It's not always what it seems

By Haileana

3.2K 89 22

The Origin Story about Larota, Venus, Talena and Amoly. How they lost their parents, become kunoichis, a team... More

The beginning of a new life
An new encounter and old accusations
A little advance
An unexpected disclosure
A temporary decision
Four mean integrity
About Ninjas and Turtles
The beginning of trust
Family isn't always blood
Head or Heart?
A rebel, a nurse, the cute one and the dreamer
The abandoned and the adopted one
A/N (Part I)
Unexpected changes
A/N the next!
A new meeting
One last trial
Alley or Foe?
Changes of plan
The Mutagen blast
Leaving home behind
A/N (Part 2)

The reason behind

194 4 0
By Haileana

Hopu couldn't still believe was Larota just said. Why wouldn't she wanted Talena in her life? There was not one possible reason for her behaviour. Larota didn't even respond after Hopu asked her. She stayed quiet after this.

Hopu fed Larota her mush while Gaoto checked on Talena. The sound of a hungry stomach was heared but Larota refused every one else who tried to fed her. She just ignored Chichinama who she seem to liked and bit Sauda several times in the hand. He had to bandages his hand.

Hopu signed as she started to eat noodles by herself and watched Larota. Maybe she just watched too much about the fight and needed time to handle her memories. Or she was moody because she didn't slept. Hopu was unsure about it.

"Take your time Larota. I'm not angry about you. I'm just confused about your behavior." Hopu pet the head of Larota.

Gaoto came in the room with a sleepy Talena in his arms. Larota frowned.

"Delivery for Hopu. A healthy turtle." he said with a smile on his face.

"They are the cutest when they sleep." Hopu pet Talena softly, but let her rest on Gaotos arm.

"That's true." His gaze got shortly to Larota. "Talena ate something and is just tired from the excitement to being born."

"That are good news. Can you took her to bed? I need to take a bath with Larota." asked Hopu.

"I will." Gaoto respond. "Besides when sensei is back he wanted to talk to you when you are ready."

"Thanks for the advice warning." Hopu smiled at him.

"I told you I'm - WE are there for you." he said a little stuttering before he left.

Hopu picked Larota up and go with her to the bathroom. Hopu set Larota in a wooden bath tube filled with water down. She begin to wash Larotas shell when Chichinama comes to them.

"Should I resume that? So that you can take a bath too?" Chichinama asked friendly and looked then at the little girl. "If Larota agreed?"

Larota looked away from Hopu and looked to Chichinama. "Agreed."

"But I don't know what to wear." Hopu claimed.

"I will give you some of my clothes while yours wash. I have enough for two." Chichinama winked. "And know go to bath before I call of my brothers."

Hopu didn't respond to Chichinama. She didn't want to know what Chichinama would say next. So she just handle the sponge to her and left.

"Aunt Chichi?" Larota asked.

"Yeah Larota?" Chichi smiled about the fact that Larota called her aunt.

"Will Taly die?"

"Everyone die sometimes, Larota, but Talena will live a happy life like you before she will." Chichinama respond. "Why do you think that Talena will die?"

"The other one did."

"The other egg just didn't hatch. I don't know when it will hatch but the turtle inside is not dead." Chichinama took water over Larotas body to wash away the soap.

"No. The one before."

"Are you afraid that Talena die too? Is this the reason you don't want her?"

"Being afraid is weak."

"It's not. Weak is when you let your fears control your life. That's what my sister liked to say." Chichinama took Larota outside of the bath tube.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know. She disappeared from my life when I was young. Just a little older than you. The saddest part of it is that I didn't even remember her name."

"I didn't remember too. " Larota looked away sad.

"Let us be strong for the two." Chichinama put a towel around Larota.

"I like that." Larota said smiling. The first smiling she showed someone other than Hopu, her mother or her lost sibling.

Larota yawned while Chichinama carried her to bed. The exhaustion of the last two days couldn't be hidden anymore. Not after she founded someone who had the same fears like her and she trusted.

"Do you agreed when I lay you down beside Talena?" asked Chichinama.

"Agreed." Larota rubed her eyes and yawned again.

They entered the room where Hopu woke up earlier the day. They saw Talena sleeping, but she wasn't alone. Gaoto laid down with her and slept as well.

Chichinama kicked him in the back.

"What do you want Chichi?" he asked half asleep.

"I want that you move. I don't know what goes on in your thought, but this is HOPUS room. Our GUEST. Stand up and go to your room or I make you!" Chichinama glared at him.

"I'm on my way." He got up and left the room.

"Brothers. Larota be glad that you doesn't have one of them." Chichinama said while she pet her.

Larota didn't respond. She was already fall to sleep. Chichinama put her gently down and wrapped a blanket around the two sisters. She looked at them smiling before she left the room. Maybe she and her sister looked like this when she was younger. It was a shame that she didn't remember her name, but she was to stubborn to ask Gaoto or Sensei. She needed to find it out on her own.

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