
By TheAnayaDavis

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A young powerful witch Altiair Wick, was exiled by his coven and superiors for unfair reasons. He takes his f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Ravens story
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10: Calluna's POV
Chapter 11: Altiair's POV
Chapter 12
Rauz's Story
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chpater 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Enya's Story
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

64 3 0
By TheAnayaDavis

"So Kane has to be working with the vampires I mean how else would they know we wouldn't be home" Calluna said nervously, she had a point. As ditsy as she could be sometimes, she was extremely intelligent.

"Maybe they didn't, maybe she didn't care if we were" Avian replied

"No, she obviously did because when she saw us she took off"

"True" Rauz added

"Ouch!" Raven shouted "This stupid couch just cut my leg" I noticed her leg started to bleed so did Rauz so he  went to grab a bandaid. The edge of our couch was kind of broke and had a sharp edge sticking out.

"I... uh... Im gonna go in the other room" Avian said awkwardly "sorry but blood creeps me out, its a childhood thing"

"Ill go with you because same" Calluna added before walking away.

"Those two are so weird... they really are a match made in heaven" Enya joked "So you have a date today... are you excited" I looked at her nervously.

"Its not a date, we are hanging out as friends" I assured her. I didn't fully believe that but that's what I was going with.

"I predict it'll end with a kiss... mark my words"

"Ooh, please let it end with a kiss" Raven teased before nudging me.

Rauz walked in and gave Raven her bandaid

"Im not kissing anyone... I haven't thought of even hanging out with a boy since Finn died. Showing up is already a big step for me.

"Listen, between me and you... its okay to move on. Its been two years and I'm sure he wouldn't want you feeling guilty about dating" Enya said truthfully before putting her arm around me.

"She's right you know" Raven said smiling and Rauz nodded in agreement. I knew she was right but it was just so hard to not feel bad. I've always blamed myself for what happened to Finn.

"I know but... sometimes I blame myself you know" I began getting emotional "like if I would have just waited until we were old enough to leave the academy he'd still be here"

"Its not your fault Kane and Jade are ignorant and hateful" Enya assured me "you should never feel bad for following your heart"

Enya always knew what to say to stop me from beating myself up. I guess it was her way of returning the favor because of how we met.

"You're right! Im gonna go on this date with Ezekiel and I'm gonna have a good time for once in my life" I had a big smile on my face.

"Thats the spirit, also I think you just called it a date"

"And she did!" Rauz said happily, I began blushing and looked away awkwardly.

"Thank you, for always knowing what to say guys" I said gratefully before we all started hugging.

"Alright enough mushy stuff, I need to go get ready for this... date" I smiled before walking away

Once I got up to my room I began picking out my clothes. I went through my kimono closet to pick out which one I wanted to wear. Nobody knows the reason Kimonos are special to me, I have so many because my mom loved and wore them alot.

"Ooh maybe this red one with a red lip" I said to myself "No, too slutty"

I noticed one of my favorite ones hanging so I took it off the hanger. It was rather special to me because all of my friends pitched in and got me a really expensive one for my birthday last year so I decided thats the one  that fit the occasion.

It was sheer, purple, black and yellow with weird designs and rhinestones running through it.

Suddenly I began feeling weak and so I caught myself on the nearest wall. I knew it had to be an effect of the spell I used to see my parents. I took a deep breath, sat for a moment, and the weak feeling went away.

I grabbed a pair of heels, a pair of jeans, and a top and went to put my clothes on.

Once I was finished I walked downstairs to see what everyone was up to.

"Well don't you look stunning" Calluna said

"Thank you!" I replied

"Im really happy your going out on this date,
its about time" Calluna being happy made sense, I mean she knew me the longest and saw how much I struggled with Finn's death those first few months.

"Yeah me too... and speaking of guys, when are you going to tell Avian your crushing on him"

"Probably never... I mean he's so hot but me and relationships have a very rocky... relationship" she joked

"I know but what would you guys tell me? You cant let what if's and maybes stop you from going after what you want... plus he's obviously into you" She blushed after I said that.

"You know what your right, ill tell him tonight! Hopefully I have good news when you return" she smiled at me before sitting down in the living room

"Wow, you know the girl at the carnival that was telling you about Ezekiel?" Raven said

"Yeah, what about her" I asked

"She was found dead... apparently she was attacked by an animal or something" I immediately gasped.

The story was playing on the news so I quickly turned it up.

"Oh no, thats so sad... she seemed sweet" I said somberly.

"I wonder what kind of animal it was, I mean its not like we have wolves around here" Enya stated.

I had this really weird and bad feeling after hearing that, but I knew I had to get to my date so I didn't sweat it.

"I don't know but I have to get going guys, make sure you do some more training with Avian while I'm gone" I demanded, they nodded.

"Alright bye! Have fun" Enya said

"Not too much though... you are not grown Altiair Wick" Rauz joked

"Very funny, I'm out" I left and got in my car and drove to the restaurant. Once I got there I messaged him and told him I was there.

When I walked inside I saw Ezekiel already sitting at the table so I walked over, Once I did he got up, pushed my seat back, and motioned me to sit down.

"What a gentleman" I said sarcastically

"Well my mother did raise me right" Ezekiel replied

I couldn't help but to stare into his gray eyes and I almost got lost in them if I'm honest.

"You look amazing" he said smiling at me

"Well thank you sir, you don't look too bad yourself" I replied playfully.

"Excuse me, but this button up is exquisite and I wore my most expensive watch for this occasion... I'd say I look pretty handsome right?"

"Ooh cockiness, not very cute on you" I said jokingly "but yes, you look handsome or whatever"

"I'd say confidence and charisma but thank you" We both chuckled.

"So before this conversation goes any further I have to ask you something"

"Go right ahead" he smiled

"Now I know this is bad timing because she was just found dead and all but that April girl said-" suddenly I was cut off by his gasp.

"Wait, April was found dead?" He said in shock, he looked completely caught off guard.

"Yeah, you didn't know? Apparently its been on the news all day... some kind of animal attacked her" I replied.

"Thats... really bad news, she was a very good friend of mine" He looked genuinely sad hearing that and I kind of felt bad for how he found out.

"Im so sorry I shouldn't have told you like that, I just assumed that you knew, and that was really wrong of me" I felt so embarrassed and stupid, like I probably just ruined our date.

"Its okay its not your fault, its just she was the first friend I made before moving here" That made me raise my eyebrows instantly.

"Speaking of... I know that again, this is probably not the best time but you told me you had just moved here but she told me you'd been back and forth for a while now and that you guys were great friends, Why didn't you tell me that?"

He looked at me nervously "Well I figured it's probably not best to tell you about how long I've been hanging out with a girl while I'm trying to score a date with you" He had a point to be honest.

"Oh, Well I guess that makes sense" I admitted

"Now my turn for questions, tell me about yourself" He was not only smiling but he was staring into my soul. He seemed so engaged.

"Well for starters my name is Altiair Wick"

"Ooh Wick? Ive known a few of those in my lifetime"

"Yeah, Umm I'm 20 years old and my hobbies include... makeup, writing, and shopping for high heels and Kimonos" I joked "what about you"

"Im Ezekiel Black, I'm 25 years old and I don't think I have any hobbies actually"

"Oh, that's depressing" I joked

He jokingly rolled his eyes and said "I mean I like to read, I play video games sometimes as well. I'm a pretty good swimmer too" Him liking to read was pretty attractive but of course I wasn't going to say that.

"I used to love reading but I'm forced to do so much of it. Especially with my spell-" I realized I was about to say too much. "With my spelling books I was forced to read as a child" I smiled nervously.

"Interesting, so like I take it you your great at spelling?" He asked

"Something like that" I joked.

"So when was the last time you dated anyone?" I looked away nervously, this was the question I was dreading. How do I even explain this in a completely mundane way?

"Two years ago, he died though" I was trying to reveal the least amount of information possible but also show vulnerability" I could tell that made him feel bad by the saddened look on his face.

"Im so sorry to hear that, how'd it happen if you don't mind me asking?"

"He was in an accident and left for dead" although that wasn't what happened, metaphorically it lined up with what actually happened. I mean his powers were stripped which put him back in the state he was when he received them and he died.

"That's terrible and must've been really hard for you" He responded while looking directly into my eyes.

"Yeah, it messed me up for a while" I admitted

"That must why you were so hesitant to give me your correct number. I know that guilt all too well" I wasn't sure what he meant by that so I just stared at him in confusion for a moment.

"What do you mean?" I asked before taking a sip of my drink.

He sighed and broke eye contact with me, I could tell whatever he was about to say made him emotional.

"Well I lost my wife Marie some years ago, It took me a while before I was able to date again" I immediately felt bad for him. I knew that pain first hand so it made me really emotional."

"Wow, you were married? Aren't you like twenty-four though?" I said in a surprised tone.

"Yes, I married young" He replied honestly, the conversation clearly made us both sad. As I looked down at the table speechless, he placed his hand on mine giving me a smile that immediately brought me comfort. I smiled back, for the first time in such a long time I was started to feel connected to someone. Someone who understands me and what I've been through.

Suddenly the silence was broken when I heard a scream and saw one of the waiters fall to the ground,
bleeding out.

"Attention, if you are in this restaurant and would not like to die I'd advise you to leave now" a random guy shouted out of nowhere so everyone began running in panic.

The guy was dark skinned, with short hair, brown eyes and was evil looking. I wont lie, he was very intimidating. He stood pretty tall and and was pretty muscular as well.

Me and Ezekiel got up in panic and tried to leave but he stopped us before we could and said "No, except for you two"

"What, why us?" I asked nervously, I'm sure he could hear my heart beating through my chest.

"I have plans for you and he's just an innocent bystander who's about to get drained of all his blood" His tone was full of sarcasm, I looked at him in shock.

"Vampire" I said in disgust

"A vampire? What are you crazy?" Ezekiel said confusingly.

"So your THE Altiair Wick. I'm not impressed if I'm being honest" he said sarcastically.

"Oh really? Well let me show you" I replied angrily "sorry you have to see this" I said to Ezekiel. I was upset that right as were beginning to connect, he'd have to see me do nagic.

I put my hand out and used one of my oddities, "Thermovariance" and increased him blood temperature to a boiling point. I knew he wouldn't die, since he was a vampire but it would put him down for a moment.

He began grabbing his arm and had a pained look on his face but quickly stopped, I guess I was still weak from earlier because it didn't last very long. My eyes immediately lit up as I realized what this meant.

"Powers not working when you need them most huh?" He joked before coming at me full speed and hitting me which knocked me out

Once I finally woke up I was tied up and felt dizzy, I soon realized I had no clue where I was.

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