
By a-writing-potato

41.7K 683 1K

it's chaos... but it's their family chaos. and they love it. ◈¨°◑¸»¯✺﹢°⇤∴∝∗ [[ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]] ◈¨°... More

letters from asshole aunts
surprise, bitch
penthouse life
finding out
planting love with lilies
i'm problematic lmao why did i start a book
meet the malfoys
unknown numbers
i'm sorry
glasses ; oneshot

crazy rich wizards

3.7K 48 93
By a-writing-potato

"Life isn't better with money. Just makes it a lil fancier."


"What'cha watching?" Ara peered over Scorpius' shoulder to see a showering Leo Malfoy, holding a showerhead as a microphone and singing-

"-for me... fOR ME.... FOR MEEEEE!" Showering Leo said at the top of his lungs.

Not bad actually.

Freddie Mercury is quaking.

"Hey Leo, you should sing Bohemian Rhapsody more in public." Ara snickered.

"What?" Leo asked confused and looked at Scorpius' phone, "delete that footage now!"

"I don't want to." Scorpius said.

"I wasn't asking, I was ordering. Do it." Leo frowned.

The prideful Scorpius was unfazed, "Who are you, Shia LeBouf?"

"Oh shut up. Delete it Scorpius, or I will rip your favorite shirt into pieces while you sleep." Leo threatened.

"Pfft. I'll wear it to bed then." Scorpius said smugly.

"Won't stop me." Leo said nonchalantly.

"Alright, enough! Leo, you are actually pretty good at singing so you should be proud of that video, and Scorpius, just delete it." Hydra sighed.

"Sure, Hya." Leo said nervously.

"No problem, little sis," Scorpius smiled at her with fearful eyes.

"Hide a camera in his room, though," Ara whispered at Scorpius, who just winks at her in agreement.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Hermione asked her children.

"Eat and stay in bed watching Netflix." Leo replied immediately.

"Read my new book." Ara exclaimed.

"Finish my book." Hydra added.

"Sleep." Scorpius shrugged.

"Wow. Okay, we are doing none of that. Boys, you come with me. Girls, go with your Mum. We meet in the lobby for lunch. M'kay?" Draco ordered.

"Yes Dad." The Malfoy children chorused.


"What the hell, was that?" Gladys yelled at her daughters.

"Acting nice towards the Malfoys is understandable but being nice to Hermione is unacceptable."

"Well, Mother," Liz stepped forward, "technically, Hermione is a Malfoy. As are her children."

Gladys slapped Liz. Liz and her sisters looked at her in shock, Liz holding her left cheek.

"You will not disrespect me!" Gladys yelled.

Say and Lin rushed beside their older sister.

"If you hurt her, you hurt all of us." Say said.

"Why you-" Gladys raised her hand to slap Say but it stopped midair.

Gladys looked around to see Chad grasping her wrist to resist it.

"That's enough, Gladys." Chad told her coldly. Their daughters went behind him.

"You won't hurt them. I don't want you to go anywhere near them. Not anymore. You never loved them. You never cared. You simply cared for yourself." Chad continued.

"You can't take them away from me! I am their mother!" Gladys scoffed, tears threatening to fall.

"I'm gonna have you far away from them. I called the police." Chad told her.

"But I have done no wrong!" Gladys said.

"Then I'm sure a restraining order can be arranged." Chad said carelessly.


"I really don't wanna be here." Lucius grumbled.

Draco, Scorpius, Leo, Lucius, Dan, Alex, Ced, and John were currently in the bowling alley by the poolside of the resort.

There was a foosball table, a basketball ring game, a pingpong table, an air hockey table and several other arcade games

"Same here." Dan crossed his arms. The elder men sat by the door, not wanting to do anything.

"Hey, Alex, want a game of pingpong?" Leo asked.

Alex shrugged, "Sure." They both went to the pingpong table.

"Ced? Foosball?" Scorpius offered.

"Let's go." Ced nodded and pat Scorpius' back, leading him to the foosball table.

"Well, looks like it's me and you, Mr. Granger." Draco smiled at the older man.

"Call me John." John replied as they trudged down the air hockey table.

Lucius and Dan still sat at the bench.

"Hey, Lucius," Dan nudged his friend.

"Hm?" Lucius hummed, looking at his tablet.

"What are you doing?" Dan shook his head.

"Instagram. Things young people are going bonkers about." Lucius replied, showing Dan his Instagram feed.

"These things are absolutely useless." Dan peered.

"Well, it does let you know what's going on with your friends." Lucius counters.

"Well, life is about what's going on with your own. C'mon, there's bowling." Dan showed Lucius the alley.

"What is bowling?" Lucius asked.

"Basically, there are 10 pins in a set." Dan says, grabbing a bowling ball, and pointing at the pins.

"And then your goal is to get this ball, and slide it along the floor, hitting all the pins." Dan says.

"That is a very odd game." Lucius thinks.

"Well, I could say the same about Quidditch. Okay, so, you only have two chances to hit it so..."

Dan takes the ball, eyeing it towards the pins, before extending his arm behind his body, making an angle, and swinging it down by the alley.

Will it strike?

The ball inches closer, maintaining it's place in the middle, closer, and closer-

"STRIKE! Haha, I forgot how fun this was." Dan laughed.

"Wait, now I want to give it a try." Lucius pouted.

"You're too old to pout, Lucius." Dan sighed.

"Yeah, well," Lucius grabbed a bowling ball.

"It's gonna be hard the first time, I should tell you." Dan says.

"Not with a little help," Lucius grinned and brought the ball near his lips, whispering a spell.

He struck a pose and swung the ball, the ball speeding toward the pins.

"Strike." Lucius smirked.

"You used magic!" Dan pointed.

"Hey! You didn't specify the rules." Lucius shrugged.

Hermione having explained to him how Hogwarts houses work, Dan sighed at Lucius.

"You really are a Slytherin." Dan shook his head.


Knock knock.

"Who is it?" Jazz called out.

"It's Hermione." Hermione said from behind the door.

"Mione! Sure, hold on." Jazz says as she opens the door.

"Hey guys!" Jazz smiled at them.

"Hey." Hermione grinned at her.

"What's up?" Jazz asked, fixing her daughters' hair.

"The Revelation Ball is tonight, you know." Hermione said, taking a seat on the bed.

Ara and Hya followed her movements.

"I am well aware." Jazz smiled to herself.

"Well then, little cuz," Hermione faced her cousin, "Why don't we start getting ready?"

"It's only 9 AM, Mione. The ball is at 7 PM. We have 10 more hours." Jazz says.

"Only? C'mon, I'll call Belle. Give little baby Wes to a nanny that I trust my children's lives with and trade his dad for Alex." Hermione beamed at her.

"Yeah, Jazz, it'll be great." Ara gave her two thumbs up.

"I'm not much of a fancy girl, but I do enjoy spa dates with Mama and Ara." Hya pulled a sweet smile.

Jazz was still unsure, so she looked at her daughters.

"What do you guys think?" Jazz asked.

"I wanna go to a spa, Mum." Cy giggled.

"Me too. I am in need for a good dose of spoiled pampering." Reine, being the nerd she was, used all the big words she could think of.

"I thought I was enough for you." Jazz fake pouted.

"You really are, Mummy. We just really want to go to the spa." Cy laughed.

Hermione, Ara, Hya, Cy, and Reine all waited for her answer.

Jazz gazed at all of them with a shy look.

"Oh, alright." Jazz sighed.



"I just wanna go back to my bed." Alex sighed and plopped himself on a beanbag chair.

"Ditto." Scorpius said from the floor, raising a hand and putting it down again.

"You guys wanna grab a bite?" Draco asked the men in the room, all of which were on the soft carpet.

"I would actually enjoy a nice cappucino right about now." Lucius said.

"I just want ice cream or something." Dan shrugged.

We see where Hermione gets it.

"Fine. I know a cafe." Draco said and gestured them to stand up.

"Hey, has anyone seen Chad?" John asked.

"I actually haven't seen Uncle Chad." Ced looked around.

"Huh. Wonder what his family's up to." Alex made a face.


"Liz? What are you lot doing here?" Jazz raised a brow at them.

They had just arrived from the police station and it just so happened that Hermione and the girls were out on their way to the spa.

"It's quite a long story." Uncle Chad scratched his head.

"Yeah." Say said sheepishly.

"Well, Uncle John texted me so I better be off. You three," Chad gestured to his daughters, "explain well."

"Yes dad." They chorused, kissing their father's cheek goodbye.

Once Chad had left, Belle piped in.

"So?" Belle asked.

"Can we please bring this upstairs? In anyone's room." Lin said.

"Alright. Let's come up to mine." Hermione said, and they went back inside the hotel.


A black Lamborghini pulled over in front of the Et Quod Serpens Leo hotel lobby.

The ushers immediately opened the door, knowing who it was.

Out of the sports car came a woman who looked to be in her early 30's.

"Good morning, Mrs. Potter."

"Good morning, dears."

Her flaming red hair was pulled into a tight top bun and she wore a cream-colored pantsuit, with black Christian Louboutins. Her deep chocolate brown eyes hid behind Mamma Mia! custom sunglasses.

Talk about chic.

Behind her was a dark-haired man, wearing round glasses, only inches taller than the woman wearing a white Ralph Lauren polo shirt and navy blue jeans, a black belt secured around his waist.

He checked his Patek Philippe watch and hollered for his children.

"JAMES! ALBUS! LILY!" He yelled.

"Coming Pops." A pretty young woman, who looked exactly like her mother, said politely to her father.

Her 'green as fresh pickled toad' eyes went well with her hair.

"JAMES! Will you stop ruining my hair- I WILL HIT YOU!" Albus slapped his brother's hands away from him.

"Will. You. STOP IT! Your hair looks better this way- I'M TRYING TO HELP BRO!" James said exasperatedly.

"Ehem." Ginny looked at them sternly.

The boys gulp, "Sorry, Mum."

"Good morning Potters." Abby smiled at Harry and his family.

"Morning Abby. Checking in for the Ball tonight." Harry said.

"Of course, sir. For how long?" Abby asked.

"As long as the Grangers still have the reunion." Harry whispered.

"I see. Anyone else coming?" Abby asked.

"I suppose family friends. Celebrities as well, of course. Did you know that Anna Wintour is coming?" Ginny added.

"No way! I thought that guest list was a joke. And may I say, that is quite an amazing look, Mrs. Potter." Abby admired.

"Call me Ginny." Ginny winked at her.

"Well, you're in for the usual. You may have roomates, though." Abby cringed a little, hoping it wouldn't be a problem.

"The whole Weasley clan can fit in a house smaller than half this lobby during the holidays. I'm sure it's going to be okay." Harry laughed.

"Thank Merlin. Okay, the floor is ready for you guys. Have a good stay, Potter family." Abby waved.

Ginny smiled and waved back as the elevator doors closed in front of them.


"...so now, Mum can't be anywhere near us." Liz finished. The girls were in the penthouse.

"Is it applicable in the UK?" Hermione asked.

"I suppose so. If it's not, we can just revalidate the documents once we get home." Liz shrugged.

"Wow." Belle was speechless.

"Yeah. I guess we'll just leave in an hour." Lin rubbed her arm.

"You're not going to go to the Ball?" Jazz asked.

"Well, we've done the most horrid things to Hermy. Not to mention, we don't have dresses." Say gestures to herself and her sisters.

"Um..hello? You're currently in the penthouse of one of the world's most expensive and exclusive hotels." Jazz shook her head.

"And you're invited to the year's most anticipated ball! How can you pass up an opportunity like that?" Belle asked them in wonder.

"Not to mention, your cousin is one of the most successful designers on Earth. I'm positive that she can get you a fabulous dress in minutes." Hermione smirked.

"Really? You'd do that? For us?" Say asked.

"Of course. You're family." Hermione smiled.

Suddenly, a robotic voice sounded throughout the penthouse.

"Mrs. Malfoy, the Potters have entered the building and is planning to come up to the penthouse. Are they welcome?"

"Of course. Let them in. Power the security system off momentarily. Thank you." Hermione sipped her tea.

The elevator opened revealing James and Albus Potter, slapping their hands away from each other, Lily Potter, breaking them off(scaring the boys in the process), Harry checking his phone and Ginny reading a magazine.

"Hey guys!" Hermione greeted.

"Auntie Mione!" Lily squealed and hugged her aunt.

"Hi Lils." Hermione hugged back.

"Hey, Aunt Mines." James have his godmother a kiss on the cheek.

"James, will you stop annoying your brother?" Hermione hit his arm.

"Ow! Bloody hell, that hurt Auntie." James grumbled.

"Hey Aunt Mione." Albus hugged Hermione tightly.

"You've grown, Albus. You're starting to get taller than James." Hermione teased.

"Hey!" James exclaimed.

"I think I heard someone- LIL!" Hydra squealed and ran to her best friend.

"HYA!" Lily said. The two raised their hands and began doing their secret handshake.

The adults laughed and Hermione introduced her family to Mr. and Mrs. Potter.


Meanwhile, James was roaming all over the penthouse until he saw a door slightly open. He peeked to see Ara Malfoy reading another schoolbook, her back facing him. He smirked.

He creeped up behind her, "BOO!"

"Agh! JAMES! DON'T DO THAT YOU BIG BAFOON!" Ara yelled and started hitting him with her book.

That'll leave a mark.

"Ow, ow, ow! You really are your mother's child." James groaned.

"Why are you here?" Ara fumed. She really hated this guy.

"What? Can't I see the love of my life?" James fluttered his eyelashes at her.

"Bugger off! We. Are. Not. Together! I have studying to do." Ara kicked his chest.

"No you don't. NEWTs don't start til next year!" James whined.

"My point exactly! I have a year! Barely anytime left." Ara shook her head while James looked at her with disbelief.

"You know what, I'm out. Bye Ara!" James said.

"See you never, James." Ara said.

James looked back at her reading, and decided to run up to her and kiss her cheek. Ara turned a bright shade of red and James sped off.

"I WILL END YOU JAMES POTTER!" Ara yelled, running after him.


"Well? Did you get the Malfoy girl?" The woman asked.

"No. My family gave me a restraining order. I can't go anywhere near her." Gladys sniffed.

"Ugh! You muggles are useless. Fine. I'll give you til the end of their reunion. Understood?" The woman asked.

"Yes." Gladys nodded. What on earth are muggles?

"Good. Off with you." The woman shooed her and Gladys began devising a plan.


Albus was getting bored, sitting on the couch. So he decided to find Scorpius.

"Aunt Mione, where are the guys?" Albus looked around.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll go down to see them. Where are they?" Harry asked.

"If I had to guess, the bowling alley." Hermione said.

"Thanks. Let's go Al. Er, Mr. Granger, would you like to join us?" Harry asked Chad.

"Sure, lad." Chad said and hurried towards them, the elevator doors closing.

"Spa day?" Ginny asked.

"Spa day." All the women in the room replied.

"Knew it." Ginny grinned.

"Okay, girls, let's go." Hermione said.

Hydra looked around, "Mama, I'll catch up. I'm gonna look for Ara."

"Okay, sweetie." Hermionr said and they all entered the elevator.

Hydra walked around the penthouse. Where were those two?

Suddenly, she saw a dark figure at the end of the corridor. Intrigued, she decided to go near it.

Closer she got, reaching her hand out, until-

"POTTER! Come back here. Where's your Gryffindor pride?" Ara screamed.

Hydra whipped her head around to see a panting James Potter leaning against the wall.

"James? Where's Ara?" Hydra asked.

"H-hi Hyd-Hydra. Sh-she's-" James spoke, completely out of breath.

"There you are!" Ara said, her wand pointing threateningly at him.

"Ara, darling, we can talk this out-" James said.

"What did he do exactly?" Hydra asked.

Ara blushed, "He kissed my cheek!"

"...okay...?" Hydra said awkwardly.

"I don't think you understand little sis, but he kissed my cheek." Ara slowed down.

"Which means you're together.....?" Hydra looked at them.

They always looked like they would make an attractive couple.

"WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!" Ara yelled and stormed off.

"Well that was a disaster." James huffed, slumping against the wall and sliding down the floor.

"Ask her out the next Freedom Ball at Hogwarts. Remember, she loves sunflowers and caramel popcorn." Hydra said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Hya! This is why you're my favorite future sibling-in-law." James hugs her.

"Hold your hippogriffs, James. Ara won't date til after graduating." Hydra said.

"I can wait. I've been waiting for 17 years. I can wait a little longer." James smiled and they entered the elevator.


"Da-ad! For the last time, Scorpius and I haven't done 'you-know-whatever'."

A red-haired girl with striking emerald eyes, slightly tan skin, and a light dust of freckles on her face, whined to her father.

"I don't care! You children need to make sure, no canoodling-" Ronald Weasley began.

"Ronald! You heard her, Rose and Scorpius are being responsible." Pansy Weasley descended from the steps.

"I'm just not ready to have grandkids-" Ron reasoned.



"Fine! I'll let it go! Bloody hell. Hugo!" Ron called his son.

"I'm coming!" Hugo yelled back, fixing his own flaming red hair in front of a mirror.

Seems like both of their children got Weasley red hair, much to Pansy's dismay.

"Took you long enough." Rose scoffed, reaching her hand out to ruffle her brother's hair.

"DON'T YOU DARE, ROSE MIEUNETTE WEASLEY, TOUCH MY HAIR!'' Hugo yelled, slapping his sister's hand away.

"What is it with boys and their hair?" Rose scoffed.

"Doesn't matter now. The Ball is tonight!" Pansy huffed.

"Honey, we're in Hollywood. We have plenty time. Besides, I've already called Blaise. He and his family will stop by from New York then we can all go to Nevada in his private jet." Ron assured.

"Fine. But the Potters are already there, are they not?" Pansy said.

"Don't you know my sister? She won't be tardy. Ever. Oh. It's 11AM. We must hurry if we want to get there in time." Ron checked his watch.

"Darn, Ronald. C'mon, hurry up. We were never early to events. Always late." Pansy hurried over to their car.

"Being fashionably late won't hurt, will it darling?" Ronald grumbled, climbing into his Peugeot.


reasons(excuses) why i am horrible at updating:

1) don't have time. if and when i do, i read. it's relaxation moment.

2) i write when i'm on the road. buses, cars, etc. that's why i have constant headaches.

3) school sucks, life is hard, and i am tired. amen.

4) i am not okay. i'm not fine. i am neither me, myself, nor i. i am very not okay.

5) i have a lot of undone responsibilities other than this book which is the least of my priorities. i'm very sorry.

BUUUT I've updated now so yaaaaY.

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