Hired (Chanbaek)

By cclay2020

109K 6.6K 3.2K

*Complete* Chanyeol being quiet and not fully over his ex leaving him at the altar, he now needs a date for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Quick Question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15(edited)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ohhhh 😘
Special Chapter

Chapter 7

3.5K 271 174
By cclay2020

Hi D.O

"How have you been Yeol"? D.O smiles that charming smile he used to do that made me weak at the knees but not so much now. I do miss him, don't get me wrong we were together for 6 years but he also left me at the altar for no reason whatsoever. Plus this is the first time I have seen him since the day before our wedding.

"I'm great, thank you" I give him a fake smile as I feel Baekhyun's hand squeeze mine.

"So who is this?" He fake smiles looking Baekhyun up and down then back to me.

"This is....."

"I'm the boyfriend" Baekhyun interrupts me and holds out his hand towards D.O for him to take and shake.

"Oh ... I'm Kyungsoo but my friends call me D.O" he smiles a smug smile.

"Nice to meet you Kyungsoo" Baekhyun says his real name making the smile fade off D.O's face. I can feel the tension in the room as I begin to sweat again watching D.O moving close to Baekhyun as if he wants to hit him or something.

"Come sit with us D.O, have you eaten, would you like some food my dear?" My mother is all over him like a rash, she always loved D.O all because he was due to take over from his father when he retired from the family business and with me marrying him I would be well set for life. I wasn't marrying D.O for money though, I was marrying him for his heart.

"I have eaten thank you mom, I just thought I would pop in and say hello since I just came back from America last night " he turns and smiles at me while looking at my lips, another thing he use to do to make me blush when I knew he wanted to kiss me and how dare he still call my mum mom.

"It's Mrs Park to you now D.O" I grit my teeth feeling the rage inside me build.

"Baby let's sit" Baekhyun says, making me turn to face him as he looks at me with wide eyes saving me from my past memories.

I remember Baekhyun telling me to treat him like the girl of the relationship so I very awkwardly pull out his chair as he sits down while looking up at me " Thanks Baby" he smiles  at me as I find myself blushing. I have never done this PDA stuff before because D.O never liked it, he always wanted to keep it behind closed doors. On the lead up to our wedding he said when it came to us having to kiss on our wedding day he would just want to kiss on the cheek no lips. This upset me a lot, like aren't you supposed to kiss your new partner to seal your vows and show your love to family and friends.

"So D.O, do you have a date for my wedding?" Yoora asks, making us all look up as dessert is placed in front of us. "I have been too busy with work for all that nonsense" he smirks while looking back at me. I feel anger build inside me again, he always hated the romantic stuff but was I nonsense?, is that why he really left me standing at the altar being embarrassed by every one of our friends and family?.

Once dessert, tea and coffee were finished, my mother insisted we have drinks in the family room. Standing up to move to the other room Baekhyun pulls me to the side away from anyone else hearing. "How are you holding up?" he touches my arm in a comforting way making the tears fill my eyes. "I have just had to go through an hour of  how amazing his life is without me in it" I sniff taking my glasses off and wiping my eyes. "Hey you are doing great ,ok keep the PDA stuff up because it's working".

"What do you mean?" I place my glasses back on sliding them up the bridge of my nose. "He cant stop looking at you, have you seen the look on his face when I touched your leg when the tea and coffees were being served" he looks all excited making me smile "really?"  I whisper moving closer .

"Take my hand now and guide me into the family room" he smiles all excited holding out his hand for me to take. I take a deep breath and take his small thin hand into my large hand making me smile at just how small his hand really is in mine, as we walk into the room seeing my mother sitting in your favourite chair being handed a glass containing her favourite brandy.

I sit along the sofa with Baekhyun sitting close beside me, his legs crossed as he lays his hand on my thigh making it look natural. "I'll have a drink to baby" he leans and whispers as I stumble, getting up and then panicking not knowing what actual drink he likes. I look towards him trying to not get spotted by the others in the room "which one" I mouth the words as I shrug over to him. I point at a bottle and he shakes his head no so I move again to the next one making him nod a yes before he looks towards my mother and soaks up all the information about what she has planned for the wedding of the year.   

Once I have our drinks I move back over to Baekhyun sitting back down beside him handing him his whiskey. "Cheers baby" he clinks my glass making me smile as he then takes a sip. I can't help but look at his beautiful smile and also be very grateful that he is doing all this for me.  

The hours pass by as we listen to mom and Yoora go on and on about wedding this and wedding that , who is with whom making my head start to pound.

"Still get your headaches I see" D.O smiled before sitting beside me since Baekhyun had gone to the bathroom. "Ye....yeah just now and again" I stutter like a fool as usual. "Do you want me to get you some painkillers?" He gives me a cheeky grin, making me nervous. "No I can get them myself " I stand up and head towards the kitchen to the press where my mum holds all medical things. Opening the press I rummage through all the bottles of vitamins and finally come across painkillers. Taking them out of the box I remove two and put back the box closing the door. I take a glass and fill it with water popping the pills into my mouth and swallowing them.

"You look good Yeol" I hear a voice behind me making me jump and choke on the water. I turn to see D.O standing in the doorway leaning against the side with his arms crossed as I wipe the water from my chin. " The only words I can get out are a thank you before turning back around and washing the glass that held my water.

"I've missed you Yeollie" I don't need to turn around to face him as I can feel him close to me now. " ok " is all I say while drying the glass and putting it back in the press that is away from him.

"Are you not going to say you miss me too?" he smirks at me as he keeps walking towards me like I'm his prey. "why would I say that?" he is right I do miss him but I can't let him see me weak just cause he now decides to talk and miss me. 

"Come on don't you miss our movie nights, you would make me watch those ridiculous romantic movies so you could have a good cry". he stops right in from of me making me so nervous now that I keep looking around as he reaches up to move my glasses like he use to before he would kiss me. 

"Actually he likes horror movies now, don't you baby" I jump seeing Baekhyun standing all dominate in the doorway with a smile on his face before he starts walking towards me making D.O step back . "ye.....yeah I do " I reply, having no clue what he is getting at.

"MY  chanyeol loves horror movies now all snuggled up on the sofa so when it gets scary he can hold me close to his chest so I can feel his heart beat race" Baekhyun stops right in front of me, his body so close making him get up on his tiptoes and leans in kissing me on the lips ever so softly making me stop shaking and enjoy it more than I should.

"I better leave you both to it" I hear D.O say as he leaves the room. " wh....where.....where....did that come from?" I feel my body moving towards Baekhyun's as if I'm falling from the kiss he just gave me.

"I had to let him think you were mine" he smiles wiping his bottom lip all seductively as I feel a twitch in my pants making me take a deep breath and let it out.  "Let's go join the others and say goodnight" he takes my hand as I follow him into the door stopping him. "Wait isn't it still early to go to bed" I look out the door to see if anyone is outside before turning back to him. "Chanyeol I just kissed you right in front of your ex fiancé and from what I saw tonight, he wants to try get you  back, so why not let him get a bit jealous and also let him think we are going to bed for something more than just to sleep after that kiss" I feel myself blush right from the tip of my head to the tip of my toes as he giggles "come on and guide me back out to the family room".

"We are going to head up to our room now mom" I move in and hug her and my dad who has stayed quite through all of this along with Yoora's soon to be husband who couldn't get a word in edgeways either tonight.

"Goodnight Mr and Mrs Park thank you for the wonderful dinner" Baekhyun moves closer to my mum as she actually pulls him in and hugs him to his surprise making him smile. "Goodnight my boys I will see you in the morning for breakfast" my mom smiles waving us off goodnight.

"Goodnight Yeollie" D.O sips from his drink looking over the rim of his glass before giving me a  cheeky smile. Baekhyun holds the waistband of my jeans at my back making it look like he is holding on as I can't help but smile at his cuteness guiding him out of the room into the hallway.

He let's me go and I kind of miss his touch as he goes to  retrieve my jumper he hid behind the vase in the hall earlier. We reach my old room and I can't help but think how the sleeping arrangements are going to go as we step inside.

"Tonight went well don't you think?", he slips off his jumper showing off his toned and muscled abs and his V shape falling down below his waist band of his jeans. I try not to look but I can't help it he has a hot body.

"Chanyeol see something you like?" he laughs, making me blush. "No no sorry " I turn away and grab some shorts and a vest top to change into before running into the bathroom to change.

"You can look all you want, you paid for it" he smiles from the bed he is now laying flicking through a magazine wearing what looks like just a t- shirt. I try to ignore what he just said and place my day clothes on the chair near my old desk and climb into the bed staying on one side of the bed.

"I guess we better go to bed before our busy day of games tomorrow" Baekhyun pulls back the bedcovers to get in, making me freeze and sit up. "We can't sleep together in the one bed," I put my head in my hands before removing my glass to rub my eyes. " Well sweetie we have to cause I am not sleeping on no floor and before you have any crazy idea I'm not sleeping in the bath either, so just suck it up and go to sleep", he climbs under the covers covering himself laying on his back with his hands behind his head as if he is flexing his muscles.

"Ok but stay over your side of the bed" I tell him before placing a pillow between us. "Hey I told you, you have to pay extra for that" he smirks at me before turning his back to me and snuggling down for the night.

Knocking on the door makes us both jump up. "who is it" I call out as I hear Yoora shout "it's your favourite sister" I look at him in panic. Before I can reply he covers my mouth and whispers "Get the pillow out of the way and let me snuggle into you like a couple" Baekhyun says moving closer to me. "What are you serious I lay back as he snuggles his head and lays it on my chest. I feel my arm shake as he places it around him.  "guys?" Yoora shouts as we hurry to fake us looking like a real couple.

"Come in" Baekhyun shouts as he snuggles back into me. " Ahhhh don't you guys look so cute together Yoora walks into the room followed by the one and only D.O.

"Yoora what are you doing and you bring  D.O with you?" I am so pissed at my sister right now that I could kill her for putting me in this sort of position.

"Come on we are going down to have some midnight snacks wanna join plus we haven't had time to catch up yet, pleasssssseeee" she cries as D.O keeps staring at Baekhyun all snuggled into me, I can't help but love every second of it.

"I think we are gonna stay here for tonight Yoora if that's ok, me and chanyeol haven't seen each other in a  few days with us both working so we kind off need to do some catching up if you know what I mean" he says to her as he rubs his long index finger up the small bit of hair I have on my chest making me gulp at his gentle touch. I look up at D.O as I see anger build in his eyes so I lean closer and kiss Baekhyun on the top of his head as he giggles out. 

"Ohhhhhh I can see what you mean" she giggles before pulling a pissed off D.O out of the room. 

"Shit that was close" I sit up looking at Baekhyun's smile. "Now are you glad neither one of us slept in the bathtub.  I take my glasses off and lay down with my back to him.

" Are you ok chanyeol" I feel his small tender hand on my shoulder making me turn around to face him. "I'm just tired after today, it was a lot seeing him again after all these years" he lays down beside me with his head resting on his arm " Do you want him back Chanyeol?" he asks me as I cover my head with the pillow

     "I don't know" 





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