. A test none had ever passed. Being sent to the planet unprotected against the creatures' mind control was part of every Time Lord's training. Its purpose had always been to instil the memory of failure upon those who could survive it, remaining with them forever. Anima Persis was the place where one's hubris and self-righteous sanctimony were sent to die.

The nearby dwarf sun shined down upon him, bringing with it the only light available to the planet's surface. He scanned the horizon for any sign of the creatures, but saw nothing that would suggest he was not alone on this world. "Why have you brought me to this place?" he asked, feeling the Persuader still prominently linked within his mind. "What happened here?"

Before he could ask anything more, a great blast was heard from high above him as a large ship entered the atmosphere and descended upon the planet. The landscape seemed to come alive at the sudden disturbance. A symphony of moaning screams echoed across the land as thousands of Persuaders crawled out of their place of hiding from every crater and rocky cavern in the area. As the ship continued its approach, the creatures swarmed over the terrain like a sea of ash towards the unwelcome arrival.

The Doctor moved closer to better observe the events unfolding as the ship finally touched down upon the earth. This particularly extensive, short-ranged vessel was originally intended for mining mass quantities of materials and transporting them to the nearest host station. However, anyone who had knowledge of this planet knew it was not only extremely dangerous, but had nothing of value to offer. So what was it doing here, he wondered? Taking a closer look, he noticed the insignia on the side of the ship was of a red raven. Dread came over him as he realised why the Persuader brought him to this exact moment in time. The sound of an interior hatch depressurising occurred from within the ship. The loading bay doors opened and a figure emerged from the darkness. The Doctor recognised the familiar shape of his daughter as she silently exited the ship. Her long black cloak rustled with the passing breeze. He noticed her shaded mask had been specifically altered for this atmosphere. A type of respirator built on the front seemed to be filtering out the telepathic mist. Her upgraded armour also appeared to have been enhanced to shield her skin from the toxins in the air. Behind her approached two armed robotic lifeforms. The perfect soldiers to be in the company of when not needing to breathe had become a strategic advantage. Whatever the reason for her journey to this desolate place, only one thing was certain. Her arrival on this planet was not by accident.

Quynn, unafraid of the wave of ash quickly approaching, stepped onto the planet's surface and planted herself between the deadly wall of indigenous species and her ship. The creatures swarmed around the vessel, encircling it like the eye of a great storm. They hissed and displayed their teeth as a warning to the unknown threat standing before them. Quynn scanned the spectacular sight ahead, remaining silent within the orchestra of haunted screams surrounding her. After a moment, she lifted her hand towards the creatures as if beckoning them to accompany her. To the Doctor's surprise, her gesture appeared almost compassionate as if there were a part of her that felt pity for these poor souls who had suffered so much loss. He wondered if she had been telling the truth after all. That maybe Missy hadn't stolen everything from him. Angered by her presence, the entire colony of spirits howled and screamed with objection at her offer. Their razor-sharp talons glistened like knives in the sunlight as they attempted to frighten the intruders away.

Quynn returned her hand to her side at the display of aggression, quietly staring down the countless pairs of vacant eyes within the living cloud of ash floating before her. After a few moments, she glanced over her shoulder at the soldiers behind her and silently bowed her head. The higher ranking of the two nodded in return and raised its arm to signal the others on board the ship. As Quynn returned her glance to the mass of creatures, the robotic soldier behind her flagged its arm forward, then down to its side.

The Doctor, unprepared for the events unfolding, couldn't help the fear rising inside of him. Knowing what his daughter was capable of, there was an unexplainable sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he continued to observe history being rewritten right before his eyes. Hoping his thoughts were simply misguided, he was suddenly startled by the horrifying sound of an explosion coming from somewhere in the distant sky. Spinning towards the sound, he shielded his eyes as his attention became fixed upon the nearby dwarf sun. Its light seemed to glow brighter and brighter. A ring of debris flared from its surface like ripples in the water. Before he could fully understand what was happening, the sky around him darkened as the light from the small star quickly faded from its once vibrant amber shade to become a fiery pit of hell. "NO!" he screamed at the sight of the sun's destruction, immediately realising the futility of his objection. The planet was in an uproar of deafening screams as thousands of Persuaders scattered in fear.

Far off in the distance, a large fragment from the obliterated star collided with the planet's surface and shook the earth under his feet. And then another. The once colourless and barren landscape had evolved into a blazing inferno as hellfire rained upon it from the atmosphere. The images were so real, he had become lost in the reality of it. His hearts raced as he fled from his position and headed in the direction of the ship. Another powerful quake brought him to his knees as he fell to the ground from the force of it. The vibrations felt beneath his hands informed him the planet was being torn apart. Soon there would be nothing left of it. Glancing at the ship, he saw the image of his daughter standing between the remaining creatures and the safety she had provided for them. He watched as she lifted her hand towards the frightened creatures and gestured for them to join her once again. The Persuaders hesitated at first, utterly petrified by the surrounding destruction of their world and entire species. The earth beneath them continued to shake, causing giant cracks to form on the surface. Those who stayed with the ship as the rest of their kind fled were now rushing to board it. Quynn lowered her hand to her side, then turned and headed into the darkness of the vessel as a mob of creatures rushed passed her into safety. As the loading bay doors closed, the remaining creatures left behind raced to the ship, hoping to be spared from their fate. Before they could reach it, the engines started up and the ship quickly began its ascent. The Doctor watched in horror as thousands of terrified Persuaders still on the surface desperately cried out, begging for the ship not to abandon them. The ground below them shook violently as a deep chasm ripped the earth apart and swallowed them all. He was overwhelmed by the resonating broadcast of millions of dying voices tearing through his mind as they screamed in agony. The sound of their collective howls was so powerful, it shattered his link to the Persuader entirely.

The Doctor screamed as his consciousness was returned to the real world. His body jolted and his arms flew out from his sides as the Persuader removed itself from inside of him. The sensation forced him to his knees as he collapsed to the ground. He gasped for air as the unadulterated vision of genocide encompassed his thoughts. He held his face in his hands as the voices in his head faded. Once alone in his mind, he angrily lifted his gaze towards the Persuader in front of him. "She lied to me," he finally spoke. "She wasn't saving you, she was condemning you. You are all that is left." He hung his head in great sorrow, finally realising the creatures were no more free from eternal slavery than any other species that had fallen under his daughter's tyranny.

"I'm so sorry." His emotions split into multiple spectrums as he thought about everything he just witnessed. He felt betrayed and angered by his daughter's deception, knowing deep down it was she who was the superior race hell-bent on conquest. He realised how blind and naïve he had become by allowing himself to cling to the hope that somewhere inside of her was an aspect of good. The pain of everything that had happened since agreeing to follow this mystery to its end burned so deep inside him. He feared he no longer had the strength to prevent himself from slipping further into darkness.

Returning his attention towards the airborne entity, he couldn't help but feel there was something else he was missing. Something he thought perhaps they didn't want him to know. "Why did you show me this? If you knew your planet was destroyed, why did you agree to help me?" Though the Persuader remained silent at his question, staring the old man down within the void of its eyes, the Doctor realised he didn't need his telepathy to understand what it was thinking. "Ah, yes. Of course. How stupid of me," he relented, gathering himself from the floor to face the creature. "Revenge. The single most fundamental concept in all the universe. Interpreted an infinite amount of ways. An idea so powerful, it has prevailed in one form or another throughout every living species that has ever existed since the beginning of time." He paused as if awaiting some kind of validation from the being's unreadable expression. When there was none, he let out a heavy sigh. "I'm not here to convince you not to become just like them. When the time comes for you to do what you feel is right, I will no longer be the one to stand in your way. All I can tell you is I know exactly how it feels to have lost everything. To have to spend the rest of your life knowing you're the last of your kind. To feel hatred towards those who took it all away from you." He risked stepping closer to the creature. The intensity in his mannerisms grew as he approached. "I'm two thousand years old. I've suffered more loss than you can even imagine. And in all that time, do you want to know what I've learned? What really matters in the end? No matter the lives that have been lost, our pursuit of justice for what our enemies have done will never bring them back. No matter the choice we make, they will still be gone. So, what are we left with? Just one question. The one question that will follow us from this world to the next, no matter how hard we try to escape it. The one question with only one answer that will forever haunt us if we are to make that choice. When all has been said that is left to say, when all the damage has been done, the question we must ask ourselves is, 'Was it worth it?'"

Realising the rhetorical nature of his inquiry, the Doctor exhaled a final sigh and sat upon a nearby storage crate. He closed his eyes and pressed his hands together, resting his chin upon them as he contemplated the deep thoughts running through his mind. "I wish I could tell you that all will be mended. That I have the power to fix this. The truth is, I'm fighting an impossible battle against time itself. I'm facing an enemy far greater than any challenge I've ever encountered. And I'm scared. I'm afraid I won't have what it takes to defeat them. That I am alone." He returned his attention to the creature, knowing there was an opportunity floating before him he couldn't afford to lose. "But you, you are not alone in this universe. There are more of you out there suffering in ways I can only imagine. Together we can save what is left of your kind. Together we may stand a chance. We can stop this before it reaches someone else. Before another race is wiped out by their greed. I cannot promise you revenge. All I can promise you is hope for the future of your species. But, if you'd rather take your chances, by all means, I can release you right here on Earth. Bit of a warning though. Humans are far less understanding than anything you may have encountered on your world. They're easily frightened by the things they do not understand. Whatever your intentions, I'm afraid you won't find any open minds on this planet."

The tension in the air became veritably dense as the old man awaited the creatures' response to his terms. The leader turned its hooded head towards the second of the pair. Their indecipherable whispered voices hummed as they communicated with each other. The Time Lord confidently stood to face them, knowing they could just as easily refuse his offer and kill him instead. But he was far too invested in the greater cause of their alliance to allow the chance of gaining the upper hand to slip through his fingers. The darkest hour was rapidly approaching. If he could not gain their trust, there would be nothing to go back to. The most important thing to him now was their partnership. Without it, there would be no future for his family. "The moment of choice has arrived. Our time is running out. I need to know. Will you help me?" He offered his hand as an act of peace and camaraderie between their species. The Persuader returned its attention towards the old man and came forward. Its lifeless gaze pierced the Doctor's own. It slowly peered down the length of him to observe his outstretched arm, then lifted its head to face the desperate pair of eyes staring back at it. After a moment of hesitation, the creature lowered its taloned hand onto the Doctor's forearm and wrapped its cold fingers around it to accept the terms of their new alliance. To the Doctor, this moment was more than just history in the making. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for to beat Missy at her own game. The relief he felt at the sudden turn of events could only be surpassed by the day he knew he had finally won. "Good." A wide grin spread across his face at the bond shared between them. "Because I have a plan."

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