Secrets The Heart Holds - LAR...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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"we arent friends" harry says "that is all we are best friends" louis yells out "friends dont do what we do"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 24

963 12 2
By NotReadyToPlayNice

as the weeks went by julia dropped her album and quickly went to number one 2 weeks later ed dropped his album and same happened shawn dropped his album and well as you all guessed it, made the #1 spot and here we are harry having his radio inter view with nick as he drops his new album and release his new single

"and ladies and gentleman we are here with HARRY STYLES" nick says

"finally my turn" harry jokes

"calm down princess" nick teases" soo you feel any pressure to hit #1 as well since ed, julia and shawn all went to #1"

"yeah that is a lot of pressure but i am glad that hailee didn't drop an album yet" harry says

"well lets start with your first single" nick says " you want to introduce it"

"sure, everyone this is my new single" harry says as louis walks in and harry just smiles" ONLY ANGEL"

It was an angel
I really saw an angelOpen up your eyes, shut your mouth and see
That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me
I'll guess I'll be getting you stuck in between my teeth
And there's nothing I can do about it
Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door
I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor
Couldn't take you home to mother in a skirt that short
But I think that's what I like about itShe's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angelI must admit I thought I'd like to make you mine
As I went about my business through the warning signs
End up meeting in the hallway every single time
And there's nothing we can do about it
Told it to her brother and she told it to me
That she's gonna be angel, just you wait and see
When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets
And there's nothing she can do about it
Hey, heyShe's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angelShe's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My-my-my only angel

"and that ladies and gentleman was harry styles new single ONLY ANGEL off his new album" nick says

"wow this is is more up beat compare to your heartbreaking ones in previous albums and i know you are in a better place now that you were 3 years ago" nick says

"much better, i got my kids and the love of my life back i am so happy" harry says as he gives louis a kiss on the cheek

"well we are all happy that you and louis figured it all out" nick says" so what is next for the world famous harry styles"

"well i meet with my management tomorrow and figure out a touring schedule" harry says

"well i know that we cant wait to see you all on tour and from what i have seen these tours will be amazing" nick says

"well i can agree with you" harry says

"will olivia be joining anyone on stage"

"umm we don't know, we always follow her lead we dont make her but if she wants to she can soo as always its what ever she wants" harry says as he stares at louis with a smile

"alright i need you both to pay attention to me" nick says laughing " speaking of munchkin how are all the babies doing"

"well darcy and aria are walking and talking and olivia rose just started kindergarten" louis says "my babies are growing"

""alright lets not make louis cry" nick says laughing as louis flips nick off and they start to laugh

"alright my break is over, gotta go back and get to work" louis says

"alright see you later" harry says

"love you" louis says as harry says an i love you back as louis walks out of the studio

"well lets get back to why you are here i mean other than dropping your new single and album" nick says as the family walks into the studio" well this is a treat the whole family is here and we all have a special announcment"

"ok what is your special announcement" harry says

"well we are having our annual charity benefit concert for DIANA'S HOPE" ed says

"tickets go on sale on friday at 10AM" hailee says

"well that is not all" harry says

"we are also having a raffle the website link is on the BBC radio website" nick says

"and to make is fair we are randomly picking 5 winners no matter how small or large your donations are, the winners will fly out with 3 friends to spend a weekend with the entire family, and yes kids are included" jeff says

"but wait there is more" shawn says

"the night of the charity concert we are going to be auctioning off all the guys for a chance to have a home cooked meal prepared by the moms" julia says

"so get your check books ready and yes you can pull all your money together and we all will be there, and remember its all for a good cause" diana says proudly

"well lets take some questions" nick says

"alright jessica pick a number from 1 to 20" nick says

"7" jessica says

"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"ohh geez i am trying not to curse right now" the caller says " my name is marcia and i am 18"

"hi marcia" everyone says at the same time

"well my question is, geez i can do this" the caller says" i have been on diana's hope webpage and you all do alot of fundraising its incredible, but i wanted to tell you guys that i was in an abusive relationship and i heard about diana's hope and i read her story and that day i realized that i needed to leave, so i followed what the website said, i made a plan i gave myself 6 months and i saved enough money and i was able to leave at 3 months, thank you diana for giving me hope that i can leave that was a year ago and i have been so much happier, i got myself back in school, i always told myself that if i ever got the chance to talk to you i wanted you to know how you saved me and gave me hope thank you diana for being brave and sharing your story with the world, and if the meza family is there when i read sandras story i knew i didn't want that i happen to me i knew i had to leave, thank you both"

"umm" diana says as she wipes a tear as ed hugs her tightly and whispers an i love you in her ear" hold on i can do this" she says as she takes a deep breath" i always said if diana's hope can save one person then our mission will be done and hearing women and men tell me their story of survival i know we are doing the right thing in helping abuse victims and survivors"

"thank you but i dont think i would of been able to do it if it wasn't for your resources, which i might add are amazing the people never leave your side even now my case worker still checks on me once a month and that means that some actually cares and that means alot" the caller says

"um will you be willing to talk about your story at the concert, i think your story might help someone" diana asks

"i would love to"

"well stay on the line so i can get you pauline and she can get your information" nick says " alright family take a deep breath"

"shut up nicolas" david says as he starts to cry

"pick a number from 1 to 20" nick says "ummmmm lets go with diana

"15" diana says

"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"my name is jason and i am 22 and might i add geez even i started crying" the caller says

"seriously tho" david says

"well my question is are you all really close as you all put on your social media"

"yes" they all say at the same time

"why does no one ever believe us" zayn says " i swear we are a hot mess and some of the conversations we have are just plain questionable"

"like what" the caller asks

"well we actually last night had a 3 hour conversation on if penguins have knees" niall says

"and we swear we were all talking and giving input" hailee says laughing

"how did that come about" the caller asks

"we dont even know" jennifer says laughing

"wait what about the conversation the other night about about which toy story was better so we had to sit down and watch all 3 and that was another 4 hours conversation" niall says laughing

"you all are so weird and humble i guess we all think you all live in a huge mansions with butlers, maids and nannies" the caller says

"no that is not true, i am throwing trash away, mowing our yard, baby sitting, changing diapers, being a pop star is not as glamorous as it seems, louis even makes me clean the bathrooms" harry says

"same here" ed adds" on stage i am ed sheeran at home i am the maid, the butler and the nanny, but i love and it wouldn't have it any other way"

"and i an a test dummy and lunch provider and chofer" shawn says laughing

"and i can vouch for them" nick says

"alright next caller" nick says" ummm julia pick a number 1 thru 20"


"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"holy shit" the caller says

"language" nick says

"sorry" the caller says " um my name is mayra and i an 29"

"well hi mayra how have you been" shawn says

"so about this charity concert, are you all going to be there" the caller asks

"yes we are all going to be there and we have a lot of surprises planned" christina says

"but since you all have these surprises are the tickets going to be reasonable or are they going to be more expensive since we will have 5 for the price for 1 or are we going to pay for the all 5, i mean i really want to go but i am a college student" the caller says

"don't worry all tickets sold will be reasonable priced" mark says" we will not hike up the prices because of who will be performing but trust us this is one show you dont want to miss"

"well i need to take a commercial break and when we return, we will be here with the family and call in your questions to the moms" nick says

"shit" harry says

"what" louis questions

"um luke is calling me" harry says

"answer him" louis says

"you sure" harry nervously asks

"yeah i am, i have nothing to worry about" louis says

"hello" harry answers the phone

"hey harry, how have you been" luke says

"i have been good, i have you on speaker phone i am here at the radio station with my family"

"ohh good, mind if i come over i want to talk to all of you, well i have friends with me" luke says

"yeah come over" louis says"but becareful of the moms last time were saying dirty things about you guys"

"LOUIS" jay yells out

"its true" niall says

"jason and chris careful our moms are serious business" ed says laughing

"well we will see we will be there in 20 minutes" luke says

"wait send me the names of everyone coming, we need to let the receptionist know" liam says

"um me, jason statham, josh gad, sebastian stan, chris evans, chris pratt, andjared leto" luke says

"ok when you get here let the receptionist you have an appointment with mark and she will let you know where we are at" harry says

"how long are you going to be at the radio station" luke asks

"um another 2 hours" harry says

"ohh ok we will be there in 20 minutes, do we need body guards" luke teases

"yeah i think you better" harry says laughing

"ok we will see you when when we get there" jason says" hi moms"

"umm hi" the moms says nervously as harry hangs up his phone

"we are going to kill you boys" anne says

"and we are back on the air so , we are talking to the moms who are ready to kill us but we hope our listeners can calm them down" nick says laughing as he gets glares froms the moms

"so jay pick a number between 1 and 20" nick says as they all start to laugh

"umm lets go with 1" jay say

"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"hi, umm my name is norman and i am 33"

"hi norman what is your question" anne says

"umm well we all heard that when the family gets together everyone has to be there, can you spill a time when one of the kids decided they didn't want to go"

"well no they all learned but i will tell you that one day i called shawn and he didn't answer, i really don't know what he was doing but he didn't answer until all the mom's started texting him and well lets say since that day when one of the moms calls he calls back immediately he actually sent us moms a copy of his studio schedule, such a good boy he is" jay says laughing

"well he is still alive so he made it thru that one" diana's mom says

"i swear these moms are no joke" nick says" alright ummm lets go with lupe pick a number 1 thru 20"

"umm lets go with 5"

"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"geez, my name is roberta and i wont be giving you my age but i have 4 kids my oldest is 30 and 3 grandkids" the caller says" but moms i have seen the videos you post of the older kids and man, i thought my kids were the only ones that were that childish i just wanted to say thank you for letting us see that all the kids are well rounded and down to earth and that we moms can say ok our kids are normal"

"well thank you but sometimes they can be to much but we love them and we have tried giving them up for adoption but its to late and they know their way home" 'anne says laughing

"how do you keep track of all the older kids" the caller says

"its tough but we moms have a group chat and we all make sure to call each kid once a week, i mean we talk to our own kids more but the rest of the kids once or twice a week and then we moms compare notes and move on" zayns mom says

"yeah its true they know things before we even know" nick says

"but dont let those innocent faces fool you, they can be a handful too" jennifer says laughing

"can you tell us a story" the caller says

"ohh we have alot but my favorite is, last month when we were all together we older kids went out to dinner and left the moms and dads with all the babies i mean its was what 4 babies, lizzy, sam and olivia so 7 kids plus jay's 6 kids 13 kids and when we came home they were all in the pool one of the moms put bubble bath soap in the pool and they were all in there and might i add it was 8 at night when we got home" liam says laughing

"so everyone including the babies were in the pool" the caller says

"yup only in a diaper, and they almost lost sam and phoebe" louis says

"and what did you all do" the caller asks

"we all went to our houses and changed and went into the pool we were in there till almost midnight i think" ed says

"wow that must of been some night" the caller says

"it was and i swear the kids were loving it" david says

"yeah since you all started throwing the girls around like rag dolls" anne says laughing

"wow, but can i ask why you guys never post pictures of moments like this" the caller asks

"well it all started with david" nick says" i think we mentioned this before"

"yeah but when we were in high school david would throw these parties and the #1 rule was no pictures or videos and if you were caught we would throw you and your phone in the pool and you were never invited again" niall says

"and when we all reconnected it just stuck i mean we take pictures but when we are together none of us take out our phones we are just together as a family and i swear there is never a dull moment or a time where we can say we are bored" david says

"i mean the only time we take a family picture is when we post it but other than that we dont even check our phones" ed says

"wow, i think i am going to start that rule" the caller says

"well this all started with david and his house party rule but now we realize that it helps us enjoy each other and kinda makes us talk to each other and the kids love it"nick says

"well thank you i really appreciate you all talking to me" the caller says as she hangs up

"well i think we have time for 1 more call"

"mom pick a number from 1 thru 20" nick says

"umm 16" nick's mom says

"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"um my name is jonathan and i am 21" the caller says " and i wanted to know with so much going on how do you all still stay so grounded and humble i know you all live in manchester and walk around the city like you are normal people"

"well the moms help us alot and well the people we surround ourselves with" niall says

"we actually live very modestly but its true all our friends and families keep us grounded and have no problem knocking us down a peg or 7" hailee says

"true" shawn says" i been yelled at be a couple of moms and dads"

"i think we all have been" louis says

"like when christina told the moms that shawn was to busy and wasnt going to be here for some family event and lupe threw her shoe at christina and hit her on the head" jessica says

"wow that is funny" the caller says laughing

"that hurt" christina yells out

"well that should teach you to not lie to the moms" liams mom says

"hello everyone" luke says as he walks in the studio

"ohh my, boss i think i need a bigger studio" nick says looking at mark

"we will start construction tomorrow" mark says

"well ladies and gentlemen we have in the studio quit a treat and i promise this was not planned" nick says " we have luke evans, jason statham, josh gad, sebastian stan, chris evans, chris pratt, and jared leto"

"moms behave" adam says laughing

"shut up all of you" jay says as she stares at chris evans and anne stares at jason statham

"mom" harry says laughing

"huh what" anne says

"your drooling and stop it, dad is here" gemma says

"soo, i will sign divorce papers right now if i can have just 2 hours with him" anne says

"dad" harry says

"we told you about the moms we have no say so, lucas can you please get the divorce papers ready" robin says laughing' ahh to hell with it i will give her a free pass"

"thank you for being supportive" anne say laughing

"so anyways, how have you all been doing" nick says

"we have been great, we were listening to the show and wanted to come and say hi" luke says

"well hello we were taking caller questions but my time on the radio is almost over but the boss man says we can take one more" nick says "umm luke pick a number from 1 thru 20"


"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"hi, wow so much hotness in one room, god i wish i was in there right now" the caller says as everyone starts to laugh" well my name is melissa and i am 26"

"hi melissa, i have a question for you, out of everyone in this room who is your favorite" chris evans asks

"umm olivia" the caller says

"well she is not in this room she is at school" harry replies with a laugh

"sorry i have to go with captain america himself, i mean those eyes, damn" the caller says

"fine since we are the ugly ones what is your question" luke says with a laugh

"i wanted to know luke how do you know harry styles" the caller says as luke and harry stare at each other

"um well we met at an award show a while back and became friends" luke says

"and at the time we were both going thru some things and helped each other out" harry says looking at louis and louis just saying its ok

"ohh there were rumors that you two were dating" the caller says

"no we didn't date we were and still are good friends" luke says" i have someone and he is with louis so that is all we have ever been"

"ohh ok, well i really enjoyed talking to you all thank you" the caller says as he hangs up

"well everyone i am nick grimshaw and i want to say thanking you everyone for joining us today and i will see you all tomorrow" nick says as she signs off "guys im sorry i didn't know he was going to ask that questions"

'its ok louis know everything so i have nothing to hide its just something luke and i agreed no one would know unless they had too" harry says

"yeah and jared knows so i don't care" luke says

"well i don't care" louis says

"me either" jared says

"and if you two want to go at it then i have no problem going at it with jared" louis says laughing

"stop it" harry says

"hey i wont mind" jared says

"babe, stop" luke says

"what you two went at it why cant we do it too" jared says laughing

"both of you stop" harry says

"fine, lets stop before harry and luke go into their jealous rages" jared says laughing

"i know" louis says as he kisses harry

"much better" harry says

"sorry about that' jared says" but it was fun" he says as he and louis give each other a high 5 as they start to laugh

"well we actually came here for a reason" luke says

"ok" harry says

"we wanted to know how we can help at the charity concert for diana's hope" jason says

"well he are going to be auctioning off the guys like a dinner thing and i think you all would be a huge surprise" diana says

"i am in" luke says

"me too" jason says as the rest of the friend start to agree

"wait luke i have heard your voice do you want to do a duet with me" julia says

"i would love to" luke says

"i have an amazing idea then" louis says

"ohh shit we are in trouble" christina says laughing

"um luke would you like to tell your aunts story at the concert" diana says nervously

"if i could" luke says

"yay" diana says as she hugs luke 'i'm sorry"

"its ok" luke says

"diana, we have a daughter" ed says

"what if anne and jay can get a pass why can't i" diana says laughing

"stop it" ed says

"uughh your no fun" diana says

"who would of thought ed sheeran was jealous" chris evans says

"ohh harry and niall are the worst" christina says

"what no way" josh says

"who would of thought" luke says

"shut it all of you" harry says

"umm jason can i give you a hug" anne says

"sure, whos mom are you" jason says

"i am harrys mom" anne says as she hugs jason "you smell good"

"thank you"

"i want chris evans" jay says

"mom" louis says

"well you must be the famous jay" chris says as he hugs jay

"sorry dan i want a divorce" jay say as dan gives her a thumbs up

"i heard about you and how you went off at a waitress at the waffle house" chris says

"how" jay asks

"couple of my friends were there that night, they went to the show and i swear the whole place was clapping but i think you all had left that night already" chris says" they recognized harry, ed and hailee"

"ohh shit" jay says " well she was a dumbass idiot"

"I'm a fan" chris says as he starts to laugh

"well do you all want to come over for dinner" lucas mom says

"no we can't" luke says

"wait is olivia going to be there" sebastian stan says

"well we pick her up from school at 1" louis says

"so how about we all go pick up the girls from school" niall says laughing

"what is so funny" jason statham asks

"well what had happened was" zayn says as he tells them about when they all went to pick up olivia and how flustered all the teachers were

"so are we all going to go pick up the girls from school" jared leto says

"sure" louis says

"and then what" josh gad says

"we usually hang out and play with all the kids as the moms make dinner for the whole zoo" ed says

"i am sure the moms are going to enjoy you all being there" hailee says laughing

"if you all want you can go to the house we all can just take a vacation" diana says laughing

"stop it all of you" eds mom says

"do they all really yell at you " luke says

"yes" they all yell out laughing

"all right lets go get the minions" harry says

"we are going back to the house to start lunch and decide what to make for dinner" liams mom says

"do you all want to go leave your cars at our house or follow us" louis says

"we can drop off the cars at your house, well we came in joshs van" jared leto says

"ok well then follow us" liam says

"hey boss we are all taking the day off" louis says laughing as mark gives him the middle finger

"so mark you own the radio station and is their boss" luke says

"yeah, well louis, diana, jessica, and liam and david are publicist for hailee, ed, harry, julia and shawn, and jeff has his own management company and manages all of these assholes we call brothers and sisters" mark says" and lucas is their attorney and christina is our official private investigator, she can find out anything"

"wow seriously" josh says

"yeah and i taught diana everything i know" christina says

"seriously" luke says

"yeah, mom and i found all of them when they went to new york and they kidnapped us and well when they need to find something out well they call me, ohh i am also a doctor at NYU hospital, well i just started my residency" christina says

"wow, damn so can i hire you to find out anything i want about jared" luke says

"well what do you want to know" christina says

"what he was doing last thursday" luke says

"here give me your phone" christina says as luke gives her his phone as she starts to type away "diana look up this name"

"on it" diana says laughing as she takes out her phone

"wait, how do you know jason momoa" christina says

"wait what" jared says

"yeah you were at a concert and then went to have dinner with jason momoa and his wife and luke your stupid you were there too and might i add that shirt you were wearing is ugly" christina says as she hands lukes phone back to him

"wow your are good" jared leto says laughings

"i feel sorry for the courageous bastard that dates you" luke says

"hi that would be me" shawn says laughing " and yes i know"

"ohh shit, i am sorry i didn't know" luke says as he turns beet red

"well lets go and drop off the car is almost 12:30 and when we get home you can continue to put your foot in your mouth" harry says laughing

"ok fine" luke says as they all walk back to their cars and they go to the houses and luke and friends drop off their cars and they all head to pick up the girls from school and daycare they pick up sammy and lizzy and then go to pick up olivia when they get there they go to her class

"uncle luke" olivia yells out as she runs to luke evans

"you remember him" louis questions

"yeah, he soft and cuddly" olivia says

"uncle chris" olivia says as she lunges her body to chris evans" you nana favorite"

"well you are my favorite" chris says as he gives her a kiss

"uncle bashi" olivia says as she lunges to sebastian stan

"ohh my you are soo cute, i am going to kidnap you but shhh dont tell your dad or poppa" sebastian stan says

"munchkin go get your things so we can go" harry says


"hi i am mrs jones" the teacher says flustered

"well i am olivia's dad harry and this is louis her other dad and well we are to many to introduce but you know most of us" harry says

"poppa, i'm ready" olivia says as she runs to jason statham "uncle jason"

"well she is one lucky little girl" the teacher says as they all say their good byes and head to the van as they head home once they get there they all go to the back yard area and sit down at the fire pit

"wait so who are your neighbors wont they mind us being out here" jason says as olivia, lizzy and sam start jumping from person to person

"ohh these little frogs" louis says laughing

"Riiiibbbiiittt" the 3 girls say at the same time as the adults start to laugh

"well we are actually all neighbors, jeff inheritated the land and we all just built our houses on it" zayn says

"wow you all are really close" jason says

"yeah, and yes family dinner are real and our pictures we post of family dinner are real" liam says

"ok well that answers my questions" josh gad says

"well what do you all do when you all get together" jason says

"well you all want to bring down the internet" harry says

"well how" jared says" ohhh you all going to post a picture and answer fans"

"exactly" louis says

"ok lets do it" luke says as they all sit together and take a picture and they all upload it with a simple caption of LOOK WHO JOINED THE PARTY and they all post if

"well this was quick you all brought down all social media all servers are down" liam says

"well that has been the quickest we have done that" ed says

"ok they are up" david says

"so what do we do" luke says

"answer fans but we always switch phone and if you answer make sure to put your name" niall says

"this is my favorite thing about being harrys friend" zayn says

"this is so much fun" jared leto says "um louis harry my fans want me to take a picture with lizzy, sam and olivia"

"yeah sure" louis says as louis takes a picture with the 3 girls and jared and he uploads it

"well all our fans want us to take pictures with the kids" josh says

"sure" harry says as they start taking picture with the girls

"poppa can we go and play" olivia says

"yeah all of you go and play" louis says" we will get you all when dinner is ready"

"ok daddy" olivia says as the 3 girls go and play at the play area

"where are the twins" louis asks

"i don't know, somewhere around here, i hope or at the radio station" harry says

" wait what" luke says

"when the whole family is here we loose tract of all the kids but i am sure they are with the moms" diana says

"this is so much fun" jason says" our fans are loosing their shit over all of this"

"yeah we been doing this since harry first became famous and we have do it everytime he would come home" liam says as they start to log off their social medias and return everyones phone back

"this has been the most fun i have had in a long time' jared says

"that is what we all have said when we first did this" ed says

"who wants to play my famous truth or dare' david says

"NO" all the friends say

"poppa, come play with us" olivia says

"saved by the kids" lucas says

"come on lets go play with the kids before they all come and make us" niall says as they all go and start to play with the little kids a few hours later and the moms are calling everyone to sit down and dinner is ready

"wow this is amazing" jason says

'thank you"jay says as they continue to eat and enjoy each others company

"can we help you clean up" luke says

"no its ok, you are guest" anne says

"well thank you for dinner we had an amazing time and harry as soon as you have the dates let me know and i will get the guys together" luke says

"yeah i will" harry says

"well its been a pleasure to have been here today, and olivia i can't wait to see you again" chris evans

"me too" olivia says as luke and his friends walk out of the house and harry and the family go back to the back yard and enjoy each others company

"are you ok with luke going to the charity concert" liam asks louis

"yeah, i am fine" louis says

"are you sure" niall asks

"yeah, i mean i know harry and him have history but that is in the past and luke is engaged and harry and i are too" louis says " i have nothing to worry about"

'of course you don't, you know i love you and only you" harry says as he kisses louis

"you better say that or else i will go after jared leto" louis says

"seriously" harry says

"stop you know i am only playing" louis says

"don't play like that" harry says

"anyways" niall says dramatically

"cant wait for the charity concert" liam says

"i know and we have so much to do and so many surprises for the audience" ed says

"i know i can't wait" diana says

"well, we still have 2 weeks to go and everything looks good, and i can't wait" christina says

"wait so did you get the time off" louis asks

"yeah i talked to my director and told him about diana's hope and i told him that my parents and i would be guest speakers she told me that i needed to be here" christina says

"well thats good" jessica says

"well i didn't tell her i knew you all but i just told her that we spoke at the grand opening at diana's hope and did it last year and she told me she wished we had something in new york, i told her i did too and maybe after my residency her and i could team up and do the same thing" christina says

"really what did she say" hailee asks

"she was soo happy, then she told me about her mom how her mom was in an abusive relationship and how she left they lived in arizona but moved to new york to get away from him and he found her 2 years later and he broke into her house he almost shot her but she grabbed the gun and killed him, she was released and not charged since she had a restraining order against him and there was police reports, it was self defense and just like my aunt sandra his family blames her mom" christina says

"wow, and did his family pick up his body" liam asks

"she doesnt know, they never asked but after years of therapy her moms realized it was not her fault and she was just protecting her self and her kids, but i mean i hear these stories and i feel like i need to so something in new york but i know we will i just need to work on my residency and save money" christina says " and don't you all dare do anything"

'what" harry says innocently

"shawn i swear, i will leave you if you don't try and stop them" christina says

"what" shawn says" you know they wont listen to me anyways"

"we will follow your lead" ed says trying not to laugh

"feel better" louis says

"much" christina says

"alright princess calm down" shawn says as he hugs christina as everyone starts to laugh as they continue to talk and enjoy each other



its been 6 weeks since harry dropped his album and as every one expected went to #1 and harry was at the radio station promoting his new single

"and we are back with Harry Styles" nick says

"hello everyone" harry says as he and nick look at the door as louis walks in

"well louis just walked in and i am guessing he is on his break"nick says

"yup, i am on break and harry told me that i should come in to the studio as he is dropping his new single dedicated to our daughter well the famous Olivia Rose" louis says

"yes" harry says

"well i hear we have a surprise as well" nicks says" well H you want to do the honors

"well i had help writing this song and its called Olivia and some friends help me" harry says

Remember the day we were giving up
When you told me I didn't give you enough
And all of your friends were saying I'd be leaving you
She's lying in bed with my t-shirt on
Just thinking how I went about it wrong
This isn't the stain of a red wine, I'm bleeding love

Please believe me, don't you see
The things you mean to me?
Oh I love you, I love you
I love, I love, I love Olivia

I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia
I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

Say what you're feeling and say it now
'Cause I got the feeling you're walking out
And time is irrelevant when I've not been seeing you
The consequences of falling out
Are something I'm having nightmares about
And these are the reasons I'm crying out to be with you

Please believe me, don't you see
The things you mean to me?
Oh I love you, I love you
I love, I love, I love Olivia

I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia
I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

When you go and I'm alone
You live in my imagination
The summertime and butterflies
All belong to your creation
I love you, that's all I do
I love you

I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia
I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

"ladies and gentleman louis is crying" nick says as zayn, liam and niall walk into the studio

"it came out better than we expected" zayn says

"well this song is as beautiful as all the rest" nick says

" well it took me long enough to finish it but since it was for munchkin i wanted it to be perfect"

"well harry i hear you have another surprise" nick says

"i do, i am here to announce that i will be going on tour in april and tickets go on sale march 1st" harry says

"and i will start my tour in america and finish in mancherster" harry says

"so that means all the popstars are going on tour" nick says

"yup, which this time around we all picked different countries to go and yes olivia and all the family will be there and if olivia decides to sing she will be on stage" harry says

"Can we say which countries" nick says

"Nope" they all say at the same time

"well we can say manchester" louis says

"and this time around we are not doing new york, sorry new york" liam says

"but why" ed says as he walks in the studio

"well because our last tour we all were in new york 2 times we think its time we should share olivia live to other countries" zayn says

"well have the countries been selected" nick says

"yup"harry says laughing

"well we can't wait and is olivia doing her duet" nick says

"umm we don't know she hasn't asked and we only say yes if she wants to" louis says

"well i am sure all the fans cant wait to see you all on tour" nick says

"well we cant wait to see everyone" harry says

"any other announcements" nick says

"yes all tickets are on sale for the charity concert in 2 weeks and we cant wait to see you all there" harry says

"so when does the family get here" nick asks

"well they start getting here the wednesday of the same week as have alot of things to go thru and alot of rehearsels so yeah the next few weeks will be hectic for this family, and i hope we can all make it out alive" louis says laughing

"we will make it just wish us all luck and we will have so many surprises and for those of you that wont be able to make it to concert we will be recording it and the DVD concert will be be sold 4 weeks after the concert" harry says

"so we have all been warned by management to be on our best behavior and if anyone knows us, well we will try" niall says as they start to laugh

"well so sadly its time to go,man i swear time passes by really quick when you guys come and visit" nick says

"i know but its been really fun and we have more interviews, soo manchester we will see you in 2 weeks" zayn says as nick says his final good byes as they all get up and start walking out of the studio and make their way back home

"lucas what are you doing here" liam asks

"well i just came back from the courthouse and well the judge sentence natalia and micheal to 30 years in prison and michelle and john to 25 years"

"wow, that sucks but still that was a lot of damage they were going to cause us all" niall says

"have you hear anything about melody's case" harry asks

"well yeah, that is the reason why i came to talk you all" lucas says

"well" louis says

"well he knew she had no chance and cause so much damage that she pleaded guilty to all charges the judge sentenced her to 5 years in jail and 10 years probation, she got so mad that she yelled at the judge i guess she thought that if she tried to do the remorseful act the judge would be more lenient but the judge saw right thru her started calling him names and well it wasnt pretty to he went with his original plan and sentence her to 15 years in prison and she has to serve her whole sentence" lucas says

"i swear she just cant keep her mouth shut" diana says

"thats what the judge told her" lucas says

"well 2 problems down and we just need to idiot ex in texas" zayn says

"well i talked to jennifer about another case i wanted her to help me with and when his attorney told him he was facing life in prison he decided to kill himself, jennifer told christina and she took it well but i think she broke down a little after i know that no matter what a life is a life but jenn said that Tina is doing good" lucas says

"ok that means we can all just get going with our lives and forget about all of this" harry says

"yeah, i know but i came because natalie and micheal wrote jessica a letter" lucas says

"i dont want to read it you can burn it, i don't ever want to be associated with any of them" jessica says

"no problem i will take care of it" lucas says" well i have to go i have to meet with a client"

"thank you for letting us know" jeff says

"well what should we make for dinner" harry asks

"you havent made fetuccini alfredo in a while" niall says

"ok, let me see make sure i have everything i need" harry says" you are in luck"

"well louis is picking up olivia and the twins from day care and i am going to take a nap the next 2 weeks are going to be busy with promo and the concert" harry says

"yeah i know and shawn and julia are going to start promo on their new single" niall says

"i know, well i need to meet hailee for the baby's check up" niall says

"well i will see you all for dinner" harry says as niall walks out of the house and harry go upstairs and lays down he is woken up when his phone starts to ring "hello"

"Mr Harry Styles" the person says

"yes, that would be me who is this"

"i am officer joseph conrad and i am trying to get in contact with Diana Smith"

"i am her older brother and what is this about"

"well i am calling from Quentin Correctional Facilities and i need to inform her that Benjamin Rogers has escaped prison and we need to let her know so she can take the neccessary precautions to be safe, we tried her phone number we have on file but it is no longer in service and you are listed as next of kin"

"well i appreciate the call and i will make sure that her body guard husband knows, thank you for calling" harry says as he hangs up the phone and calls paul and lets him know about the phone call

"harry, did you tell the caller that you knew where diana was at" paul asks

"no, i just told him that i would tell her body guard husband since i know you had told him that you were her husband" harry says

"well i need you the screenshot the phone number and send it to me" paul says as harry does what he is told "text everyone to be at the house"

"well everyone will be here for family dinner" harry says

"you need to tell ed before we tell diana and i will send all this over to christina and have her call us after dinner" paul says

"i will thanks" harry says as he hangs up the phone and calls ed

"harry" ed says

"hey where are you" harry says

"i am at my house you need me for something"

"yeah i am on my way" harry says as he hangs up the phone and goes to ed and dianas house

"hey, what is the big emergency, you are scaring me" ed says

"umm ed, ben escaped prison this morning, well that is the phone call i got" harry says

"are you sure" ed says

"well i called paul and he is going to investigate and he is sending the phone number to christina but paul told me to tell you we are going to tell her tonight after dinner, so paul said it would be better to let you know that way you can be calm and help diana"

"yeah thanks i dont know how much of this will" ed starts to say as harry's phone starts to ring

"hello" harry says

"hey, H" paul says

"hi i am with ed let me put you on speaker phone" harry says

"hey, so i called the prison he did escape but he had help from the outside and we think it might be lindsy" paul says

"ohh hell no, she comes near diana i will kill him myself" harry says

"well calm down, christina is going to get to the bottom of it, but for now we need to be careful, i think ben might be working with someone from the inside of prison, but we need to make sure that diana is protected at all times" paul says

"i know but i swear he comes anywhere near her, i wont hesitate to fuck his ass up" harry says

"calm dowm, this time if he gets near her i will personally put a bullet in his head" paul says

"thank you" ed says

"i am going to the radio station and talking to mark and let him know that diana, jessica and louis all need to be escorted my security" paul says"you know what i will be their personal guards dont want to take the chance that the guards there are criminals" paul says" i will see you all tonight"

"ok thanks" harry and ed says as they hang up and a few hours later everyone is walking in the door "well everyone is early"

"well no one wants to be late since we all know that the last one gets no dinner" louis says as they start to laugh just as the doorbell rings " i will get it"

"louis how are you" paul says

"well dinner is almost ready about another 20 minutes" harry says

"well everyone, i need you all to sit down and listen to what i have to say" paul says as he tells everyone what he and harry had talked about that afternoon

"but i thought he was taken to a maximum security prison" diana says

"he was but after i called a friend of mine they investigated and he was working with a female correction officer and she helped him they are both on the run, but i called christina and well i dont need to go into details but they are stupid and she was able to trace her credit card information and he has been caught and she was been arrested as well" paul says laughing

"so what now" diana says" i dont want to keep living my life in fear on when is the next time he might escape or put the baby life in danger"

"you have nothing to worry about a few friends of mine took care of him" paul says

"what happened" diana asks

"well we sent him to a prison in another country, we basically deported him some where in a deserted island so even if he escapes he will be surrounded by water and no one knows about this prison its for high risk criminals" paul says

"ok well that works too" diana says

"but how did they get my phone number" harry says

"well when ben was caught last time, remember they needed another persons phone number and you put yours well the girl that was helping him was able to get your phone number and ben was the one that called you, just wanted to get anything from you so good job on that" paul says as his phone starts to ring" hello, hi babe, no i am with yeah with the family, no its ok, well yeah i know i am telling them right now, i know, give me 20 minutes and i will call you back before i have to explain things to them and we agree we would do it together" paul says when his phone is taken away

"ok, babe, i forgot you were going to talk to them, i am sorry" the voice says as Niall put it on speaker

"hi this is niall"

"give me my phone" paul says as liam and harry hold paul pack

"shit" the voice says

"CARMEN" diana yells out

"explain now" jessica yells out

"i have nothing to say" jennifers mom says" i called because jennifer called me and was concerned and i called paul to ask if everything was ok"

"yeah and we all call paul babe and shit" ed says

"talk now" harry says sternly

"we have nothing to say" paul says

"paul you know me better than anyone and when i want to find something out i will" harry says

"last warning and so help you both, if the girls and the moms knew" niall says

"fine" carmen says" paul and i have been talking for the last 4 months"

"and do the moms know" lucas says

"what a stupid question, of course they know" adam says

"what about the girls" zayn asks

"no just the moms" paul says

"hmmm, so then what is going on" mark says

"we are just talking we both have been hurt so much that we want to take things slow, but i really like her" paul says

"hmm, well we are going to let you both decide and we want to know if anything happens" harry says "i am watching you both"

"umm baby, i will call you later" paul says as he hangs up the phone and everyone is just glaring at paul" umm i have work to do so i need to go"

"no you are not, spill everything now" jeff says

"the day that we went to help get art, i went to carmens house to use her computer i needed to get some information and i didnt want to go to the meza house since i wasnt sure if art was spying on the house and we started talking and well after that day i couldn't stop thinking about her, it was nice we talked that afternoon for 2 hours and she would text me after that good morning or just have a nice day and i would text her back the same and after we caught art we went out for coffee and well we got lost in conversation that we were there for 4 hours so after that day we talked and wanted to see where what would happened, i forgot to call her and tell her i was here and well, you all know the rest"

"well since she is a mom, we really dont know how to handle this but we are watching you" louis says

"well thanks, but i really like her" paul says

"we can tell" diana says

"just the way you smile when you talk about her" hailee says

"shut it all of you" paul says " but i really have to go, i have things to do"

"hmm like call carmen" harry teases as paul walks away and flips them off as they all start to laugh

"well that happened" gemma says

"wonder if jennifer and christina know" diana says

"message them" harry says

"ok hold on" gemma says as she starts to type away on her phone" um i don't think they do"

"why" louis asks

"well i told her that we missed her and jenn and that diana and i found a date for paul and that we needed her to do her magic and do a background check on her and she was ok to send her the information" gemma says

"and she wont lie to us" diana says

"well just tell her when you have the information you will forward it to her" liam says

"done" gemma says

"well anyways, they both deserve happiness" harry says

"so are we going to eat or are we going to start chewing on our limbs" niall says dramatically

"get the kids and have them wash up for dinner i will get the food out of the oven and get the bread toasted" harry says

"poppa" olivia says as she runs to harry and he just picks her up and hugs her

"come on lets get you in your chair and lets eat before uncle niall faints" harry says as they all start to laugh

"so when does shawn and julia come back" david asks

"next week to drop their single" nick says

"well we cant wait, and we need to start rehearsals for the concert, i swear why cant we all just plan things and give ourself time between things we plan something and bam we add 30 more things" harry says

"stop being so dramatic, you love all the pressure you function better when you are under pressure" louis says

"that is right" mark says

the following week shawn and julia were at the radio station dropping their single

"and we are back with julia micheals and shawn mendes" nick says

"well thank you nicolas" shawn says

"missed you so much nick specially the girls" julia says

"well they both miss you so much" nick says" well we are hear because julia and shawn are here to make a special announcement"

"we are here to drop our surprise single" shawn says

"yes here is LIKE TO BE YOU" julia says as nick presses the button to play the single

[Shawn Mendes]
"Don't cry" - or do, whatever makes you comfortable
I'm tired too, there's nothin' left to say
Let's call the truce, 'cause I don't really wanna go to
Bed like this
I'm so sorry
That we're still stuck in the middle
I'm so sorry
'Cause in the moment I

[Shawn Mendes & Julia Michaels]
I don't know what it's like to be you
I don't know what it's like but I'm dying to
If I could put myself in your shoes
Then I'd know what it's like to be you

[Julia Michaels]
Can I kiss you or not? 'Cause I'm not really sure right now of
What you want, are you still mad at me?
I'm hopin' not, 'cause maybe we could go to the movies
I know that always cheers us up, hey

[Shawn Mendes & Julia Michaels]
I'm so sorry
That we're still stuck in the middle
Yeah, I'm so sorry
'Cause in the moment

I don't know what it's like to be you

I don't know what it's like but I'm dying to
If I could put myself in your shoes
Then I'd know what it's like to be you
Tell me what's inside of your head
No matter what you say I won't love you less
And I'd be lying if I said that I do
I don't know what it's like to be you
I don't know what it's like to be you

[Shawn Mendes & Julia Michaels]
I get worried
I might lose you a little
Every time we
Every time we argue and get caught up in the moment

[Shawn Mendes & Julia Michaels]
I don't know what it's like to be you
I don't know what it's like but I'm dying to
If I could put myself in your shoes
Then I'd know what it's like to be you
So tell me what's inside of your head
No matter what you say I won't love you less
And I'd be lying if I said that I do
I don't know what it's like to be you
I don't know what it's like to be you
I don't know what it's like

"and ladies and gentlemen that was julia micheal and shawn mendes new single like to be you, well julia and shawn i know that you both have to do press all day so thank you for coming in and spending a few minutes with us and i cant wait to see you both at the concert next weeK' nick says

"well thank you for having us and i wish we could stay longer but next time for sure" shawn says

"and thank you everyone for the support we will all see you for the Diana's Hope charity concert, i cant wait" julia says

"well up next" nick says as julia and shawn leave the studio and go to liam and davids office and continue doing press for the single and when they are done they go back to the house and just rest

"jeez i dont know how much more of the same stupid questions i have to answer" julia says

"me either and the fact that they keep asking about christina its just too much" shawn says

"well its over and now we need to start rehearsals for the concert" julia says as harry walks in

"you guys ok" harry says

"yeah just tired from interview" shawn says

"yeah i know i hate it to but its part of the job" harry says

"well i need a nap then dinner and tomorrow meetings all day about the concert" julia says

"i know but i hope everything goes as plan" harry says

"when does louis and jessica come back" julia asks

"umm tomorrow night" harry says

"well then start dinner peasant the popstars are hungry" shawn says as he starts to laugh

"shut it or i wont feed you" harry says as they all start to laugh and enjoy that the family was somewhat complete

the following week as they were getting ready for the charity concert all hell broke loose as all the families started to arrive and , harry, ed, hailee,julia and shawn started their rehearsals and planning for all the surprise guest and making sure that all speakers had arrived and getting everything they need for the concert

"mom i swear, i should never be trusted to plan any of this shit" louis says

"well then why did you volunteered" jay says

"i dont know" louis says

"well lets go we need to get the the venue so we can all practice and go over everything for this weekend" jay says

"when does the meza family get here" louis asks

"umm they all get here wednesday but jesus gets here thursday" jay says

"ok well let get to the venue" louis says as they get into louis car and drive to the venue as they walk in they see the stage and the whole family is there as he walks closer to the stage diana hands louis a microphone" alright everyone we have a few days to get all this right so everyone is getting a sheet that explains everything that will be going on and well a few surprises for the audience, harry when is luke and his friends going to come"

"umm thursday" harry says

"ok, well then we can do a rough run today and thursday we will go over everything together when everyone gets here" louis says as they all start to go over what they are all going to do and where everyone will be at

"has olivia said anything about singing" shawn says

"she did but it was quick but i think she will sing her duets i hear her singing all the songs" louis says " and she asked harry to help her with stitches so i am sure she is, she will be here friday so we will see what she decides"

"ok, well i gave the band the 4 songs i was going to sing and stitches is in there just incase" shawn says

"ok thanks" louis says as they continue to work and run down on what will happen on saturday and after a few hours they were all tired and decided to go home


everyone is at the arena as they are all going over what was going on

"we need to go over everything tonight and tomorrow you all the schedule you all need to make sure you are here no later than 5 we are starting exactly at 6" louis says

"louis is bossy" ed says

"shh dont make him yell" harry says they start to laugh

"does anyone have any questions" louis says

"are we doing soundcheck tonight or tomorrow" niall says

"tonight for all the groups and solos will be tomorrow morning we dont want anyone to know what we are up to" louis says "has everyone given the band their songs"

"yes" they all yell out

"Julia you will do your duets with niall and shawn, and the niall, liam,zayn,harry and i will do 4 songs which by the way i am not happy about but its for a good cause and we will all close out the night as a family" louis says

"ok we got it" zayn says

"well lets start group rehearsal" louis says as he calls the groups on stage"alright lets get this show on the road" and 4 hours later everyone is tired as they all make their way back to their houses as head to the fire pit area

"i swear i am so excited for tomorrow"diana says

"yeah me too, cant wait for all the surprises and just cant wait" hailee says

"is olivia ready" ed says

"ohhh yeah, she has practiced with everyone at one point or another" louis says

"yeah yesterday she came and was like i practice uncle teddy and i was ok lets practice and then 10 minutes later she was ok im done lm gonna go play" ed says laughing" and then she took off"

"yeah she does the same to all of us" shawn says as he give christina a kiss

"well i think we are doing good and letting her choose and not force her, but as long as she has fun she can do it as long as she wants" louis says

"well she has an amazing voice" liam says

"well she has enough vocal coaches to make sure she is good" louis says

"louis" harry says


"who is sean"


"no, this idiot" harry says as he shows louis his phone

"ohh my god" louis gasp

"who is he" harry says jealousy coming thru his voice

"calm down. he is sean the one i was dating when we were at manU, you know about him, why are you asking" louis questions

"he sent me a dm that he wants to talk to you, or else he is going to release pictures of you and him" harry says

"well he can do what ever he wants we never did anything only make out and maybe handjobs and it ended badly" louis says

"you were with him when you got pregnant with olivia" harry questions

"yes" louis says hoping harry wont ask him what happened

"we need to call paul" mark says

"if he messages you again just ignore him" liam says

"wait what is his last name" christina says

"sean mallory" louis says

"spell the first name i am spelling it like shawn but get nothing ohhh never mind found him" christina says "damn louis you have amazing taste in men"

"thank you" louis says laughing knowing harry is not amused

"wait but why reach out to you" louis says

"i dont know i mean all my fans know we are together and have the kids, you think he will try and black mail me" harry says

"no i think its about louis" jeff says

"jennifer look this name up" christina says as she shows jennifer the name and the spelling and a few minutes later "ohhh my god"

"what" they all say

"wheres lucas and adam" christina says

"lucas should be he" is all mark can say as lucas and adam walk to the back yard

"adam what is your ex's name" jennifer says

"sean mallory, why" adam says curiously

"for manchester being a big city you all sure do recycle people" christina says laughing

"spill now" harry says in a jealous tone

"well sean is adams ex which is louis ex and i guess since he still follows adam that is how he knows about louis, sorry H, he is not a fan of yours" christina says trying not to laugh

"i'm sorry to say but this is all about money" adam says" he has been messanging me since yesterday wanting me to pay him shut up money but i just blocked him i guess he is trying with you"

"well i told you my ex is broke i guess they thought this way they can get a payout" lucas says

"you know what i am tired of people fucking with us, harry give me your fucken phone" louis says as harry hands louis his phone

"what are you going to do" jeff says

"hold on" louis says as he goes to harry instragram and pulls up the message from sean....hi sean its me louis, heard you were looking for me and you found me what exactly do you want, you made it clear years ago that you wanted nothing to do with me and if you dont leave me alone i will tell everything that happened that day and trust me sean you will come out worst than me, as for us we never did anything more than kiss and handjobs and i know for a fact that you never took pictures and if you release any i know they are photoshopped so trust me when i say you dont scare leave me alone and try to extort money from another idiot and dont ever mess with my family........Louis, and send" louis says as he presses the send button

"louis i never asked but what happened with you and sean" harry questions

"dont worry about it, if the time comes i will tell you but i dont want you to ask" louis says

"tell me" harry says


"what if he tries to come looking for you and tomorrow we all will be at the arena, look i just want to protect you" harry say

"look, i can look after my self and i know when i tell you, you are going to go after blood and we need you to be calm and besides we are all going to be together just have paul and all security on high alert for him and lucas ex" louis says

"but this conversation isnt over" harry says as he gets a notifications" he answered"

"what does it say" david says

"louis, you are dumber than i thought, of course the pictures i have are photoshopped you would never want to do anything else and i knew you were cheating and guess what so was i, but when you told me you were fucken pregnant and refused to get rid of that shit that is when i lost it and because of you i have never been able to trust anyone and was thrown out of school and now i am stuck as this mediocre job so louis you need to pay me for what you did to me, i want 15 million dollars by monday or else these pictures will be sold" harry says as anger runs thru him

"wait that is not true, he was kicked out for hacking into the school computer and trying to change his grades, his parents are actually very wealthy but took him off their will when he got caught" christina says

"louis tell me everything now or else" harry says angry

louis takes a deep breath and starts telling everyone happened" that afternoon the day after i found out i was pregnant you and niall were at the condo and i left i went to seans apartment and he had made dinner and we ate, we watched t.v and we were talking about the future, i knew that i needed to break up with him but at the moment i didnt want to be alone, a few hours later i got up and threw up i came back and he asked me if i was ok i told him no, he asked me what was wrong and i told him i was pregnant, i didnt tell him from who but he got angry i stood up and was trying to leave but he grabbed me and pushed me to the couch i was so scared he kept yelling at me telling me that i needed to get rid of the mistake and that he will take me back and all will be forgiven, i told him no and he got angrier he picked me up and slammed me to the wall i was so scared all i could think of was protecting my baby i kicked him in the balls and he let me go, i ran out side and got in my car and left, i called liam and zayn from a parking lot i honestly dont know where i was but i know i saw liam and i passed out next thing i knew i was in the hospital i started crying so much i thought i had lost olivia but a few minutes later the doctor walked in and did the ultrasound and there she was heart beating so strong" louis says crying as harry is just staring at him not saying anything as diana and jessica hug harry and liam,zayn and niall hug louis" i was released the next afternoon and well you all know what happened, i never wanted you to know about what happened with sean because i know how you get i'm sorry, after that day he would call and text me but i would ignore him i told him that i was not going to abort my baby and he would get angry and call me names i finally blocked him he came to the condo a few times and that was when i decided to to go spend 2 weeks with my mom, zayn and liam told him i moved out and he stopped going" louis says crying trying not to look at harry

"harry, please say something" jeff says as louis cries harder

"i'm sorry" louis says almost in a whisper

"louis why didnt you tell me" harry says as anger  coming thru his voice

"because i know how you get and i was scared if you found out he wanted to hurt me and in turn hurt olivia, i was scared, shit i am still scared" louis says as harry gets up reaches for louis hand and just hugs him as they cry in each others arms

"that son of a bitch hurt you and wanted to hurt my baby, i am going to kill him" harry growls

"no you are not, paul should be here in a bit and like always we will take care of this as a family" niall says" or else this whole family will be on the news and arrested for murder charges"

"babe look at me nothing happened olivia is safe and so am i, please get out of that dark place, please babe, i love you we all love you" louis says still crying but trying to be as calm as he can as harry shakes his head

"no he fucken touched you and hurt you and wanted to hurt my munchkin, i want him dead" harry growls out

"harry, please i need you to follow my voice and come out of that dark place" louis calmly says as he hugs harry and starts to cry" i am scared but i know that i as long as i have you i dont need to worry about anything you always protect the family especially munchkin and me"

"but he tried to hurt my baby" harry growls out" i want him dead"

"he isnt worth it, we need you, olivia, aria, darcy and me, harry i need you, i will always need you and i never want to think about living life with out you and our kids" louis says still crying

"i want to kill him, christina find him and i want an address" harry growls out in a cold voice

"H, i am sorry, i wont do that, we are all family and like everytime we need to get thru this together" christina says crying as harry locks eye with her and then looks at all the girls who are now cryin terrified that harry will hurt someone as everyone knows that harry is overprotective of the family but when it comes to louis and the kids he is worse

"please babe, calm down please, i am scared so scared but i know that as long as i am in your arms i am safe" louis says as harry shakes his head

"no, this time i am out for blood to many people are coming at us and trying to mess and destroy our family i am done with this shit" harry screams out

"but as a family we have been able to get past it all and have knocked down anyone that has tried to come at us and this time will be no different as a family we will get thru this" niall says as paul walks to them

"hi everyone" paul says

"paul we can't calm harry down" louis says still crying

"well its a good thing i came, well christina sent me the screenshots of the messages sean sent you and i sent them to a friend of mine at the police station, sean is actually wanted for extortion on an ex boyfriend well one before louis and with what we had he has been arrested and the boyfriend as well" paul says

"that was quick" lucas says

"well he was sending the messages from a coffee shop downtown and christina and jennifer were able to get his location and when they searched his car well there were pictures of you louis but they were glued on to a different picture really bad job but he did have a gun but they have been caught and are in jail, so harry calm down please" paul says as harry finally breaks down and starts to cry as he hugs louis tight

"im sorry baby" harry says

"no need, i'm sorry " louis says" but we have our baby with us and nothing happened so he can rot in jail for all i care"

"i still want to kill him but at least he is safe in jail for now" harry says as louis starts to laugh

"shit" lucas says

"um my exes cousin just messaged me heard i was an attorney and wants me to help alex and sean to get them out of jail" lucas says

"what!!!!! ohh hell no if they get out i will kill them and no one is going to stop me" harry angrily yells out

"HARRY CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!!" louis yells out as everyone just looks at louis and harry just stares at him " just stop this is getting out of control"

"sorry" harry says in almost a whisper

"i messaged him that i can't be involved as i am louis attorney and not to contact me again as i will not help them in any form or get involved in what ever mess they created" lucas says "my loyalty will alwyas be with the family"

"thank you" louis says "sorry i yelled"

"but he hurt you and i want to kill him, its only fair" harry says

"we have a charity concert tomorrow and you are the MC of the show and you are the only one that likes the spotlight more than olivia" louis says as he starts to laugh

"fine rat bastard can live another day" harry says" thank you for calming me down"

"no problem just tomorrow is very important" louis says

"has he responded" liam asks

"he just said fuck you then" lucas says as they all start to laugh

"i think we better get to bed its getting late and well we had a such an emotional night" jeff says as they all stand up and go to their houses

"baby" harry says as he changes his clothes

"yeah" louis says as he climbs into bed

"why didn't you tell me about what sean did to you" harry asks

"because i know how you get, and know what happened and even the thought of you knowing that he put olivias life in jeapordy would of sent you thru the roof, and i never wanted you to know about that day but i told myself that i would tell you the truth one day and since dumb ass wanted to reach out to you well i guess tonight was a good time, but harry please just let it go, olivia and i are fine she is happy and healthy and nothing bad happened" louis says

"i know but that is my baby and to think that he wanted to hurt you so you can loose her, i can't ever imagine not having her in my life, i love her so much" harry says

"i know, we all know but i want you to know that i never thought of aborting olivia, i fell in love with her the moment i knew i was pregnant with her, she is a pregnancy that maybe wasnt planned but she was created out of love because i know both of us were in love with each other and that i knew that no matter happened even if we never crossed paths again that i would have something from you and what better gift than her" louis says" i am more in love with you right now than ever and seeing you with the girls makes me love you even more"

"i love you too and i promise i wont do anything stupid unless he comes after you then all bets are off" harry says

"fine but not tomorrow we need you" louis says

"and i need all of you" harry says as he kisses louis good night and they fall asleep



cant wait for next chapter

love peace and chicken grease

all the love

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