Cold (alternative ending)

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Hey! This is an alternate ending for my latest story, cold!


They both burst into the tent. The healing students had prepped all the stuff for Katara to get to work.

"What happened?" Katara asked, baffled that the wound was still bleeding.

"She got bit by a penguin." Sokka answered quickly, he was kneeling by Toph. Katara began to bend water to Toph's shoulder.

Once the water began to work, Toph opened her eyes from her previous unconscious state. She winced at the sharp pain nagging her shoulder.

"Hold still," Katara told Toph, concentrating. Without thinking, Sokka grabbed Toph's hand, squeezing it. She smiled slightly, squeezing back.

Katara continued to hold the glowing water to Toph's shoulder, time going past as slow as a slug. Sokka began to worry. He tried to push the worst of his fears to the very back of his mind.

"Come on, work all ready!" Katara mumbled to herself, getting frustrated. Toph floated in and out of consciousness.

"Keep on holding on Toph, please." Sokka pleaded to her, still holding her cold hand. All she could muster as a answer was a groan of pain and a slight twitch of her hand.

An hour had passed and things were still looking bleak. Toph was as white as a ghost and her shoulder was still bleeding endlessly.

"We can't keep this up much longer. It should have worked by now." Katara told Sokka glumly.

"No! We can try something different! We have to save her! Katara please!" Sokka begged, tears streaming down his face.

"There's nothing more I can do Sokka. Something must have happened, something like an infection, poison? I don't know but she isn't stable enough and we don't have enough time to get someone or something else." Katara explained. Now she was crying at the same rate as Sokka.

"I don't want to loose her either!" She choked out. Tears began to fall out of Toph's eyes. Her body was becoming numb, her vision becoming hazy.

"Sokka." She croaked. Sokka moved his hand to cup her cheek.

"Toph, no no no, I love you. You can't! No." He stared into her light green eyes.

"I love you Snoozles. I love you Sugar Queen." Toph whispered and used all her strength to manage a smile. It was her signature smile. The smile faded and so did her shallow breath.

"Toph! No Toph! You can't leave me! Stay! Please stay! Oh just please stay!" Sokka screamed, crying profusely. He lifted the lifeless body into an embrace.

"Why? Why!" His body shook with sobs. Katara was devastated by the sight before her.

She crawled over to Sokka's side and wrapped her arms around him. Tears rolled down her face.

They sat there until midnight. Toph in Sokka's arms and Sokka in Katara's. Sokka shivered.

"Come on, let's get home." Katara shook his shoulder.

"No." He answered bluntly.

"Please." She pushed. He shook his head and held onto Toph tighter.

Katara gave into Sokka. She got up and grabbed a blanket, then sat back down next to him. She wrapped the blanket around them an rested her head on his shoulder. Soon she dozed off into a world of sleep, for a while forgetting about the events of the day.

Sokka on the other hand was haunted by the day all night. He replayed it over and over again in his head. Once he rain out of tears, he stared blankly ahead.

Katara woke when the morning's earliest rays of light flooded into the room and onto her face.

Sokka still sat in the same position, still staring at nothing. The bags formed under his eyes were evidence of his insomnia.

After Yue, he said he would never fall in love again. After Suki, he said the same thing. Now that Toph was gone too, he decided this would be the last time for real. He was done with the nightmare called love.


Hey! I hoped you enjoyed! I cried the whole time I was writing this...

Also the reason Toph died was that the penguin that bit her had been poisoned by a poacher. When it bit her, the poison went into her blood...

Ya pretty sad


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