sticky notes, annyeongz.

By wizsual

66.5K 4.1K 885

( yujin wants to know who yuanying is. ) More

ending notes
special chapter


2.8K 190 157
By wizsual

there is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story.

Wonyoung was finally discharged from the hospital and was relief that her disease wad cured. The hospital food was gross in Wonyoung's opinion plus it was quite boring.

"i can finally go to school tomorrow!" it has been four month's since she last went to school and even though school is like hell, she missed it. Hanging out with her friends' and doing dorky stuffs with them.

Sighing, she ran her hands to her hair. "I wonder if Yujin already found someone." the truth was, Yujin was still waiting for the younger's appearance even though four months was long, she will wait for her love no matter what.

~  ♡  ~

"WONYOUNG!" Everyone yelled in unison, running over to her and giving her a bone crushing hug. "We missed you, maknae!"

Wonyoung flashed a smile, she missed this. "Where's Yujin?" everyone looked at the younger with a teasing face which made her turn red. "I—i'm just looking for her!"

Hyewon snorted, "Nice try, better luck next time."

"She's just at the garden again."

"okay, thanks!"

She went off as everyone started whispering to eachother. "Annyeongz is back!"

Wonyoung walked through the quiet hallways. It was quiet because it was still early at the time, all students haven't arrived yet and just her and the others. She finally arrived in the garden and went outside.

The cold wind hitted her skin. She never felt so relaxed in the past four months. Everyday, the doctors' give's her medicine's that taste gross and it will supposed to make her sleep. Check ups' everynight and everyday that makes her want to give up.

"if Wonyoung was here, she would've love this."

A familiar voice said. She furrowed her eyebrows and followed where the voice was. She hid behind the tree and peeked at the person.

Yujin yawned, "it's about four month's now and i'm still here, waiting for you." she said and picked up a rose. "Everyone said that i should just give up on you because you're not going back. But guess what? I didn't listen to what they said because i knew you would comeback for me."

"How about i list up the thing's i love and miss about you?" she asked but no one replied. She simply chuckled, she was talking to no one or more like the wind. "Let's start!"

"I love your smile."

"i miss your giggles."

"i love it when you
leave sticky notes in
my locker."

"i miss hearing your

And it goes on and on, was Yujin really that Whipped?

Her heart skipped a beat. Did Yujin really meant the words she said? Her eyes can't help but to water and fall down her eyes. She sniffled quietly but loud enough for the girl talking to herself to hear. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Bold of you to assume that the person will talk back.

Stooding up from the ground, she took a step closer to the tree until. Her eyes widen' once she saw Wonyoung crying quietly. They both spent a few seconds' staring at one another. Yujin knew one of them have to make the first move so she did.

She spreaded her arms and quickly hugged the younger crying her eyes out. "I missed you." she cried as the elder joined her.

She wiped the tear on Wonyoung's eyes and cupped both of her cheeks with her hands, Admiring the younger's beauty. "Now that you're here, i can finally do this." she spoked in her ears making her confused. What does she mean by she can finally do this?

She leaned down, interlocking their lips. It wasn't rough like others do, instead it was sweet. Actually, for them it feels like everything went slowmotion.

It was Wonyoung and Yujin's first kiss yet the older was doing a great job leading it. They were both starting to get out of breath so Yujin pulled away first as Wonyoung whined.

Giggling, she planted a kiss on her forehead and hugged her. 

~  ♡  ~

"I'll be going now." Yujin waved goodbye at the younger, Yujin wanted to go home with her but since she has a service she can't.

Watching Yujin walking away until she was out of sight, the girl let's out a sigh. She wanted to be with Yujin, catching up at what she missed in the past four months.

One thing was stuck at her mind. What are they? They already have their first kiss which leave them to be in a relationship i guess? "Nonsense yuanying, you have to wait for her to ask you to be your girlfriend." she giggled when she used her pen name instead og her real name. "Oh! I forgot to put back my books in the locker."

She ran to the hallways until she gets to her locker. She breathed heavily, exhausted from running. Wiping the sweat on her forehead, she opened her locker and saw a sticky note sticking on inside. She unsticked it and read the note, quietly.

Dear, Jang Wonyoung (yuanying <3)

Starting from today, you're officially mine alright? I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend but i already know the answer.

See ya, tomorrow <3

— Yujin

Finished : March 9, 2019


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