๐ŸŒทDreamers//The Promised Neve...

By KimAckermann

45K 1.6K 1K

We were dreamers not so long ago, but one by one we all had to grow up. Top Rankings~ #1 yakusokunoneverland ... More

๐ŸŒทSomewhere In Neverland๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทThe Escape Plan๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทNo One Stays Behind๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทTelling The Truth๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทThey Need Hope๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทSo You're The Traitor?๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทWorking Together๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทAs Planned๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทWe'll Get Out๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทGiving Up๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทI'll Miss You๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทIs This The End?๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒทLost Hope๐ŸŒท
New Book
๐ŸŒทThe Great Escape๐ŸŒท

๐ŸŒทA Traitor Among Us๐ŸŒท

2.1K 91 48
By KimAckermann

(A/N: As promised here is the other chapter but longer! I hope you all enjoy it. How many of you watched today's episode 0_0. Anyway let me know if you did and don't forget to always comment and vote for more. And please let me know if you are liking the book so far.)


"The kids truly like her."

"Yeah. How do we outmaneuver the two adults who are liked so much." Norman asks Ray. The three of us are staring at Sister Krone who is laughing and playing with some kids. They look so happy unaware that she's a threat to them.

I shiver and hug myself "She gives me the creeps."

"Don't let that distract you from our job." Ray tells me. Knowing I have no other way out of this I hum and helped them at cleaning the plates. "The biggest concern is the report to the demons. As soon as we escape, the monsters will come after us."

"There's only one way to stop that. Mom and Sister will have to be..." Ray stopped and looked at us both. We looked down at what he was holding, a fork, but he was giving the idea of us stabbing them. Me and Norman don't know what to say when we fix our eyes on Ray's dark ones.

I shiver when I felt something on my shoulder, "G-Guys..." we look back and see Sister towering over us. A huge smile is plastered on her face when she sees us. "Norman and Ray, right?" she asks looking at both boys then again pats my shoulder.

"And you must be Ryo, correct?" her smile seems to only get larger like a cheshire cat. I can feel my hands and feet getting shaky from her staring at me like that.

I feel one of the boys step on my feet and I jump up and nod my head. "That's m-me." Her eyes examines each of us again, "I heard you lo get perfect scores on your tests."

"Umm yes?"

"Amazing. Well it was nice to meet you. I hope we can all get along." She shakes each of our hands and stared at us closely. Sister smiled and left the room. I can feel my heart pounding as fast as the day Conny left. "Did s-she hear us?" i ask either of them as we continue drying the dishes.

"No. I don't think that sister came here just to watch us."

"What do you mean?" Ray asks Norman but I quickly join in "Didn't you notice? The way she looked at us was different. She's probably suspecting us, the oldest among everyone."

"Where did she get that information?"

"Isn't it obvious? From Mom." Norman answers Ray. "We have to hurry. Ryo, we can take care of it from here go to Emma.." Norman told me which caught me by surprise. I was going to question why but decided against it and left the dishes and walked upstairs. I saw Emma looking down at Carol who was giggling as soon as she began touching her to see where the device is.

"Did you find it?" I whispered getting close to her since I saw Gilda without saying anything staring at Emma oddly. "Umm where was it that you said again?" she asks ashamed then she remembered. "Oh right!" she reached to touch her ear when Gilda spoke.

"I have a question..that night.." Emma placed Carol down in her crib and I placed her blanket in top of her and saw a small bump like figure behind her ear, Emma and I exchanged looks. "Is that a bug bite?" Gilda asked stepping to where we were.

Emma kept her eyes on Carol. "Mom told me a while ago that this was from when blood was drawn to test for diseases. Naila, Phil, Mark, and Conny all had it. On everyone's ear..." I angrily turn to look at her.

"Emma shut up!" i warn her since Gilda is gonna know something's up.

"Do I have it?" Gilda moves her hair away from her ear and Emma checks to see. "It's already gone." Emma tells the girl.

"Well, of course. I'm 10, and you're 11."

"Yeah. It was way smaller than I thought." Emma touches where her device should be which only made Gilda feel curious.

"What was?" she asks.

"Oh! I meant, it was such a small scar that it had to already disappeared." Carol began to cry so I gently grabbed her and began calming her down. She smiled so Emma walked closer and Carol grabbed her pinkie tight and giggled.

"We have to protect these kids." Emma muttered and I shushed her again.


"So it seems Ryo was right."

"I never knew about a mark from where they took out blood. And it's something that disappears so quickly?" Norman asks. Ray and him were touching their ears to see if it was all true. Emma looked worried as she held onto a blue ball from the children she was playing with.

"Yeah. I didn't even suspect of it at all this whole time. I'm sorry." Emma sadly tells us and Norman smiles brightly at us. "No, you did well, Emma, Ryo. We now know the location, shape, and size of the tracking device. We can now move to the next step."

"After locating it..."

"How to break it." We all say at the same time. I cringe and begin to imagine the immense pain it'll be to take them out. "So, what do we do? If we cut it open to inspect it.." Emma interrupts Norman by remembering him something Isabella always does.

"If Mom combs through our hair she'll know."

"Yeah. Well, putting aside to see if we can break it easily or not, the tracking device implanted in us isn't that functionally useful."

"What? they arent?" surprised Emma asks Ray. "That because the signal can't specify the individual. Without confirming, she can't tell where we are. If we get close to the gate or walls, it doesn't notify her."

He's so smart! I blush but shook my head and mentally slapped myself. "But it's still implanted."

"Yeah. And why? They must be confident they can come after us as long as the tracking device is intact."

And I speak again, "Wait. Does that mean if it does notify them. It'd be when the tracking device is destroyed?" "That's a possibility, too." Ray answers me.

Emma speaks, "Meaning?"

"They would be notified only when it's broken, like with an alarm or something."

"So if we destroy it, Mom will know immediately?" she continues asking some questions. "Well, if a notification function even exists."

Norman steps in the conversation once again and I stay alert at our surroundings. "But thinking that Mom purposely let us know about the existence of the tracking devices. We can't dismiss it so easily."

"It's risky to mess with it and break it."

"So we can only destroy it when we escape."

"Then how will we figure out how to break it?"

"Well, for that, this shape and size brings something to mind. Can you leave this issue to me?" I hear Ray ask them.

Norma asks "Are you sure?"


"If you're saying so, then i'll leave it to you." Emma tells hims this time.

"We have no other choice then." I join in the group once more and agree in letting Ray figure it out. "The only thing left is taking everyone outside with us." I point out so none if them forget, "The problem is everyone trusts, Isabella. and they probably wont be able to handle the truth."

Emma worriedly stares down at the rubbed ball in her hands. "Do you think we'll have to lie to them to take them outside?"

"Don't forget there's also the problem with insufficient abilities." Norman tells us. "In simple terms, they're a hindrance." Ray says interrupting Norman.

"Ray don't you dare!" Emma says ready to throw the ball at his face. "But it's the truth. Some aren't good at physical activities, and we have more babies who can hardly walk." I look down to my feet hating on telling Ray that he is right on that part. But what kind of older sibling would I be if I can't help them escape.

"I have an idea." I speak up again.

"What is it?" Ray asks looking at me with those dark eyes. "Emma's favorite of course. Playing tag."

"Huh?" the three of them say and Emma smiles wide. We sat down on the ground and Emma and I explained to the boys, "Norman is "it", and everyone runs away."

"We pretend it's play when we're actually training." I add. "That way, Isabella won't find out."

"I'll teach them how to utilize their bodies. As for how to utilize their brains.."

"Leave it to us." Ray and Norman say.


I took a small group and we raced through the woods. "Alright everyone! Follow me, run as fast as you can but most importantly when you hear someone nearby, make sure to either hide or stay quiet. You may never know if that person is a threat."

The little children run after me and I keep reminding them to always keep checking below their feet so they don't fall from any object. "Hear that?!" I stop running and the rest do the same.

They all stay silent listening for any sound, "Hide." I whisper to them. They do as I told, some hid behind a tree and other's behind some bushes. I hold my finger to my lips so they can see me and know to not make a sound.

"Come on." My team follows me back to the house and I pat myself. That was actually good for their first day of training. When I made it back I saw Emma's group also arriving but noticed Sister smiling at us. I have goosebumps but tried ignoring them when I stopped by Ray's side of the tree.

"She's coming." I muttered nervously then felt a something fall on top of my hand. Surprised I looked up and could feel my entire face turning red. Ray's hand landed on mine. "Remember stay calm." he simply said then moved his hand away.

Even if it was for three seconds it made me happy.

"Playing tag? Sounds like fun. I want to get along with everyone. So let's play tag. That match's time limit will be 20 minutes. I'll be "It". Everyone, try to run away from me." What a creep. We all got separated and ran deep in the forest, "Alright everyone remember what I told you!" I warn them.

Sister Krone will capture as many as the little ones as she can, so I have to be careful of not only myself but them too. I began running with the rest behind me while I carried two in my arms. Shit, shit, shit! I hurried and noticed some of them got tired quick and fell to the ground, two of them got distracted by some leaves and one easily got caught by Krone. I cursed to myself and carried the two I had to my secret hideout I dug days before. I found two more kids in my way and told them to hold onto me no matter what.

Surprisingly they did as I told them. I slid down the ground and hid under hold I dug in a hill, i hid the kids behind me and covered their mouths. I jumped up afraid when I heard Krone's laughter near me, "Running while carrying four kids. You must be exhausted, Ryo."

I looked behind me and saw the kids quiet and still. Good.

"You won't be able to move unless you rest. Did you know? Norman's weakness is physical strength. I heard he was feeble when he was younger. Ray's weakness is that he's a little quick to give up. He makes a decision fast but abandons them just as quickly. Emma's weakness is naiveté. And you..Ryo. The problem child. Your weakness is that your so stubborn and get angry easily that you give yourself up no matter the circumstance. You may care for someone deeply but once you do they know your second weakness, They take advantage of you for letting them in." I cover my mouth and try to calm down my breathing.

"Hah! I got it right. Come out now." I hear her nearby. "Found you!!" I close my eye tight afraid to look. I hear more footsteps close by.

"Time is up." I hear Ray's voice.

I slowly open my eyes and see that Krone isn't here, I stand up and the little kids run out. Ray looks over to me and surprised I stare back at him and Norman. Sister Krone missed. I smile wide and wipe away my tears.

"We did it!" I lift one of the kids up in the air and twirl them. I know it's only training but damn it did I win! We made it back and heard cheering. Norman, Ray, Me and my team weren't caught.

Norman smiled at me and Ray gave me a thumbs up. "Not bad, Ryo." once again I blush when he says my name.

"Thanks! All we need is to train harder, we'll be able to do it together. With my tools we'll get out of this place in no time." I smile at him and he nods his head, Emma rushes to me and wraps both her arms around my waist.


It was night time and we were in the library once more. "Today's training wasn't that bad. But we still need practice."

Emma nods her head "Hmm it's weird that sister hasnt done anything."

"That's probably Mom's order. Mom used to suspect us, but it doesn't seem like that anymore."

"I wonder why?" Emma asks herself. Norman turns back to look at Ray, "What do you think?"

"What about you Norman?"

I stare at the two boys worried on this situation. "Mom did something behind the scenes so she won't have to move herself." Emma quickly interjects, "What do you mean?" Norman's blue eyes focuses on Emma. "What do you think would be the easiest situation for Mom? That would be to know our moves without having to do anything.

"But there are no security camera or listening devices..."

My eyes widen and I stare at them, "Wait..don't tell me!"

"I'm afraid you are right. There's probably..."

"Another person already watching." Ray says who has his back turned to us. "Most likely among the kids."

"A traitor then." I simply tell them. Norman and Emma look frightened, shocked, surprised by the sudden thought of their being a traitor among us. I look at them afraid then lower my head to the ground and smirk to myself.


"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry too."

Some kids whine when the bell rang and we all stood by the dining table ready to serve tonights dinner. My eyes lower to look at the ground again when I feel the adults having an eye contest with Emma. 

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