I lost you | Vkook

By casuallyreading

35.2K 2K 322

When Jungkook is diagnosed with terminal cancer Taehyung has to figure out how to live without him More

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3K 185 76
By casuallyreading

Taehyung woke up to someone shaking him. He opened his eyes to see the same nurse as yesterday looking at him.
Taehyung stretched and looked out the window it was still dark outside, why was he being woken up? Fear crept into his heart and his head whipped round to look at Jungkook's bed. He wasn't there. His eyes immediately became watery as he looked back at the nurse, fearing the worst.

"Where is he?" Taehyung asked quietly. The nurse sighed and bent down, picking up his hand.
"I'm sorry but he didn't make it. He died about an hour ago, I didn't want you to wake up alone"
The tears instantly began to fall down his cheeks "no!" He shouted "he said he would get better! He was so sure!"
"I'm so sorry" The nurse apologised her own eyes getting watery.
"Can I see him?"
The nurse nodded and she pulled him up.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Taehyung wasn't sure if the news had really set in. He felt as if Jungkook wasn't gone, that he was still there, that this was all a dream. He walked down the corridor, getting pulled along by the nurse. Maybe, it was an accident and Jungkook was still alive because Taehyung could still feel his presence as if he was right next to him.

However this reality was shattered when he stepped into the morgue. The body was laid down on a metal table, a sheet covering it. The nurse smiled sadly at him before giving him a pat on the shoulder and left.

"Ah" a man's voice came from behind him "you must be here to see him"
Taehyung didn't like the look of the older man who had just walked into the morgue, there was something creepy about him, something unsettling. He walked over to the metal table and the man slowly pulled the sheet down revealing the face underneath it.

Taehyung stares at it, his eyes not able to move away from it no matter how much he wanted them to. It was Jungkook. His face was ghostly white, his eyes closed. His face looked frailer than Taehyung remembered and his skin seemed thinner. It was at that point Taehyung's shaky legs gave in, sending him tumbling to the floor as he cried.

His heart sent pains throughout his entire body and his hysteria made his head hurt but there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. The only person that could was gone.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

The hospital called Jin to come collect Taehyung and Jin came  straight away. Taehyung sat quietly on a chair in the waiting room waiting for Jin. His intense crying had eventually stopped and Taehyung was sure he had no tears left. His heart ached for his other half who he couldn't see anymore.

Tears began to threaten his eyes again but Taehyung tried his best to not let them fall again, not with all the children around the place. He didn't want to scare them.

He eventually saw the dark head of Jin walk through the door. Taehyung noticed the red rings around his eyes meaning that he was most likely crying too before he got here but he had probably tried his best to hide the fact in order to be strong for Taehyung.

"Hyung" Taehyung croaked out.
Jin held out his arms and Taehyung ran into them feeling slightly comforted by the warmth Jin provided but it was nothing compared to Jin.
"I know, I know" Jin whispered as he stroked Taehyung's back as the tears Taehyung had been desperately trying to keep in fell and soaked Jin's jumper but neither were caring.

They pulled away from each other and walked solemnly to Jin's car both trying not to start crying again as they knew it would just set the other one off.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

The car ride was silent except for the quiet music Jin put on to break it. When they arrived at Jin and Namjoon's shared apartment, Taehyung felt numb. He wanted nothing more than to go home and curl up in bed.

They walked into the quiet apartment. Namjoon must've still been asleep since it was only about 5am
"Do you want any food?" Jin asked walking into the kitchen.
"No" Taehyung whispered just loud enough for him to hear. Jin sighed but just allowed him to be by himself.

Taehyung made himself comfortable on the couch. Jungkook was the only thought in his head, he was still in denial about his death. He just couldn't comprehend how the boy he had loved so much and who he was with yesterday just wasn't there anymore. Gone. He could never see him again.

Taehyung didn't even notice the tears that were falling down his cheeks. Jin walked into the room and frowned at him. He went and put his arms around Taehyung.
"I want him back, hyung" Taehyung whispered.
"I know, so do I. It'll get better I promise" Jin strokes his head, his own tears falling down his face again.

Namjoon then walked into the room and saw them both sitting on the couch. He bit his lip already guessing what had happened. His lip trembled and he walked over the two.
"Is he?" He asked not actually able to say the words.
Jin nodded as Taehyung sniffed trying to compose himself but failing terribly.

Namjoon sat next to them and joined the very wet hug but they desperately needed to comfort each other.
"Taehyung" Jin eventually sniffed out "if you want you can live with us for a while. I know you might not want to be alone right now"

Taehyung shook his head as he wiped his face, sitting up "thank you but I need to go back to the apartment. It is my home after all, that's where all my stuff is. I've got things to organise anyway"
"Let me give you a ride home" Namjoon offered.
"No thanks hyung. I want to clear my head"

Taehyung bid goodbye to them both and walked out into the cold morning air. It wasn't a long walk to his apartment but it felt like so long to Taehyung. People would take a second glance at him as he walked, probably at his tear stained face.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

He eventually reached the apartment, it was exactly how they had left it. Before they had went to the hospital for a 'quick check up'. Before.....

Taehyung didn't want to think about it. He had more important things to do. He had to get Jungkook's funeral sorted as quickly as possible. He looked around for the list that he had Jungkook make for what he wanted at his funeral.

He eventually found it under a cushion in the living room. He looked at it and saw Jungkook's slightly messy handwriting across it.

Things for funeral:
A trampoline
A bouncy castle
Big Bang (I swear if they aren't being played I will come and haunt you)
A massive iron man costume
A massive buffet, use my savings I don't mind
Little party bags for everyone who attends (containing fun little trinkets, like that you would get in Christmas crackers)
I'm bored writing this
You're looking at me I better continue writing
I love you Taehyung
You're really pretty
Okay you've left the room I don't need to write this anymore
P.S. don't actually get all these stupid things for my funeral just do whatever it's not like I'm there to see it. Do whatever makes you happy because that makes me happy. Except Big Bang I was serious when I said if they aren't played I will haunt you.

Taehyung felt more tears come to his eyes as he read the note. He felt as if Jungkook was talking, in the way that he wrote. He could imagine his soft voice, his little laughs when he thought what he was saying was funny. How he would laugh harder when he would've seen Taehyung's unimpressed expression. Taehyung missed him, he wanted nothing more than to be held by Jungkook as he told him that this was all just a dream and that he was okay. That everything would be alright. But Jungkook wasn't there anymore to do that.

Taehyung slumped to the floor next to the couch still clutching the note. He cried harder than he had at the hospital, he was alone now. He didn't have to keep up any appearances for anyone he could finally convert into a sobbing mess. Something he has been wishing to do since he found out the news. He needed to let it out.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Before he knew it, it was almost midnight. He had stayed like that all day and hadn't even noticed. He'd slept a little, not moving from his space on the floor but now he decided that he should go to bed. Jungkook wouldn't like him sleeping on the cold hard floor, he would've scolded him for it.

Taehyung flung off his clothes, not bothering to change into pyjamas as he slipped under his duvet. He brought out his phone to check the time but he saw a notification among the millions of messages of people apologising for his loss. '2 years ago today'

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows as he swiped on the notification and was brought to his pictures.

Taehyung let out a sad smile at it. Jimin has taken the picture when he had walked into their apartment and found them fast asleep.

He then began looking through pictures.

And now here he was, sobbing in bed with no one beside him. He wondered how people dealt with this. Countless people went through the death of their loved one every day, those in war torn areas and such. He couldn't understand how people could stand it. He was sure, no matter how sad he sounded, that he couldn't function without Jungkook.

He was his everything, he had been since he had met him all those years ago in school. The new shy boy that had walked in and sat next to the most popular boy. A classic love story. One that ended in tears.

He cried himself to sleep that night, and many nights after that.

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