Hounds of Chaos (MC)

By bleedgreen99

656 46 52

For a long time, the Hounds of Chaos MC had run supreme and without competition on their small little part of... More

Chapter 1 - Hounds of Chaos
Chapter 2 - Business as Usual
Chapter 3 - Movin' up in the World
Chapter 4 - Acts of War
Chapter 5 - Breaking & Entering
Chapter 6 - Momentary Pause
Chapter 7 - Boozin' and Schmoozin'
Chapter 8 - Party Crashers
Chapter 9 - Old Friends New Enemies
Chapter 10 - Buzzard Food
Chapter 11 - Fat Stacks
Chapter 13 - Attica Bound
Chapter 14 - No Place For a Hero

Chapter 12 - Moral Dilemma

16 2 5
By bleedgreen99

Gomez stood outside the garage, looking down at his phone while a cigarette hung between his lips. A police siren went off just once, causing Gomez to look up, sliding his phone back into his pocket. Sheriff Bennett gave a light wave to the biker who waved back, turning to look at the wide open garage. He flicked his cigarette onto the ground, stepping on it to put it out.

"Great, dealing with pigs bright and early. Just how I like my day to start." Gomez muttered to himself, stepping into the garage. He heard a loud crashing noise coming from inside the reception area and walked over to it. James was lying on the floor, smiling with the chair fallen over on it's side. Sitting on the desk was another small baggie filled with the white powder.

"How the hell did you get this?!" Gomez questioned, looking back to see Sheriff Bennett approaching the garage. Gomez grabbed the baggie, stuffing it into his pocket and wiping any excess powder off of the desk. James remained on the ground, mumbling incoherent words to himself.

"Everything alright in here?" Sheriff Bennett asked, stepping into the garage. Gomez closed the door to the reception area behind him, nodding his head. "I heard a crash."

"Something slipped. I grabbed it though. Thanks Sheriff." Gomez said, picking up a wrench as he slowly got down onto the ground. Sheriff Bennett nodded his head, looking towards the office and then backing out of the garage. Gomez remained seated on the floor, watching as the Sheriff made his way to the clubhouse.

"Where's my coke?!" James shouted out, now standing in the reception area. Sheriff Bennett's head turned, hearing the yell but not making out what was said. Nonchalantly Gomez stood back up, going to the reception area again.

"Shut up." Gomez said, pointing the wrench at James.

"You took it didn't you!" he shouted at the biker. "That's the second one I've had to buy in a day cause you people keep taking them away!"

"Second one... look there's a reason we take them you idiot. You're on our property, and if you get caught with it we get in trouble." Gomez said.

"Screw you." James said, picking up the chair.

"You are so lucky Brycen said I can't kick your coked out ass." Gomez threatened, shaking his head as he left the reception area again and saw that the Sheriff was gone. He ran a hand over his face, looking back at James who was now face down on the desk. "Qué idiota."

* * *

Sheriff Bennett opened the clubhouse doors, walking in and seeing the bullet holes that were present in the wall. He walked up to it, putting his hand on the wall and running it over the ruined areas. The sliding doors opened and Damon walked out, his face serious as he laid his eyes on the Sheriff.

"Oh, Sheriff. Who can I thank for bringing you here?" Damon asked sarcastically.

"Giovanni Rossi. Or as you and your boys like to call him, Trigger." the Sheriff said, shoving the piece of paper into Damon's chest. Damon stared down the Sheriff, raising an eyebrow as he took hold of the paper.

"A warrant?" Damon questioned, reading aloud from the paper. "He assaulted a woman?" Damon put a hand over his mouth, squinting slightly as he read the report.

"Where is he Pearce?" Bennett asked the President, looking around the clubhouse. Damon shook his head, looking up at the Sheriff and handing him the paper.

"I have no idea Sheriff. I haven't seen him since yesterday. And just to be clear I had no idea this happened. He told none of us about it. I'll make sure he's dealt with appropriately." Damon said, putting a hand on Bennett's shoulder.

"I will make sure he's dealt with Pearce. Stuff like this is why I can't be on your side anymore. You people think you have some sort of entitlement over the law." the Sheriff spoke, shrugging Damon's hand off of him. Without another word, the Sheriff turned and left the clubhouse, going back to his car and getting in it.

"That Goddamn fool." Damon muttered to himself.

* * *

Mac, Trigger, and Tucker rode their bikes halfway through the Redwoods in California, each one with a cigarette between their lips. Guillermo led the three, continuing to blast Spanish rap as the group of four pulled up to a small clearing in the national park. Guillermo shut off his car, causing the music to come to an abrupt stop and the quietness of the park took over.

"Alright hermanos, here's the deal," Guillermo began to speak, getting out of his car, wearing only a black tank top and a black pair of jeans, "We're meeting with a big shot business man. Not some low rung of the ladder. He's gonna eye each of you done to get a feel of everything. After that we'll see, cause we can't be out here for too long."

"Is that him?" Mac asked, pointing at two black SUV's that pulled up on the other side of the clearing. Guillermo nodded his head, walking into the clearing.

"Guillermo!" a deep voice shouted. A dark skinned man stepped out of the back of one of the SUV's. The man was bald with a black goatee and light scruff coming in on the sides of his face. He wore an all black suit, unbuttoning the jacket as his feet hit the dirt covering the Redwood's.

"Mr. Lamar Jeffrey! How you doin' man." Guillermo said with a huge smile. The two clapped their hands together, patting each other on the back.

"Better than you have. Runnin' around with bikers now?" Lamar asked, a grin on his face. "Kind of a low point for you, huh?"

"Hell no Lamar. These guys are professional. Top of the line. Handle their shit the right way." Guillermo said, looking back at the three that were sat on their bikes. Lamar nodded his head, walking over to the three. He stepped in front of Mac, staring him in the eye. Mac stared right back, crossing his arms over his chest.

Lamar moved over in front of Trigger who smirked at the man. Lamar shook his head, walking over to Tucker now. Trigger looked over at Mac who gave him a disappointed look. "What?" Trigger whispered, looking over at Lamar. The business man and the Butcher were in an intense stare down. Lamar began to grin, while Tucker remained serious.

"I like this one!" Lamar shouted, pointing at Tucker. Guillermo smiled, clapping his hands together.

"That's how you do it." Mac whispered to Trigger who shook his head. Lamar put his hand on Tucker's shoulder and shook it slightly.

"This dude is stone cold. That's necessary. Alright, we can talk." Lamar said, looking at Guillermo. "Ride into Ataca. Go to Osteria Alle Testiere. I'll be waiting there." Lamar walked back to his SUV, getting into it while the four watched him leave.

"Nice job almost messing up the deal Trig." Mac teased, smirking as he revved his engine. Guillermo smiled as well, climbing into his car while Trigger threw his hands into the air.

"I smiled. Is that so bad?!"

"Obviously." Tucker said, smirking himself now. Trigger looked over at him, his mouth hanging open in shock. Mac let out a small laugh as Guillermo began to drive in the direction Lamar went, with the three bikers following closely behind.

* * *

Gomez sighed, walking into the clubhouse and going straight to the bar, grabbing himself a cold bottle of beer. He popped it open and took a large swig of it. Damon was sitting at one of the tables, his hand covering his face as he wrote something down on a notepad.

"You alright boss man?" Gomez asked. Damon's head shot up, not even realizing someone had walked in. He nodded his head, looking back down at the notepad. Gomez shrugged, walking towards the door to go back to the garage.

"Wait!" Damon shouted, looking up at Gomez who had froze. "I need you to do something for the Hounds."

"Of course Jefe. Whatever you need." Gomez said with an innocent shrug.

"Great. Look, Trigger messed up. He ended up doing something that could get him locked up for a while." Damon said. Gomez narrowed his brows, walking over to the table where he was sat.

"How do you know that?"

"The Sheriff. Came in here waving a warrant for his arrest. Now he showed me it, like an idiot, and I got the name of the woman. I also know she didn't give an official statement yet. If they have no statement I think Trigger can walk away from this." Damon said. Gomez began to feel uneasy, looking at Damon with a worried expression.

"Where do I fit into this?" Gomez asked, taking another sip from his beer bottle.

"Asking the important questions! I like it Gomez. I need you to go to the hospital and make sure she doesn't say anything. You get what I mean?" Damon said.

"Wait... what?"

"Make sure she can't give that statement. Okay? Whatever it takes." Damon reiterated.

"Jesus Christ Damon. You want me to-"

"Ah ah ah. I never said that. I just said silence her. But you know, you know," Damon emphasized, "what you have to do!" Gomez's mouth hung open slightly and he turned around, shaking his head as he exited the clubhouse.

* * *

Brycen lied in bed, his door wide open as he overheard everything Damon had said to Gomez. He sighed softly, turning his head to look at Lexi lying next to him. He slowly sat up, pulling on his usual outfit, grabbing his leather vest as well and exiting his room. Slowly he shut the door, letting Lexi have privacy and more time to sleep. He looked over at the other rooms, seeing Dominic slowly coming out of one of them.

"Rough night?" Brycen asked, moving to the left where the stairway was. Dominic was right behind him, rubbing his eyes as he followed Brycen down the stairs.

"You could say that I guess." Dominic answered with a shrug.

"Damon!" Brycen shouted to get the boss' attention. "I'm gonna go with him. Make sure everything gets done."


"I'm not gonna talk him out of it. I know Trigger is important to have around. You have my word." Brycen reassured, walking out of the clubhouse without listening to anything else Damon might say. Dominic was still following Brycen, looking over at Gomez who was sitting on his bike.

"Gomez, we're going with you." Brycen told him. Gomez looked over at him, his eyes looking full of confusion and pain. He nodded slightly, revving his engine.

"Go get the van Prospect." Brycen said to Dominic. The Prospect nodded, jogging over to the all black van and getting into it.

"You guys heading out?" Killian asked, pulling into the lot on his bike.

"Yeah. We got some... work... to do." Gomez said weakly.

"I'll join you." Killian said with a shrug, turning his bike around. Gomez just shrugged and Brycen nodded. Brycen was the first to drive out of the lot, heading towards Fairreach with Killian, Gomez, and Dominic behind him in that order.

* * *

The four quickly reached the hospital, getting through Fairreach easily and appearing on the other side of it where the hospital was. They all parked in the parking lot, with Gomez quickly getting off of his bike and heading into the hospital. Killian walked over to the door, standing there and looking through the glass.

"Brycen." Dominic whispered. Brycen had gotten off of his bike and looked back at the prospect who was still getting out of the van with his bad leg.

"What's up Dominic?" Brycen asked.

"I need to talk to you about something serious." Dominic said. Brycen nodded his head, looking over at Killian who wasn't paying attention to them.

"Now's the time." Brycen said with a shrug.

"Look, that night the Devil's Tribe attacked. The party. I was with James and he was saying some stuff that was odd." Dominic told him in a hushed tone. He looked over Brycen's shoulder at Killian who was looking over at the two now.

"Which was?" Brycen asked, raising his eyebrows in a way that said he should hurry it up.

"Damon, Mac, and Killian sold him coke before we even had the vote of the club."

"What?" Brycen asked, shocked to hear the truth.

"That's what he told me. Those three were selling way before we had the full vote." Dominic said. Brycen stared forward, his mouth slightly open as he tried to process what was said.

"So they sold without telling... and that means they kept the profit for themselves..." Brycen muttered to himself. "Damon went behind the club's back." Brycen said, a small smile forming on his face. "Don't say anything to anyone. You got me?" Dominic nodded his head and Brycen put a hand on his shoulder. He smiled widely now, turning around to go to the hospital.

"Let's go princesses. He's gonna need our support." Killian shouted out to the two. Brycen began walking through the parking lot, looking over and spotting a handbag that was lying next to a car.

"Brycen?" Dominic asked, watching as Brycen began walking towards the bag. The Vice President reached it, getting down onto one knee and picking it up. He had an uneasy feeling as he pulled out the wallet inside the handbag. He opened it up, seeing the ID of who the bag belonged to and saw a piece of crumpled up paper lying next to the bag. He picked it up as well, uncrumpling it and seeing a flaming skull drawn on it.

"Son of a bitch..." Brycen muttered, his face growing serious as he felt his body fill with rage. "Son of a bitch!" Brycen shouted, standing up and storming towards his bike. 

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