Starscream's Sparkmate (Stars...

By Alpha-Shewolf

11.9K 166 189

Y/n is a former Autobot that fell in love with a Decepticon, and not just any Decepticon, the Second in Comma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

1.4K 21 43
By Alpha-Shewolf

A/N: The picture above is what your carrier looks like

(Your POV)

As I drove into base Smokescreen was right there waiting for me.

"Y/n, where were you!?" He yelled coming over to me and giving me a big hug.

"I was just out scouting, my comm was malfunctioning again and I couldn't contact base. I'm sorry if I worried you big brother, I called as soon as I was able to." I lied not wanting him to know I was with Starscream the whole time

"Well at least your here now, we'll get Ratchet to check your receptors, c'mon." Smokescreen said dragging me over to where Ratchet was at.

"Oh, I'm okay Smoke, we don't need to bother Ratchet right now, he's too busy decoding relic locations." I tried to reason with him just wanting to go to my berthroom to try and calm the knots in my tanks from Starscream still.

"Nonsense Y/n, if it has anything to do with you Ratchet would be happy to help, he's got a thing for you thats for sure, but you are my sister so I guess its only natural." He said cockily a smirk on his face.

"You have got to have the biggest ego I have ever seen, and I've been in the presence of Knockout on more than one occasion." I giggle as we walked over to Ratchet who looked at us and turned around to face us full frontal.

"A-ah, Y/n, good to see you b-back at base in on piece." Ratchet stuttered and a blue hue came to his face.

"Thank you Ratchet. I would of been back earlier, but it seems my comm is glitching again." I explained as I sat down on the med berth as Ratchet walked over to me and Smokescreen just stood by the berth.

"Ah well, we should get that fixed immediately, for your safety, of course." Ratchet babbled as he stepped closer to me and put one of his big, gentle servos on my helm.

I smiled up at our medic as he began his work on my comm. I took a glance at Smokescreen who has a scrap-eating grin on his face.

"What are you smiling at Smokey?" I asked closing my optics at the stinging sensation on my helm from Ratchet's wrench.

"Huh? Oh nothing. Nothing at all, hey Rachet didn't you wanna ask Y/n something?" Smokescreen said directing the question at the unexpected medic.

"W-wha... Oh yes. Um Y/n, I was wondering if you would like to go on a drive tomorrow with me? He nervously asked looking me in the optics hopeful, my spark started to beat faster because I was nervous, I was going to see Starscream tomorrow but if I played my cards right maybe I could do both.

"Uh sure Ratch. How bout in the morning we go?" I smiled hoping he said okay to that.

"Uh y-yes that will do." He smiled as he finished up on my comm. He started to put his tools away when I tried to get up.

"Ah, ah, ah. Get back on that berth you." He said pushing me back down.

"W-what? Why!? Whats wrong!?" I was alarmed now.

"Yeah Doc what the big idea? You fixed her already didnt you?" Smokescreen added startled as well.

"Yes, but I have to check everything else. You know to make sure nothing else crashes unexpectedly." Ratchet babbled.

"Ratch I'm fine, never better, just hungry now." I said getting up again but this time he didn't push me back down.

~Time Skip brought to you by Optimus' beautiful aft~

"So where did you go anyway?" Smokescreen asked me as we sat with Bumblebee eating some energon and  watching Jack and Raf play a racing game on their tv.

"Oh, um just out for a drive." I replied partially lying, poping the last but of energon in my intake.

"Did you kick any Con butt!" Miko exclaimed punching her palm.

"No, no there were no Decepticons around." I was starting to get nervous. I wasn't exactly the best lier.

"They wouldn't dare mess with my sis anyway! Cause they know I'd kill them in an instant for even just looking at her!" Smokescreen laughed and so did I but it was more of a nervous laugh.

"So then what would you do if she started to date one?" Jack asked curious.

We looked at him in confusion.

"What's dating?" We both said at the same time.

"Dating would be the human way of courting." Arcee explained to us.

That made Smokescreen laugh again even harded, but I started to heat up. Did Jack know about Starscream... No of course not it only just happened today!

"That's crazy talk! An Autobot and a Decepticon courting is outrageous!" Smoke continued to laugh.

"W-what so wrong w-with that!" I exclaimed now looking right at my brother.

"Uh, everything. They are our enemies and nothing good comes from them. Duh." He deadpanned.

"But I-I'm part Decepticon... Is that r-really how you feel about me?" I started to tear up.

"Scrap... No! Of course not Y/n! You're my sister so its different!" He tried to explain.

"So if I wasn't your sister you'd still think that I wasn't good!?" The tears now dripping off my face plates.

"No! You're different!" Smoke continues.

"My sire was a good mech! He took you in as his own and he help carrier all the time... He loved her." I cried standing up as Optimus came into the room having heard the whole conversation, he walked over to us and placed one of his big servos on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Thunderbolt was a good mech and a loving sire to both of you. Decepticon or not he was on our side in the end." Optimus said as I clung to his mid-frame and cried while he rubbed my back.

"Smokescreen you need to think about what you are saying beforehand, I knew your carrier and Thunderbolt personally. I knew many Decepticons that were good, some were forced to fight for the safety of their families rested in their hands. So don't judge a Cybertronian by the symbol on their frame." Optimus explained as he picked up my half asleep, exhausted frame and walked to my berthroom to put me to berth.

"Good night young one. Have a good recharge." He said laying a servo on my helm calming me down exponentially.

"Night Optimus. Thank you..." And with that I drifted off to recharge with Optimus smiling down at my curled up figure.

"You're very welcome."

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