Red and blue make purple

By COTWrain

195 16 20

The red army's growth had slowed and the resistance used it to their advantage. They needed more people on th... More



38 2 7
By COTWrain

Tom groaned as he received yet another email, bending the cheap plastic casing that held the ink for his pen out of frustration.

Although Edd was mainly in charge of emails and working out deals with other countries he was contacted for help with plans and battle strategies and occasionally some plain old email. Worst of all the screen was a bit blurry if he moved his eyes to quickly, adding to his frustration and causing a headache to form.

As he read through the email for the third time a knock announced the presence of someone outside his office door and Tom instantly called them in.

"Hey Tom, what do you think would be the best piece of fabric to order?" Matt questions as he moves over to the shorter male. Matt was in charge of minor things that he wouldn't mess up to much, clothing and organizing the rooms of new coming volunteers, soldiers and refugees.

"This pattern is a lot prettier but it costs some more," He explain, holding up the mix of greens.

"What's the difference?" Tom questions, rolling his eyes at the ginger, "Get the cheaper one Matt-"

"But that one rips easily!" He whines, glancing at the other fabric with slight distance, "and its ugly."

Tom groans and pinches the bridge of his nose, wishing he had kept some Smirnoff in his office for times like this. The other fabric was only somewhat different, a bit thinner and more yellow then it's counter part.

"How much more is it?"

"One fifty for every yard we get, the other one is one thirty." He explains and Tom sighs.

"And how much do you want to get?" Matt stayed quiet after that.

"You also have to consider that they would sew differently. How good are they with trapping heat? With keeping out the cold? Can they be breezy and allow easy movement?" Matt purses his lips as his brows furrow.

"Try this, get enough to make one of whatever you have in mind using both fabrics. Test it out in different conditions and then send me an email about which one works best. I'll check it over then send it to edd." Tom explains and Matt nods his head.

"We will also be getting a new batch of people coming in, remind edd that we have to meet them tomorrow." Matt tells Tom to the eyeless mans surprise.

"I know, I got the email earlier. Thanks for the reminder," that caused Matt to brighten up a bit, "I'll remind edd, don't worry. Go finish your work."

With that the ginger turned around and left toms office, letting the man groan in frustration as he slumped in his chair.

He could really go for a drink right now.


It was later that day when Tom finally finished all the emails and made a new training plan with the help of a small cup of Smirnoff, it kept him on his toes, that he got from one of the passing soldiers.

He threw back what was left in his cup as he waited for his computer to turn off. He never left his desk until he was sure there was no way anyone could look through his files, at least no one besides him or edd. Matt wouldn't step into the room unless tom was there or he was looking for something but even then the chances were small.

Tom stood and put the cup away before turning the lights off and leaving the room. The hallways weren't lit the best, some of the lights flickering while others were out fully. Most of the power was being used in the homes and kitchens at this time and it left most of the soldiers on edge as they were the most vulnerable now.

Tom glances at his watch, sighing at the time, 5:54, before continuing forward. He passed a few soldiers who were patrolling the halls and they saluted him as he passed. Just as Tom took a left, footsteps quickly approached him. He simply smirked before picking up his pace, turning left when he feigned right before the person finally caught up to him.

"Tom!" They whine and he chuckles as he throws his arm over Levi's shoulders. The kid had grown since Tom first meet him at the amusement park all those years ago, taller then Tom and still growing.

"Hey Levi." He chuckles the smaller male smiling wide.

"Wanna go to the shooting range?" He questions and Tom laughs again.

"Why not, maybe this time you might be better then me." Tom teased as the two made there way further through the base.

When they arrived at the shooting range they quickly took out the personal hand guns that were kept on their person at all times and walked over to two separate booths as a worker started to set it up for them.

The targets were let out and they were both given earmuffs to protect against the noise. The timer was counting down and soon they were shooting. Some of the targets moved across the field, some were stationary and popped up and down from the ground roof and walls. Most already had bullet holes in them.

The guns were deafening as as the two skilled sharpshooters went after each target. Tom was slowing down slightly, missing targets and getting frustrated. Levi noticed this and as the time ended and an alarm rang he turned to Tom who was rubbing his eyes with an angry frown.

"Are you Alright?" He questions worriedly but Tom just waves him away, putting is gun back in his holster to rub at his eyes with both hands.

"Yes, I'm fine do not worry." Tom mumbles, pulling his hands away to blink against the light as his eyes readjusted. The blurry, fuzziness was gone and he glanced at the targets.

"Looks like you have gotten better then me." Tom exclaims with a chuckle, putting emphasis on the word have. Levi puffs up with pride and Tom shakes his head, talking with the kid as they leave the gun range.

He bid Levi goodbye and walked to his private quarters. The hall had three doors that led to his, edds and Matt's room. They were the largest in the base, a base that consisted of up to five different buildings or sectors. They were surrounded by trees on all sides including the pathways between each building; hiding in plain sight was always a good tactic.

Tom rubbed his eyes and moved to clean his gun and refill his ammo before dinner was called. Then he would be leaving sector two for sector four. The fuzziness had finally made a headache form and Tom quickly grabbed the pain medication he kept for whenever he was extremely hungover, but that was rare now so the container was still full. He swallowed two with a cup of water and moved to his bed to wait for the bell.


Alright so Ik I already put out three new stories but I made two more... yeah... enjoy them xD

I hope you guys also liked this large spam, I won't be putting this A/N in completed stories Bc it will do nothing besides add more words

Anyway, check them out it's another marvel story
And a deltoonz.

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