The Cure

By hiddengalaxy15

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'Depression isn't something that you should think so low of. Its suicidal, really.' "I'll be here for you, I... More

Author's Note
Author's 2nd Note!!
Final Note: Ending


78 3 0
By hiddengalaxy15

"I don't care whatever you're going to say, but its never what you think it is" I said to him as he stood still at my front door. "You can't deny it anymore. Your secret has been exposed to me, and trust me.. It's safe with me." he said.

"There is no proof for that. I don't trust you, Yoongi - ah" I said and walked inside, trying to shut the door until Yoongi held it first. ¨Why?¨ he asked. "I just don't" I said, disappointed. "I'm sorry, Yoongi - ah." I said simply and shut the door.

"Who was it?" Il Han asked. "Yoongi" I said. There's no point in lying anymore. "He knows?"

"Maybe" I said as I watched Mom, now sleeping on the couch.

~ the next day, at school//

I was headed towards my locker. Okay, I know its been the same place I had always been heading since the beginning but, seriously, where else can I go?

"Good morning Il Min" a voice said and I turned around. Hyun. "Oh, good morning Hyun" I said and gave a smile. A fake one.

"Are you free this afternoon?" she asked. I am not busy, but do you think I'm in the mood to hangout? 

"Sure, why?" I said. "Okay great. I missed hanging out with you! Let's meet up at that new coffee shop we went a few days ago" she said and smiled. Just then, another person came from behind and held her hands.

"Hyun - ah, what are you doing? We're going to be late" she said. "Ah June, sorry. I was talking to my friend here." Hyun said and turned to me. "She's my neighbour. She just moved in to her house a few days before." she explained and I nodded.

"Nice to meet you.." I said, helding out my hands to shake. "Its June, nice to meet you too" she said and smiled. Okay, a new friend. Great.

~ later that evening//

I sat at a table with Hyun and June. We were waiting for Song Min and Han Rin. Hyo Kim couldn't make it that night as she has a gathering with her family. Hyun were busy talking with June and well, I feel kind of left out.

I cleared my throat to remind them that I'm here. Hyun quickly turned towards me and had a sorry smile on her face. "Sorry Il Min - ah! Why don't we go and order some coffee first?" she asked.

I smiled at her kind attitude and stood up. Hyun did too but stopped when June suddenly held her hand. "Its okay Hyun, I'll go and order some coffee for you. What do you want?" she asked, smiling. The devilish one. OkAy, what?

"Are you sure?"Hyun asked and June gave an assuring smile. "Of course, tell me what coffee do you want?" June asked and stood up too. Hyun told her the coffee she wanted and both of us headed towards the ordering counter.

I ordered my drink and June ordered for her and Hyun. It was quite awkward as we wait for our coffees at the counter. We made eye contact sometimes but nah, no one wants to open their mouth.

But I thought, maybe she's just shy. Besides, she's new. I've been in her place before, right?

"How was your first day of school? Fun?" I asked, trying to be cheerful. "Well, just fine." she said, not looking the least happy. "It should be fun for you the least, right? You were able to make new friends on the very first day" I said.

"Hyun's just a neighbour" she said simply. oKay June, you must have a lot of friends since you were a kid huh? Unlike me, making a friend is probably one of the hardest thing to do.

I kept quiet for the rest of the waiting and our coffees arrived. Finally. We both headed back towards the table and saw Hyun still sitting alone. 

"They're not here yet?" I asked. "Nah, they said they couldn't make it. Things came up" Hyun said, looking a bit disappointed. "It's okay Hyun, I can meet them later" June said, sitting closely beside her. Hyun gave a little smile.

What in the world is she up to? Although she's new, I can't help but feel something... fishy about her.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked. "Easy, let's just chill and talk in here. I mean, we already bought the coffees" June said, now chuckling to herself. I hesitated, this could only mean June is going to talk to Hyun for hours and I will obviously be left out.

"Sure" Hyun said and smiled again. I sighed and sat back on the chair.

'This is gonna be a long night..' I thought.

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