Let's Get Married || Jensoo

By xxclosed1316xx

52.6K 1.8K 464

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. - Jensoo converted Original story by ©Devje More

Chapter 1: Nice Day For A White Wedding
Chapter 2: Marry In Haste, Repent At Leisure
Chapter 3: Getting To Know You
Chapter 4: Just A Kiss
Chapter 5: You Only Hurt the One You Love
Chapter 6: I'm Glad I Spent It With You
Chapter 7: The Whole Truth
Chapter 8: We Are Family
Chapter 9: For The Bad Times
Chapter 10: Leave Right Now

Chapter 11: Let's Get Married Again

6.8K 229 34
By xxclosed1316xx

Last one. Rated X. NSFW.

* * * * *

The taxi took forever. Traffic moved like cold molasses, to the point where Jennie considered getting out and running to the Plaza. Then she remembered that it had been a long time since she had been to the gym and that her recent diet of Ouzo and coffee hadn't made her any healthier. By the time they reached the hotel, Jennie was almost shuddering with trepidation.

Then there was a line at the front desk. Only two people, but still! Didn't these people know she was a woman in a serious, if delayed hurry?

Then the very pleasant, very nice, very professional young woman at the front desk-Bernice, from White Plains, her name tag suggested-told her that there was no Jisoo Kim registered and it took a lot of clacking of impeccable long nails against computer keys before she finally located a guest registered under Mrs Jisoo Kim.

It gave Jennie a surge of possessive pride that Jis had checked in under her married name. It made her smile when she was told that Mrs Kim-Mrs Jisoo Kim, the woman at the front desk repeated, because having two Mrs Kimes was apparently confusing for Bernice, although it was a thing of complete joy for Jennie-had left instructions for her wife to be sent immediately to their suite on her arrival. Jennie then thought she might commit murder as first the keycard machine malfunctioned, and then Bernice decided to run through all the facilities that the Plaza had to offer, from the butler service to the spa to the gift shop.

When she finally reached the seventeenth floor, she leaned against the wall, staring at the door to the suite. She debated for a full three minutes whether to use her key or knock the door. The Plaza wasn't exactly the sort of hotel where people loitered in the hallways. Even as a registered guest, Jennie felt like she was breaking some kind of ordinance just by hanging around there.

Squaring her shoulders and letting out a deep breath, she stepped forward and knocked on the heavy door. Nervously, she twisted her wedding ring around her finger.

The door was pulled open by someone Jennie had not been expecting at all: a handsome Latino man in a black suit, who gave her a smile that was all deference, no teeth or sparkle.

"Good afternoon, madame," he greeted her, and opened the door fully to allow her entrance. As Jennie stepped inside, the man-the butler that Bernice had mentioned, she assumed-moved past her to swap their positions. With a nod of his head, he closed the door behind him, leaving Jennie alone in the living room of the suite.

She didn't know where to sit, so she stood in the centre of the room, wiping her hands nervously on her jeans, idly looking around. The suite was similar to the one she had booked for their wedding day, only facing the internal courtyard, rather than out to Central Park or 58th Street. There was no fruit and champagne basket there, but a fresh tray of coffee and two cups had been set out, she noted, with some of those tiny little slivers of biscotti that you only ever get in hotels and high-end restaurants. They probably had a name, but she had no idea what that might be. The front desk must have alerted Jisoo to her arrival, hence the butler.

The hairs on the back of her neck seemed to stand on end as she became aware that she was being watched. Turning around, she couldn't prevent a gasp from escaping at the sight of her wife leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom.

If it were possible, Jisoo was even more beautiful than the last time Jennie had seen her. She was barefoot and wearing a short white skirt and a turquoise cami top. Her hair was held in a loose bun with what looked like a Number 2 pencil. She had no make-up on, but she glowed with life and beauty and everything that was Jisoo.

Why had she ever let Jisoo leave? There should definitely be a special hell for people as stupid as her. She let her eyes sweep over her wife, trailing up the tanned legs and over her shapely body. She was Jennie's every fantasy made real. Just seeing her caused all of Jennie's senses to thrum with excitement and possibility. When she finally met Jisoo's eyes, she found only amusement and not the anger she had expected.

She blinked a few times, and opened her mouth to speak, only to realise that she really didn't know what to say.

"Hi," Jisoo said shyly.

"I-" She stopped and cleared her throat. Jisoo was smirking at her, enjoying Jennie's obvious discomfort. "I got your note." When her wife didn't respond, she added, "The DVD, I mean."

Jisoo folded her arms loosely over her chest, waiting for Jennie to continue.

"You, uh, I." Jennie shook her head. She might not really know what she was going to say, but she knew exactly where she needed to start. "Fuck, I'm so, so sorry, Jis." Jisoo's mouth twitched in a half-smile. "For everything. For being fucking stupid. For not coming after you that day. For not camping outside Irene's door every day since." She ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry for the drinking and for hiding from what I feel about you. I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm sorry for being scared. I'm sorry about the Seulgi thing and the girl. I'm sorry for pushing you away and for presuming that I always know best when I don't know anything. I'm sorry for not being there when Bogum moved out. I'm sorry that I was too proud or stupid to beg you to stay with me. I'm sorry for the way I've acted like a spoiled child and I'm really sorry for never telling you how much I love you because I really fucking love you, Jis. I am so in love with you, I can't even explain it." She bowed her head and exhaled. "I'm just really, really sorry."

Jisoo pushed herself off the doorframe and crossed to the small table and chairs where the coffee had been set up. She poured two cups and placed one in front of the other chair, waiting for Jennie to join her. She picked up her cup and sipped it, giving another little half-smirk.

Jennie sat opposite her, but didn't touch her drink. She leaned forward, her arms resting on her knees.

"I'm sorry for all the times when I never told you how I was feeling, but I couldn't say anything because I feel so damn much for you and there are never going to be enough words for telling you. But, I miss you, Jisoo. I miss everything about you because I love everything about you. I miss waiting for you to come home from work and make my day better just by being there. I miss our movie nights and the way you know everything about everything that's important. I miss seeing your coat behind the door and your boots on the floor by the end of the bed. I miss finding those little notes you write to yourself all over the house."

It seemed like she couldn't stop herself from talking. And Jisoo was happily sipping her coffee, still saying nothing, so she continued:

"I miss sleeping with you every night, even though you steal the covers and then kick them to the floor. Actually, I think I love you more for doing that, because it means I have to hold you just so I don't freeze to death. And I'm not convinced you don't do it on purpose, even in your sleep."

She thought Jisoo might have chuckled, but it was such a small sound that she couldn't be sure.

"I miss your smile and I miss your laugh, even when you're laughing at me. I miss your smell on my things. I miss your smell on me. Our home is so empty without you, Jis. I'm empty without you.

"I don't know how or why I fell in love with you, but I'm pretty sure I knew the first moment that I realised it. When I came to your place to tell you that the INS would be investigating us and you weren't wearing your wedding ring, that hurt. It hurt more than the fact that you had a girlfriend, for some reason. I haven't taken mine off since our wedding day because I'm your wife. And that means something. It meant something to me even then, and it killed me inside that you didn't feel married to me. And I know I should have said something before-maybe not then, because that was too soon and I didn't even understand what I was feeling and it probably would've scared the crap out of you-but I definitely should have said something long before now. And I am so sorry that I needed you to push me to see what I already knew, because I know exactly how I feel about you. I knew back then and I know now and it's nothing to be afraid of.

"You are my everything, Jis, the very best thing that's ever happened to me. You make me feel like anything in the world is possible, and you make me feel loved. You make me feel whole. When you are with me, I want to tell every stranger that we pass, 'That's my wife. Do you see how incredible she is? And she's with me. Me, Jennie Kim.'

"The one good thing I have ever done in my life is marrying you. Everything after that has just been one stupid wrong fucking move after another and you deserve better than that. You deserve better than what I've given you. You probably deserve better than me, but I don't really care. You are my wife, Jisoo. You belong with me. I need you. I need you like I need breathing. I need you to help me be the person I want to be when I'm with you. And, obviously, I need you to show me when I'm being a complete fucking idiot, because I don't seem to be able to work that out for myself. But that's because my life makes no sense at all without you."

She dropped her head, terrified of looking anywhere near Jisoo as she asked the only question that mattered. "I know I don't deserve another chance, but will you forgive me and come home, Jis? Please?"

She felt Jisoo's hands in her hair, tugging her head back up. Jisoo was standing in front of her, smiling down at her. She hadn't even noticed Jisoo moving, because she had been so intent on not looking in her direction while she was making her not-so-little speech. Her hair was down, so she must have pulled the Number 2 pencil out at some point. Jennie hadn't noticed that happening, either.

"You had me at 'sorry'." Jisoo's voice was low and husky, and Jennie could see tears pushing at the edges of her wife's eyes.

She didn't get a chance to say anything further before Jisoo pushed her back on the chair, straddling her lap as her mouth came down hard against Jennie's. She didn't even have time to respond to the kiss before she could feel Jisoo's hands pushing her jacket from her shoulders. Trying not to break the fierce kiss, Jennie struggled to help remove it entirely.

Having pushed her jacket off, Jisoo was already working on removing Jennie's t-shirt, pulling at the hem and trying to force it upwards. Jennie co-operated happily, raising her arms above her head and breaking their kiss just for a second as it flew over her head to somewhere else in the room. She wanted to do the same, to push Jisoo's cami top up her body, but she knew that this was Jisoo's show and she didn't want to put yet another foot wrong in her very long line of bad moves.

She didn't need to worry. With a frustrated grunt, Jisoo removed her own top hastily. Her mouth latched onto Jennie's neck, just below her ear. She was biting hard, her teeth scraping the skin and her tongue licking where she had bitten. Jennie heard her own growl at the naked possessiveness of the action.

Her hands itched to touch Jisoo, but she kept them rooted to the arms of the chair, letting her wife do as she pleased. And Jisoo's pleasure seemed to be Jennie's pleasure, so it was all good as she felt the heel of Jisoo's hand find the underside of her breast and then her thumb brushing across her nipple. It was so much, so good, and her head was spinning.

Then Jisoo pulled back and Jennie was suddenly afraid that they were going to stop. Rationally, she knew that wasn't the case, but there was still that tiny fear at the loss of sensation. But Jisoo was grinning at her, a dirty, sexy, hot smile Jennie had never seen before. Her wife reached behind herself and removed her bra. Jennie inhaled sharply at the sight. She had married way out of her league.

Jisoo took her own breast in one hand and, with the other, threaded her fingers into Jennie's hair, pulling her closer. Jennie hardly needed an invitation to close her mouth over her wife's nipple, sucking it deep into her mouth and teasing it with the flat of her tongue. The eroticism of her wife offering herself to her was too overwhelming for Jennie to maintain her no-touching rule, and her hands moved to Jisoo's thighs. She stroked up the sides, pushing Jisoo's skirt higher as she did. With it all but bunched around Jisoo's waist, she grabbed her hips and pulled her closer.

She almost screamed aloud as she realised that Jisoo was, in fact, not wearing any underwear. All she could feel against her abdomen was hot, dripping wetness.

"Holy fuck," she murmured against her wife's breast as Jisoo started to rub slowly, deliciously against her. Jennie slid one hand behind Jisoo, pressing against the small of her back to urge even greater contact. Jisoo roughly pulled on Jennie's hair, silently imploring her to show the other breast some of the same attention.

"God, I want you," Jisoo moaned, her grip on Jennie's head loosening. Her right hand insinuated itself between them, pushing inside Jennie's bra, her fingers finding her hard nipple and stroking it in time with Jennie's mouth against her own breast.

It was more intense than anything Jennie had ever experienced. Their previous night together had been full of laughter and light seduction. This was about raw possession, and she wasn't sure whether her need or Jisoo's was the greater.

She opened her eyes and looked up at her wife. Jisoo's eyes were closed, her head tilted forward, grunting and making sweet little mewling noises as she rubbed against Jennie's bare abdomen. Feeling her gaze, Jisoo half-opened her eyes and tugged none too gently at Jennie's hair. Jennie realised that she had stopped her suckling motion, and grinned against Jisoo's flesh as she resumed her teasing.

"You are so mine," Jisoo said. It was almost a growl.

"Uh-huh," Jennie agreed. There was no point denying it.

"Need you now."

Jennie knew what Jisoo meant. She could feel it in the way that Jisoo was riding against her, in the tension in Jisoo's body. It wasn't a time for foreplay or teasing. Insinuating her free hand between their bodies, her fingertips pressed against Jisoo's hard clit, relishing the wet heat she found.

"Inside me."

Jisoo lifted her hips as Jennie adjusted her hand. She brought her other hand around to grab Jisoo's ass. She pulled Jisoo towards her as she thrust with her fingers. The feeling of being deep inside her wife was better than anything else. Jisoo's fingers digging into the back of her neck, her hips grinding against Jennie's hand, the wetness smearing against her abdomen: it was all just as it should be. When she rubbed her thumb against Jisoo's clit and heard the almost animal wail that her wife gave, she felt like a god. Jisoo's hips jerked and her walls crushed against Jennie's fingers and, just like that, Jisoo was coming, calling her name.

She wanted to draw it out, so she fluttered her fingers in tiny, tiny movements, slowing down her suckling at Jisoo's breast to a soft, open-mouth kissing and licking. Jisoo slumped almost bonelessly against her, pulling Jennie's mouth away and angling her head into the crook of her neck. The fingers that had been digging into her neck slid up into her hair, caressing her head gently.

"God, I love you so much," she whispered, kissing the top of Jennie's head.

"I love you too, Jis." She moved her hand from Jisoo's ass to lay her palm flat against the small of her back. She could feel the slight tremors still passing through the purple haired. If they never moved again, she would have been entirely content to end her life, just as she was, surrounded and cradled by the only woman she had ever loved. Could ever love, she mentally corrected.

"Bed. Now," Jisoo commanded in a low grumble.

Jennie wanted to protest that she couldn't do anything because Jisoo would need to move first, but that thought had occurred to her wife. With a sigh that was somehow also the dirtiest low-down moan, Jisoo lifted her hips, easing herself off Jennie's hand. She removed her hand from inside Jennie's shirt and pushed herself off the chair backwards. She held out her hand. Jennie took it and felt herself being pulled into Jisoo's arms.

Almost instantly, Jisoo wrapped her arms around her and kissed her hard. With urgency, Jisoo managed to remove her own skirt then Jennie's bra. She opened Jennie's jeans, pushing both them and Jennie's underwear down. Shimmying her hips and using her feet, Jennie got them to the ground and stepped out of them, all the while trying to maintain their kiss as Jisoo walked slowly backwards in the direction of the bedroom.

They clumsily fell sideways and only Jisoo's quick reaction kept them mostly upright, although it broke them apart. Jisoo looked at her hungrily.

"So beautiful," she said, pulling Jennie against her again. Reaching her arm out, she found the wall and spun them around, forcing Jennie back against it. She dropped to her knees and pushed Jennie's legs apart forcibly.

"The bedroom?" Jennie managed to say, her eyes rolling back in pleasure as she felt Jisoo's warm breath against her lower abdomen. She threaded her fingers into Jisoo's hair. Her wife was biting her, she noted, marking her just below her belly button.

"Soon," Jisoo whispered, kissing and licking in a slow, straight line right to where Jennie craved her most.

* * *

Hours later, their bodies sated, sweat cooling, the feel of soft cotton at her back and Jisoo nestled into her side, Jennie stared up at the ceiling.

"I was thinking."

"That never ends well," Jisoo chuckled against her. Even the slight brush of Jisoo's breath against her skin made her shiver with anticipation once more, but she wanted to be serious for at least a moment.

"Will you marry me? Properly, I mean. Not just some quickie ceremony at City Hall. I want the whole world to know you're mine."

Jisoo propped herself up on one elbow and shook her head. "I can't, Jennie."

She hadn't expected that and she tried to cover her hurt and disappointment. "Oh, right. Well-"

Jisoo silenced her by leaning forward and kissing her soundly. A wide grin on her face, she pulled back, keeping her hand on Jennie's cheek, her thumb stroking gently. "I already have a wife. I'm totally in love with her, and I have no intention of divorcing her. Ever. And I think the wedding ceremony we had at City Hall was the most romantic thing in the world ever."

"Really?" Jennie rubbed her cheek against Jisoo's palm.

"Yeah. I fell in love on my wedding day. And you don't get much more romantic than that."

"You did?" The question was more of a squeak than Jennie would have liked.

Jisoo laughed. "You were so scared and so beautiful and you're a hell of a kisser, even if you had to be coaxed into it."

"I did not!" She shrugged as she saw Jisoo's look of disbelief. "Well, maybe a little prompting."

Jisoo leaned in, nuzzling her face into Jennie's neck. "You always need a little prompting, baby."

"I know. I'm really sorry about that."

"Hush now. I was teasing."

"No, Jis. I know that I should have done more. You shouldn't always have to be the one."

Jisoo lifted her head from Jennie's neck. "You are who you are and I'm in love with you, all of you. I have done so many things wrong, too." She kissed Jennie softly on the mouth. "But how about we stop apologising? This room is costing you an absolute fortune, and we should get our money's worth out of it before we go home in the morning." Her eyes sparkled. "You still owe me a proper honeymoon, Mrs Kim."

Jennie laughed, wrapping her arms around her wife. "I liked that you gave them my name at check-in."

"I thought you might." Jisoo managed to look both predatory and shy at the same time. Jennie was amazed once more by how she had managed to marry such an incredible woman.

"I think I fell in love with you before we kissed," Jennie admitted. "When I looked at you, I realised that we were going to have to kiss, and all I could think was how I didn't want to fuck up the most important moment in my life."

"For someone not used to saying how they feel, you're getting pretty good at this," Jisoo chuckled. "Can I tell you a secret?'

Jennie nodded. "Sure, but you do I know I'll tell my wife? I have this new rule that I don't plan on keeping anything from her ever again. Except, like, birthday surprises and good things."

"Good rule. I'm sure she'll like that. Anyway, my secret? Even before you came to see me about the INS, I used to put my wedding ring on before I went to bed every night. That's why it was in the nightstand." She traced her thumb across Jennie's lower lip. "I hated taking it off every morning." She looked down at her ring finger, where her hand was still pressed against Jennie's cheek. "It just feels right."

She let her tongue flick out to meet Jisoo's thumb and enjoyed the light moan she got in response. "We should get new ones. I kept meaning to go to Tiffany, but I just never thought the time was right."

Jisoo narrowed her eyes. "You do know that we don't need a new ceremony or new rings or new anything, don't you? This is my wedding ring, my only wedding ring, and I really don't plan on taking it off ever again. All I need is you."

Jennie sighed happily. "How the hell do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Every time I think that I can't possibly love you any more, you prove me wrong." She laughed at Jisoo's blush. "How much, by the way?"

"How much what?"

"Of a small fortune is this room costing me?"

"Let's just say, it's good thing I married a millionaire," Jisoo joked. Jennie tensed as she felt Jisoo shifting in the bed, moving to slide over her, so that her body was pressing Jennie into the mattress. "Also, I quit my job at the station."

"I know. I looked for you there." She inhaled sharply as Jisoo rolled her hips.

"Mark and I are in talks with WGBH, and I think we might get some decent work out of it, but it'll be a while before I know for sure. You think you can afford to support an unemployed wife?"

She brought her hands around to rest on Jisoo's lower back, tracing patterns with her fingers. "I'm sure we can economise." She kissed the tip of her wife's nose. "Besides, I heard that all you need is me."

"And imported coffee." Jisoo pushed herself up on her forearms, arching her back and causing her lower body to press more insistently into Jennie. Her hair fell around her face and the ends tickled across Jennie's upper chest.

"I can afford coffee." Jennie brought her hands around from Jisoo's back to trail up her sides, edging closer to her wife's breasts. At the same time, she parted her legs wider, wrapping them around Jisoo's waist.

"It's okay. I can live without the coffee," Jisoo muttered.

"You think?"

"You keep doing that and I won't be able to think at all."

"I can live with that." Jennie pushed her upper body off the bed to meet Jisoo's and kissed her wife hungrily. She finally pulled back. "You're my wife."

"Yes, I am." Jisoo smiled down at her, a bemused look on her face.

"No, but you're my wife, Jis."

"I have always been your wife."

"Not always."

"Since we got married," Jisoo allowed.

"I'm not expressing this well," Jennie admitted, trying desperately not to look between them because then she'd see her naked wife and naked Jisoo was the most distracting thing ever. "I never thought I wanted to be married until I was married to you. And I always thought I was this strong, independent woman who didn't need anyone or anything, but now I just want to be yours and you to be mine."

Jisoo nodded. "You are mine. And don't you ever forget it."

"What I'm trying to say is that I still can't believe you want me to be your wife."

"I know you don't, but I do." Jisoo shook her head and leaned back, adjusting both of them until Jennie was sitting up, Jisoo kneeling across her lap. She dropped a soft kiss on Jennie's lips and slipped her arm around her. "I love you, Jen. There is nothing I want or need in this life that you don't already give me. And I am quite prepared to spend the rest of my life proving that to you. And you are strong and independent. You're just strong and independent and mine."

Jennie shivered at the look of love and want and possession in Jisoo's eyes.

"You belong to me, Jen, just as I belong to you. If it makes you feel better, I can get 'Property of Jennie Kim' tattooed across my heart." She grinned and ground down a little against Jennie. "Or maybe you'd prefer I got it somewhere a little lower." Her eyes turned serious again. "But you don't need to worry. I will always be yours, no matter what, because webelong together."

Jisoo then kissed her so thoroughly that Jennie thought she might actually melt with the languid passion of it all. When it was finally over, Jisoo smiled at her. "So, yes, I have my whole life to show you and tell you just how much I love you, but I have waited nearly a year for a proper honeymoon, and I have no intention of spending it just talking."

Jennie flopped backwards, pulling Jisoo on top of her. "What would you like to do instead, then?"


* *©Devje* *


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