Long Way From Love (Mark Free...

By JoviEurope83

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Mark Free and Lissa are childhood friends, their relationship is put to the test when Lissa is kidnapped and... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: After School
Chapter 3: After School Part 2
Chapter 4: Pizza Hut Mishaps?
Chapter 5: Give a Little Bit
Chapter Sixx: OWWWW, this hurts
Chapter 7: Are you drooling over Robert Plant?
Chapter 8: I'm In love with my car
Chapter 9: Graduation
Chapter 10: Are you okay?
Chapter 11: Morning Accidents, Nighttime Concerts.
Chapter 12: I'll never leave you
Chapter 13: Your In W.A.S.P!!!
Chapter 14: Photo-shoot
Chapter 15: I don't like her
Chapter 16: Um... Mark?
Chapter 17: Dancing With Desire
Chapter 18: I think I have enough money?
Chapter 19: I'm Buying The Furniture.
Chapter 20: Food
Chapter 21: Help Move
Chapter 22: Good Night, Good Morning
Chapter 23: I guess it's lunch.
Chapter 24: I hate saying goodbye.
A/N and Valentines day special.
Chapter 26: I hate saying goodbyes, part 2.
Chapter 27: A Biscuit.
Chapter 28: I hate doing stuff
Chapter 29: Sleep, Eat, Get Hit In The Face, Repeat.
Chapter 31: Back Home
Chapter 32: You Need to Eat!
Chapter 33: Good morning, another day.
Chapter 34: New Years
Chapter 35: New Years, Part two.
Chapter 36: Strange Start to a New Year
Chapter 37: Another year closer to death, Happy Birthday Mark
Chapter 38: Who knew one could hate flying so much?
Chapter 39: But I don't want to wear a dress!
Chapter 40: Promotional things are boring.
Chapter 41: You're going on Tour!
Chapter 42: Meh, it's nothing but a few aches
Chapter 43: It's Just A lot
Chapter 44: Going on Tour!
Chapter 45: Crappy Hotel Rooms and Opening for Maiden
Chapter 46: Up's And Downs Of Tour
*Writing improvement at this chapter* Chapter 47: I don't feel older...

Chapter 30: Raccoon!

15 3 4
By JoviEurope83

December 23, 1984, eight days later.

"Lissa, I don't know if I can make it." Mark said to me when I picked the phone up. It's the day before Christmas eve and it's snowing like there is no tomorrow. "What do you mean?" I asked.

I was currently sitting on the couch and Mark called, he didn't call yesterday or the day before but now he has.

"I mean it's snowing terribly and the reason I haven't called is because they shut the airports down in where I was at in California so I have to drive. I made it to Illinois but it's snowing a lot here and I just don't think I can get through it all by tomorrow night." He explained.

I frowned. "Oh okay. That's okay, at least I will still see you after Christmas." I smiled at that part. "Unless I die." He joked, I laughed.

"I should probably get going so I can try to drive and reach at least half way through here. Maybe just maybe I will make." Mark told me, I could here the hope in his voice. "I really want to see you. It's so lonely here." I mumbled. "Lissa, you don't understand how much I miss you. With all the people around me constantly, your the only one I want to be around." His normally, normal pitched voice dropped down real low.

Something in my stomach twisted, the idea of a man wanting to be around me constantly is making my, still, teenage heart pound against my chest. I smiled a wide grin, my hormones suddenly jumping around.

My grin fell and I stopped the whole thing when I realized who was making me like this, gosh I sometimes hate the fact I'm constantly around men.

"Bye." I whispered. "Bye." He quietly responded. The line went dead after that. I slowly put the phone down.

It was probably around ten in the morning, it's been snowing like crazy for the past couple days. Driving is hard and doing anything outside is next to impossible without sinking down into snow. 

The news that Mark wont be here makes me kind of sad. I was invited to go to Mark's father and eat dinner with him because according to him I've become one of his children. I don't know if I've said this before but Mark is the youngest of five children. He has three brother's and a sister. The oldest one is the one of the brothers, he constantly makes fun of me and Mark for being as close as we are. The second oldest one is the sister, she hates my guts, I have no idea why. Then it's another brother, he is constantly hitting on me and the youngest brother but Mark just got out of jail, so I think you can kind of guess what he is like.

They live in Michigan and are coming down to there father's for Christmas, I just can't bring myself to go there alone without Mark. It would just be awkward.

With a sigh, I cuddled up in a blanket while watching T.V. It was freezing outside, so going out wasn't an option for me. I just wanted to stay inside all day and watch the television.

I haven't ate breakfast and I don't plan to eat lunch. The bruise on my cheek is starting to go away but it still very much hurts and is still very much visible. Eating is hard, I've come to the point where I just can't eat anything. I never realized how fast you could loose weight, none of my clothes fit anymore. They are all loose, I've tried so much to eat and gain that weight back but I just can't.

After about an hour I started to get bored. There's nothing to do, wait yeah there is. I got up and found wrapping paper, I started to wrap just about anything that is of no use or looks like a present. It was fun other than the part I trashed the living-room. But that wasn't bad either, that just means I had something to do when I was done.

And before I knew it, I was done. Great now lets clean. I started to do that, by the time I was done it was about eight o'clock. 

I'm gonna go to sleep early because there is nothing better to do than sleep. I laid down and slowly drifted off.

What I thought was my dream, a phone was ringing. I kept tossing and turning until my eye's finally snapped open. It was the actual phone. 

I lazily walked over to it and answered. "Hello." The voice on the other end said. I could tell it was Mark. "Hello." I responded tiredly. "Lissa, I think that I might make it tomorrow or the morning after." Mark happily told me.

I blinked the tiredness out of my eyes and smiled. "Really?" I grinned. "Most likely but I have to go so I can get back on the road. Hopefully I can make it before it starts snowing, if I can't, I don't know what to say." I could tell he was smiling and though I was very tired, it cheered me up.

"Bye." I whispered. "Bye." Mark responded, "Get some sleep." "Okay." I mumbled and the line went dead. I put the phone down and made my way back upstairs to the bed. I rested my head on the pillow and slowly fell into a deep sleep. The best sleep I've probably got in awhile.


My eyes shot open when heard a loud noise come from down stairs. I jumped up and out of the bed upon hearing that noise.

Did someone break in, seriously on Christmas eve. I looked around the room. Protection, protection, I ran to the closet, hoping to find something that could be used to protect me. After throwing stuff everywhere I finally found an old baseball bat.

I ran out of the room and quickly ran down the stairs, well tried. I slipped on the last step and went face first into the floor. My cheek hit the cold hardwood ground with a 'bang'. "Oww!" I yelled. So much for being quiet.

The rustling noise I herd stopped. I slowly lifted myself off the ground. "My face hurts." I muttered. I probably just re-bruised my cheek and gave myself a black eye.

I looked around and shivered. It was real cold, almost as if a door or window was open. I bent back down and picked the baseball bat.

This time I made my way to the kitchen, quietly, with a bat in my hand. Once in the kitchen, I noticed that the sliding door was open. The table and sink counter, which were both next to the door, were covered in snow. 

I looked around, my eyes skipped right over a small fluffy creature. Wait, what? I looked back at the thing. "Raccoon." I shouted. 

It looked up at me. I screamed then stopped when I realized it was just a raccoon. I got a broom out from the corner and started shoving the fluffy bandit until it was outside. It ran away with a hiss.

I closed the door and looked at the mess I had to clean. I'm not cleaning that without changing into something warm.

I went back up into the bedroom and started rummaging threw the clothes. I couldn't find anything warm in my drawer so I went over to Mark's stuff. I started going through stuff until something caught my eye.

I pulled out a box buried under a bunch of his shirts and looked at it. I realized it was a box of condoms. "Eww." I mumbled and slowly put it back from where I found it. What can I expect, I am living with a man and at least it wasn't open.

After more searching I found a large shirt of his that had a Harley symbol on it. The fabric it was made out of was thick so I decided on shoving that on, not even bothering with a bra.

I went back over to my stuff looking for warm pants. "Why do I own a billion pairs of the same thing." I sighed, pulling out the billion pairs of jean shorts and ripped jeans I had. After a minute I gave up and went back over to Marks stuff. 

I found the smallest pair of sweat pants he had and put those on. I went into the bathroom and covered my cheek in make-up so that the new bruise that is forming would be less noticeable. 

I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen and mopped away the snow then plopped my lazy butt down on the couch. I still didn't want to eat anything. 



It's been awhile since I've updated (four days.) So here is the update. I hope your enjoying the story so far. I'm half way done with writing the next chapter. I would like to thank you for reading and please give feed back. This is going to be a very long book but I'll try my best and keep it as interesting as I can. What's true in this chapter is I was watching an interview with Mark Free from 1986 and he was talking about how hard it was to make it home to his family and girlfriend for the holiday's when King Kobra was recording. Other than that, Vote, Comment, Follow and keep reading, let me know what you think, PLEASE!!!

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