
By DaydreamAwayxx

142K 2.6K 733

Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn are your typical group of teenage boys, but they're in one of the world's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Part 1
Chapter 30 - Part 2
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
The Playlist

Chapter 25

3.1K 53 15
By DaydreamAwayxx

Chapter 25: Jump Then Fall

I yawned as I heard what sounded like seagulls and other beach birds. It was funny because I hadn’t heard them at all this week. Harry must’ve opened the window or something.

I yawned again and snuggled into what I assumed was Harry. He smelt like a mixture of his cologne and the beach.

Wait… The beach?

Oh, right. We went to the beach last night. We went in the water and a shark almost ate my leg off. After my traumatizing experience and Harry stopped laughing at me, Harry and I talked.

We talked about pretty much everything except dating (other than when he asked me what I liked in a guy). It wasn't awkward or anything like that. However, he didn't tell me whom his lust relationship was with and he didn't talk about Kayla either. On the other hand, he asked me about Zayn. I think he still blames himself for us breaking up.

I told him Zayn and I were still friends and everything was fine. I don't think he believed me, though. I really don't understand why.

A gust of wind pulled me out of my thoughts and I suddenly felt cold. It was probably the air conditioning kicking in. I felt around for the blankets, but there weren't any. I frowned and hit Harry's chest.

He didn't make any movement, except for the loud, exhausted groan that came out of his mouth.

I slowly opened my eyes. I stared up at blue. Confused with my sudden change in scenery, I blinked several times. Still I was looking up at a blue ceiling.

No, wait. It wasn't a ceiling.

I was staring at a blue sky.

My eyes went wide and I sat up frantically.

A pelican was standing at my feet, making its obnoxious calls.

What the hell? Where am I?

I looked passed the bird and saw water.

Oh my God. We fell asleep on the beach.

Jesus Christ. I'm going to die.

I searched the sand for my phone but soon realized that I didn't bring it.

I turned back to Harry's sleeping figure. I started to shake him.

"Harry, it's time to get up!" I said.

He yawned and snuggled into his shirt that he was using as a pillow. "Five mintues," he mumbled.

"Harry, get up. We have a visitor," I told him. I was referring to the pelican that was still at my feet.

"Who is it?" he asked in his morning voice.

I smiled to myself. I love the way he sounded in the morning. His voice was deeper than normal and it had a hoarse sound to it. Husky and sexy. Everything about him was better in the morning. He looked so innocent before he washed his face of his deep sleep. His curls went in many directions, making them look childlike. His eyes were even a darker shade of green in the morning.

"Umm," I mumbled, staring at the pelican. "Uhh, Nigel..." I answered.

The pelican made a noise and Harry sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Why is it so bright in here? And why that guy so loud? Who is-" Harry stopped rubbing his eyes. He froze, staring at the pelican.

"What the hell?" he ask, eyeing the bird.

"We fell asleep at the beach, Harry," I told him as I stood, gathering our things.

"What? What time is it?" he asked, still looking at the seagull.

"I have no idea, but if we don't go back now, we're going to be slaughtered."

Harry tilted his head a little, looking confused. "How long has he been here?"

I looked at the bird and then back at Harry. "He woke me up. The thing was sent to us by God warning me that if we don't get back to the hotel, I'll be paying him a visit soon."

Harry grinned, chuckling a little. "You worry too much."

"Well, I like my life," I said, putting my towel around my neck.

Harry looked up at me from the ground. "Do you have food? I wanna feed him..." he trailed off, looking at the pelican.

I stared at him. "You've got to be freaking kidding me."

"What?" he asked innocently. "He looks friendly!"

"You're going to get mobbed by fans if you don't hurry up," I told him. "We can come back and feed the birds."

Harry frowned, still looking at the bird. "Promise?"

I sighed. "Promise. Unless Liam has plans for today."

Harry groaned as he stood. "Today should be a day of rest. I'm sick of sight seeing."

I laughed and grabbed the other towels. "Try and telling him that."

Harry smirked at me, pulling his shirt over his head. "He won't listen."

I shrugged. "Oh well. Now come on! We have to run!"

He smiled at me. "Good morning to you to, Elisa."

He leaned forward and kisses my head. I smiled him. "Top of the mornin' to ya!" I said in a horrible attempt at an Irish accent.

He laughed, "Don't ever do that again."

I smiled, wider that I should've since he had kind of insulted me.

He grinned at me. "I'll race ya back!" he said before he sprinted off towards the boardwalk.

I laughed and ran after him. It’s difficult running in the sand. I swear I almost fell over twice.

Harry was waiting for me at the boardwalk with that stupid, really attractive smirk on his face. “Don’t go out for sprinting…”

“Shut up,” I told him, pushing him playfully. “You got a head start.”

He laughed and slung his arm around me. “Well, you better run fast or Paul is going to kill me.”

“Don’t you mean us?”

“I told you I was taking the blame. So, run a little faster, babe.” And with that, he grabbed my hand and we ran off together.

We made it back to the hotel in record time. Along the way, we found out that it was almost ten in the morning. Paul’s wake up call was suppose to be at ten today.

My heart was pounding in my chest from both all the running and my nervous.

“Hurry up and open the door,” I told Harry as we walked down the long hallway to our room.

“I’m going. He’s not going to catch us, calm down, El,” he said as he slid the room card into the door.

The little light next to the slot turned red. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and slid the card in again. The light turned red again and Harry tried opening the door.

He groaned. “Why doesn’t it work?”

“We’re going to get caught. Oh my God. I’m going to die. Tell my parents I love them, okay? And tell Louis I’m sorry being a pain in the ass. I didn’t mean it, I swear. It’s just my job as a little sister. I’m going to die. I don’t want to die, Harry!” I said, pacing down the hall.

Harry grabbed me and looked me in the eyes. “Calm down. Just wait here and I’ll go down to the front desk and see what’s wrong.”

“But what if Paul comes? What if Preston comes? What do I then?” I asked frantically.

“You tell them we went down to the pool early and that we came back and the card didn’t work and I went to see what happened,” Harry said, still holding me at arms length. “We’re not going to get caught and you’re not going to die.”

I nodded and he kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger. I felt my skin heat up and he smiled down at me.

“I’ll be right back,” He said, before walking back down the hall to the staircase.

I watched him walk away and when he was gone, I sighed. I tried opening the door again, just to see if it would possibly work. And of course, it didn’t. What a way to start the day.


I jumped and turned around. My heart stopped when I saw Paul standing there. Where did he come from? I didn’t even hear his door open. He was like a ninja.

“H-hi Paul,” I said, my voice was shaky.

“Oh, I’m sorry, love. Did I scare you?” He asked, walking closer to me.

I nodded and smiled. “A little.”

He returned the gesture. “What are you doing out here? And why do you have towels?” he questioned, looking over my appearance.

“Umm, Harry and I went swimming this morning,” I told him.

He gave me a funny look. “This early?”

I nodded. “Yeah, it was my idea,” I lied. “Sorry. We hadn’t gone to the pool all week, so I figured I’d drag him along with me.”

He nodded. “So where is he now?”

I laughed. “The room card wasn’t working, so he went to see what happened to it. I think his cell phone messed it up.”

Paul, thankfully, laughed with me. “You could’ve just gotten me up. I would’ve let you in your room.”

“We didn’t want to wake you,” I said honestly.

He smiled. “It would’ve been fine. Just as long as you two weren’t in any sort of trouble.”

I shook my head. “No, none at all.”

Harry came down the hallway behind Paul. “They said my phone broke it,” he said with a frown, waving the card in the air.

“Told you,” I told Paul.

He laughed and turned to Harry. “Did you have fun swimming?” he asked him.

Harry laughed. “Yeah. A bit early, though.”

“Elisa told me how she made you go with her,” Paul told him. “It’s funny how you listen to her and not me.”

Harry looked at me and then back at Paul. He chuckled. “She’s a lot nicer.”

I smiled sweetly. “I think you’re nice, Paul.”

He smiled at me and gave Harry a stern look. “Hurry up and get ready. We’re leaving for breakfast in an hour.”

I laughed and took the key from Harry. “Yeah, hurry up, curly!” I told him as I walked inside.

A wall of cold air hit me, causing me to shiver.

I heard Harry huff and close the door. "That was a close one."

I turned, wrapping the towel around myself, trying to warm up. I nodded. "You're lucky I'm a good liar," I told him.

He smiled and kissed my head. "I'm going to go take a quick shower."


After breakfast, Liam declared today a day of rest. Thank God.

Like Harry had said earlier, I really was done with sightseeing. I swear if a saw one more historical landmark I would explode.

The boys spent the rest of the day playing Fifa. Us girls just watched them act like idiots. They yelled and shouted at the TV, throwing their controllers on the ground in frustration when they lost. Louis usually won. I think Liam won a couple times. Zayn and Niall both won twice. Harry, well, he wasn't on his game today.

I felt bad for him. Louis didn't let him win at all. Lou did the same to me. He taught me how to play Call of Duty and then he let me win a couple times, to be nice. Once I got it down, he never let me win another game again. He's always been competitive and he doesn't take losing lightly.

He would make a scene. He'd throw the controller and yell and scream. He'd throw a tantrum over the stupid game. It was ridiculous. Then after he'd calm down, he would challenge you to another until he won. And when he did win, he'd rub it in your face.

I honestly don't understand how we're even related.

However, Harry almost won the last game. He was winning up until Paul came in and told us it was time to get ready for dinner.

I literally had to drag him away from the set.

And now, we were getting ready to go out to eat. It was around six o'clock.

"I can't believe Paul wouldn't just let me finish the game," Harry muttered as he buttoned his shirt.

He was wearing black skinny jeans that hung low on his waist and a white dress shirt with the cuffs rolled up to his elbow. He left the last three buttons open, so his necklace and the beginning of his tone chest was showing.

"Sweetheart, you would've lost anyway," I said as I fixed my makeup in the mirror.

"Babe, I was beating Lou by a lot. I was going I win," Harry insisted.

He's so determined. I smiled at him as I put my eyeliner back into my pouch.

"And plus, Louis was going to lose at one point," he added with a smirk.

I shook my head and put my things away. "Louis doesn't give. You know that," I reminded him.

"Yeah, but still I should've won." Harry looked his reflection in the mirror. He fixed his collar and then swooped his hair to the side.

"Ready?" he asked, turning to me.

I nodded and grabbed my phone. "Louis said to go back over there when we were ready."

Harry nodded and put his watch on. "Look, we only took twenty minutes to get ready. Record timing."

"Yeah, because you didn't have to shower," I told him as I handed him the room key.

He smirked and took the key, putting it in his pocket. "You take just as long as me," he said.

"But I'm a girl," I told him with an innocent smile.

"Okay, El, whatever you say," Harry teased, kissing my forehead.

"Are you saying I'm a boy?" I gasped.

He chuckled. "You're a pretty boy."

I glared at him.

Harry laughed and hugged me. "You know I love you."

He had no idea how much I wished he meant that in a different way.

"No you don't, you think I'm a guy," I told him, wiggling my way out of his arms.

Harry grabbed me as I started walking away.

"Baby, you know I love you. I'm just kidding," he whispered in my ear.

My stomach was doing flips and my heart fluttered.

I held my breath and moved away from him.

"Just hurry up," I told him, walking towards the door.

Harry trailed behind me and closed the door.

We walked down the hall to Louis' room.

Kieran greeted us at the door and told us we were the second ones ready. Apparently, Niall and Frankie were already here and Niall was making his before dinner snack.

Harry laughed and pulled me inside. Frankie was sitting next to Louis on the couch, watching the news.

Harry sat down and pulled me onto his lap, since there wasn’t much room. Louis stood up and walked to the kitchen, but not before messing up my hair.

Frankie laughed and moved over, so I could sit next to her.

I rolled my eyes and moved off of Harry’s lap as a newswomen came on the screen. I fixed my hair as she started speaking.

“Today in entertainment, we have an exclusive interview with One Direction member, Harry Styles’ ex-girlfriend Caroline Flack!” She said happily. “She finall discloses about her and Harry’s relationship!”

Frankie looked at me, looking worried. I mimicked her expression as Harry’s face went hard.

The screen flipped to Caroline and the same women sitting in a room, across from each other.

“So, Caroline, tell us about you and Harry,” The women started, smiling, holding cards in her hand. She straightened them out on the table as Caroline started talking.

“What do you want to know, Barbra?” Caroline countered.

“Well, first off, the question that everyone is dying to know is whats it like dating Harry Styles?”

I took a deep breath as Harry leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands.

“It was wonderful… at first,” Caroline said, frowning at the end.

“What do you mean by at first?”

“Well, he treated me like a princess until he started cheating,” she said, leaning back in her seat.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry’s face fall. His face went hard, along with his eyes. He showed no emotion.

On the other hand, Frankie’s mouth dropped open, along with Kieran’s. Niall was too busy shoving food in his mouth. I didn’t even know what to do. Why would he even cheat?

“Aright, time to change the channel,” Louis said, walking into the room, grabbing the remote.

Harry stopped him. “No, stop, I want to see what she says,” He told him.

Louis sighed and put the remote down.

“He cheated?” the newswomen practically yelled.

Caroline nodded slowly. “I didn’t find out until recently, but yes, unfortunately he cheated on my several times.”

“Why do you think he cheated?” the women pressed.

Caroline shrugged, wiping a few tears away. “I don’t know. He would always say I was too clingy and he needed his space. I guess I was just worried he would find somebody better than me.”

“That’s terrible.”

She sniffled. “I know most people don’t think we had a real relationship, but it was real to me. I really did love him.”

The newswomen handed her a tissue. “Why did you two finally break up?”

“He told me he didn’t need me. He told me that he could get any other girl in the world and I wasn’t good enough for him. Then, right before he left, he told me that I really didn’t love him.”

“Oh my. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Harry was such a cheating jerk.”

That’s when my heart stopped. Harry didn’t handle hate well.

Louis tried grabbing the remote again, but Harry grabbed it first.

“That’s the real Harry Styles,” Caroline said bitterly.

No, it’s not. No, it can’t be.

“I’m so sorry. I just hope he doesn’t treat his new girlfriend like that,” the newswomen continued.

Caroline nodded, wiping her tears. “The poor girl probably doesn’t even know about his tricks. He’s going to hurt her somehow. I just know it. I just wish I could tell her what happened to me. Although, I doubt she’d believe me.”

She’s lying. She has to be. Harry wouldn’t do that.

The screen switched back to the first screen. The newswomen was shaking her head. “It’s such a horrible story, really. There’s your warning girls. Harry Styles isn’t as innocent as he looks.”

With that, Harry stood up. “I’m not going to dinner.” He stormed off before any of us could say anything.

I didn’t know what to do. I looked to Louis to try and find an answered.

He sighed and switch the TV off. “Some people can’t keep their mouth shut.”

“Should I go talk to him?” I asked weakly.

Louis looked at me sympathetically. “He probably wants to be alone. He’s going to and read all the hate he’s going to get now.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “You can try.”

I nodded. “I’m not going to dinner. I’ll just stay with him and make sure he’s okay.” They all nodded and Niall gave me a small smile.

I took a deep breathe and walked back to our room. I tried opening the door but it was locked.

I sighed and went to get Paul. He had already seen the news and quickly let me in. He told me to call if anything happened. I agreed and shut the door behind me.

I followed the sound of sobbing to our room. Harry was sitting in front of the bed staring at his phone, crying.

I walked in slowly and sat down next to him.

He looked so small. I had never seen him cry and I never wanted to see him cry again. His eyes were puffy and tears were streaming down his face.

I frowned and he looked at me with blood shot eyes. The color in his bright eyes was gone. It broke my heart seeing him like that.

“You okay?” I choked out.

Harry shook his head and put his phone down.

“Do you want me to stay with you?” I asked.

He nodded and wiped his face. The tears were still pouring out of his eyes.

I almost started crying just looking at him. I pulled him into a hug. He whimpered and hugged me back.

I ran my fingers through his curls and he looked up at me. “It’s going to be okay,” I whispered.

He shook his head. “No it’s not. Everybody is going to believe her,” he said quietly.

“Why would they?” I whispered.

“Be- because it’s true…”


There you have it.

Again, I don’t hate Caroline. I just needed to make her like that for the sake of the story…

Anyway, tell me what you think. Caroline? Harry? It’s all true?! Elisa? Do you think Harry would cheat on her if they were really dating? I mean.. he kinda already did…

Tell me what you think! I literally started crying at the end… don’t judge me…

"The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet

I'll catch you, I'll catch you

And people say things that bring you to your knees

I'll catch you

The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry

But I'll hold you through the night until you smile"

Comment, Vote, &fan!(:

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