Far Away | A Lost Fanfiction

By onelesswriter

23.3K 926 396

"You can't run forever." The survivors of Oceanic 815 crash on a deserted tropical island. They are forced t... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.


906 45 12
By onelesswriter

Fresh wind kisses her steaming hot cheeks. Robyn closes her eyes, taking small breaths to calm her body down. Shivers run up and down her spine, leaving goose bumps behind on her arms. She brings her hand up to her mouth to swiftly clean her mouth corners.

"Are you okay?" A mild voice asked her. Whoever is behind her, laid his hand down on her shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze.

Robyn lifts her head up, stares at the view in front of her for a brief second before nodding her head. "Yes."

That's half a lie. She felt relieved yet she feels horrible. Her body is shaking awfully and for just like a minute she wishes that Jack was right by her side, pulling her through this mess. Robyn placed her hands down on her tights before lifting her body slowly up.

"I'm no doctor, but, you look like you're going to faint." Boone says softly, trying not to upset the girl in front of him.

Robyn laughs. "Thanks, Boone. I take that as a compliment."

"You're welcome." He simply replies. Robyn is pleased that Boone dropped his concerns about her. She didn't feel like sharing why she felt horrible at the moment.

The rest of the group were done bickering over whatever it was and decided it is time to head back to the beach. They left the safety of an open field and strode right into the deep jungle. Robyn follows the group, not really paying any attention about what happened in front of her.

Sayid looks over his shoulder, to see if Robyn could keep up. "Are you sure you don't want a break?"

"I'm fine. Did you manage to send out a mayday?" She walks up to him.

"No. Something else was already broadcasting."

"How is that possible? There are more survivors out there?" She is curious. This could mean so many things, like that there might be life out there. Perhaps, survivors from the tail section, changes of them surviving is very small. Maybe there are people living on this island, but, if there were people living here wouldn't they have seen their plane crash and tried to help out. Her mind is clouded with many possibilities why there already was something broadcasting on their channel.

"Not exactly."

"What? You said-" Robyn couldn't finish whatever she was going to say because Sayid interrupted her.

"That call is on the loop for more than 16 years. It gets repeated, it still gets repeated. Meaning that whoever stranded here, might be alive or died here." Sayid says. Robyn couldn't believe what he is saying.

There might be someone out there. If there really is someone left, they have survived on this island for more than ten years. Whoever they are could be alone or with a group. Only thinking about the possibilities of someone surviving on the same island, brought a dark coldness over her skin.

They weren't alone.

"It's getting dark." Sayid says as the group walks into an open field.

"Then pick up the pace." The group stopped except for Sawyer. Robyn looks up to the sky. Dark clouds are coming in, letting her know that it might start raining too.

Robyn drops her backpack on the ground. "Sayid is right. We should make camp."

Shannon sharply inhales. "What, here?"

"Yes." She replies while looking up to Shannon, who takes a few steps closer to her. Robyn already knew where this is going. Shannon will throw a tantrum about staying in an open field with no form of protection.

"I'm not staying here! Did you forget that a polar bear attacked us!?" She snorts almost yelling. "Haven't you heard what that french woman said!"

"Shannon, I get that you're afraid of mysterious polar bears or for a woman, who for all we know could be dead. Our best chance of survival is staying here and not running around the jungle without proper lights. Either help one of us gathering wood for the fire or sit your tush down." She didn't dare to say another word to her. Shannon sighs deeply before walking away and sitting her tush down a few meters away from the group.

This is going to be a long night.


The gleaming moonlight shines down in  her brown eyes. A cold shiver runs down the back of her neck, leaving tiny goose bumps behind on her skin. Robyn couldn't sleep, so she stayed up and keeps her eyes peeled for any wild polar bears.

Her mind is all over the place. She is constantly thinking about her family and how to get back to them. Everyone is waiting for a rescue party to show up and they are all looking at Jack for answers. They weren't coming, at least not soon.

What if they have to live here forever?

Two strong hands wrap a blouse around her bare shoulders. Robyn jumps up, quickly turns around and sighs from relief to see that Sawyer is the one who made her jump up. "Never do that again." She whispers.

"I'm sorry," Sawyer holds his hands up. "So you can't sleep either?"

Robyn crosses her arms over each other. "Not really, but why all of a sudden do you care?"

"I don't." He says, taking a few steps closer to her.

"I'm not really in the mood to fight, Sawyer." Robyn plops down on her tush, pulls her legs up to her chest and wraps her arms around them.

He smirks. "Then don't. You should rest, doctor orders."

"I can't believe this. He asked you to keep an eye on me, didn't he?" Of course, even is she is feeling better Jack  finds a way to keep her protected from herself.

"He cares about you."

Robyn raises her eyebrow. "He is protective, not caring."

"Call it whatever you want, Sweetheart. Rest, we have a long walk ahead of us." Robyn didn't want to admit it, but, she is really tired from climbing and walking. She nods, got up from her spot and strode over to her back. She let her body sink to the ground, laid her head down and closes her eyes.



"Dude? Hey, dude. They're back!" A man with long brown hair screams as Robyn and the rest of their group reached the beach. Sayid, Kate, Shannon and Boone stayed behind to talk to the people who didn't go with them on their hike. Robyn didn't see where Sawyer went.

Robyn is looking out for Jack. She needs to tell him about what she has discovered. His head popped up after the guy screamed that they were back. "Hi."


"I need to tell you something." For an odd reason she felt nervous. She didn't have to be nervous about this, this wasn't about her, but, about the criminal living amongst them.

He nods. "Okay."

Jack and Robyn walked away from the group. She didn't want the rest of them to know about the fugitive yet. They will panic, probably want to ban her or him from the group and leave them for the polar bears.

"Something happened," Robyn deeply sighs. Jack will probably think that she is crazy after hearing what she has to tell him. "We kinda ran upon a polar bear. Sawyer shot it. He claims that he got the gun from one got the bodies. From a US Marshal."

"Sawyer is lying. He isn't dead, well not yet at least."

"Where is he?" Robyn wants to find out who might be a threat to them.

"He's the guy with shrapnel in his side." Jack reaches for his back pocket and pulls out a wrinkled piece of paper. "He woke up during surgery, keeps saying 'where is she' and 'she is dangerous'."

Jack puts the piece of paper in her hand. "I don't know what she did. Please be careful, Robyn."

Robyn looks down at the wrinkled paper in her hand. She gently unfolds the paper. Her eyes are wildly scanning the paper while her heart starts to beat faster.

Kate is the fugitive.

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