STUBBORN HEARTS<3 (complete)

By biskwet

86.7K 589 27

What if ang taong kinaiinisan mo ng buong buhay mo ay siyang taong magliligtas sayo? what if mainlove ka sa k... More

Princess and the pest
How it all began...
cat bites!! meowrr
A Walk In The Garden
The Punishment
The Kitten's Well-Thought Plans
The Pest Never Fails
The Wild Cat Goes Wild
The Wild Cat Strikes
The Nosy And Eavesdropping Princess
Queenbee Turned Into A Laughingstock
Shoo The Pest Away
To The Rescue
Hatred At Its Highest Peak
The Happiest Day Ever
When It Rains, It Pours
All Dark And Black
The Most Embarrassing Moment
The Strict Driver
The Angel With A Sexy Voice
The Orange Farm
Helpless Kitten
The Pest's Weird Grandparents
Perfect Fit
Flying A Kite On The Mud
A Gift From Grandma
Life Chase
Back To Being A Brat
Incomplete Information
The River Nymph
To Begin Is To Finish
The Wild Cat's Inner Conflicts
Some Cat Fight
A Glimpse To The Pest's Life
The Assault
Another Clash
An Unexpected Place To Hide
Taking A Peek Into Temptation
Awareness and Something More
The Wild Cat's Biggest Mistake
Down In The Dungeon
And The Kitten Runs
An Unpleasant Truth
A Different Ending
Casual Talk
The Eruption Of A Raging Volcano
Let The Daddies Do Their Jobs
The Cave Behind The Waterfall

Another Set Of Explanations

1.2K 13 0
By biskwet

One week.

It’s been a week but still here I am, all locked up in my room, sulking. I haven’t even bothered to

ask dad to tell me EVERYTHING. I’m really not in the mood to sit and listen. I mean, who

would be in the mood after hearing Jiyong say, “I don’t want to see her” when I came to visit

him in his suite in the hospital?

I was hurt of course, hella hurt. Actually, “hurt” would be an understatement/ but I’m not in the

mood to find a deeper and appropriate word for how it felt either. Seohyun shouted at Jiyong for

what he said. But he just ignored her and repeated what he said in that irritatingly dead voice of


Of course what happened became a well-publicized “event” on TV, newspapers, radios and

everywhere you go. So you see, I’m much, much more popular now. Uncle and Heechul

survived, put into jail while Sang Won, Wooyoung and some others didn’t. Impossible as it may

seem, but the government was able to keep the content of the NGM a secret, they kind of made a

deal with Dad but I didn’t ask. I’m not really interested. What matters is that the NGM has been

pulled out of my body already. I’m already safe, right? Also, Jiyong’s real identity was kept

hidden. So, he’s pretty safe, too, I think. Unless, of course uncle and Heechul sing him out. But I

doubt they will.

I heard the door opened. I closed my eyes, trying to pretend to be asleep.

“Dara?” I heard Dad’s voice called. “I know you’re awake”

I sighed and opened my eyes. “I want to be alone, Dad”

“It’s been over a week, dear” he patiently said. “You can’t lock yourself up and cry forever”

I grimaced. Okay, so I left out the fact that aside from locking myself up, I’ve also been crying

my freaking eyes out. I’m not proud of it. I mean, who would be proud of crying over a stupid

pest like Kwon Jiyong?

Aish! I angrily brushed the tears that fell. Remembering him really brings me hardcore pain!

Stupid me! The thing is, I can’t get him off my mind. So yeah, that explains all the crying.

“I don’t want to talk about him” I said, voice breaking. Darn!

“It helps to lessen the burden if you talk it out” he said.

I didn’t answer. I heard him sighed.

“Okay, let’s talk about something else. I know I owe you an explanation”

I pushed myself in a sitting position. “Yes, you do”

He smiled. “I know you’re wondering why I haven’t destroyed it before. I wanted to keep it not

because I want what’s it can do and what it contained. I wanted to keep it because it was your

mother’s brainchild”

“But why did you put it on me? On my leg?”

“It sounds lame but back then, my only reason was, it’s because you’re her daughter. I wanted

her to be with you. But what I did was unforgivable. I put you in danger”

I was silent. I wanted to be angry at Dad but I can’t. Instead, I was hurt.

“So, that’s whne Jiyong came in, huh?” I said. I cringed at the mention of his name. I said I don’t

want to talk about him but here I am, opening it up. Hell, what is wrong with me?

“Yes. I did that to protect you and to not make it too obvious. But then, Nah and Shim slipped.

Wooyoung met Sang Won and he probably mentioned Jiyong’s true identity . That’s why you

were found in the forest”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Dad sighed. “The Kwons aren’t who they seem. They’re-.”

“I know, some sort of agents or something”

“There’s more to that” Dad slowly said. “The Kwons are what you call old-rich family. They are

richer than us; they actually own part of our company. They own a lot of properties, just like the

orange farm. The female Kwons are considered as sharks in the business arena and you know

very well what the male Kwons do”

“We don’t own the orange farm?!”

“No” he laughed.

Kwon Jiyong is richer than me? To think that I treated him like a pest.


“Are you sure about this, Jiyong?”

“Yes, sir” he answered. “You won’t need my services anymore. Your daughter is safe”

“Very well. If that’s your decision”

I stood frozen on my spot. Pain started spreading all over my system, threatening to collapse me.

Yeah, don’t eavesdrop if you don’t want to hear something you don’t want to. When the door

opened, ushering Dad, Mr. Kwon and Jiyong out, I still didn’t move.

“Dara, what are-?” I heard Dad asked but didn’t finish as he was nudged by Mr. Kwon.

“Sir, you still have a business meeting to attend to” Mr. Kwon said.

“Oh yes, I almost forgot”

They started walking away, Jitong trailing behind them and walked past by me. I turned around.

“Is that it/” I asked, my voice oddly high-pitched. I saw jiyong stopped as the same time Dad and

Mr. Kwon frantically ran. Yes, I saw them RAN off. “Just because you think I’m safe, you’re

quitting? What if Uncle escape and extract revenge? What if they come back for me?’

I was surprised at how desperate I sounded.

“That won’t happen’ he said, not facing me. “And besides, my father’s staying. You’ll be safe”


God, why can’t I say those words out loud?

“Is this about what happened to your grandparents?”

He didn’t answer.

“I didn’t want them to die, too! And I’m sorry if I disobeyed you. I know it’s my fault! I

shouldn’t have called Wooyoung! I shouldn’t have-!”

“It’s already done” he cut me off. “Goodbye, Dara”

“What do you want me to do?!” I hysterically burst out. “Do you want me to kneel in front of

you so you’ll forgive me? Well, then fine!”

He sharply turned around. “Get up” he hissed.

“No’ I cried.

“I said, get up!”

“No! I won’t!”

“Sandara Park!” he bellowed.

“If I ask you to stay, will you stay?” I asked quietly.

Again, he didn’t answer. This is costing me a lot already.

“Stay” I finally said.

“Why do you want me to stay?”

I opened my mouth and closed it again.

“Get up. You’re just wasting your time” he scoffed, turned around and walked away. The

moment he did, tears fell uncontrollably. Maybe it’s better this way. I don’t want him to see me

fall into pieces. There’s no use denying it anymore.


After two months. . .

I stepped off the cat.

“Have a nice day, Miss Dara” Mr. Lee, the new driver said.

“Thanks, Mr. Lee” I answered and looked up ahead. School. After all the things that happened, I

still need to go back to school. I casually nod as I saw Hyuna and the girls. They asked for

forgiveness and o forgave them already but I’m afraid the friendship can’t be saved already.

“Jerks!” I heard someone shouted followed by laughter. I looked behind me and saw some boys

laughing at a girl whose books have fallen to the ground. As the boys stalked off, I went towards

the girl and helped her gather her books up.

“Thanks for-.” The girl stopped as she straightened up and saw me. “Oh, it’s you”

I smiled awkwardly. “Yeah. Here are your books”

She frowned and looked at me closely.

“Is there something wrong?’ I asked.

She chuckled. “I guess Jiyong was right and I was wrong”

“What do you mean?”

“I think I owe you an apology” she smiled. “Err, don’t you remember me?”

I frowned. Then my eyes went round, “Oh!” I exclaimed. “You’re one of Jiyong’s friends”

She smiled. “Not really. Just acquaintances”

“I see” is all I can come up with. “So. . what did you mean about what you said a. . while ago?”

“Oh, that!” well, we used to talk about you before. No hard feelings but you were really a B with

an itch before, you and your friends”

“Yeah, I guess I was” I allowed a snort.

“You can’t blame me but that’s what I thought about you eventhough Jiyong always defends

you, I didn’t believe him. I mean, he’s not that much of a talker and not that I’m saying he’s a

liar but it’s pretty hard to believe. Hearing and seeing are very different, so. . .” she ranted.

“Jiyong defended me?” I asked in disbelief.

“He always does, I mean when he was still here. He kept on saying that it’s just your way of

masking your loneliness and your way of hiding your sadness because he said you were blaming

yourself for your mother’s death and he said you also thought your father blames you that’s why

he’s not always at home so. . . hey, are you alright? You look pale”

I started stepping away from her. “I. . . I have to go”

I turned around and ran. I looked for our car. As I saw it, I went to it, opened the door and

stepped in.

“Mr. Lee, bring me to Dad”

How? How did he know that?

He knows too much. And it made the pain even worse. If only I didn’t call Wooyoung. If only I

followed him. But just like what he said, it’s already done. My regret won’t bring them back.

As we reached our destination, I quickly went to Dad’s office.

“Dara! What are you doing here?” he asked.

I went to hug him. “I’m so sorry, Dad” I cried. “I’m so sorry”


I angrily shoved the pint of ice cream in the trash and started heading to the stairs. Gosh! I can’t

believe I’m still crying over that pest! Grr! He’s such a pest in my life! Stupid pest!

I scowled and silently scolded myself for wasting tears over that stupid, good for nothing pest. I

should stop crying already. It won’t do me any good, anyways. I should start again. That’s right.

I should start meeting and dating boys. I mean, I’m still the campus queen, I should live up to it.

I stopped and glared at the door of the pest’s old bedroom. If looks could burn, the door could

have burned down into ashes already, along with the whole bedroom. I started walking away but

after five steps, I went back and pushed the door opened.

I sighed. What am I expecting? That he’ll be in the bed? Or in his desk? Or fiddling with his

laptop? That’s right, Dara. Torture yourself more.

I really am hopeless. I went in. the room still looked the same, nothing much changed except

maybe the room feels. . . cold. And also, the pest’s belongings aren’t here anymore. Then,

something caught my eye. Just above his desk sits a paper bag that I first saw at the motel. I

remember he said it was for someone special. I went towards it and frowned as I saw a post it

note with a number 20 written on it. I was about to open it when I remembered it isn’t mine. I put

it down and sighed when, for the second time, I saw something I haven’t noticed even before. I

saw a little handle propped up against the wall. I traced it with my forefinger. Out of curiosity, I

pulled it and voila!

I didn’t know there’s a hidden cabinet here. But what surprised me more were the “displays”.

There were 6 rows all in all and on each row, there were at least five toys, except for the bottom


At the topmost, I saw a mini Hello Kitty doll with a tiny paper on its chest. On the paper, the

number 7 was written. There were at least four Hello Kitten doll with various sizes, then the next

were stuffed toys: either a white cat or kitten. And then, I saw a familiar one, I was sure of it. I

saw the white kitten with a pink ribbon around its neck that the pest left at more door on my 18th


Then, I gave a start as I finally noticed that all of the toys had a paper pinned on their chests,

with numbers. It started with 7 up to 19. My eyes darted back to the paper bag with a number 20

on it. I took it, opened and pulled the content out. A white cat hugging a heart with words, “My

Kitten” was written on it.

“I’m glad you finally saw all of Jiyong’s birthday gifts for you” a voice said from behind me. I

whirled around.

“M-my gifts?” I asked. Mr. Kwon gave me a kind smile.

“Yes” he said looking at the toys. “He used to save his allowance to buy you a gift. He didn’t

miss a year, as you can see. I know you’ll be wondering why he needs to save money to buy

them when he’s capable of buying you a diamond ring or something like that. But I guess it’s

part of being a male Kwon. We are very proud people”

God! I’m falling in love with Jiyong more.

“But why didn’t he give them to me?’

“Jiyong” Mr. Kwon slowly said, “is a very unusual person. When he was born, he never cried.

Other babies cry when they’re hungry or when they pee; others giggle when they’re being

tickled. But Jiyong didn’t do any of those even if he was a baby. When he grew up, he was much

the same. And then he met you” he chuckled. “He’s different when he’s with you or when you’re

around or if the topic’s about you. So you see, he’s pretty sensitive when it comes to you”

I don’t know what to say.

“I guess he was afraid of what your reaction would be so he didn’t give these to you”

“He’s not afraid of anything” I voiced out unthinkingly.

“Oh, sure he does. But like what they say, there’s always an exemption to the rule”

“You know what he’s afraid of?” I asked.

“I’m his father” he shrugged. “But if you really want to know, why don’t you ask him yourself?”

My face fell. “He hates me. He won’t talk to me. He blames me for what happened to. . .”

Mr. Kwon laughed. “You think that’s the reason why/”

“There’s nothing else” I firmly said.

“Then, you don’t know my son that much”

“What do you mean?” I asked; hope suddenly making my heart hype.

“He was jealous” Mr. Kwon said with amusement. “I heard the recorded conversation you had

with Wooyoung when we gathered up some stuff from the dungeon. You did say the words I

LOVE YOU to Wooyoung. I’m betting Jiyong was hurt because of that”

I stared at him blankly with dropped jaw.

“I told you, he’s pretty sensitive when it comes to you”

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