forelsket ~ jeong yunho | dis...

By llaerphynx

10.9K 562 192

𓆩 ☆ 𓆪 ⋆ ࣪ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ⋆ ࣪ ʚïɞ ୨✩୧ ◯ ༚.° forelsket - the feeling of first falling in love. 𓆩 ☆ 𓆪 ⋆ ࣪ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ⋆ ࣪ ʚ... More

## ★ 0.1
## ★ 0.2
## ★ 0.3
## ★ 0.4
## ★ 0.5
## ★ 0.7
## ★ 0.8
## ★ 0.9
## ★ 1.0
## ★ 1.1
## ★ 1.2
## ★ 1.3
## ★ 1.4
## ★ 1.5
i think this is goodbye
hey uhh you might want to read this
## ★ 1.7
## ★ 1.8
## ★ 1.9
## ★ 2.0
## ★ 2.1
## ★ 2.2
## ★ 2.3
## ★ 2.4
## ★ 2.5
## ★ 2.6
## ★ 2.7
hello !!

## ★ 0.6

636 39 25
By llaerphynx



now playing
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? - Arctic Monkeys



"I'm heading over to Mingi's!" I yell into the house, loud enough for my buffoon of a brother to hear from within his room.

He comes rumbling down the stairs, scratching his head. "Be back soon! Text me if anything unusual happens, I'll break their fucking skulls if they lay a hand on you, got it?" he says as he approaches me, putting both his hands on my shoulders.

"Bye, love you," I huff and roll my eyes playfully as I walk out the door. I look back at my phone and read the address; it's only a few houses down from mine. I make my way safely down the sidewalk, taking care to not step on the cracks; it's a small game I liked to play. I finally get to the house and walk up to the front door, and I hesitate a bit before knocking. What if they don't enjoy my company?

I rap my knuckles against the door lightly, just hard enough for someone close to the door to hear. "I'm coming!" a disembodied voice yells; it's deep. A few seconds later the door opens to reveal Mingi; after all, it was his house.

"Hi! Sorry if I'm early," I say, embarrassed as I smile at the ground.

"No you're fine, come on in," the giant says, stepping out of the way to let me in the house. I mutter a quiet 'thank you' as he shuts the door behind me. I take off my shoes and place them on the rack as Mingi speaks: 

"Jongho and San should be here in a few minutes, and everyone else will come sooner or later. For the time being, do you want anything to drink?" he asks as he waves his hand to the couch, motioning for me to sit.

"No thank you," I say with a smile as he walks off to the kitchen, saying something about getting snacks. I take the time that I have alone to look around his house. There was a TV mounted onto the wall with a fireplace under it; before that were two couches facing across from each other and one chair next to the couch opposite of me, with a coffee table in between the other couch and I.

Mingi walks out of the kitchen with a few bags of chips and places them onto the coffee table. "Do you want help with anything?" I ask as I look up at him. I have to crane my neck upwards to make direct eye contact; he's that tall.

"Would you mind?" he replies, giving me a smile.

"Of course not, you guys invited me over; I need to repay your kindness," I say as I get up from the couch and walk with him to the kitchen. Walking into the cooking space, I am humbled by its clean and modern design; white tile, white cabinets, white marble countertops.

"I know you said you already ate, but if you were to hypothetically become hungry while you're here, what would you want to eat?" Mingi says as he makes his way over to the stove.

"I don't know, probably something simple like rice or soup," I say truthfully.

"Let's make soup then," he says as he gets out a pot and places it onto the now heated stovetop. We decide to go with a simple recipe so it would be nice and quick, and hopefully delicious.

Mingi finds some chicken broth in the cupboard and pours it into the pot. I find a cutting board and carrots, celery, and some lettuce and start to cut them up then place them into the pot. We place a lid on top of the pot and wait for it to cook.

About an hour passed, and Mingi and I spent the time chatting away. We got along very well; we were both a bit on the more docile side, and ultimately very level-headed. The soup just finished cooking and we took it off of the stove when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Mingi announces, setting the pot down. "Would you mind grabbing some bowls? They're in the top cupboard," he says as he walks towards the front door, disappearing from my vision.

I nod, even though he can't see it, and go to the cupboard; upon opening it, I see the bowls on the top shelf. I internally sigh; I can tell I'm too short for this task. But that won't prevent me from trying, I just have to be careful since they are glass bowls.

I try to reach the bowls, but I'm barely able to reach the ones on the middle shelf. I hear the front door close with some muffled voices. I lift myself up onto my tippy toes, more eager to reach the bowls; I don't want to keep anyone waiting. I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen, and I remain silent. I'm too proud to ask for help...

Suddenly a large hand attaches itself to my waist, quickly sliding down to rest on my hip. I turn around immediately as a jolt of surprise races up my spine. As I whip my head around, I am greeted with a chest in front of my face; looking up, I see an arm take down a few bowls; it was that tall bitch Yunho.

"Thank you," I say awkwardly, still looking up at him, his hand still resting on my hip. His legs were pressed into mine.

"No problem, babe," he smirks, setting the bowl down and taking a step back. 

I bristle a bit at his smirk. "Don't call me that," I huff, swatting his hand away playfully, but still very much startled and weary.

"You like it, you responded to it after all," he laughs, scooping the rice out of the rice cooker and placing it onto a large plate. I snort and mutter a 'sure thing' under my breath.

"See! You even agreed; I'll consider that as permission to call you pet names," he exclaims, turning off the rice cooker and taking the plate of rice back into the living room. I make a stink eye at his back. I finish filling the bowls with soup and bring it into the room, a bit surprised to see the whole gang had arrived.

"Mingi and I made some soup and rice before you guys got here and it's ready if any of you guys would like some," I announce, looking around the room. San perks up immediately, either from my appearance or from the food.

"Would I be able to try some?" he asks as he walks towards me with open arms, clearly wanting a hug. I set the food down and oblige him, of course.

"Sure thing!" I release him and walk with him to the kitchen. Once we were hidden from view, San whipped around and gave me a 'look'.

"Did Yunho do anything to you while he was in here? He came walking out of the kitchen with a smirk on his face," San elucidated. I blushed a bit at his concern.

"He helped me grab the bowl from the cupboard and brought the rice out to you guys, nothing else happened," I explained, accidentally skimming over the details him putting his hand on my waist and calling me babe.

San sighs and smiles again. "Sorry, I just haven't ever really seen Yunho act like this before," he explains, dragging his hand animatedly across his face.

"Really? What does he normally act like?" I ask curiously, continuing the conversation, completely forgetting the actual reason we were in the kitchen.

"He's been super shy around girls and tries his best to avoid them since a freshman year, but at lunch today he didn't seem shy at all after he introduced himself; it just isn't exactly like him," he says as his voice begins to trail off. "You really seem to have an effect on him, Y/n." I feel heat rise to my ears and my throat is a bit dry; I don't know what to think of that.

San smirks while grabbing a bowl of soup from the counter and a spoon before walking out of the kitchen, giving me a sly, knowing look.

Why is everyone so weird today?


what do you guys think of the comeback? my favorite song is aurora:) what's yours? -q

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