6th Dimension

By sanarada28

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Jennifer had read nearly every book on King Arthur. She had begun to love the character and could not underst... More

6th Dimension
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note

Chapter 9

231 12 6
By sanarada28

Another chapter ! right  just want to say that this book is not exactly going to follow the legend of king arthur, it is my interpretation of the story after all :) In this chapter events have moved on quite a bit. as stated in my authors note its 7 years after chapter 8. A bit of the chapter is written from Mordred's POV. enjoy :)

Part 2 – Queen of Camelot

Chapter 9.

7 years later…

Mordred watched his uncle pace the grand hall of Camelot’s large Citadel. The hall being used primarily as a quiet place for reading or looking out of the large windows with the picturesque view of Camelot’s market. But this room was not silent today. Heavy steps were not only the sounds that were heard, but also deep, heavy breaths.

It had been seven years. Seven long years. Guinevere or Gwen as now everybody seemed to call her was on the other side of the castle – feeding her only surviving child that was born only 3 years ago, a weak and frail little boy. The other two had only lived to their first birthday, a boy and a girl. It was a surprise to anyone in Arthur’s court that this lad had lived for so long, as the physicians said that his health so weak when he had been born.

Arthur himself was really cautious around him, only letting certain people take care of him. He only held him several times himself during these years, as he was afraid that he would somehow hurt him, not intentionally but as a child so frail he would damage it.

Mordred reminded Arthur of his mother, their resemblance was quite big. He was spending more time with his uncle ever since Morgan had given birth to another child since she got married, a child she called Owen. While the child was now 5 years old, Morgan had to make sure she sorted out everything in her own castle now, due to the death of her husband a year ago.

“She takes longer these days…” Mordred said quietly looking out of the nearby window. He looked at his uncle and after seeing that the Lord was busy with his own thoughts just sighed and looked out of the window again.

“Yes she does…” Arthur responded finally “at least this child lives. Despite all odds…”

“Oh yes. I am surprised. I had seen him not only a week ago, he looked sickly but then again he always does.” Mordred continued.

“my son, Gwrtheyrn will live. If he hath the strength of his mother” Arthur informed boldly “if he still lives, I am sure that he will succeed me.”

There was a knock on the door.

“Enter” Arthur stated, turning around. He smiled seeing Morgan enter.

“My Lord I-“

“You don’t have to call me that” Arthur cut her off, hugging her.

“Mother!” Mordred exclaimed. After hugging Arthur ,Morgan turned to Mordred, hugging him also.

“ I have news for you my Lord” Morgan continued “ Of my brother” she added biting her lip

“Oh of my loyal friend Merlyn how is he? I have not seen him a long time, not since the coronation” Arthur said remembering Merlyn and Morgan watching him as he took the crown.

“He informed me that he wishes to see the child” Morgan explained.

“Oh” Arthur said barely heard. “But why now?”

“He had lived the longest, Merlyn wishes to see your successor from your new wife” Morgan practically hissed out the last words.

“Oh right. Mordred, could you leave us for a while, I just want to discuss a few things with your mother…” Mordred looked at his uncle and nodding, got up and left, closing the door silently behind him.

Mordred’s POV

Arthur always sends me out when he want to talk to someone. I feel left out sometimes. I could understand it when I was younger but not now. I am after all 17 years old now. Well 16 and 11 months but still. I do not go off like I usually do. Instead I stand close to the door and try to hear of mothers and uncles conversation

“Yes I know, he will be your heir but-“ I hear my mother talking

“There is absolutely NOTHING that will interfere…” my uncle hisses

“But he will not interfere, he is too kind-hearted” Mother pleads

“Enough of this Morgan. We had this problem for too long-“

“Don’t you understand!” I hear mother scream. She never screams, well at Arthur at least. “If Owen has my Faelan’s estate then what would Mordred have?” The sound of my name makes me move closer to the wall. Leaning too close on the wall makes it open, and I fall into the room. Arthur and Mother stop and look at me.

Arthur approaches me angrily and taking me by my hair lifts me to my feet and makes me look at him

“How much have you heard boy?” I can’t look him in the eyes, even though I actually did not hear that much.

“Well?!” he hisses angrily. I stare at mother. She looks back at me coldly, folding her arms.

“Nothing my Lord” I answer him, looking into his eyes. They are similar to mine, a grey colour but at this time they resemble clouds during a thunderstorm more than anything else. I don’t know what else to say as in fact there was nothing much that I heard. He seems to calm down for a while, he knows that I am a bad at lying. He lets go off me and hisses “Leave  boy. This conversation is not for you.” I get up silently and leave the room; I could feel tears building up in my eyes.

“Mordred?” I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and see Lady Gwen looking concerned. She had evidently finished with Gwrtheyrn.  Seeing me tear up makes her hug me tightly. I was always jealous of my uncle in this was. His wife is too kind. At times I think she deserves better.

“What happened, why are you crying?” she asks me, stroking my head. I don’t want to answer. She adds “ If you don’t want to talk here, come to my chamber, you can play with me and Gwrtheyrn and tell me what happens? Is that ok?” I nod and she lets go off me and takes my hand. I follow her into her chamber.

I had been playing with her son for a while, he is sweet but I have to make sure that I am extra careful with him as he is weak. I play knights with him, a game I still like. I had stopped crying, but I still feel a bit depressed. I know that Lady Gwen knows this but does not know how to ask me why.

“Mordred?” she asks, sitting down next to me.

“Yes lady Gwen?” I ask politely still playing with Gwrtheyrn.

“I will put Gwrtheyrn in bed and then we talk?” I look up at her “But quite quietly since he will be sleeping, is that ok?”

“Ok” I reply smiling slightly. She smiles back and I let her put her son into his crib. I wait for him to fall asleep and then we start talking.

“why were you crying Mordred?” she is good at getting strait to the point

“I-“ I am cut off by heavy footsteps outside her chamber

“Gwen, its me can I enter?” I hear Arthur outside her.

“Mordred, just go to the balcony, stay there until I call you ok?” I move really quickly as I know how my uncle feels about other people coming near Gwen’s son. I say Gwen’s son because he looks more like her, only the blonde hair is that of Arthur.

I hear Gwen call out for Arthur to enter. Heavy footsteps enter her chamber

I hold my breath and listen

“Have you seen Mordred anywhere?” My uncle asks

“No my Lord. Not since yesterday” Lady Gwen lies. I know that she stands close to the crib where her child lays, somehow.

“What is it my Lord, has something happened?” Gwen asks innocently.

“Ah…well we…I just shouted at him. He was just at …the wrong place. I lost my temper with him slightly” Arthur explained then added “He just usually goes to you when he is upset. He became attached to you over these years as I noticed. “

“Like I said I have not seen him. My Lord may I ask?”

“yes love?”

“Try not to…be to harsh, he is still a child” Gwen begs.

“A child of nearly 17. I was crowned at that age Gwen. He needs to learn not to take things too emotionally. Emotions are no good for a man” Arthur exclaims. I hear footsteps as he moves, I think closer to his wife.

“But Art….he just feels left out in a way. His mother is busy with Owen. I am busy with our son. You yourself are naturally busy. “

“I take him hunting with me” Arthur says a bit irritated

“But still…”

“Fine Gwen. I will try my best. But I have to go now. Court will be in session any minute.” The door closes shut behind him and I wait for Lady Gwen to call me.

“Mordred…you can come out now” I come out shyly and stare at Gwen. Seems to me its becoming a habit to call her Gwen now. She insisted when I first met her here that I call her this. Not lady or anything.

She gestures for me to sit down next to her. I sit down quietly and wait for her to begin with the questions.

“You did not answer my previous question Mordred” she states simply

“I …was just upset that…Lord Arthur just wanted me to leave when he was talking to my mother” I replied monotonously

“Mordred” Gwen says as she sits down in front of me.

“They just never let me stay. I did not see mother for a long time and- I just wanted to know what they were talking about. So I sat outside the door and well, fell into the room. Then Lord Arthur got angry with me” I finished sheepishly. Gwen hugged me again and said “ He cares about you Mordred. I know you may not think it but he just ….fears for you. He does not want you getting into trouble. And listening in to someone’s conversation is not the best thing to do.”

“But it was about me!” I hiss out angrily startling Gwen. She lets go off  me and looks at me directly. Thankfully I did wake her child up.

“About you?” she asks finally

“Yes. That’s why I am annoyed. I don’t mind them talking about other stuff but not about me” I emphasize the last few words that I say through my teeth. Gwen does not know what to say to this but she looks a bit upset. I don’t want to upset her, I like her too much to do this

“Im sorry …its just got to me..” I explain, biting my lip

She hugs me again this time more gentle. I close my eyes and remember the first ever meeting with her. Apparently, I was hiding behind my mother when I first met her. Even though I was 10 at the time. She seemed really pretty, she still is. She would always agree to play with me, even  when she was pregnant. Knights we always played and a bit of truth and dare when she would spend a lot of time in bed and I was worried when giving birth to Gwrtheyrn she came down with a fever.

“You can come and visit me and Gwrtheyrn any time you like” she says gently in my ear “ just don’t tell Arthur. Gwrtheyrn likes playing with you and you can always talk to me if you want”

I smile. She is too kind.

and another chapter of 6th dimension. Not sure what the next chapter be about. Hope that I portrayed Mordred well. Remember this is before him becoming all evil and wanting to kill Arthur. As a great philosopher once said, people are not either tend to be Dark or Light , all humans are grey, they all have good in them but also evil in them. Only their circumstances determine which part of them you see most :)

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