
By Mikaelatesss

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Book 1 of The Veterans MC Lilly is on the run with the baby she carries inside her. Not able to bring herself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chaoter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

121K 2.8K 441
By Mikaelatesss


18+ extreme violence and subjects that could trigger people in this chapter.

Photo of Lilly.

Whispering Springs Colorado.

I bought a pay phone in Charlotte so I could research a place to call home. Whispering Springs Colorado just seemed perfect.

It's a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the mountains, in the middle of the state. It's perfect, it's already home.

Rubbing my still flat belly a new habit that I find I do when nervous. Like a little rub for courage. I quietly send a promise to love and take care of the baby inside it. To give it the home I never had.

I grew up in a miserably wealthy family. My Daddy was a banker and my Mama was a social light. While I was their doll that they dressed up and brought out for company when it pleased them.

We were the picture perfect family from the outside. My Daddy was handsome he had a face from Hollywood and a mind made for business. While his wife my Mama was a stunning blond straight from old southern money. And then there was me their quiet, obedient green eyed daughter. Everyone thought we were living the dream.

But in reality I was raised by too many nannies to count. I was never tucked in as a child because Daddy was off working, and Mama was sleeping with what felt like everyone. So it was just me and the help. Which would have been okay but every time I started to get close to one my Mother would find a reason to fire them.

"One must keep a professional distance between themselves and the hired hand darling." She would tell me in a patronising tone when she caught me hugging one, or heard me ask for one.

What she meant was "One must keep a professional distance from everyone, including your family. But not from your husband's friends or millionaire boss who liked bottle blonde wives with fake boobs."

When I turned 12 my Mother left my Father for his retiring boss, James White. Our family no longer looked so happy from the outside but she was past caring because she was filthy rich.

James was handsome in his youth but was much older when my mother sank her claws in him. She was wife number 6 and she intended for him to stop there. No matter what she had to do.

She had everything she ever wanted after she took full custody of me and separated me from my Daddy. It was one last middle finger to the man who really did nothing wrong. If anything I had always thought he had worked so much so he could keep her up.

I didn't really matter at that point neither parent had ever really cared for me so it didn't matter who had custody of me. But when James started to get a little handsy after he had too much to drink. I realized that being ignored at my Father's was something I didn't mind.

So after one too many nights of sneaking into my room after he had one too many whiskey sours I decided it was time to give living with my Dad a try.

My Dad was all too happy to have me living with him instead of my Mother. Not because he was concerned about his daughters well being living under the roof of another man but because it was something he had that my mother didn't. It was a final fuck you.

The day I turned 18 I left a note on my father's desk telling him that I was moving to New York. I left the pamphlet for the culinary school I was accepted in and I bailed.

I wanted to be a baker, I wanted to own my own bakery, I wanted independence. But most of all I wanted to love, and to be loved.

I met Red the year after I graduated, he came into the bakery I was working at every morning for coffee and a pastry.

He was so handsome with his long lean body, dark hair and short auburn beard. But most of all he was charming in a"I don't give a fuck what people thinks" kind of way.

He would always flirt with me and leave me a good tip. And after a while he started to get more bold with his flirtation. He would wait for me to finish my shift and sit outside the shop and talk with me. He was so hot, so bold, and I thought he loved me.

One day when sitting outside the bakery he asked me to move with him to Pennsylvania I didn't even second guess it. It all seemed so fun and spontaneous. I was so excited to be in a relationship to have a home.

I had assumed I could get a job anywhere, that I could bake anywhere. That I would finally find happiness in him. So I said yes.

Four weeks later I had moved all of my stuff to a little beat up nasty home in the middle of nowhere. But I convinced myself that it was okay. I would make it better, make it a home. I did not need luxury like my family had taught me to expet. I just needed love.

At first I didn't think that it was odd that Red was so insistent that I stay at home, if anything I thought it was sweet. He wanted me.

"I like it when your here waiting for me, you make me feel like I have a home." He would tell me.

Honestly I liked being there for him, I liked being his home. But eventually I got lonely.

Red was always out with friends, out with his gang (I didn't know he was apart of a gang at the time.) While I was always alone. We lived in the middle of the woods and I was secluded from everyone.

Red was the only person I talked to, and he liked that. The first time he hurt me was when I had drove into town to have lunch with a girl I had met in the grocery store.

I had been so excited and was practically bouncing off the walls, excited to tell him about my new friend. But when I got home the house was destroyed and in the middle of the chaos was a livid man.

He had come home to find the house empty and he said that I had scared him. He thought that I had left him. He told me that I had been cruel to do that and I needed to be taught a lesson.

He had beat me with his belt, and when he was finished and I couldn't move anymore he had taken his knife out. Wife his knife he carved his initials into my chest. "Now you will never forget that you are mine." He had said with a happy smile on his face.

I was bed ridden for weeks, unable to move because of the pain. When I could finally get up I was going to run but I couldn't, he had sold my car. Because I "couldn't be trusted."

I was scared but I accepted it, believing what he told me. That he was just showing me his love, that he was the only one who could love me. Because as twisted as it was it was true. He was the first person to tell me that he loved me. And like a crack whore I ate it up. I got high off of his love, ignoring the bad and loving the love.

Another day he came home to find me talking on my cell phone. He thought I was trying to leave him again so he smashed my phone. He also broke my fingers that day so I would remember what happens to girls who disobey.

After that I spent 3 years stuck. I never left the house, I couldn't. I was terrified. I felt trapped and like I deserved the abuse.

There was only one time that I was determined to get out, to run. Red had brought one of his whores home and fucked her in front of me. He made me sit there and watched as he held a gun to her head.

"Take your eyes off her and I will kill her. Watch me fuck her, let her show you what to do." He had said.

But when he was finished with her when he had sprayed his cum all over her body he pulled the trigger. Her blood was everywhere.

He had looked at the dead girl as I screamed like nothing had happened. He simply shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal, grumbled about what a mess the dead leaves behind and told me to clean it up. Before walking out the door.

That night I tried to get away but he quickly found me. That night he took the knife to my back leaving a permit reminder to what happens to girls who try and run.

So I stayed. I stayed in the home playing house with the devil himself. I had no vision of a future other then Red eventually killing me and burring me in the woods surrounding our home.

But last year a lawyer showed up at our door to tell me my father had passed, and had left me all of his money. Lucky Red was out of town so I was able to sign the papers and have the money moved to the local bank without Red knowing.

I hadn't really thought about the money until I found out about the baby. Now I am going to Whispering Springs Colorado. I am going to make my own happiness and I know now that I don't need a man to make me happy. I don't need anyone but myself.

Whooo so her past is something else! I feel so sorry for Lilly! Don't forget to leave me a comment or click that little star button if you are enjoying this story. ❤️ Let me know what you think!

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