Babymama 2

By Kanyell

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The Sequel Of "Babymama". More



596 11 3
By Kanyell


I woke up and looked around the room. I don't remember shit from last night. I remember drinking at a bar and driving myself home. I looked over and seen my phone. I picked it up and seen Breezo had been texting me. I haven't been responding to him lately cause I been out of my mind. Karlynn been coming to the house all hours of the night, and the rest of my kids been with Mama Mary K all this time.

I heard banging on my door. I ran downstairs and looked through the peep hole and snatched open the door. Breezo came in and pushed me til I flew to the wall. "Why the fuck you ain't been answering me ?" He snapped. I started smiling. I rubbed my hair with my hands. "Look I've been..." I said. Breezo looked around in the kitchen and opened my cabinets. He found my first bottle of Ciroc and bussed it on the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ?" I snapped. I ran towards him and he pushed me to the ground.

He found my cabinet that had like 20 bottles of liquor. Half of them was almost gone. He looked at me and pointed at the cabinet and walked towards me. I backed into the wall. "THIS WHAT YOU WANT ?" he snapped. I was scared, he looked like he wanted to beat the shit out of me. "YOU WANNA BE A FUCKING ALCOHOLIC ?" he snapped. I started crying. He grabbed his keys and stormed to the door. I grabbed him. "No don't leave me" I said.

"I'm sorry" I said.  I hugged onto him while crying. He didn't hug me back. He pulled me up off him and walked to the door and looked at me. "You wanna be alcoholic huh ?" He asked. I looked away then back at him. "You just like them other hoes" he said. He slammed my door and left. I began to feel sad. He was right, I was back drinking. I don't got my kids or nothing. I'm just all fucked up. I haven't been eating and I lost weight.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it was Mama Mary K. I answered it. "Hello ?" I said. "When are you coming to get these kids ?" She said. "I'm coming to get them now mama, I'm sorry" I said. I hung up and went to get in the shower. I looked in the mirror and looked at the dark circles around my eyes. I looked a mess. I hopped in the shower and washed my body and my hair.

After I got out and dried off, I got dressed and got my hair fixed up and got into the car and headed to Mama Mary K house. After a 10 minute ride I was there. I went and knocked on the door. Mama opened the door and looked at me in concern. "Ohh my god are you okay ?" She said. " I'm fine" I said. "MAMA" said Amir. I looked at him and smiled. Amir reached up to me and I picked him up and hugged him. Khadija walked out the room smiling and KJ was just ready to go. I got all the kids and drove home.


I just left Karly house. I guess she wanna be one of these drunk ass hoes. I got with her cause she wasn't like the hoes I been around. All that drinking, popping pills and all that shit is played out. I don't want no rachet ass female I wanna women. I'm ready to be settled down. I know I'm from the hood but I don't wanna a hoodrat ass female.

I drove to the studio. When I got there my nephew B-crazy was there. He was making beats with some girl sitting in his lap. "Wassup nephew" I said. They both turned around and I seen the girls face. It was Karly's daughter. "Aye what you doing here ?" I asked. "Unc you know her ?"said B-crazy. "Yeah this my girl daughter" I said. "Aye get up out of here and go home" I said. "You not my dad, who the fuck is you ?" She snapped.

"Lil girl I'm not nobody to play with, now you heard what I said" I snapped. She laughed and turned her head. I snatched her by her arm and pulled her out the studio. "UNC" Said B-Crazy. "Let me the fuck go" she said as she snatched away from me. I pushed her out the door and closed it. "What you doing with her ?" I asked my nephew. "Nun Unc we was just chilling, I been kicking it with her for the past 3 months" he said. "You touch her ?" I asked.

My nephew looked around. I stood up and grabbed him by the shirt. "DID YOU TOUCH HER OR NOT ?" I snapped. "Nahh man, Unc I'm not even like that" said My nephew. "Good don't even think about it" I said. "Damn Unc why you bugging out ?" Said my nephew. "Man I'm sorry, I just been going through shit with her moms that's all" I said. "I feel it, that lil girl got a smart mouth, I can imagine what her moms like" said B-crazy.

"So wassup neph, you tryna spit sum with Unc or what ?" I asked. "Hell yeah" he said. We was in the studio making beats and rapping the whole night. I left the Stu at 3 am. I was driving around in the car when I got a call from my Babymama. "Hello" I answered. "Umm where the fuck you been ?" She snapped. "Look I'm finna be there cause I know you don't want shit but for me to be with you" I said. "Mhm so come on" she said. She hung up and I headed towards her house.

After 10 minutes, I pulled up to her house. I parked out front and went to knock on the door. "Took you long enough" she said. I walked in and nothing was on but the lights. I watched her fat ass jiggle in her shorts all the way to her room as I followed her. When we got in her room she closed the door and started hugging on me. I grabbed her ass. "I missed you" she said. I looked down at her short ass and kissed her. "I missed you too" I said.

I took my jacket off and sat it on her chair. "Well can you stay with me ?"she said. "Girl
It's 3 sum in the morning, I'm not going no where" I said. We laid up in her bed and cuddled up to watch movies. Her freaky ass keep kissing on me. "Girl stop" I said. "What" she said. "Girl you is so freaky" I said. "Boy I know you ain't talking" she said. She stopped and stared into my eyes and rubbed my ear.

"Antonio" she said. "Yeah" I said. "Why we can't be a family again ?" I said. I paused and took a long thought. "We is a family" I said. "Familia ?" She asked. I kissed her. "Si" I said. We laughed. "Antonio, I wish we stayed a family a long time ago" she said. "We probably would've been married by now" she added. I smiled. I started rubbing my head. I stared up into the ceiling. I thought about Karly.

I love her but I don't want no alcohol involved. My favorite uncle who basically raised me up was into alcohol and he died from Liver cancer cause of it. That was my bestfriend and after that I was in the streets a lot. I drifted off into sleep. I was sleepy as hell.


I woke up the next morning and I looked a mess. My eyes was dark around the eye. My butt was sore from Breezo pushing me on the floor. I got up and turned on my music in the living room and hopped in the shower. I washed my body and washed my hair. The water was warm and relaxing. After like a hour I was done and out the shower. I dried off and put on my underwear and my bathrobe and and just put my hair in a bun after washing it.

I cleaned up my house. I sang to all the old songs that came on. I lit a blunt that Breezo left for me and started smoking it. I don't even smoke like that  but I had to. I started washing clothes and putting some neck bones in the crockpot to just boil for dinner. I suddenly realize I'm too old to be heavily drinking like that. I'm finna permanently stop.

I grabbed all the bottles I had and poured them down the sink. I gotta knock on the door. "Come in" I said. In walked Vanessa. I stared at her and looked away. "What you want ?" I said. "I came to apologize" she said. I finished pouring out my bottles of liquor. "girl whatever you say I don't wanna hear" I said. She walked up to me and hugged onto me. All we could do is cry. "I love you, I'm sorry" she said. I wiped my tears. I hugged her tighter.

After a few minutes of crying we rolled up and smoked and talked for a minute. "Where yo man at girl ?" Said Nessa. "Girl he came in here yesterday, pushed me on the floor, damn near choked me and left me" I said. "Why ?" She asked. "Mad cause I was back drinking" I added. Nessa shook her head. "Girl you better get yo man back" she said. "I don't know, he prolly man as hell at me" I said. "Did you try calling him ?" She asked. "Nope" I said.

"Girl call that nigga" she said. "You better not let his fine ass go" she added. "Okay hand me my phone" I said. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. I called him. He answered on the 6th ring. "Hello" he answered. "Baby come home" I said. "I'm sorry, I love you"I added. "Karly I'm with my kids right now" he said. "Bring them too" I said. "Babyyyyyy, come hommmmee" I whined. "Ight imma be over there later" he said.

"Okay, I'm not playing either" I said. "Girl im finna come damn" he said. "Okay, I love you" I said. "I love you too" he said. I hung up the phone. I looked at Nessa, dropped down and started twerking. "Ahhhhhhhh" I said. "Okayyyyy bitchhh" Said nessa. "Te Te ?" Said Amir. "My Babyyyyy" Said nessa. Amir walked down the stairs and ran to Nessa. "Girl where is my nephew at ?" I asked. "Ohhh he at daycare right now" she said.

"He finna go to daycare in a hour, I gotta get him ready" I said. I got up and got Amir in the tub. I washed his hair. He looked just like August. Had some cute little dipples and long eyelashes. He was so cute. I washed his whole body up. "Look ma ma" he said. He put bubbles all over his face and smiled. I laughed and wiped his face off wit his rag.

I got him out the tub and dried him off. I put him on his little draws I bought him. Yes my baby is out of pull ups. I got him all ready and his backpack ready. I went back down to the kitchen and Nessa was on  her phone. I made Amir some food then got his backpack ready.


Today I went and got my son and Daughter. I took them to the kids playland in the mall. Karly just called me to come over to her. I haven't talked to her in like a day. It feels like a week. I hope she ain't still on that drunk shit. I took my kids back to they momma's.

I pulled into the gas station and parked at the last pump. I walked into the store and bought a wood out the store and walked toward my car. I spotted my nephew B-crazy car. The car was on but I ain't see nobody in the store. I looked through the tinted window and seen him and Karly's daughter kissing. I went into a rage.

I beat on the window till they rolled it down. "What Unc ?" Said B-crazy. "Man don't ask me what" I snapped. I walked towards her side and pulled on the car door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" I snapped. She unlocked it. I flung the door open and snatched her out the car.

"Let me go" she snapped. "Lil girl I'm not finna play with you" I snapped. I walked her to my car and put her in my back seat. I walked up to B-crazy. "You touched her ?" I asked. He put his hands up in surrender. "Nah Unc she kissed me, you know how they go man" he said. "Look stay away from her" I snapped. "If I catch y'all together again imma beat on you" I said. I walked to my car and got in.

"Yo what the fuck wrong with you lil girl" I said. "Nigga quit talking to me" she said. "Your not my fucking dad" she snapped. "Lil girl I ain't tryna be yo dad, but I am gonna protect you from lil niggas like him who be doing shit to girls yo age" I said. "Nah you just wanna protect me cause you fucking my mom" she said. I shook my head. "You gotta smart ass mouth" I said.

I turned up the music and headed to Karly house. After 10 minutes I pulled into the driveway of Karly's house. Me and Karlynn got out the car and walked to the house. Karly opened the door looking confused. "Where was she at ?" Asked Karly. "Riding around with my nephew he like 20 and she kissing on him and shit" I said. "Ouuu" Said Vanessa. "Karlynn get your ass over here" Karly snapped.

Karlynn walked over folding her arms and rolling her eyes at me. "What are you doing in cars with grown ass men" said Karly. "Mom you know I do not like boys my age" said Karlynn. "I don't care what you like" said Karly.  "Well I don't mean to get nobody in trouble" I said. "Yes you is" Said Karlynn. "Karly, my nephew been know to drug females and all that shit" I said.

Karly looked at Karlynn like she wanted to kill her. "Mom you really believe that ?" Asked Karylnn. "Karlynn, go to your room before I slap the shit out of you" said Karly. "Whatever, you never listen to me" she snapped. Karly slapped Karlynn. "I'm tired of your smart ass mouth" she said. "Go to your fucking room and don't say shit else" Karly snapped.

Karylnn held her face and stomped up the stairs and slammed the door. Karly shook her head and sat down in her chair. "So um.. who you been with ?"Karly asked. I smiled. "What you mean, girl I been chilling" I said. Vanessa was looking at us smiling. Karly stood up and got in my face, she so short compared to me so I had to look down a lil bit.

"Nigga, imma grown ass women" she said. I licked my lips. "You ain't gotta lie to me" she added. "I know" I said. "So who you was with ?" She asked. "Ight man, I was laying up at my baby momma crib" I said. "OUUU, lemme go" Said Vanessa. "See ya later girl" said Vanessa as she left out the door. "You been fucking her ?" She asked.

I laughed. "Girl" I said. I grabbed her waist and looked into her eyes. "Girl I ain't been fucking around, my whole mind been on you and these kids" I said. Karly grabbed my hand and turned around and pulled me to her room in the basement and we just got busy down there.


I grabbed the blunt outta Breezo's hands. I puffed on it twice and gave it back to him. I blew the smoke out my nose. He smiled at me. I was laid on top of his chest. He just got done fucking the shit outta me. "I love you" he said. I smiled. "I love you too" I said. I laid my face on his chest and listened to him breathe. Breezo put the blunt out and cuddled me close. I closed my eyes.

I felt like I was in Kendrick's arms. When my husband held me, I felt protected. I felt like I was floating and he was the one holding me up.  I suddenly fell into a deep sleep. I haven't slept like this in 3 years.

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