
By erinnmorai

15.4K 490 62

A collection of oneshots! More

Cold(part 2)
Cold (alternative ending)
Lock and Key
Worth it

Did It

1.1K 33 7
By erinnmorai

This is set 10 years after the war. My actual theory about how tokka happens is way differnt than this fic. I'll probably write a separate story about that sometime soon. For now, enjoy this! Thanks!

Oh ya and throughout the story the topic of Toph and Sokka doing it is brought up but it isn't bad at all. There is nothing graphic or smutty! I just wanted to let you know.


Toph's POV:

I peel my eyes open lazily as I wake. The familiar scent of Sokka greets me. I groan and roll over to face him. He is snoring loudly.

"Wake up Snooz-" I begin but am interrupted by a queazy feeling in my stomach. I instantly jump out of bed and run into our bathroom. Barely making it to the toilet, I vomit and vomit and vomit some more.

"Toph?" Sokka runs over to me extremely worried, he must of been woken by the sounds of my gagging.

"No," I choke out before I violently throw up again. He quickly grabs a wet cloth and kneels down next to me.

"It's almost over. It's ok." He soothingly whispers in my ear.

When my stomach finally stops trying to hurl itself out of me, Sokka wipes my face with the cloth. I rest my head on his chest, still breathing heavily.

"Let's get you to Katara." He tells me, worry evident in his voice.

"No I'm fine! The saber toothed moose lion I had last night probably was just bad." I retort quickly. Sokka worries about everything. If I even cough, he'll insist we see a healer.

"Toph," be begins but I interrupt him.

"Stop worrying, I'll be fine." I smile then get up. I would have kissed him if I hadn't just thrown up.

"Ugh ok." He reluctantly complies.

We go through our normal day. Me as Chief of Police and him as Councilman Meathead, that's what I refer to him as anyways.

I arrive back home late, later than usual. I tiredly earthbend the door that feels a million times heavier than usual open and stumble in the house.

"Finally! I was starting to worry." Im startled by a voice coming from the dark corner of the kitchen across the room.

"You worry at everything Snoozles." I retort. A long day of work plus an unusual feeling of sickness hasn't put me in a very good mood.

"Well I love you, so I have to worry about you." Sokka replies, seemingly oblivious to my sour mood.

"Mhm" I reply, not wanting to start anything. I just want sleep, more than I ever have.

"You look like you need sleep." He pushes, trying his hardest to make me speak more than a few words. He wraps his arms around my waist.

"I do." I agree simply.

"Then let me bring you." He says quickly before he lifts me off the ground. I yelp.

"Sokka!" I scream, laughing intermixed much to my disliking, but I can't help it. He's hard not to laugh at. Even when he's completely blinding me.

"Toph!" He imitates me, but in a much higher, less angry voice. He's up to something.

"You're gonna regret this!" Laughter takes over my attempt to be serious. I feel one of his hands leave its spot around my waist and then feel it digging into my side. I squirm and flail, screams intertwining with overwhelming laughs.

"Stop, tickling, me! I can't breath!" I manage to get out.

" Never!" He's throws me onto our bed. A loud plop and my body being launched into its side signals that he too jumped on.

"Oh you're really gonna get it now!" I'm surprising completely awake now, giggles still escaping me.

"Oh I bet I am." He says calmly but with his attempt at seductive. Next thing I know, I feel his warm presence on top of me.

"So this is how it's going to go?" I question, smiling through my attempt to be serious.

"Yep." He replies.

"But we did it last night too. And the night before that, and for a trillion weeks before that." I say.

"And so? Getting tired of all this?" He responded, motioning with his hand to his body. He wore the most hilarious grin.

"Never." I whisper.
Crap. Is the first thing I think as I wake up. This time, I don't make it to the toilet before my stomach acid launches its self up my throat. The vile liquid lands on the stone floors. The smell is toxic.

"Toph?" I hear a half-awake Sokka call out. I feel the next round coming.

"Oh Toph," he begins again as he bolts out of bed and to my side. His evidentially worried voice is interrupted by the horrific sound of vomit.

"Shhhh" he comforts rubbing my back. I groan. Please be the last one, please spirits, please.

In the next five minutes, my whole stomach nearly escapes from my body. By the time it's over, I'm laying on the cold floor, Sokka squeezing me so tight that if I had anything left in me, it would probably come exploding out. This is the weakest I've felt in forever.

"It's over. It's over." Sokka softly repeats to me. Without even asking me, he picks me up from my quite uncomfortable position.

"Sokka, I'm fine." I try to protest.

"Clearly you're not." He says sternly, as if talking to a disobedient child. His caring side, though, shows in his harsh voice.

I close my eyes and except my temporary shut off from the world. I concentrate on the steady click of Sokka's footsteps on the hard floor and the rise and fall of his chest. It's actually somewhat relaxing after the ordeal that I had just gone through. Sometimes being oblivious to my surrondings, even for just a few minutes, is a little nice.

"You look terrible." Comes a blunt voice, waking me from my half-sleep.

"Why thank you." I retort sarcastically.

I don't have to see to know that Katara rolls her eyes.

"Set her down on the mat." She instructs Sokka.

After a couple minutes of water bending and examining, she comes to a conclusion:
"I think I've got it." She states.

"And?" I ask.

"Have you guys, you know, um, yeah." She stutters out.

"Um, no, I don't know. Done what?" I ask, losing my temper.

"You know, done it." She squeaks out.

"Done what?" Sokka questions dumbly.

"Last night." I mutter out, praying Katara won't hear but I'm almost positive she did because she lets out a soft giggle before stopping herself.

"Ohhhh." He sighs.

"Yeah, we did it." My cheeks begin to turn a light red.

"When?" Katara asks rather awkwardly.

"A couple," " many" Sokka intervenes. ",times." I finish.

"A lot more than several times in the last month." Sokka rephrased.

"Several months." I add.

"Actually very frequently." Sokka mumbles.

"Yup, often." I nod, pressing my lips together.

"Maybe even every night." Sokka turns his head.

"Just about." I finish our attempt at a full explanation.

"Well, then there's the very possible chance Toph is pregnant." Katara says simply and quickly.

"A baby." I say.
"A baby!" Sokka yells excitedly.
"A baby." I repeat. The mixed emotions of excitement, worry, happiness, dread, and many others race through my head as my face displays plain shock.

That's what I get for doing it.

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