The Sons of Light and Dark

By Uncle_Hades

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Percy was having a nice, quiet life after the pain of being in two wars. He thought that he deserved some pea... More

I Don't Deserve This!
I Didn't Do It!
We Meet the Eccentric Lord of Chaos
We Bust In
Am I a Metahuman?
Did We Just Win?
Darn These Kids Today and Their Prophecies
We Go On a Quest for Wisdom
Killian Burns Zoe's Shirt
There are Demigods in Tennesse?
Yes Sir, We Did Find Her on the Side of the Road
I Think I Got The Girl
I Need a Hand
Bianca Scars Us All
You Have A Friend?
Mikayla and Silena Visualize Relationships
What? Do I Have Wings?
Mikayla Finds Out She Has A Problem
Over the River and Through the Woods, to Tartarus We Go!
The Battle of the Labyrinth
I Knew I Hated Him!
That Was Unexpected
I Give Nico a Heart Attack
Michael Puts On A Show
Goodbye Single Life!
We Ran Out of Bleach
Killian Quotes A Movie He Hasn't Seen
A Refreshing Swim
Plans For The End of the World
Party Like A Titan
Does Anyone Have Any Clue As To What I Just Did?
We Won? We Won!
Christmas Special
Important Update!
A New Type of Book

I Thought Ouranos Liked Me?

2.4K 31 8
By Uncle_Hades

Percy POV

We walked up the mountain after telling Lilly, the only one of us who wasn't a demigod, to stay behind and soon came across the garden of the Hesperides.

"Breathe," I told Zoe. She did.

Circling the tree that held the golden apples of immortality was Ladon. Some of his heads had raised to look at us. Lilly was hiding behind Summer, who was holding her knife towards the beast threateningly.

"Easy," I said softly. "He won't attack us if we don't go for the apples."

"What's so important about them?" Summer whispered.

"They are the apples of immortality." Zoe answered. "Zeus's wedding gift to Hera."

At that moment, four girls who had an unmistakable likeness to Zoe appeared a few feet away from the tree.

"Hello, sisters," Zoe said calmly.

"We do not see any sister," one of them snarled. "Only two hunters and four demigods."

"That's cold," I commented.

The eldest one narrowed her gaze at me. "Perseus Triest," she said.

"Seems that you know me," I grinned.

"I know of thy name and thy achievements," she said. "They do not impress me."

"Good," I said. "Someone who doesn't think I'm going to save the world."

"You will not defeat our father, boy," the youngest threatened.

"Not alone," I agreed. "But I've got some powerful friends right here."

"You won't be able to defeat my father if you cannot even defeat me," the eldest said.

"Aegle, now is not the time," I told her, trying to seem bored. "If you want a fight, let's fight. I've stood toe to toe with your sister." Aegle narrowed her eyes at me.

"Then let us fight, and see who survives," She lunged at me with surprising speed. My sword appeared in my hand and I blocked her swipe with her sword, almost an exact replica of Riptide.

She jumped back but I didn't let her catch her breath. I jabbed at her and she sidestepped. She slashed at me from the right and I countered. I hooked her blade underneath mine and yanked at it hard. Her sword was ripped from her grip and my sword was at her neck a second later. She panted, seething.

"It seems that I have won," I breathed deeply. "Now, we will go and you will not call Ladon to harm us." She nodded carefully. I removed my blade from her neck and stepped back. I'm going to have to give my sword a name soon. I'm pretty sure Michael already has one for his, and Nico probably does too.

I stepped back and none of them made any movements. I let out a breath. "Until next time, ladies," I smiled. I turned back to the others and began to lead them up the hill.

"One of you will die," the eldest called.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," I muttered, my fists clenching.

We continued on in silence. I could feel the anticipation and fear rolling off Killian and Summer in waves. Chloe was fidgeting with an arrow while Zoe was taking deep breaths. I stopped at the entrance to the clearing.

"There's no going back after we walk through there," I said, staring ahead. "If you do not feel up to it, stay here." I looked at Summer and Killian. "You two aren't experienced enough. I don't want either of you dying."

"We will watch out for each other," Summer said confidently even though she was trembling. Her pink eyes flitted around nervously.

"Killian," I addressed the son of Hyperion. "There might be someone there holding Thalia hostage. I want you to take Summer and go fight him. Rely on each other. He's a master sword man."

"I don't have a weapon," Killian protested.

"Here," Chloe said, bringing out a sword from her pack. Is that thing like what Lou Ellen gave Michael and I when we ran? Does everyone have one? The sword was a regular celestial bronze sword, tinted with silver. "I won't be using it today. Protect yourself."

Killian gripped the sword and nodded.

"Alright, we have a Titan to beat," I said. "Try and get Thalia free from whoever is holding her and force him away. And then focus your attempts on freeing Artemis."

I didn't wait for a response as I walked into the clearing. I saw Lady Artemis, chained and holding up the sky. I saw Thalia being held at knifepoint by Lace, the dirty blond son of Hermes grinning. And I saw Atlas, standing with a spear in hand and staring at me.

"Perseus Triest," he greeted cordially. Who knew he could do that? "I see you have come to save your goddess."

"Not my goddess," I countered. "Hers," I nodded to my right and Zoe walked up. Atlas's lip curled in a snarl.

"My wayward daughter returns," he snarled.

"You are no father of mine," she growled. "You never will be again."

"I've also got him," I nodded to my left and Killian walked up, a surprisingly brave look upon his face. "He's my right hand man. And powerful."

"I'm on your left," Killian muttered. I groaned.

"Let me help you, you stupid fu—"

"Enough games," Lace ground out, staring at Killian and I with hate. "You have no chance to save Artemis. You won't walk out of here alive."

"Are you sure?" I retorted. "I've managed to defy odds like that before. What's to say I won't again? You have no say over who I am, son of Hermes." He hissed like a cat. I glanced at Killian and we locked eyes. "Take care of Mister Kitty-Cat, Killian. You got this." And with that, I started for Atlas, Zoe a step behind me. Killian ran at Lace, sword raised correctly. Impressive. Most people don't know how to hold a sword when they first handle one. Summer ran after him, her knife in her hand.

I started for Atlas, Zoe a step behind me. A spear rested in his giant hand, one that I knew that he could wield to a devastating effect. Luckily, I had two Hunters of Artemis backing me up. Chloe was staying back, her bow at the ready, while Zoe brandished her knives beside me. I looked up at Atlas, who was standing only a few feet away. "Shall we dance?" I smirked and lunged for him, my sword appearing in my hand, before he could say anything.

He blocked my strike with surprising ease and knocked me backwards. I rolled out of the way as he stabbed where I had been a moment ago. I jumped to my feet and ducked under his jab before swiping at his legs. I heard him grunt in pain and looked upwards to see arrows sticking out of the chinks in his armor. I glanced to my side and saw Zoe running up to her father. She sliced at his arm and danced back before he could attack her. I ran back up and slashed at Atlas's midsection. He let out a grunt and swiped at me. I blocked the swipe and felt the blow through all my bones. I pushed against his spear with all my strength and jumped up and kicked him in the face. He stumbled back a step and Zoe ran up. She sliced across his chest with her knives and a few arrows found a new home in his chest plate, courtesy of Chloe. I jumped over another swipe of his spear, which knocked Zoe away, and pressed my attack. He kept up.

He knocked me aside and I flew through the air and slammed into a black wall. It wasn't Mist anymore. The palace was rising, brick by brick. It was becoming real. I grunted as I picked myself up and off the floor. I stared at Atlas and charged him again.

I jumped at him and cut his arm, earning blood. He roared and tried to attack me but Zoe flew in and attacked him furiously.

Taking a breather, I glanced to my other side and saw Killian pushing Lace back. Alone. Summer was hauling Thalia away from the fight. Thalia herself was pale and swearing, her hands clutching her right leg. I looked back to see Killian duck under a slice and jab at Lace's exposed legs before rolling to the left and blocking a swipe from Lace's sword.

I was suddenly hit with the butt of Atlas's spear and sent flying back. I grunted when I hit the ground.

"Should've been paying attention," I said through gritted teeth. I heard a chuckle and looked to my right. Artemis was there, straining underneath the sky. "You know what? Give me the sky." She managed to roll her eyes.

"Again, Perseus?" She breathed. "You really want to take it again?"

"Thalia did. I'll manage to get to her level for a little bit." She scooted over and I took up a place under the sky next to her.

"Are you ready Perseus?" She asked. I nodded, ready for the brunt and weight of the sky. She slipped out and I felt my back start to burn. I grunted as my knees were pushed into the earth. Despite being blessed by Ouranos, or what was left of him, now that I think about it, did not make holding the sky any better.

"Go, my Lady." I managed. She breathed deeply and nodded. Then she was gone. From where I was, I could see Killian and Lace fighting. Killian had him backed up to a cliff. Lace was saying something but Killian swiped at him before he could finish, forcing Lace over the edge.

I turned my attention back to the where Atlas and Zoe were fighting, now joined by Artemis. Chloe was still firing arrows from a safe distance while Artemis ran at Atlas with her knives, forcing the Titan back step by step. Zoe was right behind her mistress, attacking where Artemis wasn't. Together, they forced Atlas backwards towards where I was struggling under the sky. Black dots started to dance in my vision. Even though I was the child of a primordial, I still wasn't strong enough to hold the sky for such a long time.

I blinked away the spots and my heart stopped. Artemis was on the ground before Atlas, and was about to stab her. I watched as Zoe jumped in front of the spear and Atlas drove his spear through Zoe's midsection. I heard a scream and I pushed up on the sky with all my might. I suddenly felt new strength surge through from where I was touching the sky, which allowed me to almost be standing up with the sky on my back.

Atlas waved his spear and Zoe went flying off. Atlas turned on Artemis with a look of triumph in his face. Artemis seemed to be wounded. She didn't get up.

"The first blood in a new war," Atlas gloated. And he stabbed downward.

As fast as thought, Artemis grabbed his javelin shaft. It hit the earth right next to her and she pulled backward, using the javelin like a lever, kicking the Titan Lord and sending him flying over her, I saw him coming down on top of me and I realized what would happen. I loosened my grip on the sky, and as Atlas slammed into me I didn't try to hold on. I let myself be pushed out of the way and rolled for all I was worth.

The weight of the sky dropped onto Atlas's back, almost smashing him flat until he managed to get to his knees, struggling to get out from under the crushing weight of the sky. But it was too late.

"Noooooo!" He bellowed so hard it shook the mountain. "Not again!"

Atlas was trapped under his old burden.

I tried to stand and fell back again, dazed from pain. My body felt like it was burning up. I fell back down onto my knees, and the those gave out as well. I laid on the ground, breathing heavily. My last thought was wondering if Zoe was okay.

And then I blacked out.


When I came too, I recognized the brightness of Apollo's infirmary. I shifted and felt a burning pain in my back. I looked over and saw Zoe laying on a bed adjacent to mine.

"You just have to outdo me, don't you?" I heard a voice say on my other side. I twisted my head towards it and saw Michael sitting in a chair, smirking at me. He had a black eye and his right arm was a sling. And his hand...

"You should see the other guy," Apollo said, now at my side. He checked my arms and head before stepping back. "Well, actually you can't. He's dead."

"Who was it?" I croaked, my throat sore. Michael reached over with his left hand and grabbed a water cup that was on a night table. He lifted it to me and helped me gulp it down.

"Let me tell you that and how this happened to me." He said.

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