Under Pressure *Completed*

MinsSandwich tarafından

37.3K 1.5K 609

One direction are touring the world! Europe first then America! Will Harry and niall be able to hide from th... Daha Fazla

Under pressure.
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
author note! important*
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Hey guys! Pls read!!!
Hey everyone!!
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Look at the fabulous new cover!
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
Epilogue :)

chapter 39

420 25 6
MinsSandwich tarafından

-one month later-


It could happen any minute now. Anytime Niall could just cry and break down and have a baby. I'm so scared but so happy and excited.

"You ok baby?" I stroke his over the top hugely massive belly.

"Yeah, lets go to sleep... we have a big day tomorrow... Louis plans to purpose so we gotta help..." he rubs his eyes cutely and sleepily as he rests against me. Hes been really tired lately as his baby kicks harder and sometimes hurts him a lot.

I can see his eyes drooping from where I am sat, its super adorable watching him try not to fall asleep.. but Niall.. he needs his sleep, everyone knows it.

"Go to sleep, babe, everyone else is, its late as well" I even have a duffle bag packed all ready for that moment when he says... the babies coming.

I think I might freak out. A lot. I'm so nervous about this. How are people gonna react to the real baby being here and not just Nialls baby bump. Hes been all in the news, well we both have as the news is like "Narry getting married!" and "Baby Narry" no one really judges which is nice. The odd 'you're a freak' still comes around but Niall brushes it off now and laughs at everything they say, he replied to someone the other day saying "Bitch I'm fabulous and special" people were like 'Slay' I just sat back and laughed.

"Night night Harry" he says softly and yawns. Butterflies are pounding my insides as he falls asleep. Any fucking  day now.


"Harry...." I feel something pound my chest really hard and then a loud groan.

"Harry get the fuck up!" Nialls voice shouts. I'm instantly up and he sits there with his hands round his tummy and the butterflies are back.

"Is it happening?!" I ask and see the time is two am.

"Y-yeah... get... ellie" I hesitate at first but I don't wanna leave him but I  wanna get Ellie.

I run out the door in a panic and I'm so excited but so damn nervous and oh my god.

"Eleanor!! the baby's coming!!" I yell at them both and she shoots outta bed following me to Niall. My heart is going so fast right now. Imma be a daddy! Little Victoria Cherry Styles is coming everybody.

"Niall! Harry call an ambulance!" Ellie instructs and holds Nialls hand.

He grips her tightly and she holds back a wince.

"It.. it hurts" A tear rolls down his perfect face as I call 999.

"Hello what's your emergency?" the nice lady says, but no time for nice ladies right now.

"Niall is having his baby!' I yell not knowing what to say down the phone.

"Oh, ok, address and we'll be right there?" she asks and I i quickly tell her, she congratulates us and I say thank you and then she hangs up.

"All I had to say was Niall is having his baby" I say and Niall smiles slightly as I walk next to him helping him to his feet.

"Nialler?" Liam says and Nialls eyes are bloodshot, "Good luck guys, need any Help?" I nod.

"Yeah he's fucking heavy" Niall shoots me a death glare as Liam, who's fully dressed, he must of heard, helps me take Niall down the stairs, luckily he fell asleep in my jumper and shorts. Luckily.

"No is not the fucking time Harold!" Niall shouts at me and groans again.

"Zayn?!" he yells and Zayn creeps out from his bedroom also fully dressed.

"Yeah buddy?" he is at Nialls side instantly and it seems to calm Niall. I shrug at Zayn who smiles at Niall.

"I just wanted to know where you were, are you comin- " he groans in pain as the ambulance arrives. Lucky really that we're at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh shit the duffle bag! ill be right back!" I leg it up the stairs and grab my phone and Nialls in case he wants it. But that's probably the last thing on his mind right now.

I run back down the stairs and they're not even in the ambulance yet, Niall is being helped in and I run in after him. He grabs my hand and squeezes tight turning my knuckles tight.

"Niall, when did your tummy start to hurt?" the nurse asks him smiling sweetly, I squeeze his hand back and he relaxes ever so slightly but tenses agqinm

"About two am.. I woke Harry up as soon as they started" I smile as he says that with a small wink at me then groans again.

"Ok" she turns to me and smiles.

"He literally pounded me" she laughs and we are at the hospital faster than you can say 'My Anaconda don't..'

Niall is rushed inside and he wants me to stay at his side permanently. At one point I can't..

"Not yet sir.. I'm sorry but we have to sort him out" Nialls face looks so hurt i can't stand it. He looks so saddened I can't be there. I kiss his head and nose.

"I'll be there the minute I'm allowed" he breaths quickly in pain and I let him go. A nurse directing me where to put his stuff, I hope he's alright. I really do. where did the others go? I'm so fucking nervous Oh my god.

This is so exciting.

"My heart is going so fast" the nurse laughs as she shows me Nialls room. I place his bag down and she shows me to the place niall is.

"See look feel" I grab her hand and she isn't surprised by my actions, she gets that a lot most likely.

"So it is! Your baby is fine and so is Niall, I promise" she takes her hand away from my chest and smile a softly. Showing me where to go, I'm given a direction into the room Niall is in, this must be where they do C sections.

Niall is laid down and I run over to him as nurses and doctors do there shit.

"H-harry!" Niall whispers but almost shouts and is smiling.

"Hello.. how you feeling?" there's a curtain blocking Niall and mines view of this stomach and Niall shakes his head.

"I can't feel my legs, or my dick" I take his hand in my shaking one and he laughs.

"Must be awful" I say and kiss him softly.

"It is, like i can't feel anything!" he gasps and I give his hand a little squeeze. He returns the gesture and I am shaking so fucking much. Its ridiculous. Niall doesn't seem in pain anymore.

He sorta just lies there like no one is cutting his stomach open to get to our baby.

"You alright down there?" I ask and he smiles.

"Yeah, I cant feel anything! So I'm happy as hell!" I roll my eyes and he giggles. It's so cute when he giggles.

And suddenly there's crying.

Nialls smile is bigger than mine when I look over to him.

"Harry!" he whispers and moves his hand so adorably excitedly.

The curtain is pulled away and our little girl is placed in Nialls arms, wrapped up tight in a blanket. It's safe to say she's so cute.

"Its a girl" She has my curly hair, I can see it, but only faintly, I can't see her eyes yet. Well damn. I really hope they're blue. Or really green.

"She's so cute.. hey Tori" Niall smiles looking up at me.

"C-can I hold her?" I almost whisper as Niall is getting cleaned up and stitched up I guess.

"Shes your baby, course you can" I reach down and take the small baby in my arm. She's actually so cute. I cant handle this. I can see Niall smiling as I gently touch her little face.

"She's gorgeous isn't she" I hear a nurse say.

"Yeah..." I say bewildered by my baby.

"What are you calling her?" she asks and holds the birth certificate.

I look at Niall and he nods, I hand him tori back and he holds her with so much care.

"Victoria Cherry Styles" I say happily and the nurse awes.

I write it down with a shaky hand and she takes it away.

"Ok, we're just gonna clean her up and take you to your room, people can visit you in a little bit" someone explains taking tori out Nialls arms. She's placed in a little cot.

Niall is sat up now as he can't feel his lower body and won't be able to for about three hours.

"Do we have a cot?!" Niall saga frantically and I reply with a little smirk, "You have, haven't you" he sighs and I grab his hand and walk with him whilst he's being pushed to his room for the next couple of days, whilst he heals a bit.

"Yep.. Eleanor has gone to pick it up with Louis and its going back in our room until we get our own place.. which I may have already bought too" I break in the news and watch as Nialls eyes shine with happiness.

"Oh my god! This is... you are..  I love you" he says as we come to his room, the nurse looks at me and smiles.

"Would you be able to lift him into his bed?" I nod and scoop up Niall in my arms, tori being wheeled in not far behind us.

"You ok?" I ask him as I lay him on his new bed.

"Yeah, just weird I can't feel anything..." I take the seat next to the bed and he's looking lovingly at tori.

"Can you get her for me please?" I reach over and gently take out the sleeping Tori and pass her to Niall. She rests in his arms and she's sound asleep.

"She has your wild hair, styles" he says with a small smile playing on the edge of his lips.

"She's super cute, I hope she has your eyes" I explain and Niall laughs.

"Why?" he looks down at Tori again and it's like she's almost got her head against Nialls chest. It's adorable really.

"She'll be extra cute then! She'll be hungry when she wakes up, I'm just so excited! This is real!!" I can't help the little dance I do in my chair and Niall just laughs, he can't do anything else, he can't move and he's carefully holding my baby! She is so cute. I can't even explain how adorable she really is.

"When are the others coming?" he asks and lays back with Tori gently laying against his arm in her little baby grow she's been put in. That's really cute too.

"I dunno, soon I think" and as if on cue Ellie gushes a warm welcome out as she sits next to Niall and gasps and cries happy tears as she looks at tori.

"Can I hold her?" Niall passes her the small child and Eleanor sits back against Nialls bed.

"Oh my god she's beautiful" Niall gently brushes the little strands of hair that's very thin but clearly curly out her face.

"I made that!" I say and she laughs.

"With the help of Niall! He did all the work!" she says and Niall crosses his arms.

"Yeah! You're not the only one who helped!" I laugh and Zayn and Liam come in with an 'it's a girl' balloon laughing together.

"Woah.. hi Guys! She's a cutie isn't she!" Liam sighs and Zayn just smiles placing the balloon next to me.

"She is isn't she!" Eleanor says and holds the baby closer.

"She has your hair Haz" Liam says and points at both of our heads.

"Yeah definitely!" Niall says in agreement, I wonder what her eyes are. I really wanna know.

She's carefully handed back to Niall and then Louis barges in.

"Lemme see this baby!" she almost screams and Niall Shhh's him, he quickly apologies and gushes at the sight of Niall with little tori.

"Hey, Haz, you happy?" Louis sits next to me as Zayn and Liam have a conversation in the corner laughing together and they look happy finally. Maybe they went back to friends? They might of. Eleanor is taking to Niall and gushing over how cute tori is.

"I'm overwhelmed, so happy she's finally here, Niall had no problems, so yeah.. I'm happy!" louis smiles gently and gives me a side hug.

"Guys!!! She's opening her eyes!!!" Niall says excitedly and everyone including myself look around her.

"Go away!" Niall says and we all back away a little, "I want her to see daddy first" Niall says and I step forward because I'm papa!

"What about me?" I ask and raise my eyebrows, he motions with his free arm to come round.

"Well?" Louis urges and as if on cue she opens her eyes to reveal the absolute most beautiful shade of bluey green I've ever seen, almost turquoise.

"They're blue" Niall says and looks right into her wide eyes.

"Hey baby, I'm daddy" she looks around everything in small glances and yawns.

"Oh fuck that's cute!" louis says and then covers his mouth quickly as Eleanor sacks him with a smirk.

"Sorry not sorry" she says and Niall laughs.

"Hey tori!" I say and her eyes glance round until they land on mine.

"I'm papa" I walk over to the bottles that the nurse put out for us on the side. I make one up and heat it up with the device that's there. It's pretty damn simple to use. Eleanor says she's bought us one.

"She's stunning mate" Zayn says as I heat the bottle up.

"I know.. I wonder what she'll look like when she's older?" I asks and he shrugs

"Only time will tell" one of his 'quote'

"Dont has that quote shit on me" I say quietly as there's a baby! No swearing.

The timer goes off and I take the warmed milk over to Niall.

"Do you wanna feed her?" Niall asks and I feel so special suddenly, I have no idea why.

"Yeah!" I say maybe a little too excited. But who cares!

I gently take tori off Niall and he jiggles around trying to get comfy, until Liam helps him, I sit down with my wide-eyed Tori

I bring the bottle to her lip and she attaches herself to it, It's super weird to watch and Ellie is watching me.

"You need to stop after a few suckles" she says and I need to learn. but I'm new at This.

"Ok.. then what?" she laughs and sits next to me.

"You need to rub her back, make sure she doesn't have any wind, You have to do everything for her, you know that right" I nod and sit up the little baby, I don't know what to do, Eleanor rubs her back in small slow circles and tori let's out a little burp.

"Isnt that just adorable?!" I say and lay her back down, her eyes closing as I bring the bottle to her lips again, and that's how I continue to feed her, she drinks the entire bottle and the nurse thought something was wrong at first as Ellie was worried so we called her in.

"Tori is drinking the entire thing!" I say kinda worried myself.

"She's just hungry, and that's normal for some babies, some eat a lot.. some don't and she's quite the big baby! Weighing in at nine pounds" fuck that's heavy.

"Wow, so she's normal?" the nurse nods and laughs understandably.

"You're new at this, it'll take time to get used to it, so she's normal hun trust me" she reassures me as I burp tori for the last time since beginning the bottle.

"How are you feeling Niall?" the nurse says to Niall.

"I'm fine, the feeling is coming back in my toes now" he wiggles his toes and the nurse grabs it lightly on her way out making Niall giggle.

"She drank it?" he turns to me and smiles.

"Yep, she's a hungry one, we have to feed her again in an hour" Niall shuts his eyes as I tell him.

"Alright boys we'll be off.. Harry you staying here?" I nod as Louis and the rest all wave bye and leave me and Niall alone in our room

"What?" I ask as he smiles widely at me.

"Nothing just... She's finally here" I smile and peck his lips as I hold the sleeping baby.

"You have to change the first nappy" he says and kisses me again before I can protest.

---Awww tori is finally here!!! Hehehe awww yeah!!! I was actually shaking from.. I don't even know but I was shaking whilst I wrote this...


love you baes!---

Okumaya devam et

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