Loki and the psychiatrist (co...

By mischiefmaker1999

26K 955 254

A day has passed since the destruction of midtown Manhattan, the bad guy has lost and the good guys beat him... More

Chapter 1: A short introduction
Chapter 2: Who I was
Chapter 3: did you pee?
First hour: The trickster god
Second hour: They can smell fear
Third hour: I'm lost
The final hour: Succumb to him
Thanks for reading!

The final chapter: Say hello wave goodbye

2.2K 85 47
By mischiefmaker1999

Of all the people in the world to bump into, I bump into the Avengers! Although I can't seem to get as excited considering what's just gone on but they are nonetheless the Avengers.

They're all here, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, Bruce Banner and of course Iron Man (my brother is soooooo going to kill me)

They all look at me and I feel like an insect compared to them, but I feel a little bigger when I analyse them, they're all out of uniform and look like ordinary people, I don't feel so shy toward them now.

"Wow the Avengers"

"Technically we're missing one. Have you seen lighting rod?" Here's me striking up a conversation with Tony Stark, like ya do.

"Yeah I was talking to him... Can I ask why you're here" I shouldn't be so nosey but I can't help it, it's in my nature to ask questions.

"We were called to escort the rock of ages home, and I was just getting to enjoy a good game of pinball"

"I thought he wasn't being taken until tomorrow"

"He was, but apparently the psychiatrist finished early..." Steve Rodgers is talking to me! Eeeeekkk. As he speaks I start to look at the floor considering I am that psychiatrist "that's you isn't it? Oh god sorry if I sounded rude..."

"No no! It's ok, I ran out actually"

Natasha stepped forward "why?" I didn't want to answer but I didn't want to sound rude either, I went to speak but Thor saved me.

"He said some rather vicious things" he put his hand on my shoulder again and my ankles felt like tooth picks under his weight.

Tony must have seen my discomfort when he stepped forward and took Thor's arm from my shoulder "don't worry I know how it feels, ever had a fight with this guy?"

"Can't say I have"

"He's got a mean headbutt" Thor's face was confused as Tony nudged his side.

"I think you guys should get going" Fury came up behind us and broke the conversation "nows the perfect time for tesseract traveling" he meant it as a joke but no one really found it funny.

"Sir the council are on" Maria Hill an old friend of mine informed Fury.

"I'll be right there" he turned back to the Avengers "make sure nothing goes wrong"

Obediently Steve lead the way and shook my hand, I would faint but that would be weird, each of the Avengers shook my hand as they passed and headed toward the room where Loki was concealed, I watched them walk down the office and into the elevator then they were gone. I no longer had a reason to stay here.

I was about to go to the black car, when I heard the main door open and close, I was reluctant to turn at first but my body didn't pay any attention to my mind and turned anyway. They are dragging Loki into a van which I guess is a special arms one or whatever they're called. The driver gets out and opens the doors on the back of the van for Loki to get in, I recognise him as Dr Eric Selvig from the news papers. Once Loki was in and cuffed to the floor of the van, each Avenger got into or onto his own mode of transport. I love Tonys car! Sorry I'll stop fangirling now. Wow who would have thought, me, a fangirl.

I got into the car quickly and demanded the driver follow them, I had to lie to get the driver to move. I told him as his psychiatrist they wanted me to be there to do a little further evaluating. For a S.H.E.I.L.D agent he is the definition of a drip. Slowly the car pulles out of the parking space, and I know the driver can feel how anxious I am.

As the van pulls up in Central Park I ask the driver to park so we're out of their view, by now I'm guessing the driver has caught on that I'm not supposed to be here. Without putting his queries straight I get out quickly before he has the chance to drive off, not far away the back of the van is opening and a tall dark figure steps out onto the bridge. Still concealing myself I'm watching as Thor tugs him to the centre of the bridge. The rest of the Avengers join them as Eric Selvig fiddles about with a blue cube in a silver case as Thor bids his new friends farewell.

Then there's Loki. His mouth has been muzzled again like the common mutt. I long to give him a final goodbye but alas I know I'm to stand here and watch. Discontent is clear on Loki's face but he still doesn't look beaten, he looks like he's getting what he wants but yet he's angry he lost. I don't quite understand it myself but I can see it, and by how the others are acting so casually I doubt they can see it but then again they're not the psychologists, but it's so clear to me I can't believe they don't see even a glimmer.

I watch as Selvig finally removes the blue cube from the case after so much faffing about with it, he takes large tongues and carefully places the cube into a special glass container and hands it to Thor, as they do this I see Natasha whisper something to Clint and I know it's a joke about Loki, but he isn't fazed, it's not in his nature.

Sharply Thor suggests to Loki for him to take hold of his end of the glass container. I know it's time, I know he's going to be taken away now, he glances to Thor then gladly takes hold of the end. As Thor nods to his friends goodbye, in this one instant they take their eyes off Loki, he glances over to me.

Loki knows I am watching from afar, he senses me. I show him a gentle smile and a short wave and when as I was least expecting, Thor turned his end of the container and a blue light surrounded and consumed them into the sky. I feel gutted, I feel abandoned somehow, he's gone, forever, I'll never see him again. Oh god I can't bare these feelings.

Before the Avengers have chance to see me I run in the direction of the car, but as I get closer I feel the tears behind my eyes and can't face the driver. I run off in the opposite direction, just running, I don't know where I just have to run. Run as fast I can, the tears blurring my vision and my hair trying to keep up with me behind my back.

As I'm running I can't see a thing, I just keep going. Until the next thing I know I'm sprawled out on the grass, I don't know which pain I'm feeling, the pain of loosing him, or the throbbing pain at the back of my head from where I fell. I clench my eyes closed so that when I open them I might be able to see, but when I do I see a tall figure over me but I can't make out a face, I wipe my wet eyes and feel someone touch my arm.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I open my eyes and almost jump out of my skin. Is this a joke! He looks at me confused by my changed expression "what?" I stare at him, I examine every inch of his face, he looks like him but he doesn't have the scars, despite my look he takes my elbow and helps me stand, I forget about the pain in my head and continue to look at him as I brush myself off.

"I'm sorry you look like someone else, but you have curly hair" you have curly hair? Face palm.

He laughed so adorably, his tongue sticks out and his eyes crinkle in the corners, and his laugh... "Ehehe" he went as he combs his hair with his long fingers "it's a curse"

"Curly hair? No I always wanted curly hair" he looks at me and I look at him, he looks so much like Loki, my four hour love, my lord that must be some kind of record.

"I'm sorry, look at me" he thrusts his hand out to me "I'm Tom"

Cautiously I take it and shake his sweaty palm, he is wearing joggers and a sports tee so I assume he had been jogging "Laura... I mean Lila" oh well done, why don't you just hang a sign you daft cow, my name is a secret I can't just let it slip like that.

"Don't you know your own name?" He teased

"I do... It's just, no you're right I don't know my name" my tears have gone and I am laughing with him, his intoxicating laugh. Have I forgotten about Loki already? Maybe what I felt for him really was a guilt thing. No. It was real, but unrealistic, who am I kidding, I'll never see him again, and let's face it this Tom guy is fit!

"So what is it?"

"What's what?"

"Your name. Laura or Lila?" Look at us answering questions with questions, I promise I don't do that often.

I want to think for a second, who was I? I could be Laura again, S.H.E.I.L.D owe me that much "Laura. My name is most defiantly Laura"

He laughs and shifts for a second, avoiding eye contact "well I'll, erm, see you around" his English accent was similar to Loki's and it thrills me... Wait was that a goodbye?

"See ya... Tom" he smiles sweetly and turns slowly, he begins to walk away and so did I but we both seem to turn around at the same point.

"Actually, I've been running all day, do you wanna grab a coffee? I know a real good place not far from here"

I don't need to think "I'd love to" he smiled that gorgeous smile and I ran to join him.

"By the way I'm sorry for knocking you over"

"It's fine, I had something deep on my mind"

"Do I want to know?"

"... No" we laughed together and walked through Central Park laughing at the jokes he was awful at telling, but that made him all the more appealing.

"So just incase I don't see you again after this coffee and I become clingy and want to stalk you I really should know your last name, your social security number, your address and your number" I was joking and he knew it but he answered me anyway.

"Erm it's Hiddleston and that's all you're getting" he teases and laughs "but I hope to see more of you after this" he's shy, which is a good thing, it means he's sweet... I think.

After that me and Tom saw each other often and things are slowly progressing into more than friendship. He's taking to me London with him, he has ideas about becoming an actor and he's sure it starts in London. So I'm going with him. Long distance relationships never work out do they. For every day I spend with Tom, I forget about Loki. No. How could I forget him? But I do sometimes wonder what he's doing up there. I wonder what's happened to him, I keep having nightmares of him fighting and dying but then I see him on a throne. I'm sure it's just a dream but it seems so real. I told Tom about Loki, how could I not? He was curious to why I woke up in the middle of the night sweating like crazy. It's Loki he's getting to me, but I'm with Tom now. He's making a proper woman of me and he doesn't realise it. I even think I... Well... Ya know... I think I'm... In love.

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