A Discorded Love (My Little P...

By JasminePosey

103K 3.6K 1.8K

Imagine this: You're the average pegasister, living a normal teenage life. Not a day in your life had you eve... More

CH-1: An Ordinary Day...?
CH-2: The Portal
CH-3: A Female Draconequus
CH-4: Allergies
CH-5: The Statue
CH-6: Off To Ponyville!!
CH-7: A Day of Fun!
CH-8: It Begins...
KIK Announcement!
CH-9: Queen Of Chaos? Not So Much...
CH-10: Lesson Number One...Billion
CH-11: Temporary Victory
CH-12: The Reason Why
CH-13: Discord Rules, Celestia Drools
CH-14: Ponynapped and Betrayal
SHOUT OUTS!! #2!!!
CH-15: Promises, Promises...
CH-16: Life After Chaos
CH-17: The Gala
CH-18: The Stranger
CH-19: The Deal
CH-20: Long Goodbyes and Another Deal
CH-21: Resistance is Futile-Or is it?
CH-22: Go-Karting Fun!
CH-23: Hide And Seek
CH-24: The Letter
CH-25: A Chaotic Birthday Party
CH-26: Fate
CH-27: Love Is In Bloom
Author's Note: Delay...
CH-28: Unexpected Events
CH-29: Expecting the Unexpected
Author's Note:
CH-30: Deliverance
CH-31: Growing Pains
CH-32: Baseball Games and Labor Pains
CH-33: Feeling Not so Special
CH-35: Tragedy Strikes
IT'S HERE!!!!!! ^W^

CH-34: Preparations and Surprises

1.6K 61 53
By JasminePosey

A/N: Okay, this takes place a while after Chaos and Random were born. About six months or so, I guess. Anyway, this will most likely be the second to last chapter in the book. There will be about a week between the last two chapters, just to keep you on edge before the ending. Oh, there will also be an Epilogue.

Anyways, let's continue, shall we?


"Wake up Maria!" somepony yelled, jerking the female draconequus awake. Her head thunked on the glass of the train and she was alert instantly.

"What'd Chaos do this time?!" she asked quickly. She realized that she was still on the train.

Pinkie Pie stood over her, smiling brightly. "Chaos isn't here, you silly filly! Er-would that be 'draconequus'? No, it doesn't rhyme..." she trailed off.Twilight sighed, pulling on Pinkie's curly tail to sit her down. Deep in her thoughts, the pink mare had no clue she was sitting again.

"Are we there yet?" Maria asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Almost," Applejack said. "It'll be 'bout fifteen minutes till we get there,"

"Oh," she yawned.

"You look tired Maria. Have you been getting enough sleep?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Not really. Chaos is more of a troublemaker than his father. And Discord's the only one who can calm him down. That and apple sauce,"

"That reminds me, don't let me forget ta give ya Granny Smith's recipe fer her special apple sauce," Applejack said.

"I probably will," Maria sighed. "Do you all have any idea why Celestia called us to the castle?"

"Why darling, how could you forget?" Rarity asked, appalled.

"Take it easy, sugar cube," the orange cowpony said.

"Princess Celestia wanted us to help prepare for the Gala," Twilight explained. "She said that our designs have become more popular than the usual Gala, so she started to request our help. We decided to take you this year so you can get a break from Random and Chaos,"

"How are they doing? You know, if you don't mind me asking..." Fluttershy spoke up.

"Everypony's doing good. Screwball's tries to be a good older sister, but sometimes she gets into little fights with Random,"

"Ah, just a little sisterly rivalry, is all that is," Apple Jack said. "You should see me an' Apple Bloom when we get started."

"Or Sweetie Belle and I," Rarity said with a flip of her mane.

"It's just what sister's do. But ya gotta let them know that they have ta stick together, no matter what," Apple Jack finished.

Maria felt a smile tug at her lips. "Thanks girls. You know, I'm looking foreward to planning this year's Gala,"

"That's the spirit!" Rainbow cheered. "This party is gonna be awesome!"

"Party?" Pinkie perked.

"Oh no...we got her started..." Twilight sighed.


The train pulled into the station just as Pinkie finished with her excited chatter-which was hardly understandable by any pony, and Maria and the Mane 6 left their seats.

"I'm so, so, so excited for this years Grand Galloping Gala!" Pinkie shrieked, bouncing along the road. By this time, all of Canterlot knew about Pinkie Pie and her odd ways, from her Pinkie Sense, to her love of making ponies smile. All the fancy mares and colts simply walked past the group, not even bothering to give a second glance.

Maria looked over Princess Celestia's castle, feeling familiar with the sight. It seemed like forever ago that she had left from here. It was then she realized that she had been married to Discord for almost seven years.

"Seven years," she mused quietly to herself.

The group approached the castle entrance quickly, the guards letting them pass without any need of verification. They walked along the halls, approaching the thrones of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"I'm glad you all could come," the sun princess said. "As you all know, the Grand Galloping Gala is tomorrow night, and I'd prefer you all to prepare it,"

"You can count on us, Princess," Twilight said.

"Excellent! Now I want you six to get started. Maria, I'd like to speak with you if you don't mind?"

"Oh...um...sure," she said.

After exchanging a few glances with each other, the group started towards the exit of the throne room, leaving Maria to stand alone before the princesses.

"Maria Firestone..." Celestia started, "How has your family been?"

"Well, thank you," she said.

"Has Discord been...causing any trouble?"

At this, Maria chuckled. "No, but Chaos takes after him. Random and Screwball are a bit...calmer in that area,"

"I'm trusting you to make sure Chaos takes control over his powers," she said with a slight smile. She stepped from her throne, Luna by her side. "I never properly thanked you for sacrificing yourself for the return of myself,"

"I think you marrying us was thanks enough," Maria said.

"Maybe so," she smiled, her grin as bright as the sun's rays. "Still, I'd like to thank you personally,"

"You're welcome, Princess Celestia," Maria bowed her head slightly. "Princess Luna," she addressed the night pony.

"Nice to see you again, Maria Firestone," Luna said.

"Now that I've said what I was going to, you may go assist Twilight and her friends in the preparations," Celestia said.

Maria nodded, walking out of the room. When the door shut behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief. Her mismatched feet padded against the hall floor as she made her way to the main room, where the Gala was always held.

The mane six were busy as bees, Pinkie Pie shooting her party cannon randomly, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hanging streamers from the ceiling, as well as replacing the dusty curtains with bright blue curtains. Rarity and Applejack set to setting up the stage, and the tables.

Maria busied herself with tying the curtains back with a teal rope. She began to hum as she worked, getting into a steady rhythm. 

After a few hours, the room was fully prepared. Apple Jack insisted that they took a break. Celestia had suggested that they stay over night, and finish the preparations tomorrow, just in time for the Gala. Maria had already stated that she wasn't going to attend this year, but was glad to stay at the castle for the night. She used a message spell to let Discord know that she would be staying there.

Meanwhile, with Discord...

Screwball covered her ears with her hooves, trying to block out the excessive crying that was coming from Chaos. Random had fallen asleep, laying peacefully in her crib.

Chaos, however, was unhappy that his mom left so abruptly, and sadly not even Discord was able to calm him down.

"Daddy, make Chaos stop crying!" Screwball complained.

"I'm trying!" he said. He had to respect Maria for her patience, as well as his parents, where ever they may be, for if he was this much of a handful...

The male draconequus had tried everything-from trying to feed him apple sauce, to singing him a lullibye, quickly resorting to pleading, and eventually attempting to bribe the baby draconequus with a few bits he found between the cushions.

For now, he was rubbing the sides of his forehead in order to calm the raging migrane that had erupted. Hopefully Maria would return soon...

It was then the letter from Maria arrived. Discord read it over quickly, almost passing out from the news. Now that Maria was staying over at Celestia's castle, he would have to care for his children for the night, as well as half of the afternoon. 

"Oh dear Celestia, is this punishment for all those years?!" he cried, leaning against the wall. The paper was crumbled, falling to the floor. "Please make it stop, please make it stop..." he prayed.


"Yes, Screwy?" Discord muttered.

"Chaos stopped crying," she said. Discord perked, looking into his son's crib. It seemed that Chaos had wore himself out by crying.

"Oh thank goodness," he sighed. He motioned for Screwball to be silent as they left the room.

As soon as the door shut, Random began to wail, causing Chaos to wake up and join in. Discord slammed his face into the wall, groaning.

"I'll get the chocolate milk," Screwball said.


The next morning, every pony was up early, finishing the preparations for the event.

Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, and Maria took over the food preparations, Rarity and Fluttershy finished up the dresses for the princesses and themselves, and Pinkie Pie was everywhere, ready to explode with excitement.

By early afternoon, the food was close tp being prepared, so everypony took a break.

Maria was wandering the hallways, remembering all the events that took place here. She still found it odd that all this was real. Marrying Discord? Making friends with the Mane Six? Attending a party planned by the famous Pinkie Pie? It was all so crazy when she sat down to think about it. But she was long past believing that it was a dream.

Lost in her thoughts, Maria failed to notice a certain stallion trotting down the hallway. The two knocked into each other, sending the pony backwards.

"Hey!" he yelled, his helmet twisted so that his eye sight was cut off. Maria squealed, kneeling over to help the guard up.

"I'm so sorry!" she said. "I get lost in my thoughts sometimes,"

The stallion stood to his hooves, fixing his helmet. "It's fine. I'm kinda used to getting knocked over-" he stopped when he saw the female draconequus. "Maria?!"

Maria was confused at first, then recalled an earlier time when she had seen that sea green coat before. "Silver?" she asked.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten me already," he said, feigning hurt.

"Not at all!" she exclaimed. "It's just been a while,"

"Like, seven years long?"

"Yes. So whatcha doin' here?"

"Picking up some paper work from the Chief. After you left, I was sent to Hoof Camp to train to be more than a guard," he said. "It was rough, I'll admit, but it was totally worth it when I was sent to Maneraq for a while. So how have you been doing? Getting ready for the Gala?"

She shook her head. "I'm just helping to decorate and stuff. After everything's done, I'm gonna head back home. Discord's probably losing his mane by now,"

"With what?"

"Chaos, Random, and Screwball, though I can imagine that Chaos is the source of most of the trouble,"

"Wait what? Who are Chaos, Random, and Screwball?"

"Oh, you weren't here, were you? Those are my kids," she said.

Silver Knight's eyes widened. "Kids? Like, you and Discord's kids?"

"Yeah, we were married almost seven years ago," Maria explained. "You must've been in Maneraq by then,"

He stared at her. "You...married...that creature?!"

Maria was surprised at his outburst. Then she was offended. "Creature? Creature?! " she spat. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm the same thing he is!"

"No-you're completely different from him. You shouldn't have married him of all beings!"

"What does it matter to you who I marry? It's my choice!"

"He doesn't deserve you!" Silver shouted. "Discord should've stayed in his stone prison!"

Maria was fuming. "I don't know what you're problem is with Discord, but-"

"My only problem with Discord is that he stole you from me!"

Maria paused. "W-what...?"

"I...I loved you Maria," he said quietly.  "But you're...married to that-that monster. You shouldn't be with him!"

Maria sighed. "Look, Silver, I don't think of you in that way. I'm sorry that you-" Silver shot up in the air with his wings, forcing a rough kiss on her.

When he pulled away, Maria stared at him in shock.

"Don't tell me you didn't feel anything," he said, attempting to drag a hoof across her cheek.


A angry red hand print grew on Silver Knight's cheek. Maria's glare almost set him on fire.

"How dare you?!" she cried. She stormed away, roughly wiping off her mouth repeatedly. She felt sick when her mind replayed that moment. Silver had no right to kiss her! She was so angry!

She burst into the kitchen unintentionally, startling her friends.

"What's the matter, sugar cube?" Apple Jack asked.

"Goodness! Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked.

Maria sighed. "I'm just gonna head home, I'm not feeling so well," she faked a cough to make it seem real. "Please let Celestia know that I went back home,"

"Will do. You just get some rest," Rainbow Dash said.

"Thanks girls," Maria said. She left the castle quickly, not hesitant to teleport back home.

She opened the main door, breathing a sigh when the door shut. "Discord, I'm home!"

No answer.

"Discord? Screwball?"

Maria crept through the house, stopping when she saw someone sitting in the shadows. She turned, seeing Discord sitting there. 

"Oh! Discord, you know not to scare me like that!" she sighed. "How are the kids?"

"The kids?" he repeated. "They're all upstairs, taking a nap. Not like you care,"

Maria raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I care about our kids?"

"Why?!" he asked, standing. I stepped back, frightened by his sudden outburst. "The only thing to ask why is why you betrayed me!"

"Betra-what are you talking about?!"

"I saw you kiss that stallion!" he shouted.

(To Be Continued...)


Hey e'rybody, Jasmine here! This is the first part of the ending. The next chapter will be the last part, then an Epilogue, then I will start the sequal.

Hope you enjoyed this!

I'll be back with the last chapter soon!


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