Helpless Kitten

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“What?” I burst out angrily.

“You’re on a diet, right? So, it’s not really a big deal to you” he shrugged.

“But. . . but. . .” I protested.

“Sorry” he said in his most pitiful voice and patted my head. He turned around and took one

basket and started walking towards the trees.

Fine! Like they would let me starve. Huh! I know people like them. They’re too kind for their

own good. Hahaha! I looked around for a shaded area. As I found one, I quickly went for the

place and took a seat, leaning my back against a tree.

I closed my eyes and yawned out loud when I suddenly felt something hard hit my arm.

“What the heck?” I blurted out and opened my eyes. I saw the old woman standing in front of


“And what are doing under a tree?”

“Sleeping” I defiantly said.

“Oh, sleeping, huh?” she chortled. “Since you looked pretty comfortable here, then you might as

well spend the night her outside”

“Yeah, right. Like you would really do that” I said.

“Oh, you’ll see”

I just snorted in response. I stayed in my spot for the whole day. By the time afternoon arrived, I

started feeling hungry. I stood up and went towards the house. The door was locked. I knocked

and called for someone from the inside.

“I’m sorry, Miss. I’ve been forbidden to let you in”

“What?!?” I burst out.

No answer.


No answer.

Grr. That old woman! No wonder the pest is like that. Ugh! I turned around and faced the farm. I

saw the helpers were starting to leave.

“Hey, you!” I called. “Ya!”

I fumed as they all ignored me. Alright, so I was getting a bit desperate. I think the old woman

was pretty serious about keeping me out. So, I started following the helpers. They walked over a

dangerous-looking slope. I swallowed hard as they started climbing downwards.

Now what? I can’t definitely climb down, can I? But when I saw a few houses a few miles from

the slope, I took my chance. I took one step forward. When nothing happened, I smiled. I stepped

another one, third, fourth, fifth steps. But by my sixth step, the rock I’m stepping on gave in. I

screamed as I started rolling down the slope.

I don’t know if I’m just hallucinating, but I heard someone cursed. Then, I felt a force stopping

me from continuously rolling. I panted and looked up. I saw the pest’s dark face looming over

me, with his arms o my side. Without saying anything, he scooped me up and started climbing


“I’m gonna tell Dad what his employees are doing to me!” I whined. “And why are you carrying

me? You can put me down now”

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