Shadow's Dance| 2nd Version

By SKetchPoint

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<GO SEE V3 She could feel a current run through her. Her eyes flickered and a slight bright blue glow radiate... More

Part 1- Prologe
Chapter 1: Alarm
Chapter 2: Forest
Chapter 3 : Spoken
Chapter 4: Flames
Chapter 5 : Team
Chapter 6: Hobbies
Chapter 7: Manor
Chapter 8: Desire
Chapter 9: Tea
Chapter 10: Bird
Chapter 11: Compose
Chapter 12: Island
Chapter 13: Drink
Chapter 14: Snow
Chapter 15: Engine
Chapter 16: Triange
Chapter 17: Shadows
Chapter 18: Intel
Chapter 19: Short
Chapter 20: Wings of Black

Chapter 21: Ivory

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By SKetchPoint

Rosin gave a small chuckle at the confusion that marked Batman's face.

"Honestly, did you actually believe that someone as strong as her was created by a child?"

Getting down from the bed she didn't fail to stand, walking with pride in her step and once she got to the door way she continued.

"You fools think something as precious as her would be recoded in a file or on a computer. It is the packs job to find one of our own. Sadly, that pack has died off to where it has gotten so weak that it must combine force to active its goal."

"We'll send half to retrieve project Ivory and some to retrieve Jane." said Batman.

"You can't retrieve Ivory without Jane, she can handle herself. We need to make sure it stays where it is."

"What even is project Ivory? What's the beast?"

"It sounds crazy when I try to explain but I'll do my best."


Jane heard the shaking ground as the men worked above her. The room that she was kept in was rather large but the limited tech was across the yellow line including the control panel for the thing that kept her captive. If she could send a current through the wire then maybe, just maybe she could escape.

Sudden she felt a line in her spine. Jane couldn't hold back the howl of pain that escaped her lungs. It was unlike anything she had felt. No electricity, injections or burn felt like this. Her lungs felt dry and she felt sick to her stomach. Lines of red traces her body. Something wasn't right, never was it red but next thing she knew she was free. The chains were still glowing bright orange from the heat. Horrified at what this meant Jane bolted out and into the sun.

Construction workers looked at her, one started to call the police. Pushing them out of the way she ran before something came up out of the ground. Parts of its skin looked to be made out bone. Fur poked out along its spine and it's mouth went out on a tip. It's eyes were silver like Jane's but had flecks of red and orange in them. It was enormous.

The creature spotted her in the middle of the street and started to charge at her. In fear Jane ran but her portals wouldn't work. The creature went over her head and covered her with its body. The tail she could see had the same bone like material pointed at the end, it was made up of four parts not a whole cone. Something inside of her made it feel safe to be near the beast.

Without notice the thing got up and faced her, bending down it invited her. Climbing on its head Jane sat gripping the strip of fur that ran down and then everything turned black.

Rosin got in her suit and with a mask on stormed into the hanger. Jumping into a smaller jet she ignored the yells of the heroes and took off. Quickly once she gout up into the air two others followed behind her. It didn't matter, the one that the team once called Doc warned what would happen if that thing got out. He was dead thus the duty passed to her, if that thing escaped Jane would need her more than ever to survive.

Canary got on the speaker. "Got something in North Carolina, Charlotte near a construction site. Reports are saying it came from the ground, two of them, one a werwolf and the other a demon."

"That's our beast, we need to get there before anyone gets hurt. Not much is known about it except somehow Ivory connects to Jane so be on the lookout."

"What are we looking for?"

"You'll know it when you see it. From what I've been told it's head is about the size of a car."


From the outside the white material went over its hair and protected the other one that was on the monster's back. It stumbled and shook its head before bolting down the street in confusion.

Everything was giving off a blue hint in Jane's new vision or so she thought it was her's. Noticing the sharp white mouth her, or rather this thing's eyes widened. The sound of the city came alive and distracted her. Not knowing where she was all she could think about doing was getting away from people and cameras. Hearing people scream and all the cars honking made her panic. She heard jets above her, the police force coming towards her.

Opening her jaws instinct took over and a portal was made. Without a second thought she found herself in a wooded area, a forest where she didn't have to deal with all the people. The sirens, screams and screeching echoed in her mind in the city, her senses still felt dilated even here. She could hear miles away the river flowing through the land, animals nibbling on leaves, the wind blowing through the trees and the squirrels chattering away.

A voice crept into her mind.

Call me Otto, many of the scientists refer to us as Ivory. We are one in the same, I heard stories of you from your father. He helped create us but for some reason the others didn't let me explore this world, my how it's grown since my last adventure.

"Wait, my father created you? What's Ivory? What is happening? Why am I seeing through your eyes?"

Indeed, for the American government as the dominant bioweapon, we are linked together but you have no memory of it in your past. This is why they didn't kill you. It was because of me. We are project Ivory, my armor and appearance gives the name away slightly.

What do we do now Otto?

I could take you to your friends and you can explore our powers while we travel. All that machine did was unlock your's and change your appearance slightly.

Are you in pain?

I should be the one who is asking you that.

The red glow, what was that?

You called upon me without knowing so.

How do I even explain this to them? None of them will understand. Are there more of you?

Yes, however, none were as strong as I. They are in Nevada currently engaged in a fight club with others experiments from competitors.

Let's go there and thank you for coming.

But you were not in danger, thanking me is unneeded. We should rest for tonight. Both of us are weak and will need the energy to make the journey.

Ok, one night and we'll leave in the morning.

Otto and Jane now were separate, laying up against each other they had chosen a denser spot to sleep. They heard the jets later in the night as they passed above them. Waking up instantly they connected again and the chase through the forest was on.

Dodging trees left and right they avoided clearing as best they could. However, they found themselves in a trap. Sounded by the heroes of Justice League Otto took control. The plates seemed to get closer together, spikes and horns got longer as she prepared to fight. Hissing then back Otto clawed at them but never went with an all out attack. Something touched their leg.

Red Herring.

"Let's get home" she smiled.

"Red..." Otto spoke out loud in a raw voice.

The plates went back to normal and the tuffs of fur revealed themselves along with Jane.

"Don't look for me Rosin. It will be better for you. My priorities have changed and now I must disappear."

"Jane, we have know each other more that you have known Ivory."

"Her name is Otto, she is not just a project. Every night I thought about you and how it would feel to see you just one more time. I have other responsibilities, the Justice League has proven that they don't want me around nor do they trust me. I will respect that and go off on my own missions. Perhaps one day I will go back once I settled this debt but as of now I can not return."

"Jane, please...allow me to go with you."

"Where I am going you can not, thank you for being my rock. Otto if you will..."

The beast with Jane on top weaved in between the trees and disappeared and left the heartbroken Rosin on the forest floor along with the League.

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