Fleeting Embraces, Falling Fe...

Af Ak1zaV

57.2K 1.5K 846

You're a girl with a love and knowledge for flowers. With a fleeting encounter with a man who possesses eyes... Mere

Author's Note
A Young Freesia Bud
A Fleeting Encounter
Meeting The Five Gems
Was It A Worthwhile Trip?
A Sliver of Trust From The Heart
Blossoming of One's Yearning
Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters
Shattering Ice On Frozen Memories
Final Beauty of The Young Freesia
Goodbye Greeted By A Reunion
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Knowing The Real Him...
Unity of Two Souls
Falling Feelings
Unraveling Hidden Pasts
Silver Silk, Amber Crystals, and Crescent Moon
Deceiver Becomes The Deceived
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames
Intertwined Passion
Arrival of An Unexpected
Judgement of The Foreign Divine
A Merciful Intervention
Searching For The Hope
Gateway To An Awakening
A Sacrifice Worth Giving
That Faint Guilt Deep Down
Just One Kiss
It's Only When They Are Gone...
Renewed Clarity
Flames In The Darkness
Nothing Left To Fear
Let The Flower Petals Float Free
Beating Parallel To One's Heart
Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent
Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again
Author's Note

Mirroring A Once Upon A Time

930 22 29
Af Ak1zaV

I watch as Sesshomaru slowly straighten himself up, he looks graceful and elegant. His white hair flows in the night breeze, his white kimono sways as he stands there without any movements. He tilts his head up and looks up at the night sky, I slowly sit up and stand up. I'm patiently waiting for his answer to my question.

"It was unexpected to see a human protect a demon like Naraku, without a second thought of your own wellbeing, someone like that I suppose deserves to live out their life. You also remind me of Rin, young, lively, and fearless." He finally replies.

"So uh... my bravery makes me a fool but it's also my strong point?" I ask him.

"If you see it that way." He replies.

I suppose he's really not as bad as I thought, he may be a bit aloof and harsh, but maybe it's just his personality? Without knowing I let out a smile.

"Thanks Sesshomaru. Guess I misjudged you, sorry for my uh...defensive remarks earlier..." I say quietly twirling my thumbs behind my back.

Sesshomaru's ears slightly twitches and he turns slightly to look at me, his golden amber eyes are gorgeous. They are gorgeous to look at, very captivating, but somehow, Naraku's ruby red eyes are more beautiful. They say that the colour red means passion and it's the strongest colour and most captivating in Asian culture, but I think it's more beautiful because I still love Naraku. He doesn't say anything, his white bangs flutters lightly around his forehead. I clear my throat and look slightly away.

"But I'm still going to keep my guard up around you for the time being." I say.

He turns to face me, the fur around his shoulder ruffles as he moves.

"What about Naraku made you fall in love with him? He's a demon who killed and lied without remorse." He suddenly says.

I turn to look at him, and I let out a sigh.

"When it comes to love, do you really a need a reason and a why? The heart does what it wants, you fall in love with someone without knowing it, you have no control of the feeling. When you fall in love, it's also hard to fall out of love... at least for humans. I can only tell you this much for now." I say turning to him.

Sesshomaru continues to stay silent, he keeps looking at me without blinking. Talking to him doesn't seem so bad, although we had a rough encounter but I think it turned out alright. Although he did injure me, but I don't really hold anything against him, I'm not really expecting an apology from him either, besides, he doesn't look like the type to apologize. So I'm just going to leave that as that. From tonight, I realized that there's a lot hidden underneath his expressionless exterior, perhaps getting to know him better won't hurt. I look up at the moon, it's seems to be close to midnight. After talking to Sesshomaru, my mood seem to relax a bit, I actually feel tired.

"Anyway, I'm going to head back to the village now. It's nice to get to know you a bit better today, I... uh... see you around." I say to him.

Sesshomaru's brows slowly relaxes, his harsh expression seems to soften a lot and the crescent moon on his forehead loses its wrinkles.

"Likewise." He replies.

"Goodnight, have a safe trip back home... or wherever you're going after." I say with a slight laugh.

Sesshomaru shows me a slight nod, I give a quick bow. I then turn around and walk through the tall grass back to the village. When I arrive back at the village, it's quiet. A few lanterns are lit alongside the road but every hut are dark inside, I kind of remember where my hut is. I walk through the street and back to my quiet hut, I open up the door and step inside. I take off my sandals and step onto the wooden platform, the futon is still the way that I left it. I change out of my kimono and just wore my inner layer, I pick up the two large towels and I lay down onto the futon. The dark grey wash in the room feels so lonely, but I suppose it's something that I'll just have to deal with. I rub my hands along the woven towel, and I remember when Naraku and I shared it together. Nostalgic and beautiful, how I wish we can go back to those times again. If to have him stand in front of me again means giving up our relationship, I would do it. I honestly don't know how long it will take me to move on from Naraku but I know that eventually, I'll have to if he and I never meet up again. I fiddle with the bracelets on my left wrist for a while and I close my eyes, I eventually doze off. I wake up to the morning sun shining through my eyelids, I open my eyes and squint my eyes, I slowly sit up and took a moment to find my senses. I stretch and take a deep breath.

"I suppose there's no point moping around and hoping for Naraku to come back. I'll spend the rest of the year here with Kagome till it's time for me to return home..." I say to myself.

I get up and change into my red kimono, there's no point for me to sulk over this, it happened so let it happen, it's all in the past now. I'll remember all the memories, just like he told me in my "dream" that night. I head out, I then go wash up. People are already out and about and the happy atmosphere awakens me, Kagome was right. I use to be such a lively person, but after the break up with Naraku, I have changed and dulled. It's not me, and I don't want to be this way anymore. I head to the big hut that I went to yesterday, I lift the curtain up and Kagome and the others were there setting up breakfast.

"Good morning everyone." I greet them.

"___________! You're up!" Sango says with a smile.

"You look livelier than yesterday." Lady Kaede says.

Kagome comes over and takes my hand.
Inuyasha, Miroku, Rin, Shippo and the kids were in the room as well playing with the kids. I smile at the family like atmosphere.

"Yes, I realized that I'm dragging the mood down ever since coming here, and I realized that it wasn't me either. I want to go back to the real me, the lively me." I tell them.

"You don't have to force yourself, trying to get over something or someone takes time." Miroku says.

"I know, I'm taking this slowly but I want to try to be happy everyday. For you guys, I want to have fun with all of you till I leave." I tell them with a smile.

"You'll have lots of fun here, we'll take care of you_________." Kagome says squeezing my hand gently.

I nod. We then all sit down to enjoy a nice breakfast, we had a nice conversation, they told me about places I could go visit and such. They told me that the cherry blossom tree is about a day and a half away from the village, maybe I'll go and visit someday, just to see how the cherry blossom tree is doing, and I guess reminisce the happy times. I talked with Kagome and Sango and found out what they need to do every single day, from helping out Lady Kaede to taking care of the kids, Inuyasha and Miroku go out to do exorcisms, guess there are more demons and ghosts out there than I thought. I told Kagome and Sango that I'll be happy to help out as much as I can for their hospitality. The day goes by smoothly, I helped Kagome out in the fields and I've learned some new things. It's different than living a life of ease with maids and groundskeepers. Lady Kaede taught me a lot about tending to the vegetables in the fields. In the afternoon, Shippo, Rin and I help Sango take care of her kids. I played with them and I had lots of fun talking with Rin and Shippo, spending the day like this has taken a lot off of my mind. When night falls, Inuyasha and Miroku comes home. We then eat dinner together and they told us about their trip. It's so interesting to hear them talk about their jobs, my parents never really told me much about their job. I guess coming here really has changed my mindset and how I see things in a different perspective. The first day goes by so smoothly, but tiring as well. I suppose I just need to get use to their daily routine soon. The day ends, the bright moon lights the sky as I return back to my hut. I stretch and change out of my kimono, I should probably wash it tomorrow. I then sit down onto my futon and lay down, I yawn and look up at the ceiling. Without knowing, my mind goes to Naraku again, I lift up my left wrist and I look at the two red bamboo bracelets. The outline of the red shines from the moonlight, I trace my fingers along both of them. I suppose it won't be too bad, to have my mind filled with something different in the morning and afternoon, and then when night falls my mind goes back to Naraku. I let out a tired smile, the fatigue is slowly taking over me so I close my eyes and decide to just end the day here. The silence and my fading consciousness eventually overpowers me. When I wake up, the sun is high once again in the bright blue sky. I go and wash up and meet up and with Kagome and the others for breakfast, it's just the same like yesterday. Inuyasha and Miroku goes out to their jobs, I help Lady Kaede, Kagome, and Sango out in the fields. We actually managed to finish early. I noticed that during the whole afternoon, I haven't seen Rin around. Shippo and I played with Sango's kids.

"Is Rin busy?" I ask Shippo.

"Yea, I think Sesshomaru is here to visit her today." Shippo said piggybacking Sango's son.

Oh right Sesshomaru told me that that night. Sesshomaru really cares about Rin, despite him coming off as cold and intimidating at first, he's actually quite compassionate and caring. How I wish Naraku came to visit me...or something like that. Even just for a few minutes. How could that be possible right? After finishing our late afternoon close to evening chores, I suddenly remember that I should wash my kimono. I go and find Kagome.

"Hey Kagome, is there like a stream or somewhere around here?" I ask her.

"Ah yes, it's just a little bit on the outskirt of town a little but further away from the flower field. Why?" She asks me.

"I want to wash my kimono and maybe spend some time at the flower field." I tell her with a smile.

"Oh... I see, alright go for it. Take a dip in the stream too if you want to cool off, dinner will be ready in a few hours so come back whenever." She says.

"Thanks Kagome. See you later!" I say with a wave.

I return to my hut to grab my two towels and I switch out of my red kimono so I'm just in my white one, I then head off. The late afternoon sun is slowly dropping behind the mountains soon, if I hurry I'll still be able to see. I jog to the stream on the outskirt, I finally come upon it after 10 minutes or so. It's beautiful, the sound of the flowing water blends in with the sounds of chirping birds making the area around me sound endless. I close my eyes and take in the moment, the fresh smell of the green grass fills my senses. I put my towels on a big rock and kneel down at the bank of the stream. I put my red silk kimono into the cool flowing water, goosebumps rises on my arm as my skin submerged underneath the surface. I slide the kimono fabric together softly area by area, I then flip it inside out and I do the same thing. When I'm all done, I straighten my back. Since I've been hunched over for a good 10 minutes or so, my back gives off a good crack. I lay the kimono onto one of the towels, I then step out of my white kimono and step into the stream. The coldness of the water makes me shiver but it feels nice. I quickly wash my hair and my body, the once blue sky is slowly turning orange and red. I step out of the stream and dry myself up with the other towel, since the water won't be completely gone tonight, I'll just have to wear my white kimono. I wrap my red kimono inside the towel and fold it up, I head back to the village. But before I do, I head to the flower field. I want to see the flowers. The colors of the world right now is absolutely stunning, and in no time, I see the colors of white, yellow and red. No one's around, guess it's just me again. I walk through the tall green grass, it rustles as I walk through them like quiet waves. The gentle breeze sways the tree branches along the edge, I can't help but imagine this place being the cherry blossom tree field. As I enter onto the serene place, it also reminds me when I'm going to meet up with Naraku then. I finally reach the flowers that align themselves neatly and swaying in perfect unison, like they're welcoming me with a dance of petals. The sun is slowly beginning to disappear behind the mountains in the distance but that's when the sky's the most beautiful. I touch the soft petals with my fingers, their smooth surfaces caresses my fingertips and I close my eyes. I take in a deep breath and hold it, pausing everything at the moment and just take in the quietness. Not long, I feel a strong gust of wind out of no where. The interruption makes me open my eyes, it feels familiar. I look around the land around me basked in the colors of fire, no one.

"I see you're by yourself again human." A sudden flat voice says behind me.

I feel myself shrink and twitch a little at the surprising voice, I turn around and right away I see the color white, white as the clouds and the snow filling my center vision. His golden amber eyes and crescent moon stands out from underneath his silver white bangs. I let out a breath of relief, it's Sesshomaru. I let out a small smile.

"Well, not anymore since you're here now. Also, my name is__________, not human. I thought I told you that before too." I say with a bit of sass.

Sesshomaru closes his eyes and I can see a little hint of annoyance laced on his forehead.

"You also remind me of Kagome in a sense as well..." He says.

"Uhm thanks?" I say hoping that it was a compliment.

Sesshomaru doesn't say anything in response, he opens his eyes again and looks around at the flowers, his amber eyes darts back to mine again.

"You seem to be enamoured by the flowers." He says flatly.

I look back down at the colorful beauties and I sigh.

"Yes, I know a lot about them, their meanings and what they symbolize. You can say it's a hobby of mine." I say with a smile.

"If you love them then why do you look so sad?" He asks me.

"Well, whenever I'm in this flower field it reminds me of the time that I went to this enchanted flower field with Naraku." I answer him.

"If you say that you and Naraku are in this world of love, then why are you here and not with him?" He asks me.

Guess he really wants to know, I suppose I can tell him. We don't seem to be like strangers or hostile to each other anymore.

"Well if you really want to know, Naraku ended everything. He told me that he didn't love me anymore, actually he said that he never loved me to begin with." I tell him slowly trailing off at the end.

"I'm sure Inuyasha and the others has told you that Naraku doesn't know love, he was born from hate and darkness." Sesshomaru says.

"He told me that himself too actually, but I accepted him regardless, because he was different than how you all described him, probably because he suffered amnesia. I taught him love since he was curious about it, I really believed that he realized what it was." I say with a smile of nostalgia.

"In the end, he abandoned you. Falling in love with a demon like him is a mistake, he'll never learn love." Sesshomaru says.

I turn to look at him, does he know what love is?

"You can say that, if you've been through something that I am right now. Tell me Sesshomaru, have you been in love?" I ask him.

I see Sesshomaru's eyes slightly widening at my question but then relaxing again, he doesn't answer.

"If you don't know love, I can at least explain it to you. Because it seems like you never experienced it before, since the sun is still in setting mode. Do you want to go on a stroll with me through the field?" I ask him with a smile.

Sesshomaru doesn't say anything but slowly walks towards me. I step aside as he walks up to me without stopping, I just walk beside him as the two of us go through the flower field into the further end of the grassy land.

"So back to my question, have you ever felt anything towards anyone particular in your life?" I ask him.

"No." He replies.

"So straightforward, how about towards Rin?" I ask him again.

"I care for her, I'll be there for her if she needs me. I don't feel anything such as love for her." He says.

"I see. I would like to ask, why do you all think that it's so wrong for me to feel love towards Naraku?" I ask him.

"Like I said before, he's a demon that almost destroyed the world, he lies, betrays, and is evil. You shouldn't associate yourself with a demon like him, or even feeling such pointless feelings such as love for him." Sesshomaru says.

I sigh and look out into the horizon as we continue to walk through the rustling grass. Sesshomaru's hair sways as he gracefully walks, his amber eyes reflecting the remaining sunlight.

"And like I said too, the Naraku that I know or knew, he was kind. Before ending our relationship, he took care of me after my injury, he said that his memories came back after he saw me at the verge of death because of his love for me. He wasn't a killer, even after remembering who he was before his death, he didn't kill me. I really believed that we were deeply in love, now it's more on my part." I say.

"So do you hate him after he ended everything with you? Why are you defending someone who has hurt you? Do you regret loving a demon like him?" He asks me.

I smile at the question, how can I hate Naraku. I lift my left wrist up and I look at the two bracelets.

"No, I met Naraku 12 years prior, he actually saved me from an almost severe accident, it was before his death, when he was still the bad him that you all knew. I fell in love with him as a child without knowing. He wiped my memories because he told me that he didn't want me to remember someone like him, he thought I was too pure. Then 12 years later, I met him again and I fell in love. Falling in love is something that you can't control, you can fall in love due to one's appearance, or something that they have done or said that appeals to you. In Naraku's case, when I knew the amnesia him, he said that he didn't want me to be alone. Falling in love with someone that may seem bad for you isn't a mistake nor wrong, you don't know who they really are till you get to know them. You have to know the real them for yourself, not by how others view them once. I know how much you Kagome and the others has gone through to bring him down, I appreciate the effort that all of you went through to save the world. But the him that I know is a completely different person now, even if he doesn't love me, I believe that he'll never return to the him then. I knew that Naraku was someone that everyone told me to be wary off, but he showed me no hints that I should be scared of him. He didn't hurt me, the only thing that did hurt me was him saying that he never loved me. For a demon, it may be different. But for us humans, when we fall truly in love, we'll never fall out of it. Even if the two people ends everything and decide to not see one another anymore. Because when you fall in love, you naturally come to care for that person, you'll do anything for them and vise versa. They basically become your world you could say. You can never hate them, you can tell yourself that, but at the end of the day, deep down, a lingering shard of love will always exist." I tell Sesshomaru.

The night wind gently carries my hair around me, the sky has practically become black now, the stars are out. I stop walking and just stand still in the swaying grass, Sesshomaru stops beside me.

"Love seem to be a very complex feeling." Sesshomaru adds quietly.

"It is, it's the most complex feeling that you can feel. You ponder over it, you stress over it, you become happy over it, you kill and live for love, love can end things and it can conquer any obstacles. It's complex, but when you finally come to terms with it, it's beautiful." I say with with a smile.

I look at Sesshomaru and he looks back at me. His expression seems to have soften drastically.

"Inuyasha and Kagome are together despite their races, Sango and Miroku are married as well. Maybe one day, you'll feel love towards Rin. You seem to be the closest to her. If I have learned one thing in life, is that no one, no one should be alone. Whether if it's Naraku, or you." I say to him.

Sesshomaru doesn't reply and I let out a smile.

"Guess it's getting pretty late now, I should head back. I hope that we have come to a better understanding towards one another, especially with my love for Naraku. Telling you about what love is and walking through the field with you tonight reminds me so much of the time when I was with Naraku, once upon a time." I tell him.

Sesshomaru doesn't reply instead, he looks up at the bright moon that has staged itself upon the star filled sky.

"I suppose we have. Two people's love should only be resolved between them, no one else needs to interfere." He says.

"Yes, but when advice are needed, friends are always welcome to jump in. It just depends if they're good advices or not. You know Sesshomaru, talking to you is actually pretty nice. Although we started off on a rough note but I think we can become great friends, at least I would love that." I tell him.

"Likewise." He replies.

"Well I better get going now, I hope to see you soon. I want to look around this land, if you don't mind, maybe the two of us can go on a trip or something. You can show me around since I'm not familiar with the place. Kagome and Sango seem to be pretty busy, I don't want to bother them. If you have free time, then maybe we can get to know each other better and enjoy the beautiful scenery once in a while?" I ask him.

Sesshomaru's golden eyes looks at me, his crescent moon on his forehead and the magenta stripes on his cheeks defines his features beautifully. He then shows me a slight and faint smile in the bright moonlight.

"Till next time." He says.

I smile widely and nod.

"I'll come by the field every two days or so, till next time!" I give him a wave.

Sesshomaru's shoulder fur ruffles as the wind crosses the land. I then turn back towards the village, with the moonlight shining from above me, it guides me back to the village. I manage to return back in time to eat dinner with Kagome and the others.

"Did you go to the flower field?" Kagome asks me.

"Yes I did, Sesshomaru was there." I tell them.

"Sesshomaru? Did he do anything?" Inuyasha asks me.

"Nope, the two of us just walked through the field and talked. We started off on a rough first encounter that night of my injury and a few days ago, but after getting to know him earlier, he's actually pretty nice to talk to." I say with a smile.

"Seems like you'll get along with him fine, thought he only cares for Rin." Sango says with a laugh.

"People can change right? Or demons in his case." I reply with a laugh.

We enjoy a nice dinner together, when the night sinks deeper into the silence, we all turn in. I lay down onto my futon and stretch, what a day but it was nice.

"Perhaps, in these few months, I'll be able to move forward bit by bit. With Sesshomaru and the others here, I won't be lonely. Can't wait to see the land with Sesshomaru soon." I say to myself quietly.

I close my eyes and in the back of my mind, Naraku lingers in my thoughts. I don't mind, because I remember him with all the beautiful memories that we shared.

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