Out Of My League


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"You're out of my league" This.Is.Just.A.Product.Of.My.Bored.Ass More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 19

7.7K 346 118

3rd Person's POV

Lisa sighed as she watched Alex's car drove away after fetching her bestfriend.

"I guess you won't be going to school with me from now on, Nini." She said to herself.

She picked her phone and dialed Chaeng's number.

"Yo, chipmunk! You still home?" She asked as soon as the person on the other line picked up.

"Yeah, I was about to get dress you girrafe. Why?" Chaeyoung asked her.

"Ooohh... so you're naked right now?" Lisa suddenly became silly.

"Of course not! I'm wearing a towel." Chaeyoung yelled at her.

"Hmm.. well I can say that you're naked underneath that towel chipmunk." Lisa said seductively which caused Chaeyoung to blush madly. Good thing she wasn't face to face with Lisa right now.

"Y-yah! Why are you suddenly being like a pervert?! You just came out to like 3 days ago and now you're hitting on me??!" Chaeyoung said in disbelief and Lisa can't help but crack in laughter.

"Oh my God, Chaeyoung-ah. I can't see you but I can say that you look like a bull now." Lisa said and laughed harder.

"Did you just call me just to prove hiw asshole you are?" Chaeyoung asked irritatedly and Lisa get that it's her time to stop now.

"Of course not! I called to say that I'm going to pick you up and go to school together." Lisa said.

"Hmm.. let me guess? Jennie went to school with her boyfriend that leaves you alone so you called me to keep yourself a company. Thanks for reminding me that I'm just you're second option." Chaeyoung said and Lisa can say that her friend is rolling her eyes while speaking.

"Do you really need to remind me about that? Like it's Monday and you're already ruining the start of my week." Lisa rolled her eyes this time.

"Why so sensitive? I'm just kidding. You got me, Lissie don't worry okay?" Chaeyoung's tone changed to a caring one.

"I know, and I will really need you beside me.. like always." Lisa sighed.

"Just make sure your bestfriend won't pull my hair just because I'm hanging out with you." Chaeyoung chuckled. "I really don't know why she doesn't like me." She added.

"Nah, don't mind her. Besides Jisoo would be with us too." Lisa said.

"Okay. Now come here and pick me up. I'm dressed and I'm hungry." Chaeng told her.

"Woah! You got dressed while talking to me?" Lisa asked in amusement.

"It's called multi-tasking you dumbo." Chaeng answered proudly.

"Aww.. too bad I wasn't there to see that." Lisa said with a sad tone.

"Please remind me to kick your face as soon as I saw you." Chaeyoung said with a flat tone.

"Okay got it! We're going to Benny's. Be there in 15 minutes." Lisa said and cut the line before Chaeyoung can answer back.

She shook her head and laughed at their conversation. Suddenly, the heavy feeling that she felt earlier when she saw Jennie entering Alex's car was lifted and was replaced by a silly morning with Chaeng.


Lisa and Chaeng was on their way to cafeteria, they saw Jisoo immediately who is waving at them at their usual table. The two waved excitedly since they haven't seen the oldest since Friday but Lisa's smile slowly faded when she saw that Jisoo was not alone on the table.

She saw Jennie who was happily talking and Lisa felt her heart skip a bit. She was plainly stunned by Jennie's beauty and took her time to admire the girl not until she saw her hitting someone's arms.

'Oh right, she's with her boyfriend. Lord, help me survive this lunch.' She prayed.

Lisa felt a light squeezed on her hand and when she checked who's the owner of that hand she immediately smiled in relief.

"You'll be okay. Let's go?" Chaeyoung smiled. Lisa smiled back and nodded. The both of them walked hand in hand to their table.

"What's with the holding hands? You guys look like a couple too. Stop it because I would look like I'm fifth wheeling on this table." Jisoo said bitterly.

"I guess you should find your own partner Unnie, Lisa and I are dating too." Chaeyoung said randomly which shocked the four people around her.

"You guys are what?!" Jennie yelled.

Chaeng felt Lisa froze in her position when they heard Jennie's  voice.

"Just kidding.." Chaeyoung smiled sweetly at Jennie and winked playfully at Lisa before seating beside Jisoo.

Chaeyoung pulled Lisa who's still shocked of what she did to seat beside her.

"Gosh! I thought you were serious, you got me right there Pasta." Jisoo sighed in relief.

"Me too, I almost choked with this meat." Alex laughed.

"I'm just trying to joke around, you guys look so serious earlier." Chaeyoung laughed.

"You're joke is not funny." Chaeyoung heard Jennie and when she looked at her the girl was glaring hard at her.

"Oh really? It must be funny just for me." Chaeyoung said innocently.

"You're not even allowed to use that joke using my bestfriend. Do you even think what would other students think about her if they heard you? What if they thought that she's gay?" Jennie said seriously.

"Jen, it was a joke. Don't take it seriously." Lisa, who already melted from the ice, answered.

"Whatever!" Jennie said and went to talk to Alex again, ignoring the two who just arrived.

Lisa looked at Chaeng and saw her smiling innocently.

'I'll kill you later' she mouthed.

Chaeyoung just shrugged and turned her back at her to talk to Jisoo.

Lisa just ate her food quietly. She doesn't want to look up because she will just witness Alex and Jennie who looked like they are just the only peolple in the world.

She felt her phone vibrated from her pocket but she's too lazy to check it. She continued eating but she felt her phone again. She was about to ignore it again when she felt someone kicked her feet.

"Ow--!" She hissed. Her friends looked at her weirdly except from one person who is glaring at her. The culprit.

"You okay?" Chaeyoung asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I just bit my tongue while eating." She lied.

"Okay." Chaeyoung said and continued to talk with Jisoo.

She looked at Alex was busy using his phone then to the person beside him who is busy glaring at her since ealier.

'Phone' Jennie mouthed.

She furrowed her eyebrows then got the message quickly.

She picked her phone and saw 2 messages from Jennie.

'I don't like your friend's joke'

'No, I think I don't like your friend at all. She's getting on my nerves, like really'

The messages said.

Lisa looked at her and just rolled her eyes which shocked Jennie.


"Lisa, Seulgi said you have practice after class. Can I warch you?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Of course! God now that I remembered, the competition would be next month but I hadn't told Jennie and Jisoo that I'm still part of the dance crew." Lisa said.

"Don't worry about Jisoo unnie. I know she would be proud and will cheer for you." Chaeyoung assured her, "but for uh.. Jennie. I hope she'll feel the same." She said with an awkward smile.

"Gosh this is hard." Lisa groaned.

The dance crew started practicing their choreographies while having fun from time to time, there was no dull conversation and Lisa really felt comfortable with them that pushed her to come out from her closet which shocked the dance crew, even Chaeyoung.

"Ha! We told you guys! Our gaydars are always right!" Momo suddenly blurted.

"Yeah we knew it, oh my gosh!" Seulgi squeeled.

"Man! Here I thought I might have a chance on you." Bambam said feeling bad.

"Yo stop pretending. You're too gay to hit on Lisa." Ten smacked him.

Lisa was shocked to see their responses. She looked at Chaeng and she saw her smiling softly at her and gave her thumbs up.

"Wow, I didn't think I would get such responses." Lisa said in amusement.

"Oh come on! We're your family already Lisa. We won't judge you no matter who you are." Seulgi said.

Lisa's eyes became watery because of what she heard. Somehow the heavy feeling that she has in her heart was reduced.

"Group Hug!!!!" Bambam screamed and they all went to hug Lisa.

"Thank you so much for accepting me guys." Lisa said while wiping her tears.

"Hakuna Matata" Ten said and they all laughed at him.

"But I think we have to keep this just between us, right Lice?" Chaeng asked Lisa.

"Yeah, I guess so. I haven't even told my bestfriends and parents about this." Lisa said.

"You can count on us, Lisa. You're secret is safe." The four assured her.

Lisa was so grateful that she met new people that she could console and she can be truly open.  She's glad that she met friends and that she can be herself around them.

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