𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐆𝐄 | π„πœπ₯𝐒𝐩𝐬𝐞

By lunasalvatoree

64.2K 2.3K 697

UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! π“π–πˆπ‹πˆπ†π‡π“ π„π‚π‹πˆππ’π„ A savage beast was once a man who lost everything he ev... More



3.4K 143 83
By lunasalvatoree

Chapter 12:
And The World Was Gone

   The wind died down and it was eerily quiet, somehow, that's what made Hunter wake up in a panic. With her heart pumping, her eyes flip open. Today was the day, the fight for Forks. She peered over to see Winston gone, his beanie lying in the spot where his body should be. Everyone was gone.

Hunter ripped out of the sleeping bag and slid her feet into her boots before running out of the tent. The ground was completely white with snow. She let out a sigh, her breath appearing before her in a white smoke.

   "Hey." Winston spoke, emerging from the trees with Bella and Edward. Hunter didn't say anything except pull him into her arms, relief flooding her. Peering over his shoulder, Bella looked lost, as did Edward. Hunter pulled away from Winston and caressed his face, a smile pulling her lips upward. "What happened? Where'd you guys go?" She questioned the trio.

   "We were talking to Jacob. He just left." Winston told her while he zipped up his coat. He seemed a bit uncomfortable, afraid even, but she didn't push. A werewolf, Seth, approached them, a snarl leaving his throat. "They're here." He told them. Hunter sucked in a breath and closed her hands into fists.

Edward turned to them all, his face hard as stone, "It's starting."

Winston let out a shaky breath and grabbed onto Hunter's hand. He pulled her into the tent and zipped it closed. "Win-" she cut himself off when he started to rub his hands against his jeans frantically, his breaths coming in quickly. All he could think about was how vampires existed and they wanted him dead. A month ago, he was worrying about when his mom would call him, a much more mundane thing.

Hunter bit her lip and pulled him onto the sleeping bags. Before she could even begin to reassure him, his rant started. "What am I supposed to do? How do I relax? What about my grandpa, I was supposed to go see him. What if he's dead? I can't- I don't want to do this. I'm afraid, Hunter-"

   "Winston." She interrupted. Her warm hands grab hold of his frosted cheeks and she smiled, "Everything's fine, you're safe. I'm here to protect you."

He shook his head and lightly brushed off her hands. There was too much fear embedded in his gut, fear of losing Hunter or himself. He was never put in this dangerous of a situation and he didn't want to be taken out when he just got involved. Hunter placed her hands neatly in her lap and dropped her smile, there was nothing she could do to ease his nerves. "I'm not cut out for this world." He mumbled, avoiding her eyes.

   "I never wanted this for you." She told him honestly, brushing her growing hair behind her ear.

Winston shrugged, letting a pained smile show, "Yeah well, this is fate I guess." Hunter remained silent, the pang in her heart growing louder by the second. When they first met, Hunter was instantly attracted to him. His smile, his hair, the way he talked, it was like heaven to her. It was impossible to resist someone as charismatic as he was.

   "So you actually did choke Briana in school." Winston laughed, reminiscing all the signs that were right in front of him. Hunter snickered and nodded, "I genuinely didn't mean to, but it serves her right."

Winston watched her smile, pure bliss filling him. Beyond the war that was going on inside him and outside the tent, he has never been more sure in his life than he was with Hunter. Their relationship was easy to grasp. A confident leap over a ravine filled with darkness and death, but he made it to the other side. "I love you." He blurted.

Hunter tensed, a soft breath leaving her lips. Looking over to him, it was different. All the air in her lungs was taken away and she was left breathless. The three words he muttered sounded similar to the way silk felt, soft and smooth. He was everything she's needed to fill the void that occupied her heart and she couldn't be happier.

He shuffled closer to her and layed his hands onto her cheeks with a smile. This is where they wanted to be, always. Their breaths tangled in each other and their hearts beating in sync. "Winston Forge." She whispered, lightly tracing patterns onto his cheek. Tears bubbled in her eyes and they sheepishly pooled out. "I love you too."

As soon as the last syllable escapes her lips, she finds herself interlocked in a kiss. Her eyes closed instantly and she melted into his touch, his warmth, his soul. It was agony knowing that this kiss could very well be their last but she had enough faith to fight that thought.

Her whole body craved more, but it couldn't last. It was just for now, and she couldn't take it. Tears continued to prick at her eyes, and when he pulled away for air, she pulled him back in. Hunter was intoxicated—she was intoxicating him, but it didn't matter. They needed this.

Before they could continue, Hunter pulled away. Winston stared at her questioningly but he tensed up when he saw the look on her face. Her cheeks were blushed and her eyes darkened with rage.

   "Hunter." Bella's voice sounded from outside.

The hybrid quickly grabbed onto Winston's hand and she pulled them out of the tent. "I can feel her." Hunter seethed, joining Bella and Edward's side.

Winston's hand squeezed her's and he scanned their surroundings, desperately trying to see anything. "What's happening?" He asked them.

   "She knew we weren't there, but she caught your scent, Hunter. She knew you'd be with us." Edward explained. Her jaw clenched and she ignored the fast pace of Winston and Bella's hearts. This was a battle she was ready for. To finally bring an end to Victoria.

Bella gasped as a figure emerged from the trees in the distance. "She's not alone." Winston observed, staring down the red eyed man across the opening. It was Riley Biers, the man who went missing in Seattle.

The fear sat quietly amongst them, pumping adrenaline into their veins and strengthening their senses. Hunter's glare did not let up as she focused her hearing on Victoria's quick footsteps.

   "Riley, listen to me." Edward spoke out, knowing very well the vampire could hear him clearly. "Victoria's just using you to distract Hunter and I. She knows we'll kill you."

Winston's hand began to sweat the closer Riley got to them but he didn't show his fear. Hunter let out a breath once Victoria landed a few feet away from Riley, her eyes wary yet vengeful. The hybrid let a smirk stretch onto her face, "In fact, she's dying to get rid of you. We'll be doing her a favor."

Riley stopped in his steps with hesitation. His eyes fall to the snow in thought. "Don't listen to them, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." Victoria soothed, her blood red eyes locked onto Hunter's.

   "I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks of you." Edward informed, knowing that he was somehow getting to the newborn.

   "He's lying." Victoria hissed. Riley refrained from looking at her as he considered Edward's words, though instead of believing him, it only made him angrier. "She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James."

That seemed to affect Riley. "That's the only thing she cares about. Not you." The newborn casted his glance to Victoria who hesitated a bit. She raised her tone to a softer one, "There's only you. You know that."

Winston swallowed nervously. There was an unsettling wrench in his stomach and his breathing became erratic, deep then shallow. The way the red eyes danced casually to his mundane brown ones, it was unreal, haunting even.

   "Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you." Edward told him, watching Riley shake angrily. Hunter's grip on Winston's hand loosened but he refused to let go. He didn't want her to leave his side. "She doesn't love you." Hunter hissed.

Riley turned to Victoria, awaiting her side of the story. "Riley. Don't let them do this to us. You know I love you." He looked away from her, his eyes closing with conflict. Though, apparently, that was all he needed to stay on her side. His jaw tightened and he took two steps forward.

Hunter rolled her eyes, "Okay."

Riley's face softened menacingly and a smile graces his pale face, "You're dead." He jumped forward to run at them but he didn't get far. Seth leaped from the trees and tackled the newborn, shaking him around as if he was a toy. Hunter watched in amusement as Riley was slammed against a rock, his entire hand shattering clean off his arm.

He held his forearm and let out an ear piercing scream of pain. Winston inhaled sharply and backed away, pulling Hunter with him. She snapped her vision over to Victoria who was hell bent on fleeing the scene, not wanting to be torn to shreds by a wolf.

   "You won't get another chance like this again!" Edward yelled after her. Victoria paused and turned back around. When she saw them all, it angered her. To see them alive and well, with their lovers. She envied that. "You want them." Edward seethed, walking further away from the trio behind him. "You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James."

Hunter smirked, watching the anger take its course inside of Victoria's mind. This is what they needed, this is what she needed. "When we tore him to pieces, when we turned him into ash." She was on the verge of breaking. "When we turned him into nothing."

Victoria gritted her teeth before she let out a roar of anger. She leaped over to Edward and tackled him into the snow, the both of them struggling to grab onto one another. Hunter quickly grabbed Bella's arm and pulled her beside Winston. "Stay behind me." She told them both.

Victoria shoved Edward and got onto her feet, her eyes deadset on getting to the humans. She sped forward and Hunter quickly held her hand up, sending the red head flying into a tree.

Unexpectedly, she grabbed onto the tree and began climbing it. "Shit." Winston mumbled in surprise.
Edward ran over to them and grabbed Bella's hand, "Come on!" He yelled.

They run away from the tent and onto the otherside. "Stay with them." Edward told Hunter, releasing Bella's hand and zooming away. Hunter complied reluctantly and held her stance, watching Edward shove the tree with a force that toppled it over.

Victoria leaped off the tree and landed on her feet, her snarl quickly returning. She ran forward and was stopped again by Edward. They crashed onto the ground and continued to wrestle. "Seth." Bella breathed. Hunter casted her eyes over to the one handed newborn who just finished knocking Seth unconscious. Now she had to hold defense against him.

   "Riley!" Victoria yelled as Edward thrashed her around angrily. "The device!" Riley flicked his sights over to Hunter and he smirked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small black box. It was a speaker that had a button on the side and a volume dial beneath it. Her glare didn't soften one bit as she watched his thumb press down on the button.

   "What is that supposed to-" Her sentence was cut short as an ear piercing screech entered her ears. Her hands reach her head and she lets out a string of groans. "Hunter." Winston and Bella called, watching the hybrid fall to her knees.

   "It's the box." Winston quickly told Bella, the both of them crouched down beside Hunter. "It's making her vulnerable, which means we're vulnerable."

Riley rammed into Edward and knocked him off of Victoria but he didn't have the upper hand for long. Edward twisted them around and grabbed onto Riley's face, slowly pulling back on his head to remove it. Victoria got onto her feet and pulled Edward back, holding him in a headlock.

Hunter's head throbbed endlessly as she sat there, tears pricking her eyes, pale hands trembling with fear and anguish. She's been trying to block out the high pitched sound, but it felt impossible. At first it was low, but then it got louder and more constant. Her groans became screams and she fell onto her stomach in the snow. She peered up between screams and she watched the fight unfold in horror.

   "Edward." She groaned. Riley held back Edward's arms and Victoria gripped his head, preparing to rip him apart. Edward's eyes glanced over to the trio, Bella and Winston quivering with fear and Hunter crumbling in pain.

Without thinking Bella ran over to the side, digging through the snow for a sharp enough rock. Winston watched her carefully while he held onto Hunter's hand, fear consolidating him. Bella got onto her feet and with one deep breath, she dragged the slate against her forearm harshly, blood quickly trickling down.

Everyone froze, except for Hunter's continuous wailing. Riley and Victoria halted their mission and peeled their eyes onto a bleeding Bella. Winston breathed heavily, now beginning to shake Hunter's arm. "Come on, fight this Hunter. We need you." He felt powerless and heart broken. He couldn't help her or himself, he was human. And until today, that never mattered to him.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Edward head butted Riley and turned around to quickly smack Victoria, sending her flying back. Riley jumped onto his back but Edward twirled him around before tossing him aside.

Winston breathed out in relief, watching Seth come out of nowhere and grab hold of Riley, angrily ripping at his skin. "Victoria!" He screamed, holding his hand out for her to take. The red head only glared, revealing the truth of her emotions to the newborn before she sped away. Riley's face fell as he was carried away by a vengeful Seth, betrayal settling into his heart.

Winston quickly got up to his feet and backed away, finding the red headed vampire before him. Her red eyes stabbed into his and he let out a deep breath. "You don't need to do this." He whispered to her, knowing that he had no where to run. He was nearing the edge of the cliff and Hunter was still in pain.

   "I should've killed her when I had the chance." Victoria seethed, not an ounce of remorse in her soul. Winston stopped walking backwards, his foot nearly slipping off the rocks. Victoria tilted her head, "But killing you would be just as satisfying."

Winston's eyes traveled over to Hunter, her screams echoed in his head and it traveled to his heart. There wasn't a drop of regret in him right now. He was glad he got to be with someone as good as Hunter, he just wished he could be by her side.

Edward bent down and found the ear piercing device. He quickly pushed the button and threw the small box to the ground, slamming his foot onto it and breaking it completely.

   "Edward!" Bella screamed. He twirled around just in time to witness Victoria grab a hold of Winston's head before she twisted it, a sickening snap and a heart wrenching gasp leaving his lips. Bella's hands fly to her mouth and time moved in slow motion.

Hunter gathered her breaths, letting her ear drums heal and the ringing sound disappear. She got onto her feet and scanned the battle field. Bella's blood hit her nose and she was erupted with euphoria, though it didn't last long once she noticed the looks on everyone's faces.

Her face fell and she turned in her spot, watching Winston's lifeless body fall backwards off the cliff. Her eyes froze over, robbing them of their usual warmth. She could never fathom how everytime she felt emotional pain, it didn't hurt like a cut or bruise would. It's just this heavy feeling. She felt dead.

She wanted nothing more than to let out a scream louder than any banshee ever had, to raise hell onto earth and watch everything burn around her. The only thing she could believe was how the pain she felt, is all her fault.

Hunter's eyes fell to the ground, the sound of Winston's dead body collapsing at the bottom placing a bile in her throat. She did this to him. Victoria smirked her wicked smirk and she sashayed over to Hunter. Before Bella could jog over to her friend, Edward grabbed onto her and held her close, regret fueling his body.

   "How does it feel?" Victoria taunted, circling a defeated Hunter. "To have your life ripped from your grasp and thrown into the oblivion?"

Hunter clenched her fists and fought off the tears that threatened to slip out. "All I had to do, was twist his pathetic little neck, and you crumbled to my feet. I didn't even have to touch you, and I won-"

Victoria's speech was cut short once Hunter grabbed onto her red locks and flung her across the field. Victoria ricocheted off the ground and landed onto her feet, twirling in her spot. Hunter ran over to her and quickly ducked, expecting the fist that was flying to her.

Hunter grabbed onto Victoria's arm and ripped it clean out of it's socket, a glass sound erupting into the air. Victoria let out a scream but quickly recovered, using her left arm to grab Hunter and fling her into the boulders.

A grunt left the hybrid's lips when her head smacked against the hard rock. Her eyes peeled open and her vision was blurry. She could feel the blood pooling through her brown hair but she fought off the pain. She clumsily climbed onto her feet and held up her fists, waiting to see blurs of red hair enter her vision.

Victoria leaped off the boulders and tackled Hunter, the both of them collapsing to the ground. Victoria sent her fist into Hunter's face, a satisfying crack coming from her nose, and she repeatedly hit her. Hunter struggled to use her arms to cover her face, the loss of blood weakening her.

Bella's frown deepened and she gripped Edward's arm, "Help her." She whimpered, watching blood splatter onto the snow. Edward shook his head. He knew Hunter would fight back, she just needed a push.

   "Stop!" Bella screamed, pushing past Edward.

Victoria didn't stop. She grabbed onto Hunter's hair and lifted her head up before slamming it backwards onto the ground. Hunter's eyes lolled backwards, her body aching in every way. But underneath the pain in her head, it was screaming at her, telling her to get up and fight.

   "Do not let Winston die in vain." Edward mumbled, knowing that she could hear him.

Her eyes focused onto Victoria's and before her head banged onto the ground again, Hunter grabbed her wrist and flung her over. Hunter could feel her life climbing back into her body and she gritted her teeth before she pushed herself off the ground.

With Victoria still airborne, Hunter closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, feeling her fingertips stretch out. Her eyes snapped open and she let out an angered scream. She leaped into the air and swung her wrist at Victoria's head, watching her claws cut through the frozen skin and kill the redhead.

Hunter landed on her feet and breathed heavily. She turned around and watched Victoria's head fall straight into the snow, her body following close behind.

Silence fell amongst them. She was dead, and no doubt, the newborn army was too. They won, but it certainly didn't feel like it.

Edward and Bella join her side, sympathetic and concerned as they always were. Hunter's glare diminished and it transformed into a frown. Sobs flew from her mouth and Bella ran into her best friend's arms, hugging her tightly. "I was here." She cried, finally looking at Edward. "You told me I had to stay here! Why is he dead?"

He looked away from her and Bella rubbed her back soothingly, her own tears slipping out for Winston. That couldn't have gone any worse than it had. They were all supposed to make it. "Why is he dead?" She whispered. She shoved her face into Bella's neck and continued to sob. Her breaths were short and hollow, and her face grew red and somber.

Edward pulled out his lighter and threw it onto Victoria's body, the vampire skin immediately engulfing into flames. He could've saved Winston, had he left the device alone, he would still be here. Hunter was heart broken and that pained him. Hearing her sobs, watching her cry, it was numbing. It was colder than any winter storm and stronger than the smell of blood. He could've prevented this, but he didn't.

Snapping from his thoughts, he glanced back at the two girls who stole his heart, "Alice needs us to go. Now."

Bella slowly peeled away from Hunter and grabbed onto her hand, ignoring the wetness on her shoulder. Glancing over to her boyfriend, she grimaced. They both knew that after this, Hunter would never be the same.

Her world was gone.

Author's Note:
The device that was used in this chapter is completely made up, but I based it on the real life device called 'The Mosquito'. It was used to literally scare teenagers away by playing a high pitched sound that only they could hear.
But in this book, the device affected ONLY Hunter because the high frequency sounds messed with her telekinesis which kept her out of the fight.

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