Always by your side | Clexa

By soulpreath

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Modern Clexa: Clarke and Lexa are two best friends. When one wants more, but the other one doesn't, that's wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

915 35 14
By soulpreath

"She's going to be fine, Clarke" Monty tried to reassure me, but I could her the restlessness he was hardly hiding. "She has to be..." Octavia murmured to herself. "They're all going to be fine" Bellamy repeated repressing a sob.

"Turn up the volume!" I ordered Jasper who had the tv remote in his hand. Everyone turned their attention the the screen.

"Do we have any news, Jim?" The new girl asked her coworker. "Still no sign of the 4 girls who went missing earlier today. We're going to diffuse the last message they sent before their helicopter crashed" The guy announced. It took a couple of seconds before the screen changed. My heart shattered when I heard the voice of one of the girl who went missing.

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!" The calm voice called out. It was a little hard to understand who was saying what because they all spoke at the same time. "What is happening?" "What's wrong?" "I don't want to die!" We could hear. "Guys hold onto something and hold tight!" The authoritarian voice ordered.

Then, it went painfully silent. "After doing researches, I learned that the driver did have her license to fly an helicopter and she apparently was an excellent pilot considering she works for the police. The accident might've been caused by a mechanic problem. Teams have been sent to find the engine and the missing girls. They were on their way back to Washington DC when everything happened. For now, that's all we have. We'll keep you updated on the whole situation. Back to the studio"

"Turn the tv off" Anya pleaded and Jasper did. Murphy suddenly burst into tears. Bellamy urged to comfort him by hugging him. Not the typical 'bro' hug where they just give each other a tap on the back because they have to much ego to show that they care about each other. No, it was a warm and comforting embrace that emitted nothing but tenderness. Just by looking at them you could see that they were best friends, I could've even said brothers. Not by blood, but by heart.

The emotions filled up the room in a split second. Monty aggressively put his glass of water down on the coffee table and buried his face in his hands. Jasper, being Monty's best friend, knew exactly how to reassure him. It was weird and totally not comforting for the majority of us, but it was Monty needed. Multiple pats on the shoulder.

It was good to see that everyone was here. As soon as we heard the news, we all rushed to Lincoln's place. Throughout the years, one of the only conviction I always kept is that we will always be there for each other. No matter if we had a big argument or if we were busy, we would be there. That's what makes us a family.

Earlier that day, Octavia drove Bellamy and Murphy here while Jasper was the one who drove Monty. On my side, Raven had to take me because I was too shock to do anything. Everything happened so fast and I couldn't even understand.


"Clarke open the tv to the news channel!" Raven stormed in the living room. "What's happening?" I asked confused. "Just open it!" She repeated.

The first thing I saw when I opened the tv was the big title written in white. '4 girls went missing after their helicopter crashed'. My heart skipped a beat remembering that 4 of our friends were planning to go on an helicopter ride today.

"Tell me this is not true!" I desperately searched Raven's face. I wanted her to burst out laughing and say 'it's a joke! Our friends are fine'. But it didn't happen. "Raven, tell me this is a joke" I gulped. "Clarke... we have to go" she whispered.

My knees felt weak and I couldn't speak anymore. Words were stuck in my throat. Sweat was starting to cover my forehead and my hands were shaking. I uncontrollably shivered. My sight blurred out.

"Clarke.." Raven put her hand on my shoulder. "Our friends are waiting for us" and with that, she led me to her car and we went directly to our friend's place.

*end of the flashback*

I was helpless. I wanted to wake up and realize all of this was just a dream. Not a dream, an infernal nightmare. I pulled my phone out of my jeans's pocket and dialed one of the few numbers I could compose with my eyes closed. I wasn't expecting an answer at all, but I was still disappointed when no one picked up.

*beep* "Hey this is Lexa. I'm unable to answer for now, but leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I can". The sound of her voice echoed in my head. My hands started to shake at the thought that I might never hear her voice anymore. No. Don't think like that. Lexa is strong and she will be okay. She has to be okay.

I dialed her number again and again and listened to her message again and again. "Answer! Lexa answer!" I yelled at my phone. When the message ended for the tenth time, I threw my phone at the other couch as hard as I could. I knew I would regret throwing it on the wall because it would've break. I started to sob and I just, couldn't stop.

I felt strong arms wrapping themselves around me. It was definitely Lincoln. "Lexa is the strongest person I know. She would never give up. I know she will fight to come back. Come back to us. Come back to you.." he declared with a quiet voice.

Other people joined the embrace. I suddenly felt so lucky. Lucky that I wasn't alone to face this. I realized I wasn't the only one who was sad. I had to be strong. For Bellamy. For Murphy. For Monty. For Anya. For everyone. Lexa may be my best friend, but she was also really close to everyone standing in the room. Plus, she wasn't the only one missing. Three of my friends' girlfriends were also missing.

"I love you guys" I cried. "We love you too" Everyone murmured.

I had the sudden need to yawn, which I did. It caused almost everyone to yawn too. "I think we should all get some rest" Lincoln suggested. We all silently nodded. "I have plenty of unused toothbrushes for everyone in the bathroom. Get casual and comfortable. You're all home here" Lincoln explained with his usual welcoming tone.

I helped him with Octavia to set up the beds. He let Jasper and Maya have his bed. Lincoln was going to sleep in the guest bedroom with Octavia. We pumped the air mattress for the three boys and two other for me, Raven, Luna and Anya.

Before going to sleep, I went outside to take some fresh air. The cold air filling my lungs was relaxing and soothing. "Lexa.. Where are you?" I wondered talking to the moon. "Come back to me. I need you" I admitted. "Goddammit it's crazy how much I need you. More than I could admit I do" I shook my head imagining how she would react to me saying that. She would probably have a cocky and overconfident smirk plastered on her face. She would probably annoy me with that for the rest of my life. God knows how annoying and frustrating she can be some times. But I would give everything I have for her to annoy me right now.

A hand patted my shoulder. I turned around hoping Lexa would be standing there with a smile on her face. Instead, it was her sister. "Sorry I'm not who you wanted it to be" Anya guessed what I was thinking about. All I managed to do his give her a weak smile. "Knowing my sister" Anya started. "She would come back running if she knew how you feel right know" she snorted. I looked down at my feet and chuckled. It was a hundred percent true. Lexa always became so angry when she learned that I was sad or angry.


"What happened Clarke?" Lexa questioned me. "It was nothing" I tried to convince her. "Don't try to fool me Clarke. We've been best friends our whole life. I know when something is wrong. Now, tell me what happened" Lexa didn't really let me a choice.

"Fine, the 'popular' girls in 4th grade made fun of me because of my shirt" I explained. I caught Lexa's glaze looking at my shirt. I was wearing a shirt with an unicorn on it. "Just tell me you won't do anythin-" I stopped when I noticed Lexa wasn't even there anymore.

I looked around trying to find her in the school's playground. I spotted her, angrily walking in the girls that made fun of me's direction. Next thing I saw is Lexa hitting the girl on the nose. She shouted something at her, but I only heard the end of her sentence.

"Talk trash one more time to Clarke and I will break your nose then replace it and break it again. Do you understand?" She asked. The girl gulped and dramatically nodded.

Lexa got suspended for a week, but she didn't care. Everytime someone did something to me, she couldn't help but take revenge at them. I tried to tell her to stop doing it and tell her that I could defend myself but she refused the hear me out every single time. "You're my best friend, Clarke. My best friend, my responsibility" she told me everytime.

*End of flashback*

"You should definitely get some sleep" Anya pulled me out of my thoughts. "Good idea" I agreed heading back inside.

I laid down and tried to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes, I saw a memory of Lexa and I. I rolled over and over trying to find the best position to fall asleep but failed everytime.

"Could you possibly stop moving?" Raven asked me with a husky tone. "I just can't sleep" I confessed. "I would do anything to have her close to me right now" I huffed.

After multiple hours of trying to sleep. I finally felt sleepy. I still wanted this to be a dream. I wanted to wake up and be at Lexa's place laying in her bed because I couldn't sleep the night before. I wanted it so desperately.


"Is anyone here?" I shouted. It was dark all around me and I couldn't see anything. I was cold and frightened. "Does anyone hear me?!" I desperately asked. I started to walk to find walls or anything that could lead me the the exit.

Suddenly, the floor disappear under my feet. The fall lasted a good thirty seconds. Long and endless seconds. My butt hit the floor but I didn't feel pain which was great because I would have most likely broke my hips and other bones.

I got up and it was still dark. "Hello?" I begged for someone to answer me. I felt so alone. Alone, lost in my thoughts. Alone and cold. I recognized the feeling. That's how I felt when I opened the tv and saw what happened. That's exactly how I felt when I realized my best friend was missing.

That's how my life is without Lexa.

"Lexa!" I called out. "Clarke" I heard behind my back. I turned around and saw a bright light. Someone was standing there. It looked like an angel was visiting me. The silhouette got closer and I eventually saw the face of the mysterious angel.

"I can't believe you're here" I hugged the person. "I'm always by your side. Always" Lexa pulled away from my embrace. I cupped her face in both my hands. I was so relieved to see her. The world started spinning again. Life made sense again.

I slowly trailed my fingers down her cheeks and she smiled. This smile that always warmed my heart, warmed my life. "Clarke you have to let me go" she murmured. "What!" I blurt out. I just had her back and I had to let her go? "No" I shook my head. "You have to" she begged me with her eyes. I felt tears streaming down my eyes, but I didn't care. Hell it didn't matter. My best friend brought her hand on top of mine and I looked down to my feet.

"Look at me" she ordered. I slowly looked up and blue met green. "Everything is going to be fine..." she reassured me with her soft and well spoken tone. She took my hands off of her face and gave me a last smile. She turned around and walked away. She was slowly fading in the light. "Lexa..." I whimpered.

"Wake up kids!" Someone clapped their hands. I woke up and I was an emotional mess. Wait where am I? Lincoln's place yes. I only then remembered what happened. The helicopter accident. So it was a dream. I didn't see Lexa. She isn't there.

"What what are you guys doing here?" I questioned the three silhouettes standing in the middle of the living room. "We came to check up on our kids" my mom smiled. Raven got up as soon as she heard her voice and rushed to hug my mom. They've always been super close. If my mom had to have another child, it would definitely be Raven. No doubt.

"We're also here to update you" Eddie scratched his head. Now, it was my time to rush to hug him. He's always been a second dad to me. Edward Woods, Lexa's dad. He was always so caring and kindhearted. Me and Lexa have been basically raised by the same three parents. My mom, Abby, my dad, Jake and her dad, that I affectionately call Eddie.

"Hey dad. Did they find them?" Anya slowly woke up. At the same moment, Octavia, Lincoln, Jasper and Maya walked in the living room. As soon as they saw the adults, aka my parents, they all greeted them. Maya introduced herself because it was he first time she ever met any of them. They all seemed to love her already.

"So, Ed, any good news?" Bellamy questioned him. Everyone except me call him Ed. It's nice and short, but I've never been a fan of that nickname. "I called multiple people to ask them if they had anything new. Unfortunately, no sign of the girls have been seen. They didn't even find the helicopter yet" Eddie explained. All the small hope that his visit brought us quickly faded away.

"I also want all of you to come at my house" my best friend's dad added. "I don't want to let you guys on your own. We're all here to comfort each other and, in my house there are beds for everyone" he smiled. "Sorry Lincoln" he winked at the boy who seemed embarrassed. "Come on kids" my dad decided he wanted us to leave, now.

We all changed back into our clothes and fixed up Lincoln's place that we slightly messed up. Some people drove back with my parents and others took their car considering they came here with them.

Mine and Lexa's houses are face to face. I remember when we were child and we would just leave our house to go to the other one's.

When we got there, I quickly went to my house to change. I also handed some clothes to Raven and Octavia.

When we walked in Lexa's house, it smelled exactly like her. I took some big and deep breath before my nose get used to the smell. "Hi, I never properly introduced myself. I'm John Murphy, but you can call me Murphy" Murphy held his hand out to shake Eddie's and my parents' hand. "Nice to meet you Murphy" my mom smiled. "Welcome to the family" Eddie shook his hand. "It's a pleasure, John" my dad pronounced all the letters of his name. I saw in Murphy's face that he cringed. He strongly dislikes when people call him John. I never really knew why, but I guess he has his reasons. "I'm joking! Come here Murphy" my dad pulled him closer in a hug.

My dad was renowned to be affectionate. With everyone. He might seem scary when you first meet him. But really, he's a big teddy bear.


The day went by rather quickly. We did our best to stop thinking about to 'what ifs'. We took a swim in the Woods' pool. We spent the day just talking and playing games. Then, the dads decided to make some barbecue.

I tried my best to look happy and to smile because I wasn't the only one sad. Lexa is Anya's sister and Eddie's daughter. Emori is Murphy's girlfriend, Echo is Bellamy's and Harper is Monty's. Plus, we are all friends. We all had someone we care about missing. I couldn't look hurt. I had to be strong for the others.

When the night came, we were all exhausted by the day, but mostly by the emotions. Eddie showed everyone their rooms. My parents went back home and asked me if I wanted to sleep in my room. I thought about it but I refused. I had a better idea. I got ready for bed and told everyone goodnight. Eddie didn't assigned me a room because he knew where I wanted to sleep.

I walked upstairs and opened the door at the end of the hall. I looked around in the room and the memories rushed in my mind. There was a wall covered in polaroid pictures.

There was that one in the left corner, we could see some green and red lights and two girls laughing. It was Lexa and Octavia. We were all at a beach party to celebrate O's birthday.

Another one near the right caught my attention. We could see Lexa on Lincoln's shoulder. It was our first concert together. The backstreet boys. It was an amazing night until Raven fainted when Brian blew her a kiss. After the show, he went to see us. He took pictures with us and signed autographs for us. Thanks Raven for being a fan girl I guess.

Then near the top, there was a picture of me, Lexa, Jasper, Monty, Octavia and Raven. Bellamy was the one who took it after multiple failed attempts by Lincoln. Anya was there too. It was the day we graduated from high school. We had red graduation gowns and the assorted hats. The picture next to this one was when we threw our hats in the air. It was a very emotional day. One because we survived high school. Two because we knew that meant that we would have to separate to go to different schools.

On another picture, we could see Anya face in the snow after Lexa pushed her. We were in Vancouver, Canada for a ski/snow trip. I remember that a second after, Lexa was the one with snow in her clothes, ass on the ground.

But the picture that brought the most nostalgia for me was right in the middle. We could see a girl on the back of another girl. Of course it was me who was on Lexa's back. It was during a roadtrip to south California. We rented a huge winnebago and it was hands down the best trip of my life. We had so much fun. We went on the beach when we first arrived. We walked feet in the water with the full moon's light shining on it. At one moment, Lexa convinced me to let her give me a piggyback ride. Raven came running with the polaroid camera and captured the moment. The moment after, a wave hit us and we both fell in the salty water. We both swallowed water and I personally, got some in my nose. It burned so bad. Octavia, then had the brilliant idea to clear our throats with pure Whisky. It actually worked. For once she had a great idea. But she ruined it all when she said 'hey Clarke. If it worked with your throat it could work with your nose. Come her we'll pour some in it'. Then, she chased me with the bottle in her hand. Lexa somehow managed to make me do it. She did it with me, of course. It was awful. O poured some in my nose with a straw. It went down in my mouth and I spit it in her face. At the same time, it did the same thing to Lexa and she spit it in Raven's face who just happened to have her mouth open. It was hilarious. Octavia and Raven were so mad that they locked us out of the car for the night. Lexa climbed on the roof of the winnebago and placed the blankets they gave us. She helped me get on and we laid there, watching the stars, talking about nothingness.

What wouldn't I do to be there with her again. I looked away from the picture to control my emotions. It was hard not to feel overwhelmed. Everywhere you looked in her room, there was an object that remembered me of our memories together.

I crawled on her bed and started crying. I buried my face in her pillow and totally broke down. Where are you Lexa? Come back to me.

I got woken up by a loud sound. I ran out of the room and urged to go downstairs where the sound came from. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who had the same reflex because everyone was awake, in alert.

I saw Murphy totally frozen in the living room. On the ground, there were broken pieces of glass. "Murphy?" I asked. There was someone standing in front of him. I took some careful steps aside to see who it was.

I was totally shocked. Emori was standing there! She had bruises and cuts on her face but she seemed, overall pretty fine.

I turned around to see Bellamy hugging Echo and Monty kissing Harper's forehead. I looked everywhere trying to find these green eyes, but they weren't there. "Echo were is Lexa?" I coughed. She pulled away from Bell's embrace and looked at me. She was in the same state as Emori. She only had what appeared to be superficial injuries. She seemed completely frozen. The only part of her that moved was her eyes. She kept looking at Emori and Harper trying to find words.

"Echo where is she?" I chocked on my words.

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