Follow the path only fate kno...

By miriyansilverwolf

5.1K 203 43

Being in our world, you start to dream about Thorin Oakenshield not knowing exactly why. In the world of Midd... More

Souls bound together
Forbidden act
Forming a plan
Awaken, my love
Not my soulmate
I don't want to see you die
I Need Time
The guilt that consumes you
Give me one good reason
Time to decide what you want to be
Runes of courtship
Small Again
An unexpected turn of event
Owning the night
The dragon underneath the skin
Punishments and promises
Unexpected news

Shared dreams

511 11 0
By miriyansilverwolf

Dwarves and their Ones are connected in a way no other race understand as their souls are bound together completing each other. It doesn't matter if the other half isn't from the same world, dwarves feel their companion as the ache in their hearts, yearning when their soul tries to reach out to their missing part.

Thorin Oakenshield didn't expect to find the other half of his soul while on a quest, but there he was, in the middle of the night staring at the night sky feeling that strange yearning in his heart. For a few nights now, he had been dreaming about a girl and first he was sure she wasn't anything more than the image of his imagination. But as he kept seeing the same dream about the same girl over and over again each night, he started to wonder who was she.

Long dark hair was swaying delicately in the wind as she strolled across the beach dead at night full moon illuminating her path. The white light nightgown was covering her slender body while she hummed unfamiliar tone longing glistering in her light blue almost icy eyes. Thorin was standing further away gazing at the strange looking female his mouth going dry when she turn and return the gaze making Thorin feel like she was looking right through his soul. A soft giggle escaped from her mouth as she gave him a sideglance before turned away disappearing into the darkness leaving Thorin shouting, asking who she was before he woke up with a gasp and looked around.

Thorin was puzzled as he lights his pipe leaning against the boulder behind him. In his dream, Thorin didn't recognize the world, and her clothes suggested him she wasn't from Middle-Earth. Gazing at the sleeping men around the dying fire Thorin decided to keep his dreams to himself for now. There was no need for his men to start teasing him about a dream girl he was yearning to see again when he fell asleep.

You woke up feeling warm and cozy under your blanket. Turning your head glancing at the clock on your nightstand it showed 8 am. Sighing you closed your eyes stretching while yawning and not feeling like getting up but you had archery lessons in two hours, and your friend had promised to pick you up. Mumbling curses under your breath as you slowly crawled out shivering when the cold air hit your half-naked body. Raking your fingers through the long hair, you stumbled toward the shower hoping the warm water would wake you up.

"Why did I agree to change the lessons from evening to morning?"you muttered while taking off your panties and tossing them into the laundry basket.

Turning on the shower, you adjusted the temperature so you wouldn't either get cooked or frozen to death. Stepping under tilting your head back enjoying the warm water flowing down your body as your mind wandered on the dream you have been getting a week now every night.

Every night it was the same dream, walking on the beach dead at night when you heard someone shouting and turning around you saw him. Raven black long hair with a few strands of the silver, sturdy body, neatly trimmed dark beard covering his chin while wearing what looked like royal clothes and his eyes, oh lord those clear blue sky colored eyes looked right through your soul. That gaze was so intense it caused you to freeze to your spot not able to move or turn your gaze away.

Frowning you washed your hair wondering who he was. Sure he wasn't a human, but you were sure you had seen him somewhere before. Finishing washing up you turned off the shower and stepping out tried to reach your towel, but your hand got nothing but air. Turning to look at the wall where your towel was supposed to be hanging a groan escaped from your mouth. Of course, it was hanging at the door in your bedroom. Sighing you squeezed the extra water off of your hair and opening the door glanced around and skipped across the hallway toward the bedroom hastily. As if someone was watching.

Shivering from the cold you wrapped it securely around your body and went to your wardrobe wondering what on earth you were going to put on when the phone started ringing. Huffing you took the phone from the nightstand glancing who was calling before answering.

"Well hello there Cassie," you chuckled.

"You ready? I'll be there in fifteen minutes," your friend chirped earning a brow lift from you while glancing down at yourself.

"Define ready..." you muttered.

"Clothes on, keys in your know, ready to dash out the door kinda ready,"

"Ummm....not quite,"

"Y/n!!" she whined loudly, and you could feel her eyes rolling at the other end of the phone.

"Sorry....give me 20 minutes," you begged while biting your lower lip.

"Fine, 20 minutes and then I will drag you out the door, and I don't care if you're butt naked when that happens," she huffed and ended the call.

"Love you too," you hummed tossing the phone on the bed and turning your attention back to your wardrobe.



In Rivendell Thorin wandered around the magnificent gardens in the house of Lord Elrond deep in thought when Bilbo appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

"You look troubled, everything alright?" the halfling asked frowning as he watched Thorin coming to a halt gazing at him.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" Thorin's voice rumbled through his chest silently cursing the perceptive of hobbits.

"Really? You don't look like it," Bilbo hummed pushing his hands into his pockets looking at the king knowingly. When Thorin didn't reply Bilbo sighed and sat down onto the bench.

"You have been wearing that same look ever since we escaped from the trolls," Bilbo pointed at him. Thorin wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell the hobbit about his dreams, so he shrugged it off for now.

"I don't need to explain my looks to you master Baggins," he merely said and kept walking past Bilbo deciding to get some rest although in the care of elves it wasn't easy for him.

There she was again, standing in front of him, a coy smile on her face as she was playing with her hair. This time she was wearing airy looking, dark blue colored chiffon that danced with the wind around her bare feet. Thorin could faintly see her features through that piece of cloth leaving very little in his imagination. His heart was beating faster while the blood was rushing through his veins down south, a light layer of sweat forming on his forehead.

Her ice blue eyes held his gaze steadily as the woman before Thorin kneeled next to him whispering something in his ear, earning a shiver traveling through Thorin 's spine. Her delicate hand brushed his cheek gently, and her lips touched the corner of his mouth lightly.

"Say the word," she whispered leaning back so she could gaze at Thorin's face. At first, Thorin wasn't sure what she meant by it, but as her hand graced down on his broad, bare chest while her lips teased him on his neck, his mind went completely blank. Sucking air sharply when her hand caressed his abdomen causing the muscles under the skin clenching Thorin was battling between two choices, either let her continue or stop her.

But the throbbing feeling in his trousers was getting unbearable, and he was aching to be touched as he leaned his head back waiting, praying she would hurry up.

"Say the word..." she whispered again, her silvery voice caressing his every nerve in his body earing a deep moan from him.

"Please..." Thorin's voice was quiet.

A soft giggle was all he heard just before Thorin felt her small hand diving under his trousers wrapping those slender fingers around his already rock hard member making his eyes snap open with a gasp, and his hip jerked up.

"Oh, Mahal..." Thorin groaned biting down his teeth feeling utterly helpless under her hand while she slowly but firmly stroke him as Thorin was getting nearer at his release.

"Do you want me?" she asked quietly her lips touching his pulse point lightly as a feather while Thorin rocked his hips into her hand wanting the increasing sensation of pure pleasure to last forever. His eyes rolled back when she tightened her grip on him just enough to make him moan out loud thrusting his hips forward with powerful movement. He was so damn near.

"Do you want me?" she asked again forcing Thorin to try to find his voice and give her reply.

"Yes...." he managed to breath out.

"My king," was all she said in return.

Lowering herself down and freeing him she took Thorin entirely in her mouth causing the exiled king to gasp loudly in shock of the feeling of hot air surrounding him while the wetness welcomed him into another blissful promise full of pleasure.

Thorin woke up suddenly breathing heavily and glancing around Thorin noticed he was lying under a weeping willow alone. But as his brain was waking up little more, he realized under his trousers; Thorin was hard, painfully hard. Groaning he lifted himself to sit up and closing his eyes for a moment Thorin waited for his heartbeat to slow down. That dream was more vivid than the previous ones he had so far. Chuckling to himself Thorin wipe his face wondering what made these dreams so special to him. He had had sex dreams before but not like this one; it was almost too real, she was too real. And when he was awake, her voice lingered in his mind clear as a sky above him, the scent of her hovered around him making Thorin believe she was there, just barely out of reach. His nerves started tingling lusciously from the mere thought of her leaving painful yearning in his heart during the day, making him wish it was night so he could reunite with her in his dreams. He was sure that woman was his One, as his soul was aching for her, but of course, she was just a dream, and Thorin knew that and yet he hoped he would be able to see her one day.

Right now, however, Thorin was facing the problem of his current state. Should he do something about it or wait until he was calm enough so it would go away on its own. But as the woman from his dreams popped up in his mind again, the throbbing got worse as there was no room left in his trousers and Thorin had no choice. Huffing feeling irritated Thorin stood up and with some difficulty walked further in the gardens until he found a small pond illuminated only by the moon. It was quiet, and Thorin sighed feeling like a young dwarf having to hide from his mother to pleasure himself.

While opening the strings, Thorin kept looking at the night sky wishing she was real, and he would be able to meet her once this guest was over. The erection jumped out in its full glory earning quiet sigh from him as it wasn't cooped up in tight space in his pants. Taking it in his hand, Thorin shuddered for a second as his manhood was so sensitive for touch he had to make a calming breath and then Thorin let his mind wander back into that dream as he chased his climax the woman of his dreams flashing behind his closed eyes.


The week had been longer than you had ever imagined it would be. After the last archery lessons of the week, Cassie dragged you into every possible clothing shop as she was trying to find something to wear at her brother 's wedding. You didn't mind shopping usually but now, all you could think about that handsome male you had been dreaming quite a while now as you thought you had seen him before, in the films of Peter Jackson The Hobbit. Why would you suddenly start dreaming about Thorin Oakenshield? Not that you mind it, you loved Thorin with every fiber of your being, he was so damn hot, and the voice of his in those movies did things to you. But why now? And those dreams weren't just dreams, they felt too real to you, like he was there with you, talking to you, caressing you, lifting your spirit when you were down and that last dream you had, sex dreams were something you always enjoyed relive when you were awake but this, this was something else entirely.

You had never before woke from a dream like that sweating, panting, feeling utter mess like he had been there in your bedroom and tortured you most delicious way possible making you beg for mercy yet still feeling hungry for more. You were now eagerly waiting the nights to come so you could rejoin his company in the world of dreams that were so vivid, so real to you, you wanted to stay there forever.

Dark haired smirking male dwarf in front of you was radiating raw sex and power, as the sweatdrops dribbled down from his handsome face on his bare broad chest and disappeared under his trousers. Thorin was looking with his sapphire blue eyes right at you silently telling his mind wearing desire for you. His look alone made you feel hot squirming in your spot. Slowly, like a cat, he walked around you keeping his heated gaze on you while you fought to keep your breathing steady as your heart was pounding against your chest. Your skin was in goosebumps, and he wasn't even touching you yet! Your mind was screaming "touch me, stop teasing me!" but you stood still saying nothing, just waiting.

Then you felt Thorin's muscular, large body pressing against yours from behind, and the faint masculine scent of him filled your nose. Thorin's smell and his body firmly pressed on yours made your skin tingling from lust, and you felt pool forming between your legs under your short skirt.

As you couldn't help yourself, you teasingly pushed your butt against his hips earning a sharp inhale and deep growl from him as Thorin lifted his hands on your waist. Tantalizingly rocking your hips against Thorin, he answered by moving his hands toward the hem of your skirt. His fingers felt cool on your skin as they glided from the fabric to your bare thighs and inching slyly under the hem toward your behind that you pressed on his groin.

Sighing deeply from delight when you felt his hands cupping your buttocks sending a hot shudder through your spine as you closed your eyes and surrender to his will completely. Thorin's fingers moved your panties out of his way slowly sliding them down, and as you kicked them off, now he had unobstructed access to your moistness. But to tease you more Thorin lifted his hands to cup your breasts and pinching your nipples causing you to moan letting your head rest on his shoulder. Humming feeling pleased by your reaction to his touch Thorin lowered his head pressing his lips on your neck sucking the sensitive skin while the beard scratched it making you squirm in his hold.

Finally, he lowered his hands back to your hips pushing his curiously caressing fingers slowly as if he was torturing you toward his price. A moan of pure pleasure escaped from your lips when Thorin's fingers found your womanhood unerringly and caressed the swollen lips gently. Leaning against him while shivering you couldn't do anything, not that you wanted. His skillful fingers were guiding you toward the perfect paradise stroking, pinching using just the right amount of pressure on you and it didn't take long for you to feel the first intense pulsing in your lower belly. Suddenly the hot wave of pure pleasure washed over you causing you to cry out loud making you finally go limb in his arms. Thorin pressed a soft kiss on your ear lifting his hands back to your waist.

"My queen....we will meet soon,"

You were shaking when you woke up as the tense pulsing was still vivid between your legs a thin layer of sweat coating your body. Putting the lights on you groaned while lying on your back. What did it mean " we will meet soon"? Frowning you glanced at the poster of Thorin at your closet's door. It was just a dream! Huffing you lifted yourself from the bed wrapping a nightgown on you and looking at the clock, 4 am, great.

"It was just a dream, stupid, hot, sexy....dream," you sighed walking down the kitchen to make some tea.

As you waited for the kettle boiling the water, you gazed out the window watching the never-ending sea of lights. Indeed, New York never slept. And neither did you as you kept thinking about what Thorin had whispered to your ear just before you woke up.

"We will meet soon,"

Oh, how you wished that would be possible, you loved him, so much it hurt, making your heart yearn for him, ache for him as you felt he was your soulmate, but of course he was just fictional character in a world of Tolkien's book. That would never happen. Right?

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