My mafia man

By mamita_100

187K 4.3K 328

Rose ran away from home to save herself from her brother who sexually molested her; Life was going good besid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Last chapter!!)
Author's note

Chapter 18

4.7K 122 10
By mamita_100

   "I need to tell you something Rose, I am not being able to live, every night when I try to sleep, it haunts me, I need to tell you something, please come with me" saying that she held my wrist and pulled me, faraway from the crowd. I don't know where she is taking me, I looked behind and find James and Liam following us, I was relieved seeing them behind me, although I trust my sister and I love her to death but this family is making me insane, this family confuse me. Daisy stopped after entering the room and just when she was about to close the door James held it, Daisy looked at me, begging me to send him off with her eyes but I couldn't let it happen "please let him come" I mumbled not wanting to hear her rejection, 'fine" she said giving up and let James enter the room as Liam decided to stay out of the room to guard the corridor. 

 Daisy closed the door and approached me, she pulled me and made me sit on a couch, I looked around and realise it is a changing room, probably the room she used, "Rose, I have meaning to tell you for so long but I am such a coward, I didn't knew how to bring it up, but the guilt is killing me, every time I lay on our bed I miss you and it makes me feel more guilty..", "just cut it out and tell me where you going with it" I said harshly, I was praying to god that she is not part of this horrible past because if she was then I don't know what I will do, she is my little sister, although I hate this family and I will never forgive them but I can't imagine what will i do if I find out she has been part of this all along, we used to sleep in the same bed, Daisy was there to cuddle me each night after Kyle was done with his dirty deeds, "did you see it?" I used to ask her and her reply would always be "see what?' so I always thought maybe she didn't see it because deep down I had faith in her, I knew that if she had seen it she wouldn't let it happen, she was always a heavy sleeper. I came back to reality breaking off myself from my horrible past; "please tell me you will forgive me Rose" Daisy said as she grabbed my warm hands with her cold ones, I can see tears rolling down from her eyes to her cheek then to her chin and it slowly disappeared from there, "shut up and speak now" James said furiously, which made Daisy tremble, she was scared I could see it, she has spent all her life with mine and I could read her like a open book, "Rose, I knew what Kyle did to you" Daisy said closing her eyes and her sob became more louder and turned into a cry "of course you know, did mum and dad told you?" I asked her but she shook her head "No Rose, I saw it with my own eyes, when you pushed me, pinched me trying to wake me up, when you gave all your strength to fight him off, I watched for couple of nights but after that I couldn't so I turned my back and let him do whatever he was doing to you, I am sorry" she replied, it shocked me, she knew it all along and she did nothing to help me? She could have at least helped me to push him off, she could have done something......something, I don't know what but something to make me realise I am not alone in this, I stayed there like a statue, I can feel my face wet with tears, tears that formed because of my sister's betrayal, I remained silent, I don't know what to say, I don't know how to react. "Why didn't you do anything then?" James asked Daisy and she replied, "I don't know, what do you want me to do? He was my own brother rubbing himself on my own sister, do you know how much it messed up with my head, seeing that moment, do you know how much it scared me?" Daisy raised her voice looking at James, "did he did it to you as well?" James asked Daisy and she shook her head "I always thought he will come to me one day, and the day Rose left home I was so scared that it will be my day, I begged my parents to put a locking knob in our bedroom but they refused, I prayed to god for Rose's return so that I will be safe but the truth is he never stepped in that room again" James ran his finger through his hair, he looked at me then to Daisy with an anger and yelled "you are one selfish bitch, after all this you dare to invite her to your wedding? That wedding where she will see that bloody monster? Rose came all the way here for you, she decided to endure all the pain so that she can be here to celebrate the happiest day of your life but all along you knew everything and do you know how fucked up this is? You said you watched them for couple of nights and it scarred you but imagine the pain Rose went through, how hurt she must have been and even after everything you prayed to god for Rose's return not because you loved her or you were worried for her but because you wanted yourself to be safe? You are one fucked up monster, you should be ashamed of yourself, do me a favour and kill yourself, although I would love to shoot a bullet right into your head but I don't kill cowards", James sat next to me and placed my head on his chest as I stayed there not moving "let's go baby" he whispered and made me stand up in my feet, I looked at Daisy for the last time, the sister I thought who loved me and missed me but I was so wrong, my whole family is fucked up but it made me wonder why Kyle never attacked Daisy, part of me was relieved that she was safe but the other part of me was so disapointed at her, how could see sleep on the same bed while I was fighting for my safety, how could see turn her back to me?

I was paralysed after hearing my sister's confession, my mind was blank and I feel my knees weak, I felt like I could passed out anytime just then I hear another voice calling out my name, I turned around to see none other than my mum, she looked at me from top to bottom than looked at James then to Liam turn by turn "so which one is yours?" she asked with an evil smirk on her face "why do you care?" I asked her showing my annoyance, she placed her empty champagne flute on the table and grabbed my hands and Liam immediately acted by stepping more closer to her which took her by surprise just then James eyed him to back off and Liam obliged, "look, I need to talk to you" she said and pulled me holding my hands, I wriggled my hand out immediately and stared at her "I have nothing to say to you, I have done enough talking by now and I think I have heard enough from all of you as well, I am here to enjoy the wedding so please let me" I said looking at her, at this point I was already broke, I could feel my wet eyes, I could feel my voice shaken up, "ok" is all my mum said before she left. I noticed a chair next to me and I sat on it thinking why did I agree to come here on first place, James stepped closer to me and I wrapped my hand around his waist, placing my head on his stomach, "I will get some water" Liam mumbled and left us; "do you still love me James?" I asked James feeling hopeless, "don't be stupid baby, of course I Love you" he whispered stroking my hair, I let the warm tear flow from my eyes and took a moment for myself.

After a while I noticed a gaze from the passer by, feeling embarrassed i tried my best to control the situation, I decided to get a grip and fake a smile to show I am fine, because I wanted to show my so called family how strong I am. I stood up from the chair and drank the water which Liam was holding, we moved away from there and sat on the table which had our name on it; I could feel Daisy's eyes on us far from the pace I was sitting, I decided to ignore it "baby, lets just go" James whispered but I shook my head "no, I need to do this" just then I heard Kyle's laugh, I turned around to see him laughing with a circle of his friend; which made his presence stronger and suddenly I find myself so weak, my hands were clenched tightly and I was fuming with anger, part of me wanted to go there and beat the shit out of him but I decided to control my emotion and leave the room. I find myself in quiet garden and left a deep breath out "you ok?" James asked standing next to me, "I am sorry" i mumbled, I was feeling sorry for Liam and him, I dragged them to this drama, "don't be stupid" James mumbled pulling me away from my thoughts; "do you mind if I ask why you still want to be here?" James asked scratching back of his head, "do you know how close I am to killing those bastards?, I am controlling all of this for you but if we stay here any longer, I don't think I will be able to Rose" he whispered nervously, I wrapped my arms around his neck and replied "I want to show them that I am happy, happy without them, happy even after all the shit they put me through"; James left a peck on my forehead and pulled me closer to him and we stayed like that for couple of more minutes.

Liam was patiently waiting for us in our spot; just when I grabbed a glass of wine I heard the emcee asking the sister of the bride to give some speech, Daisy looked at me straight from her seat and everyone turned to me following Daisy's gaze, I could see Kyle scowling from his seat, and the mother and father I knew all my life stayed there without looking at me; I stood up from my chair and cleared my throat as the crowd cheered, I turned around and saw all of Daisy's friends cheering on for me, which made me more nervous, don't know what am I supposed to say after the confession she made few hours ago but I grabbed the mic from the emcee's hand and brought it to my face

"Daisy, I am glad that you are my sister and I am thankful and grateful to god for sending you to me; all these years that we spent together is the moment that I will cherish most, we lived together fighting like a swore enemy, we slept together hugging each other so tightly, we ate together, played together, we almost did everything together like any best friends would do. I am very proud of who you have become, you have grown into a fine brave lady and I hope you will continue to stay brave and fight for the one you love most. I love you and congratulations again. For the bride and groom" I said and raised up a glass, slowly the crowd raised their glass and repeated "for the bride and the groom".


When we arrived inside of James's bedroom I was tired, I was tired emotionally, physically and mentally but I was glad James was there for me, he stayed with me without any complain; I undress myself and laid on the bed as I did not had any strength to wash myself up, I could feel my face swollen, and my voice was croaky, all the way up here I cried because my heart couldn't take my sister's confession, even though I ran away from that house ages ago as James mentioned but today for the first time I felt homeless, a person without a family, a person whose heart has been shattered, I cried more thinking about my childhood, thinking about how happy I was cooking in the kitchen with my dad, learning to knit with my mum, even though Kyle did used to creep at me at that time but I used to forget everything during day just then I feel James large hands wiping away my tears, he looked at me with such a sad face and I know deep down he is broken to see me like this, I know he is hurt and I am the reason behind it "sorry" I mumbled and placed my hands on his, I kissed his each palm and removed it away from my face "come" I whispered and lifted up the blanket, inviting him to lay next to me and I didn't had to repeat myself again, I laid my head on his arms and pressed my face against his chest as he stroked my hair, he didn't say a word and maybe he knew this is what I need at this moment.

The next morning Liam drove us to the airport, I am really nervous even though James has reassured me 100th time that Jasper really adores me but living with an ex mafia makes me more nervous, it's not that James is less dangerous but to be honest I have never seen James scary side or I cant recall any memory of me being scared to James, "we are here" James said holding my hands, I only realised now that we are already inside of the airport standing in front of a jet; there was guy in a white uniform standing at the door so I am assuming that he would be our pilot just then another attractive blond girl stepped outside "Mr. Costa, welcome aboard" she said and I could clearly see some flirtiest look she was giving to James so I cleared my throat and grabbed James arms claiming my man which made the blond girl roll her eyes; James smirked looking at my action and he clearly knows that I am being jealous, "Daphne, please meet my girlfriend Rose" James said looking back and forth to me and Daphne, Daphne nearly choked hearing James calling me his girlfriend, she nervously straightened up her already crinkle free uniform and guided us inside of the jet, "is this yours?" I asked James checking the interior and he cockily replied, "perks of being a mafia leader"; James guided me to a sit and was tying up my seatbelt and at the same time I noticed Daphne's eyes fixed on James so just to piss her off I cupped James face and claimed his mouth which took James by surprise and luckily he let me, I made out with him passionately and slowly opened my one eye to see Daphne's reaction, I could see her walking away; "you look cute when you are jealous" James said sitting right across me "I am not" I replied confidently.

The rest of the flight went smoothly; my brain did went back to yesterday's event, how Daisy confessed, how my mum looked at me with an evil smirk on her face and how my dad didn't made any effort to talk to me, I guess I have been forgotten, although I did met lot of our relatives but my mind was so disturbed that I couldn't recall who exactly I met. James has been in his mobile for very long time, "are you ignoring me?" I asked James showing how bored I am, James raised his eyebrow at me and replied, "never, just sorting out few things"

Rose: Will you miss me?

James: of course, but the question is will you?

Rose: of course

James: but you don't even remember us

Rose: my brain might not but my heart knows us

It sounds crazy that I am blindly following this guy to a total strange country and more interestingly I don't even know how much of special bond we share but I have seen few blurry flashback and in all of those I could sense how much I loved this man, if I haven't loved him why would I dodge a bullet for him, why would I even be with him, "Earth to Rose" James snapped his finger at me, "what would you like Mr. Costa?" Daphne asked slyly ignoring me, James looked at me then with a smirk he replied "usual one", he is really enjoying this moment, I don't know what kind of girlfriend I was before but now at this moment I wasn't being the best one, I was getting jealous even when I know he is mine, Daphne looked at me with a poker face, ignoring the fact how flirty she is being with my man "I am fine" I replied annoyingly and focused all my attention to the window, "you know I love you right?" James asked with huge grin on his face, "No, I don't know James because you know how I lost my memory?" I replied sarcastically, "come here" he said patting his lap "no, I am more safe here with my seatbelt on" I replied not looking at him, I know I am being so petty but I can't help it, I wonder how many time has he flew with her "have you fucked her yet?" I asked blatantly which made him choke on the whiskey he was drinking "why would you think so?' he asked me, "well knowing your reputation I thought you might have", "Rose I don't go around and fuck any girl I see" he said trying to reassure me "who knows" I replied shrugging my shoulder; "will she accompany you when you fly back?" I asked him trying not to sound too needy, "unfortunately yes" he replied looking more nervous, "well you better fuck her with condom on" I said as if it didn't bother me, just imagining them together makes me so angry but I tried to maintain my anger and just like that we arrived in Sicily.

More men in black suit were waiting for us when we stepped out of James's jet, all of their eyes were fixed on us as one of the man walked closer to us yelling, "Come stai James?" I hear James replying him in some Sicilian phrase that I am unaware of and they talked for few minutes in the language that I can barely speak until the man looked at me and said few more words in Sicilian, "this is Rose my girlfriend and Rose this is Marco", "pleasure to meet you Bella" Marco said kissing both of my cheek "umm I am Rose not Bella" I replied not trying to offend him but instead I heard both James and Marco laughing looking at me, James places his hand around my waist and guided me to a ditto black SUV that we have back home, Marco and James continued to speak in Sicilian but I could sense some intensity in their conversation, another man opened the door for us so I quietly sat inside of the SUV followed by James then the car started to move "isn't Marco coming with us?" I asked James "No" he replied and pulled me more closer to him, he wasn't in playful mood, he looked very serious and it felt like there was something going inside of his head "everything ok?" I asked him rubbing his thigh and he nodded in response, "please talk" I mumbled looking at him, "just the business, nothing to worry about" he said and left a peck on my forehead

Rose: Are you staying tonight?

James: Yes, I will stay here with you for few days

Rose: you don't have to

James: No I want to, I know few days is not enough for you to settle down but I need to be back ASAP

Rose: I will be fine

James kissed each of my knuckles and placed my head on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat, it was beating fast as if he was nervous about something "can you please tell me what are you worrying about?" I asked him, James placed his chin on my head "nothing, I am just nervous to leave you here, this is where you will be safe but I don't know how I will live without you back home" he mumbled, so this is what's going on his mind he is afraid to leave me here, to be honest I am more afraid, I am mortified to be living here, I know no one, I don't speak their native language, I know nothing about this place but seeing him like this I decided to keep it to myself "I will be fine James" I mumbled back but deep down I asked myself "will I be?".

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