Fleeting Embraces, Falling Fe...

بواسطة Ak1zaV

57.2K 1.5K 846

You're a girl with a love and knowledge for flowers. With a fleeting encounter with a man who possesses eyes... المزيد

Author's Note
A Young Freesia Bud
A Fleeting Encounter
Meeting The Five Gems
Was It A Worthwhile Trip?
A Sliver of Trust From The Heart
Blossoming of One's Yearning
Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters
Shattering Ice On Frozen Memories
Final Beauty of The Young Freesia
Goodbye Greeted By A Reunion
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Knowing The Real Him...
Unity of Two Souls
Unraveling Hidden Pasts
Silver Silk, Amber Crystals, and Crescent Moon
Mirroring A Once Upon A Time
Deceiver Becomes The Deceived
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames
Intertwined Passion
Arrival of An Unexpected
Judgement of The Foreign Divine
A Merciful Intervention
Searching For The Hope
Gateway To An Awakening
A Sacrifice Worth Giving
That Faint Guilt Deep Down
Just One Kiss
It's Only When They Are Gone...
Renewed Clarity
Flames In The Darkness
Nothing Left To Fear
Let The Flower Petals Float Free
Beating Parallel To One's Heart
Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent
Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again
Author's Note

Falling Feelings

1.4K 29 42
بواسطة Ak1zaV

I wake up to the dim sunlight that is just starting to shine through the covered wooden windows. I'm laying on my side, the silk covers embraces me. My whole body feels slightly sore, and I remember last night. I smile at the beautiful memory that Naraku and I shared. Something shifts behind me, I then feel something gently coming over my waist, and embraces me. I know it's Naraku, he stayed with me all night. Naraku leans over and kisses me on the back, he then rests his face between the crook of my neck and shoulder. I feel a slight shiver run through my body at the intimacy, I smile.

"Good morning Naraku." I whisper holding his hand around my waist.

"Good morning__________." He replies softly.

I shift my body and turn to face him, I'm greeted by his ruby red eyes. They shine vividly in the rising sun, his fair skin flawless and porcelain like. His black hair is black as pure black ebony, he looks absolutely perfect. His face is laced with a peaceful expression, his chest rising and falling as he breathes.

"What are we doing today?" I ask him.

"Anything that you want to do, I'll be happy to oblige." Naraku replies touching my cheek.

"I don't want to do much, I just want to spend time with you." I reply back to him.

Naraku smiles and takes my hand.

"Then let's spend time together." He says quietly.

I nod, I close my eyes and bring myself closer to Naraku, I rest my head against his bare chest, our skin touches and I feel at peace. Naraku holds my hand gently, it's warm and comforting. Naraku holds me close and rests his chin on top of my head, I can hear his heart beating. He's a demon yes, but he knows emotions now, he knows love, he knows pain, he's no different than me or any other humans. He has a heart, and it beats. With him beside me, I fall back asleep. Another few hours go by, and I wake up to the now, I assume close to afternoon sun shining through my eyelids. I open my eyes and stretch, my body has become less sore than earlier. I look beside me and Naraku isn't sleeping beside me anymore, I slowly sit up and pull the cover up to cover my front. My hair is a mess from last night's lovemaking, I smooth it down with my finger and get up. I put on my white kimono, and grab my red one. I open the window to the room so that fresh air can come in, I then slide open the door and look out, like before, the whole estate and serene and empty. I head to the bathroom to wash up. I take a nice bath and smooth out my hair, half an hour goes by I believe by the time I finish. I head out of the washroom to look for Naraku, after looking around the whole estate once again, I head out into the openess of the blue sky and green grass. I go around the veranda, the fresh air fills my senses. I eventually find Naraku sitting on the veranda looking out, his black hair gently swaying in the breeze. I walk up to him, Naraku looks at me and smiles. He stands up and waits for me to approach him, which I eventually do.

"Did you rest well?" He asks me.

"Of course I did, did you?" I ask him.

"I did as well." He replies back to me with a soft smile.

"What were you doing out here?" I ask him.

Naraku looks back out at the mountains once again, his face showing a thoughtful expression.

"I'm just taking in this moment... as the real me." He says.

I look at his face in profile, I admire his red eyes as they gazes all around him, shifting slightly every now and then. I take his large hand in mine, Naraku turns to look at me. I smile back at him.

"Let's take in this moment together. We have all the time in the world." I tell him.

Naraku doesn't say anything but smiles, we both look out towards the beautiful nature. To spend time with Naraku in peace like this, it feels like a dream. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I want to run away from everything and just be here with him in peace. I feel that when I'm with him, I feel truly happy. Seeing Naraku's smile makes me feel content, it gives me a purpose, and it's to make him, once a demon who was born from darkness to find a place in this world and to see the beauty of life. The day goes on quietly, I ate while Naraku stayed with me, serene but nice. Naraku showed me around the estate, its history, and purpose. He took me out of the estate and showed me the nearby area, it was once a place of inhabitants, but due to the demonic miasma, they were all gone and the place was abandoned. He reluctantly told me more about the old him, his reincarnations. I listened to him with an open mind and heart, I knew that it was the old him, he has a fresh start in life, this time, with someone by his side. He was a demon who killed and betrayed, but not anymore. If he was the old him, I probably wouldn't be standing here right now. Now, he has someone who loves him and can guide him to a beautiful and peaceful future. The sun travelled from one side of the sky to the other, as the colors shifts from blue to orange in order to catch on to the fleeting time. Before the sun completely sets, Naraku and I go out onto the veranda once more to watch the beautiful sunset together. We both sit down onto the wooden platform, I sit slightly slanted and I lean against Naraku's chest as I rest my head beside his chin. Naraku holds me to him as we watch the day slowly coming to an end seconds by seconds. The flaming orange color makes my eyes squint, we admire the sky in silence for a while.

"Today was absolutely perfect, thank you Naraku." I say quietly.

"If you're happy then it was worth every moment." He replies.

I lift my hand up and open them in front of us, I hold it in front of the sun, it immediately blocks out the bright light shining right at us, the sunlight seeping in through the gaps between my fingers that are spreading open. My red bracelet shifts on my wrist, and the red silk string floats in the air. Naraku then lifts his left hand and places over mine and wraps his fingers around my hand, fitting perfectly between the gaps. His bracelet still tied around his wrist and the string flutters in the breeze, I smile at the sight of our two bracelets.

"Everything seem so perfect, I wish time can stop here." I say quietly.

"Yes, how perfect would that be." He replies back.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you Naraku, I want us to get married, start a family, and live out our lives the way we want." I say as I bring our hands to my chest.

"____________..." Naraku says.

"Can you promise me that? That when I finally tell my parents about us, dissolving this issue between you, Inuyasha and the others, that we will start our lives together without any worries." I ask him.

I lift myself off of him and turn to look at him, Naraku's red eyes looking into mine.

"I worry that you won't be able to stay with me for the rest of my life, you're not like me, I can live on forever, but you..." Naraku says touching my face.

He's worried about that? I'm not even worried, so why should he.

"Yes, I'm not like you when it comes to immortality, but that doesn't mean that we can't have a happy life together. Remember what I told you about the cherry blossom flower? Like what it symbolizes, we shouldn't worry too much about the future, we should cherish the present. I'll live out the rest of my life with you in happiness, I'll make sure that both of us will be happy so that when the time comes, I won't have any regrets, and I don't want you to have any either." I say with a smile.

Naraku looks a bit conflicted, but finally smiles.

"Alright, no regrets, just happiness. I'll promise you that, a happy future for the two of us." Naraku says.

I feel so happy hearing him say that, I lean in and kiss him. He reciprocates it and caresses my face. The sun has officially set, and night arrives. The stars dances in the ebony sky as we look out again.

"Let's head in now." I say to him.

Naraku nods and stands up, he pulls me up and we head back inside hand in hand. I change out of my kimono and into my white one, Naraku doesn't need to change out of his kimono. I then blow out the candles, I take Naraku's hand in mine and guide him to the futon. The two of us then lay down onto the silk bed and turn to face each other. In  the dim room I can see his red eyes reflecting off the faint moonlight, they are gorgeous. I take his hand in mine and kiss it, Naraku then gently pulls me to him and I rest my head against his strong chest. The room is quiet but our breathing echos, I can feel his heartbeat next to my ear. It's soothing and hypnotic.

"I really do want to stay here with you Naraku, I want to forget about everything and just stay here with you. Away from my responsibilities and adulthood, being here feels rights." I say quietly.

"What about your friends and family?" He asks me.

He has a point, maybe I'm being a bit selfish, but this is what I want. It's what makes me happy, my parents has important things to do still even at their age, Sazanami is off and with a family of her own soon. Kagome and the others all have families now as well, with my age, the most important thing is to marry off. Although not married to a lord or someone wealthy, I have found the one. It's Naraku, he's the only thing in my life that can make me truly happy.

"One day, If I can send out a letter, I'll tell them that I'm alright and happy. That they don't need to worry about me." I reply back to him.

"_________..." Naraku quietly says.

"I'm content right now, and I hope you are too Naraku." I say looking up at him.

Naraku looks down and holds my face gently , he looks slightly conflicted again but smiles. He leans in and kisses my lips, his smooth skin caresses mine.

"I am, spending every moment with you is the only thing that brings me joy." Naraku replies.

"Same with me. I love you." I tell him with a smile of my own.

"I love you too___________." Naraku says with gentle smile.

I rest my head against his chest again, Naraku's arms holds me to him, the heat from his body warming me as I slowly fall asleep. Hours goes by, till the sound of faint chirping of birds pulls me out of my slumber. I open my tired eyes and slowly sit, I look beside me, Naraku isn't there. I get up and wash up, I quickly wash up and change into my red kimono. I comb out my long black hair with my fingers, I then go to find Naraku. Like always I search the estate first, I then head out onto the veranda. I go around the palace and I finally find him looking out into the distance, instead of sitting down like usual he's standing this time. Unlike his usual serene expression, his face is slightly furrowed. Is something wrong? I slowly walk up to him, Naraku senses my presence. He turns slightly to face me, the furrow on his brows loosens and he shows me a gentle smile.

"___________, you're up." He says gently.

"Yes, you're out here again, is everything all right?" I ask him studying his face.

Naraku's eyes, which seem more maroon at the moment than bright red shifts away from me and looks back out into the distance. The late morning breeze carrying his bangs slightly, he looks bothered by something.

"Everything's fine." He replies turning to me with a smile.

"Are you sure? You look slightly bothered by something, you can tell me, I'll help in anyway I can." I say taking his hand.

Naraku squeezes my hand gently, and holds my face.

"Don't worry, everything's fine. I want to take you somewhere, I'm sure you'll like it." He says.

"Oh, I'm sure I will, but I want to know what's bothering you first." I say looking deep into his eyes.

"I can assure you that I'm perfectly fine. Now come, the place that I want to show you only looks beautiful in the morning and early afternoon, it will lose its beauty when afternoon ends." Naraku says pulling me by the hand gently.

I couldn't argue back, he seems to be determined to show me this place. He's acting so different today, what is it? After exiting the palace, Naraku stops just outside the palace gate. He looks up the sky, and scans the area, I watch his every move trying to see if something is up. Naraku then looks back down at me, he then pulls me to him.

"Hold on tight, we're about to go flying." He says with a smile.

"Oh, alright." I say holding onto his hand and  around his waist.

I close my eyes, and I feel the wind picking up around us. I'm suddenly lifted off from the ground, Naraku's hold slightly tightens around me. I can feel my hair flying all around me as we ascend higher, we then begin to move. I slowly open my eyes, the wind hits my face as we float in the air. We're up high in the sky, the brown hills are below us as we fly over them. It's breathtaking, as I look out I feel Naraku nuzzle his nose against my cheek. We fly for about 3-4 minutes, the brown colored hills soon turns luscious green, I see flowers starting to layer above the green grass. I smile as I see the beauty of the place.

"Where are we? This place is gorgeous." I say looking up at him.

"Knowing that you like flowers, I'm taking you to an enchanted flower field that has flowers that appears normal but their sweet scents fills the air, masking any auras." Naraku says.

He's taking me to a flower field filled with enchanted flowers. I feel grateful that he's doing this. We finally arrive to a big flower field, Naraku slowly descends back onto the ground, even before we land, the sweet smell of flowers fills the whole area. My feet finally touches the ground, but my legs feel wobbly due to the groundless feeling earlier. Flowers from blue, red, white, yellow, and purple fills the whole place, it's absolutely breathtaking. As I look at this place, it's kind of hard to imagine this place losing its beauty when afternoon ends, flowers' beauty lasts forever after it blooms. Seems like Naraku was just really eager to bring me here perhaps? I let go of Naraku's hand and I feel the inner child within me awakening, I stretch out my arms and glide them along the flowers as I run through the field. A rush of happiness fills me, I feel free. I turn around to look at Naraku, he's standing at the edge of the flower field, he's looking at me with a slight melancholic expression, but on the surface laces a subtle smile. Something is bothering him, but he's not telling me. The sweet smell of the flowers fills my senses but seeing Naraku's expression makes this moment so ironic. I walk over to Naraku, Naraku's red eyes doesn't seem to be moving or blinking. He's still as a statue almost like lost in thought, even as I stop in front of him, he still seem to be looking out into the distance. I need to pull him out of his thoughts, I gently take his hand in mine and squeeze it. Naraku then regains his senses again and looks back down at me, he shows a subtle smile.

"Naraku what's wrong? You need to tell me." I say to him.

"It's not something that you need to worry about." Naraku says.

"Yes it is, I told you that I will be here to help you figure out all your worries and problems. So please tell me." I say to him.

Naraku shakes his head, he gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Nothing's wrong________, you don't need to do that for me all the time, sometimes, it's best to not put your own burden on someone else's shoulder. I'm alright, believe me." Naraku says with a very subtle smile.

His red eyes glazing over mine, they're beautiful, but conflicted. I decide not to force him to tell me anymore, when he's ready, I hope he'll come and tell me on his own. I want us to enjoy this moment, I hold his hand and walk us to the middle of the flower field. The smell of the flowers surrounds us, we walk side by side, the flowers gently swaying with our movements. We eventually stop in the middle of the field, I turn to face him. Naraku closes his eyes and inhales deeply, I watch as his face slowly loosens as he finally found a moment of serenity.

"Thank you for taking me to this place Naraku, it means a lot." I say quietly.

Naraku shows a smile, but it seem so forced for some reason as I examine it. He reaches within his kimono, he takes out something pink. I look down at it and realize that it's the cherry blossom, Naraku then tucks it behind my ear like he did 12 years ago. He looks at me, his eyes glazing over my face over and over as his fingers traces down my cheek.

"Promise me that you'll always keep smiling, remember this moment, cherish it. Just like what the cherry blossom symbolizes." Naraku says.

I look at him slightly confused, why is he saying this? But I'm going to promise him this. I nod.

"Of course I will, I'll always be happy and cherish any moment that's with you." I say to him.

Naraku nods, I want to comfort him somehow, something seems to be eating away at him, big time. I stand on my toes and slightly pulls his face down, I capture his lips in mine. Naraku kisses me back, but not as much as I hoped. I should give him some space to figure things out, I'll be here whenever he needs me though. Something must have been on his mind for a while, but he's trying his best to keep me happy. I pull away from him and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. Naraku doesn't hug me back, instead I feel him nuzzling his face into my long black hair. He inhales deeply and exhales.

"Treasure every moment..." I hear him whisper.

I nod my head in response, why... why is he saying all of these things. It's tugging at my mind and heart. The two of us spent the rest of the afternoon and evening around the area, that is surrounded by the rich scent of the enchanted flowers. It's only when the sky starts to turn purple and orange that Naraku brings us back to the estate, the wind surrounds us as we float in the air. We spend the rest of the night together, although Naraku smiles, I can't seem to feel the sincerity within them. But we end the day off like always, which sets my heart at ease. Naraku walks me back to my room when the moon is high in the ebony sky.

"Goodnight____________." Naraku says.

"Aren't you staying?" I ask him surprised that he's not coming in with me.

"No, I have some things to do. I'm sorry__________." Naraku says looking at me with his bright red eyes.

"Oh... alright then, goodnight." I reply back slightly disappointed.

"Goodnight." Naraku responds.

Naraku then turns around, his black hair swaying behind him.

"Naraku." I say as he walks away.

Naraku turns slightly to look at me.

"I love you, no matter what." I tell him.

Naraku doesn't respond right away, I feel anxious all of a sudden, and deep down, fear.

"And I as well." He finally responds.

Naraku then turns back and walks off and disappears into the dark hallway, his shadow disappears with him. I feel lost, a slight heartache resounds inside of me. I take a deep breath and close the door shut, I change into my night wear and slide into my futon. I turn onto my side, the room is dead silent, the whole palace is quiet. I can hear my own heartbeat through my ears, I begin to go over the day, every minute. I smile at the memories of the flowers, him taking me to the beautiful field, and all the smiles we showed each other. Then eventually all of his actions and words comes flooding into my mind, he seem to be distancing himself, but why? I take a deep breath and exhale, I just hope he can figure everything out soon. I let out a groan and close my eyes, but it was difficult for me to fall asleep. But eventually, I do. I wake up to the morning sun shining into my eyes, I slowly sit up and take a few minutes to adjust to everything. Yes, I fell asleep, but I realize that I didn't sleep well. A lot of things are running through my mind, and they're all about Naraku. I get up from my futon and change into my red kimono, I then go and wash up. Like always, the castle estate is quiet. I look around for Naraku but he's not here, he's not even outside.

"Where did he go.... I hope he's alright." I say to myself.

I make myself something from the kitchen, I then go outside and wait for Naraku to return from wherever he has gone to. Time goes by, I watch the fluffy white clouds drift through the blue sky. The birds flapping their wings in unison as they travel across the blue space. The wind caresses me softly, and the sun shines. One hour soon turns into two, then three, then four, five to six. The blue of the sky eventually turns orange, and the sun travels halfway across the sky, but still no sign of Naraku. I dozed off at one point as I sit on the veranda and wait for my love to return, evening eventually comes around, when a sudden gust of wind wakes me up from my slumber. My back is sore and my tailbone hurts, I look around me, the sun is on the verge of disappearing behind the tall mountains. I stand up and look around, the whole area around me is basked in dark orange, and white. I hear footsteps coming from the left side of the veranda, I turn to look at who it is. No later, Naraku comes around the corner. He's looking down at the ground, he looks fine, but he still seems distant and aloof.

"Naraku!" I call out his name.

Naraku stops and slowly looks up, I see his beautiful defined eyes, the red of his irises are maroon in the sunset. He looks slightly surprised but returns to a static expression.

"__________...." He replies.

I approach him with quickened steps, I stop in front of him. Naraku doesn't move.

"Naraku, I've been waiting for you for hours, where have you been? Are you alright?" I ask him concerned.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, in fact, you don't need to worry about me from now on." He says flatly.

I look at him confused. What does that mean? Did he figure out everything? Is he alright now?

"Of course I'll worry about you, but it seem like you figured everything out in your time alone. Can you finally tell me what has been on your mind lately?" I ask him taking his hand into mine.

Naraku doesn't reply right away, but he doesn't pull away from my hand either.

"Yes, I've realized something, and I figured out everything." Naraku says slowly.

"What is it?" I ask him.

Naraku looks straight at me with his blazing red gems.

"That I don't love you." He says flatly.

I feel my mind going blank as I hear those words, I feel my mouth slightly hanging open at the sudden declaration from him. What happened? Why? I stare at him dumbfounded.

"No..." I manage to say.

"Yes, I realized that I don't love you__________." Naraku repeats himself without blinking.

This can't be, everything that we've been through, it can't be true. I feel my heart drop.

"You mean that everything that we've been through in this past month or so meant nothing to you? The love that we shared that night, you mean to say that... it meant nothing to you?" I ask him.

Naraku looks at me with the same flat expression. Unfazed.

"Yes, I only pretended that I loved you, so that I can use you. I've been trying to find a way to tell you these few days but realized, that seeing the look of pain on your face will be much more amusing." Naraku says.

I let go of his hand that never returned my grasp, I slightly back away. This can't be happening, it's not like him.

"Pretended? I don't want to believe that Naraku, I believe what we had was real between us." I tell him looking into his eyes.

"Real? No, it was pretend. Did you forget? I'm a demon of lies and betrayal, I can make anything seem real, I'm the master of manipulation." Naraku says with a quiet laugh.

"You... I've waited for you to tell me what has been bothering you lately, and it turns out that you figured yourself out and realized that you're still the same person? Heartless? Yes, I understood you, but I still love you. We made promises remember? Promises to be together in the future, a family, a wedding." I say taking his hand again in hopes of making him realize his words.

"Those were all white lies, no truths at all. I only said those because it was the only way to keep you wrapped around my fingers. You were naive and easy to manipulate, how foolish. Now that I have no use for you, I'm exposing you to all the truths." He says.

I feel lost, I feel hurt in the most painful way. It feels even worse than the wound that I received in place of him.

"When I stood in front of you to protect you from that demon... did it meant nothing to you? Tell me Naraku, did that meant nothing? Did that night that we shared together meant nothing at all? The memories that we tried so hard to remember from 12 years ago, you're telling me that they're just now pointless moments in your life?" I ask him quietly.

Naraku doesn't reply, but doesn't faze as I ask him that question.

"Yes, they're all pointless moments in my life, they were just moments that I saw as entertaining. You jumped in front of me on your own accord, I never asked you to. I never knew love and I'll probably never will. I realize that I'm still the same old Naraku, evil to the core." He says.

"When you fall in love... you don't just throw it away that easily. I told you that long ago... So these few days that you were distant, you were realizing the emotionless and coldness within yourself?" I ask him.

"Yes, and I realized that it's the real me and always will be. I wasn't born from love, I was born from darkness. I can throw away anything without blinking. You must hate me now don't you___________? Release those anger, I'll take them all in, it's what gives me strength." Naraku says as he takes a step towards me.

I'm so shocked that I can't even process what is going on properly, my body's not moving, I feel cold and numb, and my heart feels so heavy it feels like stone. I'm hurt, and confused, but the feelings that I have for Naraku are real and sincere. Those moments are real and precious, he told me that just yesterday to cherish every moment of happiness.

"No... I can never hate you Naraku, I love you." I tell him grabbing his hand again.

"I don't, since you've been quite a use to me in this past month or so, I'll let you live. I'm going to send you away when morning arrives, so enjoy the rest of your time here." Naraku says with a smirk.

I feel a sharp jab to my heart, I feel as if I'm suffocating and drowning although there's no water around us. I collapse onto the ground, my mind completely blank. I'm choking back my tears. I stare blankly into space, without knowing my eyes traces upwards and lands on the bracelet that is wrapped around Naraku's wrist.

"We both said that it was fate, for us to meet and fall in love..." I say in the unfamiliar air around me.

"Fate doesn't apply to us demons, I only said it to go along with your little fantasy. I'm not going to waste any more time talking to humans. Goodnight_________." Naraku says and turns around.

I hear Naraku's footsteps walking away on the wooden veranda, I'm still sitting there on the platform frozen in disbelief. I love him, I'll always love him.

"Naraku! I love you!" I finally shout out with tears coming out of my eyes.

I feel as if I'm about to explode from the overwhelming feelings of hurt and pain, I go on my knees and find my balance on the floor with my palms as my tears slides down my face, drop by drop. Naraku stops and just stands there, I don't realize it right away but I feel myself letting out cries. My whole vision has become blurry from the amount of tears lacing my tearduct, Naraku slightly turns so that his profile is only seen, his black hair floats in the night breeze. After everything that he said to me, yes they hurt me, but I still love him. If I didn't love him, I wouldn't be crying... crying for him.

"I don't love you, I despise humans." Naraku says.

I widen my eyes in shock once again, Naraku stays still for a few seconds and then turns back and walks away. His footsteps slowly fading away as I watch him turn the corner. The sun has officially set, the moon is out and the stars are out. Such a beautiful night but filled with so much pain, I just knelt there unable to get a grasp of reality. When I finally let everything sink in, the tears starts to flow again. I couldn't hold anything back anymore, the heartache finally overwhelms me. I bow over and collapse my head onto my palms that's lying on the ground, I cried and cried. Minutes goes by and I finally run out of tears, I then just sit there, my mind blank, I can't comprehend anything. I don't even know if the situation that I'm in right now is a dream or reality. The crickets chirps in the empty space, I find the silence deafening. I eventually support myself against the wooden sliding doors of the castle and pull myself up, I feel exhausted. The whole place is back to silence once again, with nothing else to occupy my mind from what just happened, I return back to the room that I resided in for the past week or so. My eyes feel swollen and my mind overwhelmed with confusing thoughts, I enter into the room and slide the door close. I don't want to do anything, I can't sleep, I feel as if I can't do anything. With no strength or motivation to move, I just collapse onto the futon. I bring my knees to my chest and I hold them, without knowing the tears starts to flow again. My salty tears that I've shed earlier has dried on my face, but now it's lacing my cheeks again. It's unbelievable how one person in your life can give you so much pain with just a few words and actions, it just shows how important they are to you. I eventually fall over at one point and has drifted off in the middle of the night, my consciousness is so deep in the unknown I can't seem to wake up no matter what. I'm stuck between an endless dream and the darkness of reality, and I wish that I can stay in this dream forever. In this dream, someone sits down beside the futon. I look up to see who it is, I realize that it's Naraku. Even in my dream I wish that Naraku can at least sit here with me. It's true, everything that you wish for, happens within your dream. Without words between us, Naraku glides his left hand's index finger gently down my cheek. His ruby red eyes dimly reflecting the moonlight as he looks down at me. I want to take his hand in mine, but I can't, I can't move. I feel paralyzed, I can't even talk in my dream. It feels like a dream but also a nightmare, I don't know if I want it to end or not at this point. Naraku then leans down and rests his face against mine, and he just stays like that for a while. Quiet, and serene. He can touch me but I can't touch him back. I can see every action but it feels unreal, because it's a dream. Naraku then nuzzles his nose gently against my cheek, and I feel his faint breath against my ear.

"Cherish all of the memories that we've shared, and I will as well..." He whispers next to my ear.

His words were so soft and full of pain, how did it come to this? After everything, even in my dream that still possessed the slightest hope that I held onto, in the end sounded like a goodbye. I couldn't move, or respond back to him. The only thing I can do is close my eyes, I feel the sinking feeling of my upcoming heartache once again. But I can't cry either, just pain. I can still hear Naraku's breathing but it's fading away, and eventually darkness fills all of my senses once again. Darkness between an unknown dream, or reality.

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