
By Kami-11

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Just the collection of my Matsuno x readers fanfics or PLATONIC fanfics between the brothers. Here will be SF... More

The CAT of My Dreams~
Two Shy Virgins
6 Is The Devil's Number
Soft paws, soft heart
A Day For Family (P2)
A Day For Family (P1)
A Day For Family (P3)
A Day For Family (P4)
A Day For Family (END)
A Flower Bud Blooms Within The Gloom
Day-Dreaming Proposal

Sibling Envy

381 11 2
By Kami-11

Quick Note: Reader is depicted gender neutral; A short one shot where the Matsuno brothers want to be with you but one particular Matsu is easily jealous and everyone fights for you lol. Enjoy as you wish and thank you for spending time to read my amateur writing skills hahaha.


"I'll fucking kill you.."

Slanted eyes glared in abhorrence, sharp teeth glinting and hissing towards the victim, arms raised and ready to slash away with sharpened nails a dark menacing aura that only promises pure hostility to the one quivering beneath such a demon. Death slowly inching forward to the quaking same-faced brother whose tears glistened in mercy, his cries for aid and forgiveness going deaf to the others that lazed away from the scene.

"K u s o m a t s u.."

The victim in blue with his outfit halfway torn squawked girlishly doing his best to reason his dearest younger feline brother but alas, his cries had annoyed the purple hooded demon and in a jiffy lunged at the other to shed blood and bruises, his anger and sadism boiling heavily the more he strangled and pounded his shitty brother while the shitty brother in question choked on his own tears and blood, soon silence befalling the household of the infamous sextuplets.

Ah yes. Brotherly bonding has surely gotten more creative these days.




"Neh Ichimacchan, why did'ja beat up Karamatsu this time? He hasn't really done anything painful in a while, surprisingly."

Squinted eyes darkened with bags glintered in a deathly stare to the one who asked, Osomatsu sweating and surrendered himself with arms up as proof to not temper with the angered neko of the family furthermore.

"I-It was just a question..."

Ichimatsu growled to the eldest brother and scoffed, jumping to his feet to stomp away from the household of idiots and instead slid onto his slippers to stroll away his bloodlust. The house shivered from how rough and uncaring Ichimatsu slammed the door shut, fire spazzing hellishly from him.

"Karamatsu-niisan, what did you do now?"

Karamatsu, defeated and bloody, arose in aching pain as he winced at the injuries given to him, his suave laughter replaced by coughing as he mumbled in exhaustion.

"No clue.. ouch."

Karamatsu continued to hiss in pain while he struggled to get himself cleaned and patched up, the other clones still doing nothing but laze around. However Todomatsu, once the limping matsu disappeared to the bathroom, chuckled in amusement that caught the other matsuno brothers' attention. Choromatsu rose an eyebrow and questioned first.

"Now what?"

"Haven't you guys noticed yet~?"


Todomatsu rolled his eyes at the unamused audience and tsked.

"Seriously? Isn't it obvious that Ichimatsu-niisan is jealous because of Karamatsu?"

Osomatsu, Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu expressed a head tilt in perplexity not fully understanding what the youngest tried to explain.

"You're all stupid. It's about (y/n) and them dumbasses-"

"And what about me?"

Totty gasped in shock as he quickly silenced himself up, the others stiffened up as they now knew what exactly was happening between the recent fights of the two unlikely brothers. Totty expertly changed the subject to cover any suspicion, saying how you would generally look attractive in the outfits he showed you from a website he randomly opened. On the other side of the screen, you gave a deadpan expression and aimed a slowed arch of an eyebrow with a slight giggle.

"Uh. I mean if a strap on would look good on me, I guess-"

Osomatsu snorted and cackled at the horrified pink brother as he stammered for a probable excuse, Jyushimatsu not hesitating to bomb down some gay and ass jokes that embarrassed Todomatsu more, you giggling along to tease the flustered youngest sibling even more.

"This is a mistake, stop laughing already you dogs!"

Osomatsu snickered,

"Well yer one to talk after letting us know about your anal kink-"

"S T O P."

After a good comedic moment your eyes lazily wandered around the room repetitively to notice that a particular NEET wasn't around. Actually, 2 of them have gone missing and this alerted you with a bit of sadness.

"Hey...where's Kara and Ichi?"


Jyushimatsu piped out to you in response saying how he fought with his brother and ended up leaving the house.


You nodded in thanks not really surprised about any sexual jokes or someone masturbating, as it did no harm on you then again you were somewhat desensitized about it after hanging out with these particular losers for quite some time. You'll get used to it as they all say. As much as you wanted to search for Ichimatsu first, the eldest brother seemed to have a horrible prank idea in his mind and quickly got your attention from calling out to you in a suspicious sweet tone.

"Neeh (y/n)~! Why not spend more time with us, play a game!"

The other brothers already knew that the eldest had a scheme and all eyes squinted to him except for you who hesitated for a moment before just lazily agreeing with him. Ichimatsu will surely come back and maybe after this fight he may have wanted to be alone for a bit, so just like that you stayed and sat next to the red demon where he instantly clutched onto you in a big tight hug. You who absolutely adore these losers and hugs in general smiled and reciprocated the affectionate embrace although in doing so made your body press fully onto his chest where his dopey smile twitched and his cheeks bloomed red. Man you felt so nice...

Of course this spiked a rage of envy from the others and Choromatsu was the first to act, rolling up his magazine to throw it against Osomatsu's face and hitting you a little in the process. Osomatsu yelped in slight pain and protest while he still clutched onto you which easily angered the fappymatsu even more. With a snap of fingers, Choro grinned deviously as he watched the eldest become strangled by the fearful ray of sunshine known as Jyushimatsu where his octopus hold will twist you so hard you'd end up tasting your own shit in the back of your mouth. Of course you sat there seemingly calm while giggling every now and then. You weren't sure what the deal was about but having known that the Matsus fought each other almost at a daily basis, you didn't bother to question it much instead you scooted over to Totty to accompany him laughing and scoffing at the stupid older brothers fighting amongst themselves.

"Hnf! NEETs am I right~?"

Totty shot you a silly insulting expression that tipped you over to snort fits of heavy laughter, playfully slapping him gently on his arms as he kept saying degrading jokes despite him being apart of those jokes since he too was just as crappy as the others. You coughed a little from laughing too hard and leaned your weight onto Todomatsu, still giggling at his nonsense. Although you knew you were a heavy person and felt somewhat insecure from it, it still surprised you how strong Todomatsu could be since his cute demeanor would easily make his enemies or strangers assume that he was a soft weakling. While you wondered about his strength, Totty had a sly expression that morphed more devilish as he also leant some of his weight onto you. At this point you were both cuddling into each other and you definitely appreciated the warmth and softness that evaded from this Matsuno, whiffing his scent and complimented him about it.

Todomatsu was just scoring away in winning you over while the other brothers finally took notice of the scene unfolding from their eyes and within a blink of an eye and a bit of time to process, your eyes blinked wide as you noticed the fashion of pink had turned yellow and the sensation of strength grew tenfold that shamefully made your cheeks bloom red. You peered over where Osomatsu and Choromatsu were fighting and realized that now Todomatsu was involve in the abuse, your body slightly stiff as you cautiously peeked over to Jyushimatsu who had been blatantly staring at you a bit too close for comfort.

He effortlessly trapped you in his strong hug and smiled adoringly at you, a smile that definitely caused your face to boil red. This caused the death ray of sunshine to chuckle deeply and audibly bombard you in compliments about how attractive you were and how comforting your body felt against his, understanding how Oso-niisan would become heated around you. You knew Jyushimatsu was deadly but this NEET can surprisingly t o r t u r e others with his sickeningly sweet and smooth flirting. After all he IS a Matsuno NEET and these boys are no where near innocent. Too flustered to do anything (not that you could've) you shyly hid your face in the crook of his neck and tightly hugged him, small whimpers muffled in the yellow jacket that were struck whenever Jyushimatsu purposely squeezed you in his arms in a taunting rhythm, his own cheeks flushing as he absolutely enjoyed the moment.


And though you were neutral to the usual sexual chatter between the muppets, in this moment you were too nervous to handle anything perverse so the instant your mind processed Jyushimatsu's words was the moment you began to squirm and cry internally as you wanted to escape but alas Jyushimatsu, with no effort whatsoever, kept you in place. His usual dopey smile quivering to a more sensual grin with his tongue lolling out almost drooling as your squirms was like having a vibrater against his semi-boner. Truly a panting dog.

Though as before, you were finally released and flopped onto the floor and immediately curled yourself into a ball as you hid your heated face within the palms of your hands, the yelling and noises of sibling rivalry going deaf from the drumming within your heated ears.

Finally the bruised brother who patched himself up had arrived onto the messy scene where he set his shades on top of his head, his eyes flickering everywhere in perplexion as he silently stared at the fights in front of him. Before he could've caught their attention, Karamatsu coughed in pained alarm as someone tackled and clutched onto him tightly, the Matsuno in blue glanced down to sigh in relief as it was you who held onto him and never missed the opportunity to wrap his arms around you in gentleness quite the opposite to what you just endured.

Karamatsu softly whispered in question of your quivering state. Still too embarrassed to say much you simply shook your head and begged for him to comfort your nerves. Actually a little worried over you, Karamatsu began to rub your upper back gently as he quietly hummed a tune in hopes that his vocal vibrations would ease you down quicker. Since Karamatsu was always ignored by his brothers none have paid attention and kept fighting over who called dibs on you first, your mind hazed in tranquility as Karamatsu's massage and humming did the trick to help you cope. You craned your neck upwards a bit (height difference is my kink don't judge me hh-) to stare at his sparkling eyes and the two of you smiled in adoration for each other. You did notice the bandages and marks on visible parts of his body and you knew that it had to be from the fight he had with Ichimatsu as you remembered what the others told you earlier. Even so, you were glad he was fine and able to ease down your nerves.

The moment had been calm and comforting.





Until a sudden wave of fear stabbed through everyone as if The Lord of Death had welcomed itself in the vicinity, a gurgling growl of loathing caught everyone's attention with their eyes widening as they all grew intimidated by the one and only emo brother.

" K u s o m a t s u."

Karamatsu instantly began to sob on the spot as he hid behind you for defense, his whole body shaken as his teeth clattered in a chanting apology. The other Matsuno brothers also hid away from view from the pissed off Ichimatsu though they peeked their heads out to see the delicious drama. The poor feline NEET's eyes were spiraled and darkened with red veins adorning the whites of his eyes, his face wrinkled in heathing abhorrence and his hands twitched and ready to skin off prey. You were frightened as well as you haven't really seen Ichimatsu this pissed off around you but boy was he frickin' psycho. You could feel Karamatsu quake and piss himself in fear and you admit that you felt bad for him. Not wanting Karamatsu to get hurt, you slowly turned to Karamatsu and gave him a smile and a couple of pats on his head which triggered a few more veins to pop onto Ichimatsu, his eyes melting straight into Karamatsu's soul not even noticing you cautiously strolling up to him.

Another rasped growl of hatred spiked the hairs on everyone's bodies, your eyes almost welling up tears though you finally managed to lay a gentle touch onto his upper arm where it effectively and instantly broke Ichimatsu's trance of bloodlust and glanced to whatever touched him. Upon seeing you close to him confused him slightly as he glanced back to the now kneeling Karamatsu begging for mercy and decided to hold off his murderous plans for later, his attention now fully focused onto you. Ichimatsu's face was back to it's default uncaring expression as he blinked twice at you as if expecting something. You sighed internally in relief to have prevented a crime scene to take place, your watered eyes now glistening in glee as you finally realized that he came back from his lonesome stroll. You smiled warmly at him and leaned in for an embrace where Ichimatsu instantly clutched onto you and hummed in delight at your attention while he glared daggers at the still kneeling glitter-glue shit-head. You pulled away a bit to ruffle Ichimatsu's hair saying how much you missed him, his arms loosely around your waist and his aura radiating pure bliss to finally have you all to himself.

"I missed you too.."

This time Ichimatsu pressed himself against you in a tight embrace, his hands gripping you with strength as he nuzzled in the crook of your neck. While you were back to feeling flustered and surprised at how expressive Ichimatsu suddenly became you could only muster the courage to reciprocate his affection, gently massaging the lower back of his head which definitely caused the rugged Matsuno to purr.

"Well that's not fair, we wanna be with them too y'know!"

Osomatsu finally revealed himself and broke the romantic atmosphere being ticked off at how territorial his baby brother was acting, huffing with crossed arms. Of course this only triggered the fourth brother to harshly hiss at the eldest accidentally digging his sharp nails into you, almost breaking skin. Your body twitched in pain and audibly winced and Ichimatsu immediately pulled his hands away and apologized. You only nodded to him to then face Osomatsu with a head tilt in question.

"But...you guys already got a hug..?"

Your voice was low feeling shy at remembering the events before making you avert your gaze and hug yourself in defense. Ichimatsu was back in having his veins pop and the aura had sank to the feeling of murderous intent, Osomatsu now sweating more and given glares by all his brothers for ticking off the bomb. Ichimatsu with strained effort pushed you aside carefully before leaping over with claws and fangs spiked out in bloodlust as he and Osomatsu fought and somehow dragging every other brother into the blood bath where punches, kicks, biting, screaming and any filthy way of attacking a person had occurred between the sibling rivalry, your eyes blank as you stood stiff at the more gruesome scene unfolding right a few feet away from you.

You still had yet to accustom to remind yourself that you were more than just 'a bro' with them. You were a potential candidate to mark and brand as their own whether you liked it or not, even if most of the times you'd thought you weren't attractive enough to catch their eyes and only saw them as funny buddies. But boy oh boy were you slowly realizing that you were a weapon to be used against them and you had to swallow that reality in order to find ways to not have them be pissed and fight each other too often.

Oh dear..

Whatever game Osomatsu tried to plan, it sure did twist to an unexpected turn that bit him back on the ass. Either way, life was a lot more interesting with them around.

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