Royal Arrangement

By amsmith590

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Annie I really should've knocked, but this wing of the castle had been empty since I started as a maid. It w... More

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By amsmith590


Daniel leans back and smiles, showing off his white teeth. "Oh, I will fuck you, but not until your punishment is over."

I sigh. "Really? Can't we skip that?"

"Nope. I'm looking forward to it."

"Well I'm not," I snap, frowning. "Tell me the truth, are you a sadist?" I lower my voice as I shoot the accusation across the table with narrowed eyes.

He paused in thought for a moment before answering. "Yes. Sometimes I am." He says thoughtfully. "I certainly can't lie when I say that I enjoyed spanking your pretty little ass... and you enjoyed it too."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Sometimes," I seethe, "it can be hot in bed, but what you did wasn't enjoyable. It hurt."

"Good. Then I have succeeded."

I want to change the subject but I can't help myself. I have so many questions and he seems to be in a good enough mood for me to ask. He seems to understand that because he leans forward and stares into my eyes with a seriousness that I readily see in him.

"Ask away, Little American. I can see those wheels turning in your head again. I think it's best we get to know each other."

I'm about to ask my first question when a devious smile forms on his lips and his eyes darken.

"What? What are you thinking?"

He licks his lips and rest his hands under his chin as he leans on the table in front of me.

"I have a little game. Would you like to hear about it?"

"Probably not," I deadpan. "But let's hear it."

He smiles widely and is clearly amused by my answer. "You can ask me as many questions as you like but for every question I answer, you need to answer one of mine."

The way he is smiling tells me that there is more to this little 'game' of his. You'd think I'd know better than to enter into a game concocted up by Daniel, but I guess I don't.

"That can't be it. What's the catch?"

"For every question of mine that you refuse or wait too long to answer, you get one strike of my belt when we return to the palace. Shall we play?" There's a devious sparkle in his eye that makes me want to run for the hills and never look back but I am intrigued. And I need the money. So I stay.

"What happens to you if you refuse to answer?"

He shakes his head. "That won't happen so there is no need to worry about it."

"Humor me."

He pauses in thought again. "Okay. For every question I do not answer, I will subtract one strike from the ten you already have coming."

My eyes widen. Ten? "Ten? I thought I was at zero?"

He shakes his head again. "Nope. Ten for your previous infractions and that's generous. I am only being this merciful with that number because I know I will have to add on to it."

"How? You can't possibly know that. It's up to me."

He purses his lips and tilts his head. "True. Just call it a hunch then."

"This game doesn't sound very fair," I frown. "I'm not sure I want to play."

"You must've learned by now that nothing in this arrangement of ours is ever fair for you...And that's what makes it so fun, because you don't have a choice." He laughs like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard and I shiver. It seems like I just made a deal with the devil. "Now, shall I start or do you wish to ask me a question, Little American?"

"How did you get into... this?"

He rolls his eyes. "Really? That's your question? Fine. I've always been drawn to control. When I left home I frequented some local clubs where I stayed and was introduced. I've been hooked ever since. You're still at ten."

Damn. I knew that question wasn't great.

"My turn. Why was your pretty pussy wet when I spanked you?"

I blushed and averted my eyes. Of course he would ask that. Of course he wouldn't hold back. He was a sadist and he wanted to see my pain.

Daniel grinned. "Eleven. Your turn."

Shit. I didn't answer. I was too busy thinking. Now I need a question that I know he won't answer.

"Why do you like seeing me in pain?" He would probably answer this one but I really want to know.

He thinks for a split second and then speaks. Damn not long enough. "Well, I'm not sure there's a reason. It's just the way I am. I like hearing you cry and I like seeing you squirm and gasp when I turn your ass red and if you keep up with these weak questions, my wish will be fulfilled. My turn." He pauses again before smirking. "Do you like taking it up the ass?"

If it was possible for my face to heat up anymore, it would catch on fire. His words are so crude and disgusting. "No," I answer quickly. "Well I-I've never done... it."

He frowns. "We'll have to change that. You're still at eleven and it's your turn again."

"Did you have to say it that way? So crudely?" I blurt out.

"No, but I wanted to. My turn."

"Wait! That wasn't my question. No fair."

"I already told you this isn't a fair game. Are you wet for me right now like a naughty little girl?"

The way he speaks. It's so filthy and yet it makes my core drip and my body turn into melted goo. How can he have this effect on me?

"Twelve. Your turn."

Fuck. I didn't answer again. I really need to step these questions up. The well being of my ass depends on it. I'm thinking of something to ask, then it hits me. I remember last night when he flinched and froze when I mentioned that Bitch Vanessa.

"Why did you react like you did when I mentioned Vanessa?"

He froze, his head rested comfortably on his hands, and just stared at me. I watched as a muscle in his jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. "Eleven. Well played."

I frowned. "So you're still not going to tell me? You'd miss out on an extra stroke of your belt on my innocent ass to keep your secret?"

"It's not your turn, and don't worry my Little American, you just upped the anti. I will not miss out on a single stroke because I refused to answer your question.. and you're hardly innocent.... what is 66,547 divided by 33?"

Oh fuck him. He knew I wouldn't be able to answer in time. I had to think it over and if I didn't know the answer, he would add a stroke anyway.

He grinned. "Twelve."

"That was a low blow."

He shrugged. "I told you this isn't fair, what more do you want me to say?"

"It's not your turn. How did you meet Vanessa?"

"In the palace. She's a noble." He said through gritted teeth before his amused expression returned. "Nice try but that was an easy question. I'm going to turn your pretty plump ass red by the time we're through... Did you enjoy your spanking last night, Little American?"

Fuck. He already knows I won't talk about that.

"Thirteen. You better step it up if you want to be able to sit tomorrow."

Fuck You. What a prick.

"Did you love Vanessa?"

His eyes darkened. "I don't do love, you know that."

Dammit. I was sure that question was going to trip him up.

"What position is your favorite?"

I mistakably stare down at the table. Dammit. He was much better at this game than I was and he was winning.


"Why do you speak to me like I am a little kid sometimes, you aren't into that, are you?" I reflect on all the times he calls me 'Little American' or 'Little Girl' or when he calls me a good or a bad girl and shiver. I've sort of heard of that kind of thing and it doesn't do it for me. I don't want to be treated like a child. It's bad enough that I am punished like one.

He snorts. "That was technically two questions but I will let it slide. No, Annie, I am not into age play. I call you those things because you sometimes remind me of a small child. Like the way you were amazed by the shopping district or when you cried into my chest after I spanked you. I find you completely adorable and your height doesn't help."

He finds me adorable? Really? "I am not short."

"Yes, you are, and I am so much taller than you. That is why I sometimes think you remind me of a child. Also, it's degrading and I like that."

I don't respond. How can I?

"Have you ever had your pretty pink nipples clamped?"

I am once again so flustered that I can't make words. My tongue feels numb in my mouth. After a few seconds I shake my head. My nipples suddenly ache and a shot of arousal caused my slit to moisten.

"Fifteen. That wasn't a verbal answer. You can ask me one last question and then I will conclude our game. Make it a good one."

I think it over. What's the point, he is very immodest. Daniel will answer any question I throw at him but I am still genuinely curious about one last thing. I know he will answer, but I just have to know. For my conscience. I need to know the answer to this question to calm my nerves.

"What are you going to do when the deal's up, Daniel?"


He's quiet the rest of the afternoon. Daniel only spoke in short clipped sentences. After I asked him what his plans were after our deal was over he shut me out. He rose from the table and held his hand out for me to take.


"Let's go." Was his reply.

I hesitantly took his hand and let him lead me out of the pizzeria and back on to the street. His grip on my hand was tight as we walked back to the car. We ran into some reporters and some fans who wanted to take pictures with us and I pasted on that supermodel smile while Daniel held me tight to his chest. For some photos he kissed me or the ring on my finger. In one he lifted me up in the air and I squealed for him to put me down. The crowd ate that one up. I couldn't help but notice how tense Daniel was. His smile was fake, like mine, when earlier it almost looked real. Something happened and I was determined to find out what.

He sat in the driver's seat, clutching the steering wheel with a white knuckle grip as he silently concentrated on the road ahead of him.

I cleared my throat. "Um... Daniel?"

He didn't look at me. "What?"

I bit down on my lower lip and sighed. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled. I clearly did something wrong.

The corner of his mouth turned upward slightly. "Oh, you will be by the end of tonight, I assure you."

"I didn't mean to upset you. What did I do wrong?"

He didn't answer me. For the rest of the drive back to the palace, Daniel was silent. I tried to make simple small talk about the country and the city but he occasionally answered in grunts or murmurs. I studied him as he drove. His lips were pressed in a firm line and his dark eyebrows were knit together, creating a crease on his forehead. He was really angry, and for once, I had no idea why.

The tall golden gates to the palace opened as we drove through with our escort. Throughout the day we were guarded and protected by discrete security details and they were so good that I forgot they were there until I saw them in the rear view mirror of Daniel's car. We drove through the gates and I felt my stomach drop to my knees.

Daniel parked the car and practically threw the keys at the attendant as he stepped out of the car. Before I had a chance to unbuckle Daniel narrowed his eyes and growled "Stay." He slammed his door and walked around the car. He opened my door and leaned over me to unbuckle the seatbelt. I could smell is cologne as it assaulted my nose. "Come." Daniel grabbed my hand and lead me through the castle. I didn't pay much attention, I stared at the space between Daniel's shoulder blades. He carried all his tension in his shoulders. Was he shaking with rage? Oh god he was! What did I do wrong?

We reached the suite. Daniel practically pushed me through the doors with a grunt. He turned around and locked them with an audible click. I bit down on my lower lip to stifle a whimper. This was not good. Daniel was going to seriously hurt me and I didn't have a single clue as to what set him off.

He peeled off his suit jacket and loosened his grey tie before taking it off and folding it over a nearby chair. My heart was beating out of my chest as I watched him methodically roll up his sleeves and button them at the elbows.


I opened my mouth to protest but shut it and complied. I didn't have a choice. My clothes were coming off anyway, it would be easier if I just went along with what he said. I pulled my sundress over my head and took of my sandals. I unclasped my bra and then took off my panties, leaving me completely naked before him while he remained fully clothed. This power dynamic made me feel small and weak and that's how he likes it.

My eyes widened as he unbuckled his belt and slid it from the loops. He doubled it in half and gripped the buckle in his fist.

"Daniel I—"

"Lay on the bed on your stomach."

I stared at the belt in his hand. It was wide and made of sturdy leather. I shook my head. He was going to beat me with it and I didn't know why. I backed away from him and placed my hands out in front of me like I was trying to calm down a wild animal. "Daniel, please. Don't. I'm not an expert in this, but I know you're not supposed to punish in anger. Please calm down..."

His eyes darkened and when he took a step toward me, I stepped back. I've never seen him like this. Daniel was angry. "Dammit, Annie! I said lay on the bed!"

I jumped and ran to the bed where I positioned myself like he wanted me. I laid down on my stomach and turned my head to the side, watching him. He pushed some pillows under my hips to elevate them and I began to cry.

When he spanked me earlier, I was a little scared but now, I'm straight up terrified. The man before me isn't the carefree Daniel that I hung out with today, this man was a monster and he was going to beat me. Gone was the man who I played the game with and gone was the man who pocketed the silly picture. Silent tears fell from my eyes and soaked the silk comforter. What did I get myself into? How could I let this happen? I let myself feel too comfortable around Daniel. I forgot that he blackmailed me into this contract and I forgot that he was a sadist who wanted to hurt me. He was going to hurt me.

The way I was positioned did not help to alleviate my fears. The two pillows under my hips lifted my bottom high in the air. It was a perfect target for that strap of leather he held in his hand.

I looked up at him through teary eyes. "Please... what did I do wrong? Whatever I did, I'm sorry Daniel... I'm sorry.." then I remembered the rules changed when I was being punished. "Please, sir. I'm sorry."

I couldn't stop the tears from falling and let out a choked sob. That caught his attention. Daniel stiffened. His eyes went wide and he stared down at the belt in his hand for a moment before turning to me again. As if he came out of a trance, the look in his eyes changed and he dropped the belt with a loud clank. "Fuck," Daniel cursed and ran his fingers through he hair. He stood in place for a moment before turning on his heels and practically running out of the suite.

What the hell?

"Daniel!" I called after him but he was already gone.

I got up from my position and walked over to where my clothes lay discarded on the floor. I pulled my dress over my body and sat back down on the bed, staring at the door. I wiped my eyes with my palms and waited. Surely, Daniel was going to be back any second. When he returned, I would demand an explanation and maybe an apology, I wasn't sure yet but I'd figure it out.

My heart rate settled and I took a deep breath. Daniel was going to beat me, but he stopped. Something shook him to the point where he physically ran away. I turned my gaze to the belt that Daniel once held and remembered the darkness I saw in his eyes. Nothing was getting through to him and I can't help but wonder if he'd have been able to stop himself. Would Daniel continue to whip me until his arm tired? Would he have stopped? I shuddered and pulled my knees up to my chest.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when my phone rang. I could hear it inside my maid inform pocket. I walked over to the kitchen where it was still on the floor and answered. "Hello?"

"Annie? Oh my god! Annie!" Mari practically yelled into the phone. "Oh my god you lucky woman!"

"Hey, Mari. Sorry I haven't been back at the house. I'll explain everything." I stared at the door. Any second now.

"You and Daniel! Engaged! I am shaken!" Her accented voice was shrill and laced with her excitement.

"Yeah, he proposed yesterday," I explain absentmindedly. I keep staring at the door, waiting for him to barge in.

"How long has this been going on?"

"I've known him for about two months." I lied.

"And you kept this secret? I cannot believe it!" Mari rants about the wedding in a week and whether or not she will be invited. She asks me what it's really like being engaged to royalty and what Daniel is like. I lie my ass of into the phone because even though she is my closest friend, I can't tell her. Not just because it's in the contract, but because I wouldn't even know where to start. How can I explain everything to her and not make it sound like I'm in physical danger?

Am I?

No. Daniel stopped, I remind myself. Daniel was going to beat me but he stopped himself. He would never truly harm me.

Would he?

"I love you, Mari. I have to go but can we meet somewhere tomorrow? I'll text you?" I need some time to think and more importantly I need to get off the phone because when Daniel comes back, he's going to be angry and I can't let Mari hear any of it.

"Aw, I love you too. Of course. Bye!"

I hang up the phone and place it on the bedside table that I sleep on. I continue to sit at the foot of the bed, staring at the door. I don't know if I'm willing Daniel to come back but I'm worried. He's been gone a while. An hour goes by and still no Daniel. I get off the bed and walk to the other side where Daniel once stood. I lean down and pick up the leather in my hand and walk back over to the bed. It seems like I'm moving in a trance, like my movements aren't my own because I place the belt on the bed and pull the dress over my head, making myself naked once more. I fold the dress neatly next to my panties and bra and grab the belt.

I have no idea why, and if anyone asked I couldn't explain it, but I position myself over the pillows where Daniel once placed me. I make sure my ass is high in the air and then I reach behind me and let the belt rest comfortably at the small of my back. I suppose that I feel guilty. Daniel wanted to punish me, and yet he stopped himself. I don't understand it fully quite yet, but he needs to give pain. It's who he is and he deprived himself of his desire to hurt me when he looked into my eyes and saw my fear. He gave me what I want, and now I'm going to return the favor.

And as the obedient fake fiancé, I offer myself up for punishment.

And then I wait.

I'm not sure how long I wait, but I don't hear Daniel enter the room. It's getting late and I feel my eyelids growing heavy. I struggle to stay awake, but I see the moonlight reflecting on the floor and realize it must be very late at night. I don't fight it anymore and let sleep take me.

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