Pinwheel (Seventeen)

By istanjaemin

175 6 0

Follows characters that attend the same college in NY. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

30 1 0
By istanjaemin

Marcela POV

I couldn't believe that this man was in my home! The guy Hansol or whatever was the guy who I thought was following me earlier. There was no way I was going to apologize to this one. Mingyu is lucky I even feel bad. And you know what that bitch had the nerve to call me 'Poodle' like what the fuck a poodle? Did he not understand that it's disrespectful and not cute at all. I sat down at the coffee table feeling a tad bit annoyed. Everyone followed and Jamie sat next to me and Terra sat next to her. Joshua sat across from Terra, Hansol across from Jamie and Dok-whatever sat across from me. I'm not going to lie I was a bit confused as to how these two were siblings. Like are they step siblings? Half siblings? Fake siblings? I needed to know without being rude but I don't think that was even possible.

"Um... so...I'm curious..." I began to say and everyone looked at me.

"Yeah?" Joshua said with a smile as if he already knew what already what I was going to ask him. Terra leaned forward and gave a smile too it was weird but I guess they're cute siblings or whatever.

"I um well like I'm not saying you guys can't be siblings but like you're Korean right?" I said to Joshua. "And you're black" I said to Terra. They both gave even wider smiles.

"We love this question" Terra said smiling. Jamie tilted her head in confusion.

"I thought the same thing too" Hansol said laughing a bit. I glared at him and he glared back. Ain't that something?

"So are you going to tell us?" Jamie said rocking side to side. Joshua nodded.

"So me and Terra actually grew up in the same foster home. She came when she was just born and I was almost 2. There were a lot of kids and I kept to myself but she was a cute baby so I often played and watched her with our Aunt who ran the orphanage. I read to her and stuff like that. We got older and created a bond and we were foster siblings. I walked with her to school and picked her up." Terra rolled her eyes at her brothers words. "But then when I turned 8 a family wanted to adopt me. I didn't expect to be adopted honestly. I was 8 and who wants a 8 year old? It was a great thing but I didn't want to leave Terra behind... So I told them I didn't want to be adopted. Our Aunt ended up telling the family that I was really close with Terra and that we were like siblings. So they purposed that they adopt us and we become siblings for real" Joshua said and Terra interrupted him.

"Yeah and I was really happy and agreed to it. He said he wouldn't have done it if I didn't agree but the crazy thing is our parents, who adopted us, are black and korean!"

"That's crazy. But cool" I said. They seemed to be super excited to tell us. They continued to tell us stories and you could tell that they were really close and it was super cute. We got to know more about Dokyeom too. I didn't listen too much about Hansol but all I knew is that he was into flim. A half hour passed and we were drinking alcohol. We talked more and got acquainted with one another so more.

"Jamie, you look very familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" Joshua said tilting his head. Jamie had downed another drink before she answered.

"Uh I don't think so" she said awkwardly. Joshua had raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side.

"are you sure? What highschool did you go to?"

"... I went to Bronx High School." She said lowly.

"I went there too!" he said with a smile. "Maybe I've just seen you around?" He said nodding. She smiled and nodded back before drinking again.

Jamie POV

I just wanted to forget everything. Not only was he still fucking beautiful but he did have a beautiful soul and I knew just by how he talked about his sister. I was going to cry but you know I was just gonna drink my thoughts away so I could pass out.

"wait if you went to school with Joshua does that mean you went to school with Terra" Dokyeom said scratching his head a bit.

"Nopey. I went to a private high school on a scholarship. but I still ended up here isn't that crazy" Terra said with a smile. So that's why Joshua only knew me. Thats great because if Terra knew I'd probably shit myself and move back home change my identity and move to California. I poured myself another shot.

"You must be good at drinking" Dokyeom said smiling a bit.

"Nope but I want to forget something" I said taking the shot. Joshua smiled at me too.

"Be careful" He said. I almost lost it there. Ugh he was so cute I just wanted to die at this point.

I woke up with an excruciating head ache.
"Oh oh oh" I groaned as I rose in my bed holding my head. I scratched my head trying to remember last night but my head was foggy very very foggy. There was a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said lowly. Terra had opened with a bowel on a tray.
"I made you some hang over soup. My mom taught me how to make it. I also emailed your professor. I told them you had food poisoning and that you might not make it or you'll come to class late"
"Wait what why did you do that?" I said confused.
"Well when I tried to wake up you up, you were out of it and wouldn't get up at all and when I talked to you, you seemed still out of it."
"Oh my goodness how much did I drink?"
"A lot. I also didn't think you would want to go due to what you did last night." My eyes widen when she said that.
"What are you talking about?" I asked biting my lip nervously.
"You seriously don't remember?" She said shocked.
"If I remembered I wouldn't be asking you this." I clenched the cover that was over my body.
"Well remember when you said you didnt think you knew Joshua.."
"I didn't." I said hoping with my whole heart that I didn't tell him.
"You... did. You got so drunk and he brought it up again saying that you look too familiar for him to forget and you finally just said. I'm Jamie and you're Joshua Hong the boy I had a crush on from Literature. I confessed to you at a party and vomited on you and never talked to you again. I'm sorry and then you cried and passed out." She said sighing. It took me a moment to digest what she had just said and when I did. I screamed so loud as I cover my head with my cover. I cried thinking about me embarrassing myself last night in front of not only Joshua but everyone else and to make matters even worst we all attended this university. Terra patted my head and left the hangover soup on my desk before she left. I hated everything.

Marcela POV

I was in my creative writing class just waiting to leave. I only had a few minutes left but the last few minutes were dragging. I kept thinking about my roommate Jamie. I felt so bad for her that I wanted to pretend like nothing happened but ... something did happen and that was wild. She was so cute too. I only hope Joshua didn't get freaked out by it because that would be horrible. Finally the teacher let us go and I headed to the library to work on some ideas. I sat down at a table and took out my purple notebook and a pen. Ideas started flowing and it was like my pen started writing itself. After 15 minutes my hand began to cramp. I sat my pencil down and stared observing the area. I ended up seeing that guy Mingyu sitting not too far away. I guess this is my chance to apologize huh? I rubbed my temples trying to figure out exactly what I was going to say to this man. I got up from my seat and walked over to him slowly.

"Excuse me.." I said lowly. He took out his airpod and looked up at me. He didn't greet me with a smile and that's reasonable.

"Uh Hi?" he said confused.

"Um I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I apologize for lumping you in with guys who only want to have sex with women..." I said looking away and rocking forward and back. I had no idea what to say to him now. He just kind of stared at me for a minute and then laughed a bit.

"I know that was probably hard for you to do so I'll let it go. Sorry for trying to be forward with you. I should have respected your boundaries. I sensed that you weren't interested in me as soon as you sat down but I desperately wanted me to be wrong and I wasn't and that's okay." he said finally smiling at me. I scratched my head.

"Well that's not really it. It's not like I'm not interested in you.. I just don't know how to talk to guys because whenever I do.. they always want something from me that I'm just not comfortable with."

"Are you sitting over there?" He asked me as he looked in the direction of my things. I nodded. "Mind if I join you?" He said with pleading eyes. I shook my head and gestured my arm towards the table I was sitting at. He gathered his things and we went back to the table I was sitting at. He sat right beside me and I'm not gonna front I was nervous. Very very very nervous. He finally looked at me. "Okay hear me out." He started to say. I squinted my eyes confused. "You said that guys always want something from you right?"


"Okay that's true. I mean someone always want something from someone. But me I just want to know you. Like for real. You're attractive and I don't know I'm intrigued."

"You do know I'm Mexican and Black right?"

"Was I suppose to care? I mean I do care I think that's cool. I'll get to learn about not 1 but 2 cultures and I can teach you about mine. But what I meant by was I suppose to care is that.. was that suppose to bother me or scare me away?"

"yeah.. I mean it just seems odd I guess. I didn't expect-"

"I get it and I hate that you think that way."

"Can you blame me?"

"No.. but it still makes me sad."

"Aw the big boy has feelings."

"I'm not afraid to wear my heart on my sleeves" He said shrugging and smirking. "Let me take you on a date."

"Huh already?"

"Well duh how else are we going to get to know each other?"

"I don't know text?"

"Lame. What kind of stuff do you like to do?"

"Watch movies, eat, shop, write..." I said trailing off.

"There's a shopping district a little bit uptown. We can shop and eat. What do you say?" I laughed at him because man he was so serious and so cute. I couldn't believe. "I'm serious Marcela."

"You remembered my name" I said with a fake surprised face.

"How could I forget?" he said blushing a bit. I pressed my lips together.

"Fine I'll go."

"And then maybe you'll get more inspiration to write and then write about me." He said raising his eyebrows up and down.

"ew you're a creep. nevermind I take it back no date."

"Noo I'm joking. I'm not creepy." he said pouting.

"You may not be creepy but you are a baby" I said smiling.

"Im not going to confirm or deny that statement." He said staring at me now. His brown eyes were glossy and for some reason I had the urge to just stare in them forever. I fake coughed and turned away.

"Anyway when is this date?"

"It can be right now."

"right now?!"

"I mean if you're not busy."

"I didn't even dress up or anything."

"It's a casual date don't worry we have time for fancy dates later too. I'll have you drooling over me when you see how good I look"

"In your dreams"

"You're not wrong" he said chuckling a bit. "Come on let's go" he said smiling and getting up to grab his things. He put everything in his backpack and put his backpack on. I gathered my things too but before I went to put on my backpack he grabbed it.

"I'll carry your bag." He said smiling.

"I can do it."

"I know but I want to be cute." He said as he started walking. I followed him as I observed him once in awhile. He was cute. Very handsome and he seemed like he had everything together. I was scared honestly. Scared of how attached I'd become to this man. I just wonder how our date is going to go today. I texted my roomies to let them know that I will be with Mingyu and shared my location with them before we left


Hansol POV

I went to the library to look at some autobiographies on directors and I happened to see poodle sitting down nearby. She looked cute and I was going to say something to her before she got up. I was confused as to where she was going. I peeked around the bookshelf corner and saw her walk up to Mingyu... Mingyu Kim. The person I absolutely despised. The man who ruined my life. I turned away and ran my hands through my hair. Marcela knew Mingyu? I shook my head at the thought. No maybe she just asked him a question. Either way I didn't want to know the answer.


Jamie POV

I decided to go to my class even though I wanted to die. It lasted for 2 hours and then I decided to go back to my apartment because there was no way I wanted to run into Joshua. I couldn't. I got off the elevator and when I got to my door Joshua was there. Fucking Joshua. Why why universe? What did I do?! I tried to run away but he saw me.

"Jamie don't run." He said making me stop. I slowly turned around.

"I just remembered that I have a ---package."

"You don't have to lie. I came to see if my sister was here but I guess not. I also wanted to check up on you. Can we talk for a second."


"Please" he said giving me a small smile. I couldn't say no even though I really... really wanted to. I unlocked the door and we both headed in and sat at the coffee table. I didn't make eye contact with him the whole time.

"Jamie.. I know you're embarrassed but don't be. I wasn't mad then and I'm not mad now. I thought your confession was pretty cute even though it ended badly. But then you avoided me and I never got to tell you that I would have liked to be friends with you." He said a little awkwardly. I finally looked at him. I could feel myself pouting and I couldn't help it.

"Do you still want to be friends?"

"Well yeah of course. Plus you're my little sister's roommate." He said smiling again.

"okay.. but don't ever bring up last night or my confession ever again."

"Not even me carrying you to your room and tucking you in?"

"you didnt.."

"I did. Nice room you have. Sorry I got to see it that way." He said laughing a bit. I was so embarrassed. I slowly placed my palm over my face trying to hide it but there was no way that was going to work, nothing could save me from this embarrassment. "Let's start over. I'm Joshua, Terra's older brother." He said holding out his hand. I looked his hand before I looked at him.
"Hi.. I'm Jamie, your little sisters roommate." I said with a smile before shaking his hand. Let me say this man's hand was nice and I wanted to hold it. I quickly pulled away before it got awkward.
"Well, I have to go now but I'll see you later okay?" he said heading to the door. I nodded and walked him out and as soon as I closed the door I had a mental breakdown. I flopped into my bed feeling embarrassed and relieved. He carried me to my room... oh my gosh did he tuck me in? No he wouldn't... but I don't know that. I hit myself lightly on the face repeatedly. Oh my goodness he wanted to start over... was this fate? I mean what are the odds that I go to the same college as him and not only that but become roommates with his little sister. You know maybe the universe didn't hate me at all.
Terra POV
I was in the lounge looking over some monologues before I heard a knock from the door frame. It was Seungcheol.
"Hey, what are you up to?" He said smiling and walking in to sit beside me.
"Oh I'm just looking over monologues." I said flipping through the pages.
"Ooh what are they about?"
"Hm one is a comedy, a few of them are sad and then the last couple are just commercial based."
"Hm and then why are you looking through these?"
"I just like practicing." I said smiling. "By the way my roommate and Mingyu are on a date, did you know that?"
"I did not. I thought he messed it up" He said scratching his head.
"What do you mean?" I said tilting my head.
"Well after I got back he was sulking and said I may have accidentally snapped on your friends friend. and then I walked away and didnt talk to him"
"What why didn't you talk to him?"
"because I was worried that you wouldnt talk to me because my friend was a jerk even though I know he's not entirely a jerk.."
"What do you mean by entirely?"
"I've known him for some months and he really is a nice guy until you piss him off. But that's most people right? Like I can say the same for me."
"Me too?"
"Oh word? You get mad, no way you're too shy and bubbly"
"You've known me for a day hush. Besides you'll get tired of me soon don't worry."
"Me get tired of you? nah. Now I'm curious of how you get when you're mad." He said smirking.
"Don't be!" I placed my head on the table hiding from him.
"What's your favorite colour?"
"hm blue and you?"
"You can choose one? My favorite colours are red and white."
"You said colour not colours!?" I whined. "I actually like all colours."
"Oh really?"
"Yes! I use to hate the colour red though."
"Dang I don't how long this friendship is going to last."
"I said USE TO!" I said lifting back up he gave me a smile that showed his dimples and I had the urge to poke them but we weren't there yet. "You have dimples."
"That I do have. Now why did you hate the colour red."
"No you're going to laugh at me."
"I promise I won't laugh"
"That's what they all say."
"Come on I'm curious."
"Fine.. so when I was little I use to be really obsessed with Sonic."
"The uh game character or the restaurant?"
"Fun fact I never had sonic until my first year of college but anyway yes the game character." He nodded. "I really ... liked Sonic and Amy. Like I use to pretend I was Amy." at this point I was cringing. "And well Sonic is blue and Amy is pink. When I was little everyone would say blue and red go together and on valentines day red and pink go together. However, I was a firm believer that blue and pink went together no matter what because of sonic and amy. so I hated the color red" I said trailing off
"Wow... that was really... cute"
"No it wasn't"
"It was and so pure too."
"i feel like I'm being bullied."
"I breathed."
"Okay but you know how everyone says black go with everything?"
"Okay so I don't think that's true whatsoever and I've felt this way since I was a child and for some reason I feel like I'm confessing to you."
"Wow this must have been weighing heavily on your conscious. Now tell me why you feel that way." I rolled my eyes but continued.
"Well look I remember I was getting ready and I had a super cute outfit on and I didn't have whatever color shoes so I put on my black shoes and it didn't look right! So I sat there contemplating life, I was probably 8 years old and I really thought my Grandma lied to me. I kept putting black and other colors together and I was devastated! So I was like it must be white then. White goes with everything instead. I never felt so betrayed especially because it's the color white." This time he raised an eyebrow.
"You just dont seem to like my favorite colours I see."
"Noo that's not it! I do like red and white stooop."
"Everytime you say stop you whine."
"Great observation you have there."
"Why thank you. But I never had such a long conversation about colours before." He said scratching his head.
"did I bore you?"
"not at all" he said smiling again. Shit this guy was actually really cute and I was interested big time.

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