Sugar-coated Love (Kuroko no...

Av yetyoibabe

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They were bestfriends, however, they knew they loved each other even more than that. But she had a secret he... Mer

Sugar-coated Love (Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction)
01: Marshmallows
02: Reunion I
03: Reunion II
04: Cookies
05: The Red Emperor and Stalkerchin
07: I Love Her, But..
08: So It's You Nanodayo
09: Invitations
10: Pain and Change
11: A Perplexing Atsushi
12: Be With Me Forever
Can you guys...

06: Their Special Bond

1.6K 89 31
Av yetyoibabe

Third Person's POV

By the time the two got off the cab, Fujima Yumi immediately showered Murasakibara Atsushi with apology. Why? Apparently, he had to pay for their fare because her wallet was in her bag, which they left in Maji Burger. Murasakibara was complaining because his money was for his snacks, and the charged bill was worth his week's allowance. Well, if you think about it, it's only natural that he should pay because he's the man and he was the one who suddenly dragged her out of the blue. But he was too busy pouting childishly about the possibility of not having heavenly sweets for a week to even realize that fact.

"Hontoni Gomenasai, Atsushi." She bowed her head over and over again, "I'll pay you back later."

"Mou. Stop that already," he finally realized that it was his fault in the first place and so he stopped sulking. And besides, the face she was giving him was damn adorable, he couldn't take it. "Just make sure you'll provide snacks for me until I get my allowance."

She pouted, which made him stare at her cute expression. "What a glutton you've become." She smiled happily then hugged his left arm, "Fine, deal!"

Murasakibara hid the blush and the smile that decorated his face by looking away. And that's when he noticed the cab that was still in front of them, "What's up with you, Driver-chin?"

The old man looked at Yumi with a shy expression, "Umm. Are you Sweet Yumi? The international Model?"

The two teens showed a surprised look at first but then the model immediately composed herself and smiled, "Hai, I'm Yumi. Hajimemashite."

"Can I have your autograph? My boys are your fans. They have your photobooks and every magazine that you've been featured," he asked politely with a smile as he handed her a clean piece of paper and a pen.

"Really? Sure, no problem." She took the paper and the pen and signed it, she added a brief thank you message and a cute little heart icon. "Here," she gave it back to the old man with a sparkling smile.

The kind driver gratefully took the signed paper and examined it before putting it in a secured place in the dashboard, "Thank you so much. They'll surely get awfully happy when they see this."

"Really? I'm honored."

Murasakibara took a quick glance at his childhood friend, thinking that she was really popular. Funny, even though they were face-to-face, she seemed out of reach. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel happy and proud of what she had become.

The old man examined the tall purple-haired teen beside the beautiful model whom his sons adored. If his memory was correct, he was the Center of the infamous Generation of Miracles. "And you must be her boyfriend? You're a basketball player, right? I saw you in one of Yosen High's games during last Winter Cup."

"He's damn annoying. Nosey old man," Murasakibara thought, brows twitching.

"Yes, he's a basketball player. He's amazing, right?" Yumi beamed, proud of her friend. But before she could say another word, the tall male dragged her away again. "C-Chotto, Atsushi."

"Bye bye, Driver-chin."

"He's really weird for someone with that height and appearance. Basketball players sure are lucky, they can easily get beautiful women," was what the driver thought before driving away.

Yumi waved goodbye, "Bye, Driver-san. Say hello to your sons for me."

*  *  *

Yumi got a call from Himuro telling her that Kagami and him were on their way with her suitcases and things. Yumi had never been more relieved. When she put her phone away, the only thing she secured before getting dragged by his childhood friend, she turned to Murasakibara who was secretly sulking at the thought of Kagami and Himuro seeing Yumi again. But of course, he was doing his best to hide his true feelings by yawning and acting lazy.

"Ja, I'll go home and sleep. I'm tired," he said in his lazy, monotone voice before turning on his heels.

She immediately tugged his shirt, stopping him, "Don't you want to spend more time together, Atsushi? I'll cook your favorite."

He was tempted to accept the offer, but he must contain it. Because Himuro and that Kagami will be there too and he couldn't handle the painful feeling he would feel if he sees Yumi again with another man except himself, of course. He was just too used to him being the only person close to her, and so seeing her smile because of other people was too painful. Her changes were too painful for him. He was jealous, and that's why he had to distance himself before he couldn't control his emotions anymore.

"Yada yo, I'm so sleepy. Ja bye Stalker-chin," he continued to leave while silently letting out a sigh.

Yumi was upset but she remained composed. She waved a hand at him, "See you later, Atsushi. I'll come by later, I promise."

Somehow, hearing that promise made the tall male smile to himself. He couldn't wait until later..

When Murasakibara finally disappeared from her sight, Yumi sighed then opened the metal gate of her grandfather's house. She breathed the fresh air which carried a nostalgic feeling. Everything's just the same way as she remembered, nothing much had changed. She knocked a few times before hearing her grandfather's baritone voice yelling, "Coming".

She snickered, wondering what his reaction would be. He didn't know she would be coming home, so she bet he'd really be surprised. And so when the door opened, she exclaimed, "Surprise!"

Yeah, sure. He was really surprised, she couldn't even describe the look on his face. And since he was still idle, she took that opportunity to squeeze him into a tight embrace. "I missed you a lot, Grandpa."

He finally recovered from the pleasant surprise and cackled a laugh, he hugged her back. Actually he wasn't very much surprised of her sudden arrival, it was because he nearly didn't recognize her at first. She changed a whole lot. Seeing her new look in the magazines was a thing, but seeing it in person was another thing.

"I missed you too, Yumi. When did you arrive?" Ittoki pulled away then examined his granddaughter, amazed of what he was seeing. She looked great and he was so happy for her. "You changed so much, but it's a good change. I couldn't wish for more." He showed her a smile. Which made her smile back, seeing how happy her grandfather was just by looking at her.

After sharing another warm embrace, they finally stepped inside the house. Yumi instantly beamed, seeing the place again which was filled with happy memories after almost five years made her glad. The interior was still as how she remembered it, there were a few changes with some decorations though. But all in all, it was still homey and comfy.

She had a talk with her grandfather about her parents and life in America, and of course her work as a model. He was proud of her and of what she'd become. After all, her appearance was the only thing that changed--she was still the same Yumi he knew. The kind, spontaneous, and sweet Yumi.

In the middle of their talk, the doorbell rang. She knew instantly who it was so she obliged to open the gate. She opened the door and instantly saw Kagami Taiga and Himuro Tatsuya outside their metal gate.

"Hey," she ran towards the gate and opened it. "Sorry about the trouble, guys. I couldn't stop Atsushi."

"That idiot," Kagami grumbled in a low voice before dropping the suitcases and moving closer to her. He checked every part of her body, searching for any possible signs of her being injured. When he found none, he sighed in relief. "Glad you're okay."

Himuro and Yumi sweatdropped. Kagami might be ill-tempered and rude at times but he's really kind and soft-hearted. And when he cares, he really cares--up to the point of exaggeration. Especially when it comes to Yumi, the first person able to touch his heart.

"Taiga, Atsushi maybe a lot of things but he wouldn't hurt anybody. Especially Yumi," Himuro said while shaking his head in disbelief.

Yumi smiled softly at Kagami, she could see in his eyes that he was just worried. "I'm fine, Taiga. And besides, Tatsuya's right. Atsushi will never hurt me."

Kagami just 'tch'ed, still not buying what the two said. Himuro facepalmed, Yumi sighed. Kagami could be really hard-headed and stubborn most of the times. So she just grabbed their hands, they looked at her. "Stay for dinner, you both. I'll cook your favorite."

The redheaded tall male immediately lit up, forgetting his issues about Murasakibara. "Steak?"

"Italian pasta?" Himuro also flashed a delighted smile.

She giggled, "Sure, anything you want."

*  *  *

When her two brothers settled on the sofa at the living room, Yumi went upstairs to change into a loose blouse and her pair of favorite pajamas. She was already walking down the stairs when she heard the two talking with her grandpa. The old man knew them because he already met them back in America. And so while they were on their little chat, she took the liberty to check the needed ingredients inside their fridge. But unfortunately, a lot weren't there. She approached the three boys.

"I'll have to go shopping for a while, I'll be back shortly," she informed the men.

She was just about to head upstairs again to change and to go grab some money but her grandpa stopped her, "Let me do it, Yumi. You stay here and keep them company."

"You sure?"

"Just give me a list of what to buy."

Yumi smiled, "Okay." She didn't waste a second and immediately grabbed a paper and a pen. She listed down the things she needed and some other items. She gave it to the old man who immediately left after bidding goodbye.

"Your grandpa didn't age at all. And he's still really kind," Kagami commented while sipping through his Earl Grey Tea which she prepared for them.

"Of course he is," she sat in between the two, indian-style. "He's the best grandpa in the universe."

Himuro handed her a pack of marshmallows, "Here, I bought this for Atsushi earlier but turns out he's allergic to them."

Yumi flashed a delighted smile and gave the ravenette an embrace, "Thanks, Tatsuya-nii!"

Himuro smiled and patted her head, leaving Kagami smiling at the view. It reminded him of the times they spent together in America, they used to hang-out like that after playing basketball. Although Yumi never played with them that time, she would stay in the bleachers to watch them as often as she could.

The two male flinched when she suddenly grabbed their arms together then pulled both of them closer to her, "Promise me you won't fight again, you idiots. I love you both and when I heard it from Alex I was really upset."

"It was my fault, Yumi," Himuro admitted.

She huffed, "It doesn't matter who's at fault. Just promise me it won't happen again."

"Okay. I promise," they said in unison before pinching her cheeks together. And shortly after that, Kagami started tickling her sides, sending her wiggling and laughing hard. Their loud but adorable laughters echoed throughout the whole house.

"Waaaahh," she clung onto Himuro for help. But instead of helping her, he tagged along with the tickling--making her stomach hurt from all the laughing. "Kyaaaaa! Stop it, mou! Hahaha! I have a gift for you so please stop!"

What she declared triggered the two guys' interest so they halted and let her calm down. "Mou," she pouted and fixed her beautiful raven-black hair. "You both are so mean."

"I missed this," Kagami exclaimed, still grinning. "Even though you're a popular model now, you're still our little girl."

"Got that right, Taiga." Himuro chuckled, "And I can't believe she still wears that Spongebob patterned pajamas you gave her."

Yumi stood up then looked at the two male. She placed her hands on her hips, "This is my favorite pajamas because it's soft and comfy, and Spongebob is cute."

"I'll gave you another one with Patrick this time," the redhead promised. Kagami was glad that his gift was deeply appreciated by the girl. Himuro only facepalmed because of his brother's lack of taste.

"Really? Thanks, Taiga." Yumi didn't mind it though and just smiled happily. "I'll go get my present to you both. Just a minute, okay?" She trotted over the staircase then up to her room.

The two males exchanged meaningful glances. Himuro was the first one to break the silence, "She never changed."

"Yeah, she's still how I remember her. Sweet, warm, and kind." Kagami added with a rare soft smile pressed on his lips.

Kagami and Himuro are really attached to Yumi, they love being around her. Not just because she's pretty or that she would take good care of them, but because she has that kindness in her that would always give them warmth and happiness.

They love her, and they're willing to do anything for her.

*  *  *

Yumi came running downstairs carrying three medium-sized boxes, he gave each one of her brothers a box while the remaining one she placed above the center table. The two guys examined the box first, their names were written at the top.

"What's this, Yumi?" Kagami asked, throwing her a suspecting look.

She giggled, knowing what he's thinking. "Don't worry, that's not a living dog."

Trusting what she said, Kagami opened the box along with Himuro. And they were both surprised to see that what's inside the boxes were pairs of expensive Jordan's which can only be bought in America. She smiled upon seeing the delighted look on their faces.

"You like it?" She asked happily.

"Are you serious?!" Kagami took the pair of red and black basketball shoes out of the box and examined each one closely, "I love them!"

"Thanks, Yumi. They're perfect for basketball," Himuro couldn't stop smiling while staring at his pair of purple and black Jordan's. Indeed they were perfect for basketball, and she got their exact sizes too. Quite impressive for their little girl.

She sat back in between her brothers, "I'm glad you love them."

Kagami tackled her and ruffled her hair, pushing her towards Himuro who started laughing at the sight. "You're the best, Yumi. Thank you!"

"Tatsuya-nii, help!" She exclaimed while trying to push Kagami away because she couldn't take his weight. But like what happened earlier, Tatsuya only tagged along with the horse play, squeezing her cheeks. And so their adorable laughters and Yumi's loud screams filled every corner of the house once again. Their cute child's play only stopped when they heard a cellphone ringing. They let go of the poor girl who was still laughing, catching her breath.

It was her phone so she composed herself first before answering the call, "Hello?"

"Hello, baby. How are you?"

Her eyes widened then a big smile spread across her face upon recognizing the voice, "Alex." The two boys looked at her when they heard their master's name. "I'm fine, I missed you. And by the way, the two barbarians are with me."

Kagami and Himuro sweatdropped, while Alex and Yumi continued talking. The redhead noticed the other box of shoe so he took it then read the name written at the top. Atsushi. He popped a vein before returning it above the center table.

"So she bought one for that idiot too," Kagami thought.

Yumi suddenly glanced at the two males, "Alex says she'll visit us one of these days when she's not busy."

"Tell her she doesn't have to," Kagami said.

"We'll look forward to that, Alex," that one was Himuro.

A few minutes more, it seemed Yumi and Alex's conversation became serious.

"Yeah, we met again. But it's as you said, he's changed."

Hearing what Yumi said, the two boys frowned. But then they already knew who they were talking about.

"I'm sure he'll open up his heart to you again, just don't give up," the blonde's voice was so soft it made Yumi smile.

"Hai. Thank you, Alex. I love you."

"I love you too, baby. I already miss the three of you."

"We missed you too, Alex."

"And tell those two barbaric brothers of yours to take good care of you."

Yumi laughed, "Sure. Bye, Alex."

After saying goodbye, Alex hung up. Yumi put away the phone and faced her two barbaric brothers, "Alex says you should treat me nicely or else she'll kick your butt."

The two male only laughed, ignoring the threat. Then they proceeded to watch a movie, just chilling out while talking about random things and laughing when Kagami says something funny or nonsense.

When Yumi's grandfather finally returned from shopping, she quickly went to the kitchen to cook their dinner while the three boys continued watching the movie. She was humming happily while carefully slicing some ingredients for the dishes her two brothers requested.

It's what she loves--bringing happiness to people through her cooking.

"You need help?"

She heard Himuro's voice coming from the entrance of the kitchen. She stopped what she was doing and turned to him, he had that worried look. And she knew instantly what he was thinking.

"Tatsuya," she breathed softly. She sighed then walked towards him, "I'm perfectly okay now. There has been no complications or problems." She held both sides of his face and stared into his beautiful eyes, "I know you're worried, I can see it in your eyes."

Himuro Tatsuya knew everything about her past health condition. Him and Alex, they were the only ones who knew. But because Yumi asked them, they kept it a secret and told nobody. Even Kagami.

"Did you and Atsushi had a proper talk already?" he asked softly.

"Ah, so that's what you're worried about." She made a face, "We did, and I'm his Stalker-chin now. Jeez."

He chuckled then wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her into a tight hug, "I'm glad you're able to talk to him again. I'm glad you're here, Yumi. I'm glad you're finally okay now, healthy and happy."

"Thank you so much for everything, Tatsuya."

"You know how important you are to me," he released her from his embrace then squeezed her perfect nose. "And I hope everything will be okay for you and Atsushi. You know, he's really good in hiding his true feelings. Trust me, he still cares about you a lot," he ended it with a naughty smile.

She returned the same grin, "So now you're hooking me up with Atsushi too."

"Who's hooking you up with who?" Kagami's voice came from behind them. He made his way closer, "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing," Himuro shrugged. He knew his friend would surely throw a fit if he told him the truth. "I was just saying that she should apply as manager for our basketball team."

Kagami made a what-the-heck face, while Yumi who was back to doing her thing thought deeply for a moment, "Am I qualified?"

"You're perfect for the position, Yumi," assured the new captain of the Shield of Aegis.

She smiled, thinking that it's a good chance to spend more time with the team's Center. "Well, if you say so. I'd be honored."

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen you play." Kagami looked at her sceptically, it was kinda hard for him to imagine her running while dribbling a basketball under the heat of the sun. She's going to be so out of place. "What can you do?"

"You'll be surprised, Taiga. Alex said she has improved drastically for the past year."

"Heh," Kagami smirked. "Why don't we play, Yumi? You're okay now, right?"

"Why not?" Yumi faced the two basketball players, "I like the sound of that. I can finally play with you both."

"Next weekend will be fine. I'll excuse from our practice." Then Kagami nearly gagged upon thinking what his scary coach, Aida Riko's reaction. She would kick his face for sure.

"Then it's settled," Himuro took his phone out to add their agreed game to his reminders of scheduled appointments. "This should be fun."

And then the night continued..

The three were very happy to be together again. They had a fun talk along with Yumi's old man during dinner. And then after supper, they watched another movie again. It was their favorite hang out besides basketball, movie trip. And they enjoyed each other's company so much. It was already late when Fujima Ittoki drove the two males home. Yumi was left alone and so she took the opportunity to tidy up their mess and wash their dishes. But she had that strong feeling she had forgotten something..


For the nth time, Murasakibara glanced at his table clock. Then he cussed and collapsed his giant body on the bed. It was already late and yet Yumi still hadn't come.

"Is she coming or not?" he asked to nobody in particular. Of course, he was alone in his room, waiting for Yumi for hours already.

Did she forget about her promise?

Then he remembered that Kagami and Himuro were probably still there in her house. She must've forgotten about him because of those two.

He stared at the ceiling. No matter how he think about it, she's so out of reach. She's already so different. Before, she was already contented with just him--the two of them together always. But now? She's adored by many. And him? Well, what had he become? She wouldn't need him anymore. Even if it hurts, he had to accept the fact.

He closed his eyes then gritted his teeth.

Yumi isn't his Yumi anymore, and there are too many people around them now wanting to get her attention..

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