Dangerously Delicious

By nerdyflirtykari

1.3M 52.9K 26.4K

Filled with street smarts and book smarts, Arianna Lincoln reached her dream of owning her own restaurant. Re... More



26.7K 1K 644
By nerdyflirtykari

Trigger scenes of sexual abuse included. If uncomfortable, it's alright, you can move to the proceeding POV.

Douglas Monroe

Patience wasn't my greatest forte. Sitting in this entirely too small office watching a glorified nerd try to do my work wasn't the highlight for my afternoon.

"How long is this going to take?" I shouted. The kid flinched and lowered his head, even more, when I stood from my seat. No backbone, no wonder it was easy to get him to do this for little pay.

"He's doing his best boss."

"His best isn't good enough. You said he was the top hacker in the field. I've been here an hour and he hasn't gotten a thing for me." My voice bounced against the walls of the dingy room making the skinny kid flinch even more.

Lionel, my head of security was one more screw up away from being fired. Ex-mercenary, my ass. With all our attempts against Delacourde all failed, the guy was always one step ahead of us.

"H-he has everything encrypted, sir. Even basic text messages. The coding is too advanced," the kid said in a shaky voice.

"How can a two-bit gang leader be impossible to hack. His life can be seen on fucking front pages all over the world," I shouted.

Getting rid of his father had me thinking I was done with the wretched family and picking off the other members would have been a piece of cake. Finding the whereabouts of that bastard of mine was harder than I thought. Pinpointing his fairy friend and black slut was easy to do, we caught an opening with CTV cameras. One call and the first one to accept my offer was all it took to attack them in the jewelry store.

But the man failed. The girl didn't die. The two men I sent after them couldn't even make it to their floor of the hospital, then the fucking ambush.

Just thinking of three failed attempts got me angrier.

"Hospital records. Traffic cameras. Cellphone. Get me something. I need him done with. I can't risk him having my information while I run for Senate," I pressed.

"The family kept your connection to them for 26 going to 27 years silent, why would they release it now?" Lionel asked. The man can be thick sometimes.

"Because of that nosey reporter. He even got four other news channels sniffing around the whole changing of staff every two years crap and my bitch of a wife has been complaining. Delacourde knows. He was the first one I called to clean up that mess, seems like he cleaned it up well," I replied going to the window to make sure my car was still in the alleyway.

"Sir. I say this with the greatest respect for you but we need to lay off this Delacourde. He's worse than his father," Lionel pressed.

"Are you telling me you're scared of a kid playing boss in his daddy's chair?"

"That kid broke down a military ambush. Has the cream of the crop of military vets at his disposal. A fucking IQ higher than all three of us combined and a brain for technology that five past hackers can't even pass. You're underestimating him, Mr. Monroe," He seethed.

"You're just looking for somewhere to place your failures. I have still yet to see some sort of success from you. Contact me when you actually get something. Giving you 24 hours. If you found nothing, consider your self, fired," I said a bit too calmly for his liking. Lionel nodded his head Yes in obedience just like a good little dog he was.

Dressed in plain clothes, I can pass as any other man looking for his fix in this dreadful building. I breathe a sigh of relief no one stripped my car, it will cost my lawyer a fortune to explain to the cops as to what I was doing in this side of Washington.

The drive back to my side of town was filled with ways of getting rid of Delacourde. Renith just had to save that bitch. She was a cold fuck anyway, couldn't even suck my dick good enough. After her, the younger ones that I employed were naive enough to think I will take care of them. I learned my lesson with Gisselle and made sure they took a pill after, some failed but I had that rectified.
Raizon's take over of his father's empire has the kid monitoring my every step. Being a hero and taking away my favorite toys, no one can't even find them.

How can a kid have that much power?

I have to get rid of him.

I may be paranoid and waking a sleeping giant but having all my indiscretions in the hands of someone like Raizon, a criminal, sets me on edge. Focusing on those around him will surely break him down and getting rid of my unwanted son will ease my mind incredibly.

Pulling into the gates of my estate, I parked at the back of the house, letting one of my guards take the car while I made my way through the house. It was quiet, just like I want it. Going up the main stairs, I came to a stop when I saw my daughter coming down, unaware of my presence.

"Where the fuck are you going looking like a slut?"

Dana gasped when she heard me, eyes widen in shock then her face relaxed into that stupid smug look her mother has.

"You got your quick fuck, why can't I go looking for mine?" She sneered.

It wasn't a secret in the house that I prefer other women than my wife but to hear the disrespect from my daughter pissed me off even more.
"You better watch your mouth, little girl," I grounded out. She rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk by me, thinking she would get away easily but my anger and irritability of the situations at hand were begging for release. My hand shot out and grabbed her arm, she screamed to be let go but I ignored her. She was getting too mouthy like her mother. If I nipped it in the bud with darling wife, I can surely nip it with her. Forcefully I pulled her along, back to her room with her screams resounding through the large house. The help knew not to intervene, her mother will surely stay in her room and her brother, he knew not to oppose me.

Women were meant to be seen and not heard. They were only used as props to better a man's image.

"Daddy! Please. Let me go!" she cried.

"Shut up! You want to look like a slut, you will be treated like one."

Opening her room door, I threw her in harshly, causing her steps to falter and falling to the hardwood floor, sliding towards her dresser. Her head slammed against the bottom drawer, she cried out louder holding her head in pain making the blouse she wore stretched against her now developed breasts. I've always had a weakness for younger women, my sexual drive for them was at its peak. Seeing Dana writhe in pain on the floor, had me chuckling remembering my pretty little assistant in my office sucking me off good just to get her month's rent.

Stupid bitches. They can't do anything without us.

Slamming her room door shut, she tried to rise from the floor and I gave her the help that she needed. Grinning at the fright in her eyes gave me back the power I thought I lost, my hands gripped her blouse and ripped it away from her body, then moved to her short skirt. "You're nothing but trash to any man who claims they love you. We, men, use you as whores to our own liking. I'm sure your mother has been telling you crap about having your own life. Does it look like she has her own life? I OWN HER!! Just like I own you," I growled in her ear before slapping her across the face.

She was now on her bed, holding her face and begging me to stop. I love it when they beg. In two quick moves, I had my cock free and holding her legs apart, bruising her creamy thighs. She looks just like her mother when I first married the cold witch. Fucking hard as a rock, I pushed into her desperately, needing a place to bury my anger and I had a willing participant. Her screams for me to stop, begging to get off her just turned me on even more. She was so helpless beneath me. Faster I went in and out of her, slapping her across the face once more to silence her and holding her wrists together so she won't mark me. Greedily I freed her nice perky breasts from her lace bra and bit them so she can scream louder.

"Wonder how is your little boyfriend gonna act when he sees you tomorrow?" I laughed.

Harder and harder, I pushed into her, her tight core was gripping me wonderfully. Bucking wildly above her, I took pleasure in her red splotchy and bruised face, whimpering in pain, her cries of daddy were lost on me. Fuck, she feels so good.

"You just became daddy's new favorite toy," I said to her. Dana now had her eyes closed and crying uncontrollably. My little girl knew how to please her daddy. My release was close, I threw my head back and pumped into her three more times before I pulled out and watched my release splatter across her bruised body.

She curled into a fetal position and cried her heart out, I had the biggest smile on my face. My fourth relief for the day, a wonderful day on my part. Using her torn skirt to clean myself off, I left her room soon after and strolled to my private quarters. It felt good to be in charge.

After taking a shower and taking in some news, a message arrived on my phone.

'Michael Humphreys. Delacourde's third in command is now visible. Is it a go?'

I quickly sent my reply, thinking about how good it finally was to get closer to Delacourde. One by one his family will die, till I have his head on a stake and my reputation kept clean for good. There isn't such a thing as a good politician but the illusion has to be made and that's the image the country will see. No one wasn't going to ruin that, I was months away from being sworn in as Senator, I had to keep the media away and smooth sailing from there.

Soon Raizon Delacourde will no longer be a thorn in my side.


I couldn't concentrate. My mind kept wandering to the letter I hid in a box of memories, angry at my parents angry at Kenny, I couldn't find the strength to read it but deep down, I know. My heart ached in both betrayal and happiness.
A brother.

A living blood relative.

The DNA test will be positive, but it wouldn't hurt to get scientific confirmation. It's now two days since the revelation. Questions of how, when, why, took over my mind leaving me zombie-like during these days. Stephen and Gianni video called to distract me, that didn't help. Chef Dion was able to distract me with new menus for Angela's but he gained my attention for two hours before I was out of it again. Raizon stayed by my side the first day. We went for a walk after breakfast, he showed me the workings of the restaurants, talked about ourselves, took a nap with me and helped prepared dinner.

A smile bloomed on my face for the first time today. Last night was the first time I made such a beautiful memory in the kitchen. I didn't have to worry about making him feel uncomfortable in the kitchen because he was an experienced cook to my surprise. He matched my somewhat fragile pace as we made traditional homemade burgers and fries. Raizon chose that quick meal so I can eat and get to bed quickly. His fear spiked when I swayed a bit while simply making a salad.

I couldn't tell him otherwise with his worry. The stress over the possibility of Kenny being my brother and my nervousness about starting this new part of life took a toll on my body. I didn't have to wait long to fall asleep after dinner. Two minutes of listening to Raizon tap furiously away on his laptop was enough for me.

We are in the second day of the aftermath and I'm currently looking over documents of all six restaurants under the Delacourde name. All acquired 3 Michelin stars respectively and continued to keep that standard over the past few years. To have my restaurant placed under these high classed restaurants was beyond my expectations. Angela's earned her 2nd Michelin star six months ago and I'm still reeling on that high. I felt immensely proud that Raizon has so much trust in me to place me as the managing director of his family businesses.

Looking out at the peaceful garden around me, I silently wished it was the same within me. I decided to spend the afternoon out in the gazebo to get some work done while Ray was at the office. He didn't want to leave but pre-scheduled meetings took him away. I missed him greatly. After our morning walk, he reluctantly left ten minutes later, we've grown so attached to each other that it feels weird being apart.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" The voice of Gio pierced through my favorite thoughts of Raizon. The six feet one personal bodyguard with the piercing silver eyes was slowly making his way to me.

"As good as I can be," I said softly.

"Are you tired? I can escort you to the sunroom. Boss had a day bed placed there for you earlier today," he returned. I rolled my eyes playfully but felt the blush on my face because of Ray's thoughtfulness.

"In a few minutes. I hate having to take naps so often, I know my body is healing but a girl can't help but get fed up of sleeping so much," I groused.

"That's typical for persons who  love to be on the move. When we get shot and badly so, we must take either a day or two away from the compound or we will end up bleeding out or something. I understand what you're going through, " he said standing from the seat he took opposite me.

Taking his hand that he offered, Gio used his other to pack up the folders then walked me inside to the sunroom. "For faster recovery, you must listen to your body. Don't push it. I know it has been rough lately but it will be better. Do you do yoga to release unwanted energy?" He asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"Not actually. Muay Thai and Krav Maga have been my outlet for a few years now," I answered.

"A woman after my own heart. The boss really lucked out with you. A strong woman is what a Mafia King needs but now he needs a healthy woman. Your injuries were dire so in order to keep up your stamina there's yoga or Pilates. We can choose one and work on it," Gio said bringing us to a stop.

"You will do that for me?"
I spotted the daybed in the far corner, away from the wall of windows and in a cool area with floor plants on either side. The canopy style bed was beautiful. White pine frame and bed with colorful pillows and blanket, it was just my style, give that guy a chance and he will spoil both me and Vinny.

"Of course I will. The guys also. You saved our boss, didn't you know that?"

Sitting on the bed, Vinny came trotting in with a toy in his mouth. He loves the big yard and the other dogs to play with. Thankfully he wasn't a distraction to them, the guards were given permission to include him in the training they put their dogs through. He now obey commands in both Italian and French, which was a good thing. My new acquired guards are mostly French so it was needed.

"How?" I asked playing with Vinny.

"You got him to break down a few walls. He's more emphatic. To be honest, I was scared that this world will consume him. He wasn't focusing on himself as a man, he only knew himself to be the head of the Delacourde Empire. Taking care of everyone besides himself."

"No one would suspect that he was once cold and unfeeling by the way he's carefree now," I said aloud.

"Surprised the hell out of me to hear him laugh so much. It's better this way."

I smiled his way before kicking off my sliders and finding a comfortable spot on the bed.

"I hope I'm not distracting him," I said trying to muffle a yawn.

"No you're not, ma'am. You're more like a motivation for him to keep threats away from everyone. Enough talk. Time for that nap. He will be most upset if you're not your best when he gets home," Gio said placing the light blanket over me.

"You're right. Hey, how about Pilates? I will consult Dr. Rakim then get back to you with that," I murmured.

"That's a good choice, ma'am."

Vinny jumped up beside me and got situated. Listening to his breathing and little whines, I fell asleep immediately.

The repetitive caress against my cheek and the soft kiss on my lips, alerted me of his presence. My body knew whenever he's near and his current emotions, I don't know how this connection of ours became so strong but I'm not letting go of it.

"Welcome home," I said softly, searching blindly for his lips.

"That sounds perfect coming from you," he returned claiming my lips with his. I wrapped arms around his neck and torso bringing him closer to me, he groaned against my lips and gently pushed back into the bed. His hands slowly traced the shape of my body, clutching at hips, my waist, he was holding himself back.

He wasn't the only one. Ray's body against mine felt perfect, he was my right fit. Mine. The fire he sends through my veins was testament to that and the way his body melts against mine, sure as hell told him that I was his.

"Miss your curves," he whispered against my lips. A bout of laughter escaped me, "What a great way to tell me I need to gain weight," I teased.

"Disrespectful?" He asked pulling away slightly.

"No baby. I feel the same way too. It won't be long."

"Good," he mumbled before kissing me once more. It was short but I felt how adoring he wished to portray.

"How was your day?" I asked brushing his hair away from his forehead.

"I got a lot done, missed you like crazy," he replied resting a bit of his weight on me as his eyes wandered all over my face and body.

"Missed you too. We survived a day, yay," I teased.

"I want to stay on the estate with you where I know you'll be safe 24/7," he retorted.

"I know that. The guys do too but after a week together locked away from our work, you know we'll get stir crazy."

"You're right. Worth a shot. I cleared my day tomorrow so we can have our day out. You excited?" He asked climbing off the bed to sit beside me.


Not only was I excited to spend the day doing errands with him but to show him my restaurant officially. The urge to tell him more of my life was there, but I was scared. After what I went through with my foster parents, I made a promise to myself to never become a victim again. Never to be weak.


I let myself be weak because of flowery words and fake security with Ricky. If only.... if only had I met Raizon earlier in life then maybe.... maybe all of this wouldn't happen. The shooting. His constant fear of me going back into a coma. Worry about my safety.
In the back of my mind I know we met at a time the Fates planned, including the power-hungry egotistical, biological father of my best friend.

"Hey. Lost you for a second there. Why don't you go freshen up and I will get dinner ready. We have the house to ourselves. I gave Dion his leave a day early. He's excited to be back in a restaurant," he said holding my hand. I noticed the change in his body also. Guess we both had baggage to unload on each other tonight. So early in our relationship and so much just came at us.

"What is it?" My question came out as a whisper but he heard.

"After dinner, Kitten," he replied helping me up. Raizon followed me till the foot of the stairs with Vinny in tow.

Back in my room, I took a quick shower and got dressed in an oversized cropped sweatshirt and dark leggings, along with a pair of my wacky colorful socks. Before going back to Raizon, I was frozen to the spot where I placed the memory box in the closet. The letters were calling to me. Part of me has a feeling that tonight will be the night of answers that may match my questions. The letters may help, right? Am I truly ready for this? I couldn't even look at the photos of my parents in the sitting room. I've held my head straight when I walked by, not wanting to see the happy and in love couple as they held their baby girl.

Secrets were behind those smiles.

"But I want to know why," I whispered to myself before reaching for the box on the top shelf.

Ten minutes later found me in the dining room, probably melting into a puddle by the scene that was before me.

Raizon created a beautiful candle lit dinner for us with a little gift box at the center of the table. The China he used looked pretty dated but was kept in great condition. Approaching the table, he entered the room at that moment, his gaze met mine and softened drastically. "I wanted to do something special for you. I know it's cliche but...." he started.

"Coming from you it isn't a cliche," I interjected.

"Really? Google said it is though."

I raised my eyebrows in amusement by his efforts to do something nice for me and how red his face was getting, too cute.

"It's not cliche baby," I reassured him. He round the table and helped me into my seat before sitting next to me. Raizon didn't move or say anything, he simply stared at my side profile as I tried hard not to squirm under his gaze. It didn't feel creepy, you can actually hear the wheels turning in his head and the unspoken thoughts he had yet to speak.

"You're doing a great job. Don't second guess stuff. Go with the flow," I said aloud. The words left my mouth on its own but it seems like it was the right thing to say. In response, he placed a kiss on my cheek and thanked me.

Raizon was like any other man, the whole cruel billionaire mafia king CEO wasn't him. He was vulnerable like everybody else and maybe even more so with me being his first girlfriend. Assurance will be needed most of the time with him.

"I made us garlic chicken with a vegetable stir fry. Dion made dessert. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect, baby."

Dinner was very intimate. We discussed in-depth topics, learning more about each other on an emotional level. It was new to both of us. Though I was open with Michael, it was just the surface. Talking to Raizon, I relayed to him my fears at this present time of my life, my pain when the cops came to my home at thirteen and my worries when I had to be on my own officially.

"I made a quick trip to Philadelphia today."

When he made that calm statement, my body tensed instantly. "Let's clear the table then settle in the sitting room," I said softly. Everything was done in silence with worried glances from him. I began to tear up by that, it felt good to be taken care of after years of being self sufficient. During my past relationships I still had my walls up and projected my independence, now with Raizon, I just let him care for me.

We retired to the sitting room after securing the house and getting our dessert. Vinny being the loyal dog he was, staged by our side every step of the way. Before he spoke, he pulled me in for a soft kiss with just the brushing of our lips, his gentleness rocked me and told me so much.

"My kitten."


"Will always be," he returned before pulling away. I watched on as he leaned back and got a large envelope from the end table.
My hands trembled as I took the envelope from him. "Please tell me if I overstepped," he said softly. Taking a deep breath, I pulled out the two folders, one had a medical insignia and the other was red in color. I opened the one with the lab name and silently read the results.

"In conclusion, the DNA testing between Mr. Kenneth Andre Carter and Miss Arianna Rayelle Lincoln is a 99.9% match. The two mentioned subjects are of familial relation in the reference of siblings."

Tears I held back now fell onto the papers, all three test results were positive.

Fucking positive.

I had a brother.

Have a brother.

I wanted answers. Hurriedly I ditched that folder and opened the next. Two Hospital records. Two birth certificates. Two baby IDs. Two sets of baby prints.
I was full on sobbing, trying to read them all through blurry eyes. There it was plain as day, my parents name and signatures on both birth certificates, the same last name on the baby ids and the pictures of two newborns. I moved on to the admitting doctor's report and read aloud the part that stood out.

"Patient Angela Lincoln admitted through emergency 911 call to the maternity ward at 8:47pm on July 6th 1991. Medical file was sent from private OB/GYN and adoption documents from private agency. Nurses Caroline Blaine and Hyacinth Goode were assigned during labor process of three hours. At 11:46pm, Angela Lincoln gave birth to baby boy, Kenneth Andre Carter vaginally at 8lbs 11ounces.
Mother and child vitals were stable and in good spirits.

3:46am of July 7th 1991, patient awoke in pain with amniotic fluid on bed. Ultra sound was ordered and private doctor was called due to results. Patient Angela Lincoln was originally a multiple pregnancy. Baby B was in hiding behind baby A and the smaller of the two. Emergency C section was administered to welcome baby B, a healthy baby girl of  6lbs 10ounces. Development of baby girl was slightly delayed and was admitted to NICU. Baby B now Arianna Rayelle Lincoln fraternal twin to Baby A, Kenneth Andre Lincoln will be kept under close watch. "

We're twins.

Kenny is my twin.

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