Summer Rain

By JJJiangx

3.7M 97.1K 13.1K

[Includes Something about Summer & After Rain] Raine Evans had everything. Okay, maybe not. So she avoided he... More

Summer Rain
[1] Dynamite
[2] Young, Wild, and Free
[3] Live While We're Young
[4] Mr. Know It All
[5] Hit the Lights
[6] Tonight, Tonight
[7] Fall to Pieces
[8] We are Young
[9] Starships
[10] Two is Better than One
[11] Good Life
[12] Thunder
[13] Summer Girl
[14] Beat of My Heart
[15] Fireflies
[16] Love Life
[17] Irreplacable
[18] Pocket Full of Sunshine
[19] My Dilemma
[20] Only Fooling Myself
[21] Love Song (Part 1)
[21] Love Song (Part 2)
[22] Some Hearts
[23] Take Me Away
[25] Gotta Be You
[26] Anywhere But Here
[27] I Must Be Dreaming
[28] Decode
[29] Airplanes
[30] Alone Again
[31] Break My Heart
After Rain
[1] White Houses
[2] Here We Go Again
[3] Ship in the Dock
[4] I Hate Myself for Losing You
[5] All Too Well
[6] I Can't Breathe
[7] Catch My Breath
[8] Like We Used To
[9] Impossible
[10] Curiosity
[11] Just Give Me a Reason
[12] If This Was a Movie
[13] That's What You Get
[14] King of Anything
[15] Daylight
[16] Heart Attack
[17] Unwritten
[18] Fall
[19] Sweet Nothing
[20] One More Night
[21] Fallout
[22] Same Mistakes
[23] Alive
[24] Kiss Me Slowly
[25] I Need Your Love
[26] Looking Up
[27] Dark Side
[28] Endlessly
[29] Made in the USA
[30] Try
[31] Ever Enough
Extra: Forever and Ever
[18] Kaden's PoV: Secrets
Summer Rain Playlist & FAQ

[24] Kiss You Inside Out

56.9K 1.2K 269
By JJJiangx

Dedicated to theb4ndit for being the first complete Blaine supporter (that I know of) :P

Outfits Raine had to try on on the side (imagine the said parts in red) -->



I wanna know you inside out.

I'll spend my life,

Trying to figure out.

Just close your eyes,

And shut your mouth.

And let me kiss you, inside out.

~Kiss You Inside Out- Hedley

      I was starting to think that Kallie had decided that I wasn't allowed to sleep in late at all this summer. I wasn't given the chance to fully wake up before I was shoved in Kaden's car, a granola bar in hand. Of course, Kaden, being the oh-so-nice person that he is (cough, sarcasm, cough, cough), decided to help me wake up by frying my nerves. Which he accomplished by going way over the speed limit. Obviously, we were the first ones at the mall.

      Suddenly, a quite random thought came to me as I got out of his car. "Y'know, you should get a convertible," I told Kaden, leaning against the shiny hood of his car (I think it was something like a Mustang, but I wasn't sure).

      "Why?" he asked, shooting me a weird look as he came around the front of the car towards me.

      I shrugged. I should probably think things through before spitting them out. Then an idea came to me. "Because it's sexy," I told him in the most seductive voice I could manage while not laughing.

      Kaden continued staring at me with a slightly weirded out look for a moment before replying, "Raine, never do that again," he said seriously. Aww, hurtful. Okay, I guess I suck at the 'sexy' voice. Ah wells, I kind of expected it anyway.

      I snorted. "Flattering," I drawled sarcastically. Kaden grinned, stepping in front of me and reaching out to tug me into his arms. I let him, and rested there for a moment before pulling back a little to look at him pointedly. I really didn't care that he didn't think I could do a 'sexy' voice, but it was fun watching him squirm, as mean as that sounded.

      Kaden sighed and nervously ran a hand through his hair. "It's just- I don't- You're not really the kind to use that kind of voice and it sounds... Strange coming from you," he finally blurted out after multiple false starts, making me grin. He narrowed his eyes at my smile and now it was my turn to get the pointed look.

      "It's fun watching you squirm," I admitted. Kaden stared at me disbelievingly before his eyes narrowed again. I smiled wider and looked at him innocently.

      "You're kind of evil," Kaden remarked after a long moment of staring. Oh wow, I was expecting something else. I mean, he's known me for a long time, shouldn't he already know about my... Not-so-nice-ness?

      "I thought you already knew that," I said, voicing my thoughts. He chuckled before leaning down and kissing me.


      I jumped at the mechanical sound and pulled away from Kaden to see Kallie holding her phone.

      "This is going on Facebook," she announced with an evil grin. Did she just....? Oh no. Not good.

      "Wait, don't! I haven't gotten the chance to tell Mom yet and she-" I was cut off by a quiet whirr from Kallie's phone.

      "Sorry, too late," Kallie told me, not really sounding sorry.

      "Facebook stalks us," I finished quietly, dropping my head into my hands. Oh no. This is really not good now. Mom's going to kill me.

      "Isn't your mom supposed to be on vacation?" Brett asked.

      "That doesn't mean she doesn't have Wi-fi," I muttered though my hands. Mom pretty much completely disapproved of me dating. I don't know why, but the few times I had brought a guy home for her and dad to meet, she had been almost hostile, or just a cold sort of polite. As if on cue, my cell phone began moving against my hip in rapid vibrations. The one I had set for Mom and Dad and any other adults that could possibly call me. Gulping, I reached into my pocket and pulled it out.

      "Hello?" I asked, placing the phone at my ear only to immediately pull it away, trying to salvage what was left of my hearing.

      "When did this happen?" Mom yelled. The phone made her voice just a bit static-y and a whole lot more screechy. Or at least, I hope the phone did that, otherwise.... I had no idea Mom could yell like that.

      "Yesterday," I replied slowly, doing my best to keep myself calm. I braced myself and cautiously placed the phone closer to my ear.

      "Why didn't you tell me?" Mom demanded, her voice just a bit quieter than before.

      "Because it happened yesterday!" I exclaimed in a half-protesting tone, eyes wide. I had barely even processed that it had happened. A quick look around told me that everyone was either snickering behind their palms or grinning like crazy, or both. They refused to stop, even when I glared and mouthed threats at them.

      "You are together, right?" Mom asked, her voice now more or less at a normal volume.

      "Um.... Yeah," I answered after a quick glance at Kaden who had paused in his laughter long enough to give me a quick nod.

      "I knew it would happen!" Mom suddenly exclaimed, making me jump. She sounded scarily similar to someone my age with how excited she was. Wait. She was excited? I can't believe- she didn't- No way. Now everything made sense. It was odd, and almost unbelievable, but it was the only explanation that made sense.

      "Mom-" I started, trying to interrupt her yelling. Suddenly it went silent on her end. Then I heard some shuffling, followed by a couple groans. Oh my god. Please tell me I did not just hear that. Oh god.

      "Sorry, Honey, I have to go," Mom said in a breathless rush before hanging up.

      "Great. I think I'm scarred for life now," I muttered shoving my phone back in my pocket. "I feel betrayed," I announced, making everyone laugh again.

      Except Brett. "Why?" he asked instead.

      "Because Mom didn't even try to get along with any of the guys I brought home because she wanted me to get with Kaden. Even if I really liked the guy," I explained, rolling my eyes.

      "What can I say? I'm just that loveable," Kaden joked in his cocky tone. Huh. Strange. Now that I think about it, he hasn't been smirking or complimenting himself as much. Kinda weird, but I guess it's better. I mean, he seems more... I don't know, genuine. It was pretty nice, actually.

      "Wait, why are you scarred for life?" Clark asked after another moment of laughter. Hmm... I guess they didn't hear the last part of the conversation. I don't know if I should be happy or not. Probably not, because now I have to explain it.

      "I'm pretty sure I heard my parents doing 'it'," I muttered, feeling my cheeks heat up. I stared at the concrete of the parking lot and shuffled my feet, feeling like a little kid who was in trouble, even though I hadn't done anything.

      "I'm sorry, what?" Clark asked, confused.

      "I think I heard my parents doing 'it'," I repeated, louder this time.

      "I'm sorry, I still can't hear you," Clark said. Then I heard the teasing tone in his voice. Oh no. He wouldn't. I thought he was the mature one!

      "And what do you mean by 'it'?" Brett asked, for once catching on (that was mean, I know).

      "I think I heard my parents having sex, okay? Happy?" I yelled at them louder than I had intended to. Kaden, Kallie, Brett, Annabelle and Clark all more or less collapsed in laughter as everyone else in the parking lot turned to stare at me. I felt myself turn redder, even though that shouldn't have been possible. I tried to duck into Kaden to hide my burning face from their piercing stares, but he was shaking from laughter too much to be a good hiding spot. Oh my god. This was seriously embarrassing.

      "You guys are cruel," I muttered. Annabelle looked at me sympathetically, but the gigantic smile on her face kind of ruined it. "And I thought you were supposed to be the nice, mature one," I said to Clark.

      He shrugged. "It's summer. I'll go back to being nice when school starts," he told me. I sighed and rolled my eyes before burying my face in Kaden's chest to hide my still cooling cheeks.

      "I feel like I'm your new thing to facepalm against," Kaden remarked teasingly. I grinned against his chest and nodded.

      "It's why I like you," I told him, my voice muffled.

      "I hope that's not the only reason," he drawled, making the others laugh again. Kallie cleared her throat, making me pull away.

      "Okay, the challenge. Dress up time!" Kallie exclaimed once everyone had calmed down. She bounced on her toes and shot a huge grin at us, looking a bit like a little kid in a candy store. Okay, so maybe not everyone had calmed down.

      "Okay, Kal, that may have been fitting when we were five, but now... Not at all," Kaden said bluntly, raising an eyebrow at his twin. I had to agree with him there. Though I didn't really remember playing dress up when I was younger, I really didn't want to play it now.

      "Well, my dear twin," Kallie started in a slightly sarcastic voice.

      "Whoa. Hold on," Brett cut in. "You've done dress up with them?" he asked Kaden incredulously.

      Kallie's grin widened until it seemed to take up almost all her face. “Oh, I remember that. You know, it was funny. If I ever needed Kaden to do anything, all I had to do was ask Raine to ask him for me. I’d bug her until she agreed, then she worked her slightly creepy, but very effective five year old charm on him and get Kaden to do whatever I needed,” she told us. Oh wow. Hm, I never knew that. Wait, how does she remember? Okay, either she has an insanely good memory or I have an unbelievably bad one. Hey, if he...If I could-

      “Ha! I totally win!” I cried to Kaden, referring to our argument last night. I looked over at him and- Oh my god. Was that a blush that I saw? Oh my god, it was! A faint tinge of pink coloured his cheeks. Well that’s a first.

      “Okay, anyway, for the challenge,” Kallie said, interrupting our snickers and saving her twin from the embarrassment. Oh come on, why can’t she do that for me? What, am I funnier to watch, or something? “You have to dress up your partner in the most ridiculous outfit you can think of. You have three tried, then you have to pick one of those outfits. Whichever of the two is funnier wins a point,” Kallie continued, oblivious to my mental questions. Hm, ridiculous outfits. I wonder…

      “Question, is photography of the outfits allowed?” I asked Kallie with a smile (and okay, fine, maybe it was just the slightest bit evil).

      Kallie shook her head. “Not unless we’re asking someone else for opinions,” she told me, a slight smirk creeping onto her face when she saw my disappointed look. Dagnabit! There goes my blackmail material opportunity. I mean, I could still take photos, but I’d probably get attacked. With Kallie, you had to make sure she doesn’t know you have it, or else you’ll probably die a lot earlier than you originally were going to.

      “Anyway, I have a list of stores. One per person. Victoria’s Secret,” Kallie read off her phone.

      “Called it!” Kaden interrupted, glancing at my slyly. My cheeks heated up again, for what seemed like the gazillionth time this morning. It wasn’t even ten, yet! That was just sad. Kallie finished with the list, everyone claiming a store like Kaden had. I got J.Crew, since I was late claiming, but I could probably –and hopefully- make it work. Brett took the costumer store. Bells took a fairly large department store, Clark, who had also hesitated in claiming, got a small designer boutique and Kallie took Lacey’s, a high end and incredibly girly store.

      “I think this’ll be pretty easy,” Kaden remarked as we headed toward the mall entrance.

      “Why?” I asked, half curious and half scared for his answer.

      “Because, one, I have an idea and two, you won’t do anything inappropriate, which limits your options.”


      Kaden was right.

      I didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. I was a bit too prudish (I’ll admit it, okay?) to do any inappropriate and since J.Crew had pretty normal clothes, I did have very few options. Kallie and Annabelle had won against Brett and Clark. Kallie, making Brett dress in a girly outfit, that just made him look absolutely ridiculous and well, Clark had had even less options than I did, so it was pretty easy for Annabelle to win. We hadn’t gone to Victoria’s Secret yet, but I was terrified. I was browsing through the racks of J.Crew, on my last try when a piece of fabric suddenly flew at my head.

      “Raine, you have to try those on!” Came Kallie’s voice a moment later. I held up the wad of fabric and realized that they were jeans.

      “Kal, I’m supposed to be finding stuff for the challenge, remember?” I told her, raising an eyebrow.

      “I know, they’d look really good on you! Please?” she begged, pouting. Don’t cave, Raine. Don’t cave. I chanted in my head. I tried to look away but she kept moving in front of wherever I looked.

      “Fine,” I agreed reluctantly. Kallie grinned and clapped her hands before disappearing. Okay, back to the challenge. I only had one try left, so I had to make this one work. We were only one point off from tying with the guys and there was only two or so days until the challenge ended. I stopped and looked around the store. What could I do? My gaze stopped at a mannequin at the back of the store. It looked... Odd. I wasn't a fashion expert, or anything even remotely close, but the colours they had layered together didn't look all that great together. Hey, that could work!

      I moved around the store, grabbing a variety of brightly coloured shirts and a pair of neon skinny jeans (yes, they were actually in the guy's section), before taking them to the dressing room, where Kaden and the rest of them were waiting. I tossed the pile of clothes at Kaden before ducking into a dressing room to try on the jeans Kallie had given me.

      "Wait, what are you doing?" Annabelle asked.

      "Ask Kallie," I told her, too lazy to explain. I didn't really listen, but I did hear the word 'tight' which made me slightly nervous.

      "Oh, I want to see this,' Kaden exclaimed, loud enough for me to hear. I pulled off the red shorts I had worn to the mall and wiggled into the jeans. Hold shiitake mushrooms. They looked as if they were painted on. Did Kallie give me the right size?

      "Kallie-" I started, about to ask her just that.

      "They're supposed to be like that Raine! Come out, I wanna see them!" Kallie cut in. I gulped, grabbed my shorts and slowly pulled open the dressing room door.

      Kallie grinned when I stepped out and clapped her hands together. "Ooh, they look cute on you! We have to get them!" she exclaimed. I laughed and rolled my eyes. Even if we got them, I would probably never wear them. I mean, they look like, they're skin tight!

      "Go put the clothes on," I told Kaden, trying to get the attention off me.

      Kaden, who saw through my pathetic attempt, grinned. "Keep the jeans on?" he asked slyly. I rolled my eyes again, but nodded and took a seat in one of the plastic chairs. Kaden disappeared into the change room I had used, still grinning.

      A couple moments later he came out and I mentally cheered. It did look ridiculous. The colours clashed completely and the jeans looked odd on him. The multitude of colors was almost blinding. Kaden's eyes weren't on the mirror in front of him, though. I followed his gaze and rolled my eyes for the third time in two minutes. I probably should've been mad, or annoyed, but for some reason, I had kind of expected it. I mean, he had been a player, I couldn't really expect him to change in less than twenty four hours.

      "Kaden, stop staring at her butt!" I told him.

      His eyes snapped back to me, looking a bit guilty, a bit amused and a bit cocky. "Sorry, Sunshine, not used to exclusive," he said, confirming my guess.

      I looked at the girl and snickered a bit. "You know she's trying to do that, right/" I asked him.

      His expression morphed to one of confusion. "What do you mean?"

      "Well, most girls don't walk like this," I stood up and strutted across the hall of the dressing rooms, trying to mimic the exaggerated sway of the girl's hips. "And no one leans down this much to check a pair of jeans," I finished bending over until my head was around my ankles, causing all my hair to fall into my face. I stood back up and flipped my hair back, patting it down.

      "Now, that was sexy," Kaden remarked teasingly. Seriously? Come on!

      I walked to the closest wall and banged my head against it a couple times. "Kaden, I think I need to re-introduce you to 'The Point'," I said.

      I heard a series of throat clearings and turned to see Clark, Annabelle, Kallie and Brett looking at us with pretty much identical expressions of amusement.

      "You guys are the weirdest couple ever," Annabelle declared. Huh? Me and Kaden? Well, I guess we are kind of odd. Though I don't think we're the weirdest...

      "Nah, Kallie and Brett take the cake for that one," I disagreed.

      Kallie laughed and blew a mock kiss at me before turning to her twin. "Pose, Kade," she instructed. We had originally said no photos, but then at the first store found it could be hard to remember the outfits with the amount of time it took to find them and decided to use the person in the outfit's phone to take a picture. After Kallie took the photo and we purchased the jeans (even though I had protested), we headed across to Victoria's Secret.

      To say it was awkward would be an understatement. I wasn't sure how they felt, but for me, it was. I mean, it was just... Oh god.

      "What's your size?" Kaden asked, shooting a glance at me over his shoulder. I gawked at him, feeling (surprise, surprise) awkward. I wonder if there's a sort of cell in your body that produces feeling awkward. If there is, I think I have a complete overload of them.

      "She's thirty-two C," Kallie told him, making me turn bright red.

      "I think I'm just gonna go wait in the dressing room," I decided awkwardly. I shuffled toward the said place, not daring to look back to see what he was pulling out.

      Twenty minutes later, a pile of fabric was thrown over the door of my dressing room. "Those are your outfits!" Kaden called. I picked it up in disbelief. This is three outfits? There's like nothing here! Oh gods. I'm gonna kill him when this is all over. I picked up two scraps of fabric and tried them on, then stared at myself in the mirror. It wasn't too, too, too bad. A bright red sports bra like top (actually, I think it was a sports bra, not sure, though), and a mid thigh length skirt. Not the worst, but still... Not me. At all.

      "I'm not coming out!" I yelled to Kaden, Kallie, Brett, Clark and Annabelle.

      "Fine, we're coming in then!" Kallie yelled back. I looked around the dressing room. Okay, thank god they were big, then. Either that, or I was in the handicapped one... I opened the door and they piled in. Almost immediately they started laughing. Ouch. Did it look that bad?

      "You're really not helping my self-confidence here," I whined trying to get them to stop.

      “Sorry Raine, it doesn't look bad, just weird on you, because you're so... You don't wear that kind of stuff," Annabelle tried to explain. Kaden looked me up and down, grinning.

      "Okay, next outfit," he instructed, pulling everyone out of the dressing room. I sighed, gulped and picked up another two pieces of fabric. They were even worse. They were a bit more like clothes, but, not really. There was a bright red sort of corset with a knee length black skirt. Doesn't sound too bad right? Wait for the kicker, the skirt was lace. It was pretty much all see-through.

      "Kaden, I hate you!" I exclaimed as I opened the door again. This time only he, Kallie and Brett came in. I was a bit curious where Annabelle and Clark went, but if it meant less people seeing me like this, works.

      Kaden laughed and bent down to place a kiss on my temple. "Love you too, Sunshine," he retorted. He spun me around and examined me. "Mm, next outfit."

      I pressed my lips together to resist the urge to snap at him and shooed them out of the dressing room. The last outfit was by far the worst. For the previous two, I could actually keep on the undergarments I had worn, for this one, Kaden had actually picked them out for me. The first thing I saw was sparkles. Lots and lots of sparkles. The underwear was decent, not a thong or anything, just normal. It was covered in silver sparkles and had 'I

      "Okay, I choose that one. That's the one we're using," Kaden declared once he saw me. Kallie raised her eyebrows and moved towards me. She grabbed the zipper and pulled it down half-way, then put the hood up and pushed away my hands when I tried to stop her.

      "Makes you look less weird," she told me matter-of-factly. "Votes?" she asked everyone else.

      "Mhmm... I say Raine looks weirder," Brett said.

      "No, I think Kaden did," Clark disagreed.

      "I say Raine," Annabelle announced, shooting me an apologetic look.

      "I say Kaden. Shoot, we're tied," Kallie said with a grimace. "We have to ask someone else." Oh no. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse. Oh no.

      "No one at school is seeing this," I declared firmly, narrowing my eyes, just daring one of them to disagree.

      “Who do you suggest then?" Kaden challenged. I blinked. And blinked again. Hmm... Who I could use? I could ask another girl for an opinion, but that'd just be weird. I didn't really want to send it to a guy, because that'd be even weirder. I needed someone... Gay. Like Devon! Oh, that could work.

      "How about Devon?" I asked, mainly looking at Kallie, because she was the only one that I had told about him. She nodded.

      "Works. Now pose, Raine," she said holding up Kaden's phone. Wait, what? Why Kaden's? "We have his photo on here and we have to send it, so it's easier to just use his," Kallie told me, probably reading the confusion on my face. I nodded, then turned back to the mirror.

      "I look like a slut," I declared in a dead voice.

      "Yeah, you do," Brett agreed, laughing. Pfft, thanks. Yeah, I admitted it, but... Oh well, I couldn't really expect them to disagree.

      "So... Who is Devon?" Kaden asked casually, leaning against a wall.

      "Guy I met in Vegas," I replied, grabbing the phone from Kallie once she had finished taking the photo. I entered Devon's phone number and sent him a text.

      Hey, Devon! It's Raine. Got a moment? :)

      A couple moments later I got a reply.

      Yeah, sure what's up?

      I grinned and texted back.

      Challenge today. Need your opinion on which outfit's weirder.

      Yeah, I had told Devon a bit about the challenge. He was slowly becoming my confidante and go-to for advice, as well as a close friend.

      "Why is he the one we picked to send photos to?" Kaden asked, the casual tone gone. I felt my eyes widen when I realized why he was asking all the questions. Was he actually... Jealous?

      "Kaden, he's gay," I told him slowly.

      "Oh." Was all Kaden said in reply.

      "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. I just heard two words that I don't think should be-" Brett started.

      "Wasn't talking about Kaden, Brett," I interrupted. Wow, I need to spend time away from these people, I can guess what they're saying before they're halfway through.

      Clark shot Brett a weird look. "Where has your mind been the past five minutes?" he asked. I was wondering that too. I mean, Brett spaced sometimes, but it had never really been for long.

      "Fantasizing," he answered with a smirk that slightly similar to Kaden's. He shot a sly look at Kallie. Oh my god. Really? That's just, oh my god. Awkward.

      "Dude!" Clark exclaimed in disbelief.

      "Sister!" Kaden said in the same tone, eyes wide.

      Kallie suddenly snatched the phone from my hand. "Hey, Devon replied!" she exclaimed, changing the subject. "He said Raine looks weird because she's looks too innocent for that kind of clothes," she read, frowning. Come on, I don't look that innocent, do I?

      "Mission accomplished," Kaden sang with a wide smile. Dagnabit, that meant the guys were winning now, and it was two days until the first of August. Not good, not good, not good. I really don't want to be stuck as a slave for Kaden for the rest of the summer.

      "I don't look that innocent, do I?" I asked.

      They all turned to stare at me. "You do," they all said at the same time, which really creeped me out. I sighed and dropped my head into my hands.

      "I still really don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult."


      "I'm gonna go bake something," I told Kallie when we got back to the Fleming's house.

      "Can I-" Brett started.

      "No," I interrupted before he could finish. Yeah, I really need to spend some time away from these people. Brett pouted, which made me roll my eyes. I wasn't sure why he kept expecting me to say yes. I mean, he had asked the same question every time I went to bake, and I had always said no.

      Kaden, Kallie, Brett (who was still sulking slightly), Clark and Annabelle trudged up the stairs, leaving me to the sweet silence of the kitchen. I love how big the Fleming house is sometimes. I grinned and began pulling out ingredients.

      Suddenly, my cell phone began vibrating at my hip, causing me to almost (but fortunately not) drop the eggs. I set the carton on the counter and pulled it out before sandwiching the device between my shoulder and ear.

      "Hello?" I answered, sifting together the flour, sugar, baking soda and cocoa powder.

      "Hey," replied a familiar male voice.

      "Blake?" I asked, slightly surprised. I wasn't sure why it felt like it had been a while since I had talked to him when had only been a couple days since the crash. Maybe it was just the amount of things that had happened.

      "Forget about me already, Princess?" he teased, chuckling slightly. I clamped the phone tighter between my ear and my shoulder, which proved to be a very awkward position. Especially when you're trying to beat eggs into a bunch of dry ingredients.

      "Maybe," I replied in the same tone. "What's up?" I asked, switched the phone from one ear to the other, so I could use my right hand.

      "Nothing really, just wondering if you're doing anything tomorrow," he replied. I felt my forehead scrunch up slightly as I tried to remember if I had anything scheduled for tomorrow.

      "I don't think so..." I responded slowly, as I cautiously poured in the milk and melted butter.

      “There's a music festival in the park, feel like going with me?" Blake offered. Ooh, music. Why hadn't I heard of this before today? I really need to pay more attention to stuff.

      "Yeah, sure. I'll meet you there, what time?" I asked. I finished the batter and began carefully putting the mixture into the pan.

      "Three. Don't forget your designer jeans, Princess," he told me teasingly before hanging up. I rolled my eyes and set the pan of muffins in the oven. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked out of the kitchen to change into more comfortable clothes... Only to crash into someone. It was Kaden.

      And he looked almost... Livid?

      Oh no.


So sorry for the late update! Hope the length of this chapter makes up for it. I think this is longest chapter of this story. It was originally gonna be longer, but the next scene... Ugh. It's hard to write. EVERYTHING IS SO HARD TO WRITE. I'm such a fail. *Sighs*

Vote, if liked the mall challenge.
Comment, with what team you're on (Raiden or Blaine?).
Fan, if, um, you like my writing?

Teaser: What's gonna happen to Raiden? And what about Raine's day with Blake?
Update: Next Monday or Tuesday

~JJ :)

PS. I was thinking about entering this in a Special Awards thing for the Watty's. Do you guys think I should? If yes, which one?

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45.6K 1.3K 41
Raine Anderson is finally going off to college! Then she meets this mysterious, hot guy, Cade Johnson. They find out they're roomates, and Raine kin...