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**6 Months Later**

I'm bored as hell sitting in my room. I haven't heard from Keyair in like 3 months. School is finally out for the summer and it's time for me to find some to do. Keisha finally started calling me more, and we starting to hang out more too. I laid across my bed and looked up at the ceiling to wander in my thoughts. I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I grabbed my phone.

It's Keisha calling. "Hello" I answered. "Oh so you tryna act like you don't know yo man is here" she said. "What ??" I questioned. "Don't act like you didn't know when I was getting out" said Keyair. My eyes got big. I forgot he was getting out today. "Omg, Key.. imma be right over there" I said. "Ight big head" he said. I hung up the phone and jumped out of the bed to my closet. "What am I gonna wear ?" I asked myself.

"Ouu I'll put on this body suit and this suspender skirt and my Jordan ones" I said. Imma see if my mama got fishnets. I walked in her room and she was sleep. Her and Montana was curled up together. Yes, him and mama is together.. he lives here with us now. I opened her drawer and pulled out her fish nets. "Ou these right here" I whispered. I grabbed them and left out of her room. I went into my room and grabbed my towels to hop in the shower.

I washed my body good, got out and lotioned up my body and got dressed. I sat at my vanity and started doing my hair. I flatironed it all the way out. "I gotta look good for my man" I said. I put on some lips gloss and posed in the mirror. "Period" I said. I grabbed my car keys and ran out to my car. I started up the car and raced to Keisha's house.

I honked the horn and Keyair stuck his face out the window. "KEYYYYY!!!" I yelled. He smiled so big showing his gold teeth at the bottom. Man I don't know why this boy is so fine. He came outside and I got out the car. We walked up to each other and I hugged him so tight. "You getting big" he said. "Boy, don't say it like I'm just a baby" I said. He leaned against my door. "You technically is" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever" I said.

Keisha came her ass outside and looked at us. "Awwwn, y'all are so cute" she said. I smiled hard as fuck. "So Key, wanna drive my car ?" I asked. I just wanna be around him all day that's why I said that. "Shìt hell yeah" he said. I tossed him the keys and sat in the passenger seat. Key got in and smiled at me. "So what's really up" he said. I smirked. "What you talking about Key ?" I asked. "Nun" he said. He started up my car. "Bae- I mean key you gotta drop the top like this" I said. I showed him how I drop the top in my car.

"Man you just don't know how lucky you are" he said. "I know, I know Key" I said. We pulled off and drove around. I noticed he kept looking over at me. I caught him looking and started cracking up. "What you keep looking at me for ?" I asked. "Aw nun, you gotta a lil crust on yo mouth boo" he said. I hurried up and looked in the mirror, just to realize aint shit on my mouth.

I looked over at him and hit him in the chest. "Stupid" I said. He started laughing. "Nah tell me some Lynn, why you get all cute , was it for me ?" I asked.  I smirked. "What you think I don't know that you like me ?" He said. I swallowed hard. "Yeah I like you, why you wanna take me out on a date a some ?" I asked. He started laughing. "What's so funny" I asked. "Nun boo" he said. "Key foreal, what's stopping us from being together ?" I asked.

He looked at me and then looked off. "nun girl" he said. "Right so wassup" I said. He messed with the radio. "Ight you playing" I said. I just sat back and let us ride. We pulled up to the gas station and I sat in the car. I reached for my purse and started digging in it for money. "Nah, I got it Lynn" he said. He got out the car and walked in the gas station. I sat in the car and looked in the mirror to fix my lipgloss.  Key came walking out the gas station looking around and shit. "He is so fine" I said to myself.

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